Second link is MS blog that describes how it's done

Other urls found in this thread:

Seriously, the form looks a bit like this

With Obama handing over the ICANN control to the UN, Soros pushing for controlling online speech to favor open-world globalist agenda, and all the big corporations rolling out new tools to enable that control, it all makes perfect sense.

Not to mention the excessive and invasive push by microsoft to install Wingoys 10 on as many systems as possible with it's advanced botnet features.

This needs updated… hang on

Ironically, they're going to call us the crybaby manchildren.

The EFF called out Microsoft re: Windows 10 a couple of weeks ago.

Now is the time to ditch MS, if you haven't already.

I almost have the butthurt form done and updated… any requests?

Can you include twitter and Holla Forums in the "nature of the butt-hurt" section and include Trump and Nazi Frogs in the "persons who caused the butt-hurt" section pls?

Which consumer services are hosted by MS?

The dubs demand it

Never mind. It's on the form.

Can't report Holla Forums or whatever using this form.

very soon there will be an option to report entire websites. Very disturbing, we need to figure something else out.

that anyone, or 'special group', could be shielded from criticism is a most dangerous thing.

heard this morning it being called 'vilification laws'
to speak of vile things is not wrong
to speak how vile vile things are is not wrong
to make connections of vile behaviours, actions and beliefs to specific groups is not wrong

to consider any statement invalid simply due to it being 'negative' towards a 'special group' is wrong.
statements are only invalid if they are false by fact and/or reason.
arbitrary remarks, comments, opinions are at worst unprofessional and inflammatory, and at best harmless or false.


So no more "kill whitey" and similar bullshit, right? RIGHT?

That would be oppression, user



those sanpaku eyes

what is that thing?

I wonder if the retarded low level starbucks leftist realizes this will be used on them when the government decides what ever THEY say is wrong think. they probably wont tho

Feminazi bitch.


The only button you need to prevent online abuse

So its basically censorship within their domain.


In before Every website that doesnt have a topic about how white people should die will be hate speech.

Easy - just report everything you read on any normie site. Inundate their pajeet centers with hurt feeling reports, and if they try to punish you by restricting your use of M$ products then install gentoo

which you should have already done by now

you forget lefties aren't intelligent enough to use it and instead whine and cry before crying to an Indian bloke over the phone where he will only to tell whiny lefty baby 'have you tried turning it off and on again?'.



>Today we’re announcing a new dedicated web form for reporting hate speech on our hosted consumer services, and a separate web form for requests to reconsider and reinstate content.

What are they refering to? Do they mean the comments at the bottom of an article on MSNBC?

So what are they going to do with 'hate speech' on Skype? Or insults on Xbox Live?

This is a company trying to desperately save its image after fucking itself up into oblivion with Windows 10 and shitting all over its audience.

Folks, they're pandering to the PC crowd because that's the only thing they think will save them. They're saying that their programs are now "protected" from mean comments.
They're running out of options; and burning bridges before fully considering the consequences. Soon, very soon, this is going to blow back in their face with a Trump presidency.

Any language they deem unacceptable will potentially able to get you banned from their services.

Why do they keep trying to promote their shitty movie. They did the same with Milo "He got banned because of his offencive tweets to Harambe" they refuse to accept they aren't making any shekels on their movie.

The saddest words of tongue or pen
are these
Holla Forums was right again

Infact that gives me and idea. We should collect all these images refering to ghostbusters and start something like #TwitterBusters about how we aren't allowed to critize a movie without getting banned because Twitter is rigged to promote instead of giving freedom of speech. Isn't that a valid plan?

Here is a potential banner.

Bill Gates is a niggr and a fagit.

The leak was planned. Bet on it.

brb going to report anyone who disagrees with me

We must use these tools! We are the most active faction on the internet. Remember Tay! Microsoft sites are less popular than Google/Facebook/whatever, so like a thinly traded penny stock they are open to manipulation.

