Obama turned the US into a failed state

US is currently in a recession
Only reason it's not official is because the (((Obama administration))) refuses to allow the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve to say so

Check this shit out. Dallas Fed spokesperson admits during a Q&A that "Sometime after the election, historical data will show that in 2016 the U.S. was in recession." Can't let a bad economy be the legacy of the Barrack "Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Shuck n' J-J-J-J-Jive" Hussein bin Obama, or let it spoil the election for Hillary "Diaper's Full" Clinton.



Mike Maloney is pretty on the ball

I'll bet thing should have shit the bed a year or two ago but king nigger kept it propped up so he doesn't look like a total retard

Yeah, he saw we just went into the recession a few days before the Dallas Fed admitted it.

Since when can Obama order around the fucking Fed?

The Fed does what it wants.

Every president inflates the numbers until they are out of office look at right after bush left we had the last recession

How will Trump deal with this shit?

Can he use it to incite public fear and maybe destroy the Fed and (((international finance)))

I mean besides the city of London NYC is their fucking home base at this point.

That actually started before he left.

It's not Obama, but rather the kikes behind Obama calling the shots.

(((Janet Yellen))) has the job of continuously bullshitting about how good the economy is doing, but oh no we can't raise interest rates. They know the economy is fucked but need to hide it until after the election.

Hard to say at the moment. It depends on how low things get. We're in the awkward position of needing to raise interest rates, but if we do then it's harder to serve the trillions in debt we have. We can print money, but that fucks everyone holding US dollars. We can tell bond holders to take a hair cut, but that reduces US credit rating. We're proper fucked.

Isn't that the best option though? It will essentially permanently curtail government spending (a good thing), and since demand for our dollars is propped up by petrodollar mercantilism/recycling or overt military force, so I doubt getting the US creditors to take a haircut will undermine the reserve currency of the USD, it will just permanently curtail government spending, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

Hey man at long as we end the fed and cut our reliance on (((international finance))) I don't care how bad the country gets fucked.

We recovered from the great depression but if we don't throw off the Jewish vampires will our nation even exist in the future?

US creditors include people with retirement funds that are invested in bonds. And if SS collapses they won't be able to fall back on that. Plus other bad things would happen. It would be nice to think that after an economic disaster, people would realize what caused it and not do that shit again. The problem is leftists are fucking retarded, and the spin will be that this is an example of how capitalism is evil. That's why I like to tell people why this is bad and why government caused the problem, so they're less inclined to believe that capitalism is somehow at fault for things like artificially government controlled interest rates at 0% for 7 fucking years.

No shit.


Is there a single prediction this website has made that's come true?

Can you name even one?

Actually I have the fucking perfect solution to that.

We don't blame capitalism we blame the fucking banks. With Trumps populist message they're primed to fucking hate Banks and leftists already hate banks.
We could fucking cripple if not destroy the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs and all of that fucking cancer.

And we all know who the (((bankers))) are.

Best of luck getting the MSM to do that. Occupy Wallstreet was focused on banks, then (((you know who))) infiltrated them with SJW archetypes that shifted attention towards racism.

They blasted the living shit out of Obamacare, there's one. All the leftists were saying Obamacare was going to be the greatest shit since slice bread, and now it's already in a massive death spiral just as literally everyone predicted except leftists.

We all "predicted" Obamacare was going to be a disaster very much the same way I accurately predicted the sun was going to rise this morning. Even the administration was rather forthcoming that their long term strategy was to make an unworkable disaster so that the next president would ultimately be forced to create a single-payer plan.

What I want to know is what Zerohedge has predicted that virtually no one else saw coming. Because I feel every week like some fuckup posts an apocalyptic prediction from this site that invariably never comes to fruition.

Are you sure you're on the right site? Zerohedge is literally economic happening porn. Their articles include heavy amounts of data/charts/analysis.

You sound like you're some CTR shill trying to label ZH as some conspiracy theory site when it is in fact an economic red pill factory.

only a matter of time before it happened

stay ass mad faggots

He has the bully pulpit m8.

