17-year-old NIGGER hits and slaps 5-year-old WHITE girl

17-year-old NIGGER hits and slaps 5-year-old WHITE girl


Honestly at this point, I'm just waiting until shit breaks down so that cops won't be able to stop people from taking justice in their own hands.

I hope they release this little nigger's name before the cops find him.

Other urls found in this thread:


My bad, they did release his name. Tavon Walters.

Get angry white man.

Does this surprise anyone?

Groids don't even care about their own children


Who the hell uses myspace anymore.

Infanticide is a woman thing, not a nigger thing.


You can find as many cases as you like using Google.
Most cases are not publicised because when a woman kills her (born) child it's treated as a mental health issue rather than a crime.

As for the nigger in OP, he will be from a single mother household. Women create these monsters, not genetics.

The difference between men and women is genetic.

Well, let's see if this annoying suspect figures out how to conduct themselves shortly.

I think you have some unresolved issues with women, Tyrone.

How's that retardation working out for you user?

There's no evidence at all in that link about this being an issue with single mother families instead of nigger DNA.

This is the work of a super predator. Still having trouble focusing, Dwyane?

Well it's primarily women who support abortion.

Not to mention that the predominance of single nigger mother families are a direct result of nigger behavioral tendencies, ie., nigger genes.

I don't see any response besides ad hominem. Not real arguments.

What nigger? You said that evidence was presented when there wasn't.

You're going to have to try harder, Dwyane. Not my fault your nigger mother was prime fucking age before she cracked a book.


lol okay, Tyrone. I heard you the first time. Now come here a minute.

Are you even capable of holding a consistent line of reasoning in your brain? You argued that evidence was presented to back up his claims. I read the entire article. There is no evidence.



I am arguing there is no evidence. It was a single case of infanticide. That is not evidence of a single mother being the reason this nigger hit a 5 year old white girl.


I want something like this to the trigger for a race war.

It will probably be November. They're already riled up and the nigger fist is already trying to distance themselves on the electric jew.

is your cock still down in between rounds of beating off to cuck porn? go back to xvideos fella.

Why don't they all just name their kids 'Nigger' and save the time and embarrassment.


So fucking typical. You let them "act up" with BLM, get cocky with their riots etc. They are rolling in their nigger rich peon behaviors and are crossing the unspoken line. Excellent article on Zerohedge today about this in relation to the election. Right now people are bucking up and keeping quiet as to not "send the wrong message", but I have a feeling after this election niggers like this will just get either beat down, or shot on sight like they should be.



What now Trayvon?

It would end up Ngierr instead most likely.

Dat wonky eye.

One eye on you, one eye on the EBT.


you cucks have hit an all time low. filtered.


Ah yes of course, I was presupposing an ability to spell. I'm raysis like that.




M8 your evidence points more to dykes hating their boy baby than women in general committing babbicide.

I'm not arguing your point that women snuff their kids more than men here, just saying.

Sorry 'more than niggers'… hmm

Actually maybe I am disputing that a bit, surely nigger women are more inclined to off their spawn than whites. I've not looked it up but surely Africa alone puts the rest of the world to shame on that front.

Preddy fucked up

The two women also deny harming two young boys from January 2012 to March 2014.

It is alleged that the pair compelled one of the boys to stand naked under a cold shower as a punishment for wetting the bed, then pushed him and told him to stand still if his body shook.

The Crown also claim that they locked him in a cage they built using a metal fire guard and wood for prolonged periods during the day and night.

It is alleged that the couple bound the child, who cannot be named for legal reasons, to the cage with cable ties, string, the cord from a dressing gown, placed items on him and struck him if the objects fell off, poured water over him and pretended he had urinated and on occasions forced him to sit with his feet raised from the ground and refused to let him put them down.

The Crown also claims that the Fees forced the young boy to eat his own excrement, threatened to cut off his penis with a saw, put soap in his mouth, forced him to sleep in a closed drawer and failed to provide him with adequate food.

The pair are also accused of binding his arms and legs to a cot and on one occasion putting a cage filled with rats on his head. It is also alleged that they forced the boy’s hand into the mouth of Liam, who was dead, on 22 March last year, prior to the arrival of the police and paramedics.

The Fees are also accused of forcing the boy to lie in a cold bath and forcing his head underwater. The Crown claims that the pair told the second young boy that his father was dead and that they had killed him.

They are also accused of rubbing his face in underwear smeared with urine and faeces and threatening to cut off his penis and making him take cold showers for prolonged periods.

The Fees are also charged with tying the boy naked to a chair in their bedroom where they kept rats, snakes and a boa constrictor and telling him that the boa constrictor ate naughty boys and forcing him to sleep there on his own in the dark overnight.

The Crown also claims that the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was compelled to stand facing a wall for prolonged periods without moving and was slapped if he did move.

These weren't just infanticide fans they were fucking sadist cunts.

No prizes for guessing which one took the other's name.

Do yourself and the Northwestern European race a favor and do not speak like a nigger.

Back to your special snowflake thread.

back to niggersballin.com

You. Out.
Has fuck all to do with niggerism.

Why not both?

Shoo shoo nigger leave

Another petulant child with no self control. Too bad your board is dead and you have to squander your manic illness against a wall.

which board? are you schizo

This Nigger behavior is a direct result of BLM.

Kek please let the cops find this nigger swinging from a tree!

another day, another chimpout

could we be a little productive and compile some headlines, to illustrate the point?

else this thread amounts to an angry circlejerk, and this story forgotten tomorrow.



For fuck's sake… can children ever recover from shit like that and live a normal life?

Usually not

Shield maidens are my fetish tbh.

Niggers gonna nig.

When are you going to stand for yourself, WHITE MAN?



What is this, porn for ants?

I honestly believe this is one of those cases where "eye for eye" applies. Make those psychotic fucks go through the hell they put those children through before hanging them for murder.

Look into SIDS. The rabbit hole goes pretty deep.

Many mammalian species have females that've evolved to kill offspring that is weak or incapable of surviving infancy. Or if the offspring is simply inconvenient at the present time.

I'm almost positive women are no different. We, whites, are just one of those mammals who cleverly covers it up.

sage for OT

Pretty much this, it's a woman thing. The high rates of step-parent violence looks a lot like other mammals, if not at same rate.