Don't just report SJWs. In fact, you shouldn't report SJWs at all, because they are warriors and seek this conflict. Report normalfags, such as university administrators, corporate executives, anyone attached to respectability.

With fake screenshots and some luck, much drama will ensue.

Anyone know what sites they're talking about?

Googled her with Del Harvey (Twitter's equivalent, (and fake name)); found:

Which gives more names of these people. Prime opportunity: create fake twitter account for one of them and start attacking the others.

i don't
just block the address

Fuck off back to reddit

It's too bad I'm reading this on my Surface Pro 3.

let them suffer.

They have even released new games that are W10 exclusives. Like in the same way Halo was an Xbox exclusive.

Fucking insane. They really are going all out.


So when do the gulags start up?

That is way WAY to low

We are really failing at our jobs

What social services does Microsoft even operate?


Bullying is unstoppable. I'm not worried about anything.

Skype, GroupMe

Was this the point of Tay
So they could have a better Anti-Hate Speech program they can gift to Facebook and Twitter

90% sure its a >she

Probably the 30% of that 60% don't get offended and the other 30% are that overt

Just a few of my opinions and please, do judge them as opinions instead of thinking that I am trying to overrun on this.

There, fixed that for you fam. However I would have to disagree with you with the fact that they are trying to please their customerbase with this shit they are pulling since those who are intelligent enough to see that these OS's were shit usually tend to appriciate the freedom os speech. That being sayed it's more likely that the MS is trying to polish it's shield on the eyes of normies, SJW's and alike. Also, the leftie narrative seems to be pushing the whole europe (among other places) to that direction so MS is just answering the call much like jeewgle, for example, does.

I might be naive but by doing so they will loose the majority of their customer base.

Maby this will inspire them to change the direction and go back to those times when ppl's private information was not released to anyone, they didn't spy on ppl and they actually made quality software (Win7)

What the fuck did anyone expect?

Microsoft is the new IBM - some parts of it even are the new Google. They do what they are told by the governments, secret elites and branches of silent government and deep state like Imqtel. (yes I know).

I don't spot intelligence on the list.

Oh wait, stupidness can be seen as a disability. Darn!

So how do they determine when I write "Die fuule Somalis sött me alli widr zruggschigge!" what I meant? Many write in dialects.

So they censor English with slave labor in India and the Philippines or do they profile by e.g. IP, because they know beforehand that somebody was on the front of the storm (there are equivalents in each language by now and most still use IE and Safari)? Further, what if an Indian deletes, but never bans British users with "concerns" about Pakis?

This is so zionistic to its very core. First, they force us into one language, a godawful one where even the slightest failure to learn orthography, spell checker or the many cryptic exceptions exposes you as not so educated. Even French or Russian are easier, as they lack the obsolete writing baggage (HA…) Then they censor you with AI, the hive and slave labor.

Meanwhile, Turks and Arabs write so called hate speech all over Europe. Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans and censorship for Europeans.

And faggots. Don't forget the sodomites.

52 versions saying 'fixed' and the word patriarchy is misspelled on all of them. Nigger tier editing.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Maſterrace!

(I ſay that as a long-term GNU uſer who ſaw it becoming a ſhitty Windows-lite tier knockoff. Alſo FOSS is ſhit tier becauſe almoſt nobody likes long-term deſign, integration, wizard writing, APIs written to laſt longer than ſix months, and bug checking for free/hobby.)

(Heartbleed, 'systemd,' that 'bash' exploit, plus the fact all the good programs don't run on it (GIMP + Krita today abſolutely do not hold any candles to Adobe Creative Suite from 2010).)

(But if you want to buy the meme, uſe conſtantly beta ſoftware which is ſhit beyond baſic infraſtructural needs, have at it. I did it for a decade and eventually burned out. The downſide for you is I ſtarted when it was more ſuperior in deſign and operation, and when its future looked brighter.)

Opinion diſcarded.

this kind of heavy reinforcement exactly how people train dogs.

not yet

>"Censorship is a feature, not a bug!"