Local Organized Meme Squad

This is a bit of a touchy subject even on Holla Forums but we really should be finding ways to find and meet up with eachother, especially given the current and ever worsening state of affairs in the nation. simply throw up an area code, or state, or something to let others know. anyone also near that area or in that state should reply to them and talk about local things that people in that area would know about, and try to meet up somehow.

even if the other person seems fucked at first glance or something, honestly try to communicate. and from there, organize.

there will be a time when we no longer have this place as a means of communication. we should use what little time we have left to start forming groups.

inb4 datamining
if you're reading this, you're already being tracked, might as well meet up with other anons IRL

Other urls found in this thread:


GreatlakesFags report in
you too ontario, you never know.

At this point, if you do not have an irl social network of the redpilled to rely on it is kinda too late.

If you are creative and dont fear death/act normal you can be far more destructive than you can imagine.

Be an agent.

Thats what you are after all.



archive.is/feFg9 (ranger manual)

But how do I know that the person I'm meeting up with is a kike who wants to dox me?

*isn't a kike


Alright, gonna contribute

A while ago some user posted that The Daily Stormer set up a "Book Club" section in the forums to meet people in your surrounding area.

So I made an account and typed up my area and there were two groups, one for each city on either side of where i live.

We got rained out of our first meetup which was going to be grilling by a lake, so then we met up at a Trump rally.

5 supposedly showed up but I only met two as none of us wanted to drop numbers in the forum. The other two couldn't get a signal to check the forum and see where we were at.

So these guys turned out to be pretty bro-tier. We drank some brews and shot the shit while we were waiting for all the Trump rally traffic to die down.

We had another meetup yesterday at a BBQ joint where I met 3 other guys, all pretty cool. One former military, one Tradesman whose hobby is metal casting(he showed us pictures of all these realfuckingneato swastika medallions and shit he had cast), and I shit you not a Crematorium operator for dead pet cremations.

Ended up talking for like three hours, others on the Stormer thread are now feeling comfortable to come meet up. We're planning on celebrating the Reich harvest festival come September 29th-ish. We're looking at getting close to 15 heads already.

pic related is what I've experienced so far, havent seen any skinheads or facetat fags.

>>>/meadhall/ is pretty much dead

Also fuck this dude in particular and if you meet anybody suggesting anything like that IRL they're a fucking cop

Don't use you're real name until you've talked to them. If they pry for information about you, it's a red flag. Keep details vague. Usually you can tell if something feels off.

Also use coded greetings so you're not walking around wherever you decide to meet up at asking random normies if they're your Nazi frog buddies from the internet.

What I've used so far:

Them: Excuse me, did you happen to catch the weather forecast?

Me: Yes, we're supposed to have a lot of white clouds, not a lot of dark ones.

Them: Good, I like white

you dont, so bring a fun

Yeah I thought about doing that, but my common sense luckily overpowered my autistic paranoia.

We weren't plotting anything. Just some people meeting up who are pro-white. Nothing illegal.

Best case scenario of bringing a gun is you alienate a brother, worst case they're a jew and you've got probable cause for arrest.

On one hand i now that where i live i will need Holla Forumsacks to help survive, but on the other hand i dont want to meet with cia, his men, dr pavel, and only one of me
What platform could we use away from the watchful eye of big brother to communicate with each other. Just as user.

i like that one
good framework to go by

it's really up to you on that one, and you're right, we're just a bunch of gay autists on a vietnamise potato stew recipe blog meeting up to compare spices.

smoke signals?

Nah the FBI is too good at those

Can I get a Utah?


Yea but if they are watching whats to stop them from using our secret codes and infiltrating us?

you cant pretend to be Holla Forumsack
you either want to gas kikes or you're wrong
it's not that hard to tell where someone lies on that issue.

how difficult could it be to pretend to hate the jews?

What if…there was a way to identify frogmen in public? Something like a tattoo, only less degenerate. Like a trump hat, only less obvious to everyone else.

But what…

Maybe a ring or something. That's not something everyone would see right off the bat.

There are book club threads that are open to the public, and then from there a private thread is created and people are filtered through. Meetup details and codes are dispersed through private group message.