And his internet people.

If you look at zerohedge post history, it's all bad news all the time. That's clearly their bias. But they don't make predictions. It's easy to see that policies like quantitative easing are bad, but it's near impossible to figure out how long it will take for a crash to happen. The people who can predict that are billionaires.

Yes I'm familiar with the site. I'd read something, get really riveted by it, only to watch months and even years go by with their predictions falling flat. When they stick to facts and figures it's usually a fair read, but whenever they talk about some anonymous "source" leaking them a story, you can basically count that its a load of bull.

I'm asking for some example of an actual thing they predicted that came to be true. I get that we're all chomping at the bit for Armageddon here, but quality of content should matter too.

Or does expecting some modicum of credibility make me a shill now?

You're a fucking moron. Billionaires can't predict shit either, they have enough money to rig the system to fail when they want it to. Easy to predict shit when they control it.

You're a CTR/leftist shill by my estimation.

I didn't say that all billionaires can predict the market. For example, Soros did everything he could to stop Brexit, but in the meantime he was buying up a lot of gold assets. Heads I win, tails you lose.

Write some code to evaluate the first statement that doesn't inherently assume the second.

QED shill. Now fuck off back to your leftist rat hole.

I'm your Holla Forums superior, but will ignore your insubordination as I know it only comes from a place of ignorance. It's an anonymous website so I don't really give two fucks what you think about me or why I'm here.

The fact is I wanted a simple thing and you couldn't give it to me. You failed to answer a simple question, then clumsily tried evading your own incompetence by attacking the question instead of providing an answer. So really, if I don't know who you are or why you're here, and you can't give me what I want, then why the fuck am I even talking to you?

So, does anyone else in the class have an example of one of ZH's predictions coming true?

There's your problem, wanting something from me implies I give a shit, I don't. If you don't like ZH, don't read it. If you have an alternative site to suggest that's better than ZH, suggest it and let people decide for themselves. Otherwise, just shut the fuck up.

I hope this crash happens before the election. It would pretty much guarantee a republican victory which we really fucking need after obongo.

what faggot? you think we still vote with pen and paper? crash means no election and (((military))) takeover.


I think you mean DOTR by yours truly WHITE military officers. We must burn it all down to rebuild, user

Holy fuck you sound like a faggot. God damn r/the_donald transplants. Go back to whatever shitty website you crawled out of.

m8, I wouldn't trust the police or military in a habbening. Both just care about their paychecks and pensions. Serve and protect is dead. Look at every riot in a major city over the past 4 years where police stood by and did nothing. And with the military's leadership being women, shitskins, gay, or trans and soldiers running miles in high heels, they'd either collapse in on themselves or be just competent enough to fight the ebil wite nashunalists.

Without a doubt we still are.

Goods have either become increasing shittier in quality or less for more cash.

Just walk around your city one day and pay close attention to bridges, hospitals, power lines, school ratings, roads, etc… that will tell you all you need to know.

We have a serious fucking problem in this country…

For most of my life the USA credit rating was AAA
now it is Aaa or AA+ depending on which agency you look at

I think the reason we haven't been told about a recession is that (((they))) were planning on a jeb/hillary contest with jeb as the as the winner in a 50.01 to 49.99 election.

I am willing to bet that the plan was to have the recession called out and discredit the democrats , and thus allowing for a jeb/cruz victory.

However, bernie fucked up hillary, and Trump fucked over jeb/cruz. This could explain why the (((elite))) are so willing to stay and prop hillary up.

(((they))) need hillary because no one else survived the primaries, and she is all that they have.

All the talk of a recession, post election, is probably correct no matter who wins.

Trump will get us back on track, however, hillary will get us into a violent civil war as a "good end", and into a war with Russia and China as the"bad end".

Stormy weather ahead.

I can tell when recession hits easily at my job. Shipping slowed to a crawl this summer.

Can't wait.