Guys what if trump gets the majority of the people's vote but the cucktoral colleges fucking veto it like al gore
Guys what if trump gets the majority of the people's vote but the cucktoral colleges fucking veto it like al gore
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Then we Mac tonight.
Nigga please.
Be a gun owner. RWDS soon.
Surely it's time for endless rioting?
Then we show the niggers what real rioting looks like.
Ben Garrison's RWDS
basically this
Mods pls
It's actually illegal in most states.
Real talk how long would niggers, mudslimes and spics continue fucking shit up once RWDS hit the streets.
What a great idea.
Kikes, while arrogant, aren't going to be dumb when their system is falling apart, in fact they're more dangerous this way because they become disillusioned. When Trump wins expect them to try and pull false flags, crash the economy, or possibly JFK Trump really hope the latter doesn't happen.
Honestly all they would have to do is pop the college bubble and poof, bye bye economy and the value of the dollar.
I think he means if Trump wins the popular vote but loses the electoral vote count.
And if he doesn't win by a landslide?
What a pussy.
If that happens, I doubt it will tbh expect a shit show x10 of what happened with people protesting Bush winning against Al Gore.
I don't expect this election to be close however. If it was Bernie vs Trump is would definitely be balls to the wall close, but with Shillary I doubt it. The media can shill that Hillary is pulling ahead of Trump in "muh polls" but the reality is most Americans hate her, half of Bernie voters aren't voting for her, and her scandals being piled on top of her she really is fucked royally.
The presidential debates will be Hillary's death certificate. Trump will bring an ungodly stumping like he brought with the primary debates and Hillary will shit her pants.
Actually there's no legal standing if Trump loses the electoral vote, but still wins the popular vote. I don't think there will be any riots unfortunately.
Maybe not but who knows, only time will tell.
All white people load up on guns and kill whoever tries to take them
There may not be riots, but…
youre right. riots are for niggers. id expect some shlomos/feds to get wacked though.
I play this from my nice white mercedes car with my windows ipen at max volume
Really lol. I drive thru big parking lots blaring it, red lights etc.
Im in a red state and im pretty intimidating, but nothing resembling a skinhead.
Gotta propaganda somehow IRL
Be ready and willing to spread the word and incite the people should they overplay their hand and reveal so openly that democracy is dead and that the elite alone control this country. There can be no compromise.
Democracy has many faults but if that is the system we claim to operate under then we must follow its rules or reform the government. Until then, there has to be consequences for hijacking this country from the noble ideals it was founded on.
Don't think that anyone else will save you, or do it for you. We all have to be ready to start the fire if it comes to that.
He'll lose 51/49 in states with electronic voting.
Oy vey!
What a weird coincidence!
They're usually sloppier than that, fortunately. They look at what they think are the most accurate polls and correct based on that, adding points here and taking them away there because they don't know what the final count will be exactly, or what exact turnout will be. This is how you get discrepancies like Hillary having a statistically impossible lead over Bernie in every district, or Obama getting more votes in a district than there are people living there.
Fucking kikes running everything