Whenever you meet someone new you want to meetup in places where there aren't security cameras, or not so many. Park your vehicle so that your plate can't be seen without them having to get close behind your car if you think the local PD is gonna send out multiple cops on a stakeout.

Your paranoia is getting the better of you user. Do you really think LE is browsing not one but multiple frog meme imageboards with the intention of infiltrating small group get togethers? The ones you hear about getting infiltrated are the one marching down the street shouting sieg heil and death to all niggers.

Imagine you're a cop and I'm your boss. Convince me to approve a stakeout on a bunch of autistic Nazis who sperg out on the internet about frogs and meme magic.

oooo i love the idea of a secret ring!!! doing research now

You might as well post your real name and everything. My name is Joe Bernstein. :^)

Signet ring was a good idea but it needs to appeal to your general internet nazi. The guys I met rarely went to cuck chan and most hadnt heard of Holla Forums. These guys hung out mostly on Daily Stormer, stormfront, TRS, DailyShoah site, renegade tribune, national vanguard, etc. Just a modge-podge of internet Nazi's

was thinking something to do with pepe. a custom cast silver ring with pepe wouldnt be as obvious as a swastika

Schlomo Goldenfeldberg reporting in.

There is literally an entire board for this. So many fucking slide threads today.


this thread is cancerous garbage

It is interesting that now that we've been identified by the ms as "altright" how shills are trying to get us to publicly name ourselves and/or incite violence.

be wary of this tactic

yeah that whole board is pretty dead. hence why i'm here not there. why do all the euro kids get to have all the cool nazi meet up threads?

oh come off it you fucking turd, the worst you have to hide is your browser history and the times you said "nigger" and "kike" on an image board. but moreover, are you just going to wait for the squads to come and invite you with a nice meme, or are you going to get organized and get motivated to start fucking doing something? not that you'll reply since (1) but i digress aren't you all sick of not already having a group?

Pre-paid phones.
Dummy Email Accounts.

I am not telling anyone to jeopardize their OPSEC, but for any anons who just need to meet with like minded individuals to keep their sanity, take a chance.

Go bowling, play pool, darts, pinball arcade, dog park.

I actually like the Dog park idea, because I go with my friends there often, we open carry and our dogs are big and well trained. If any fags are crazy enough to show up and start shit there, well, I guess we're going to have to start measuring our balls or physically take away the troublemakers crazy pills.

Remember, even Ted Kaczynski's own brother turned him in.

We have some old pits out here we go shooting at here for free, I have met plenty of bros, and plenty of pseudo cartel types. Nothing makes everyone more friendly and cordial than every single person with a fully loaded working weapon in sight.

Explain why we need to organize ourselves in real life when organizing ourselves on the internet has an even better effect, since anonymity is one of the strongest weapons against the Jew.


For some anons it may be too late for that.

If this place gets shut down, we can just move somewhere else. What makes you think Kikes wouldn't try to shut down groups in real life too? They do that way more often than on the internet.

Weaponized autism is a powerful thing.

These chans have been a great help to me over the years, I grew up reading my old man's National Lampoons and read my "Tasteless Jokes" softcover books till they fell apart.

We lose around 20 mostly white potential Holla Forumsacks every day when an American Veteran kills himself. 20 potential brothers, with skills and genes, in the upcoming racewar/revolution.

We have to prop each other up sometimes, we are going to have to take small risks for larger wins down the road.

Any bros in AZ drop me a note.

When you put it like that, I do see the utility in being a friend to men who have none.
Shame I have such poor social skills.
Are there any good texts on befriending and in a way, repairing such individuals?

i'm talking about getting out of the house for a few hours, meeting up with likeminded individuals, and trying to make IRL friends that just happen to want a strong nation to live in as well, no amount of imageboards will compare to that kind of thing.

Hell yeah. Tucson, Phoenix, or elsewhere?

You're putting the cart before the horse user. You need to first be able to articulate what your political goal is.

Also any thread that attempts to get people together IRL and talks violence fits the FBIs M.O. of creating a terrorist.

