Huffpo is at it again! If you click the link you get a different headline. They do it deliberately, making it harder for the likes of Drudge to report the REAL HEADLINE, which is the text of the link from their homepage.
Huffington Post Needs a Visit From the SS
this is the worst thread of the day, congratulations
This is a good and important one.
:-) It's time they had a shitty day.
White people will defend this too. This is why I hate 90% of our race.
The point is the death threat by Huffington Post.
But yes, it's open season on whites. There's a company that openly refuses to hire white people, Tata Motors, which even operates in the US, but is allowed to do so, because Obama is racist.
Also,check em
Look in the top left corner too. Anybody have that photo of that "heart attack gun" that the CIA has?
Gotta bump this. Someone besides the shill needs to have a look.
Ok, its typical lefty shit. However, your thread might be better if you don't be a tripfag, faggot.
I'm not. I just typed a "name" in the top. A "tripfag" is someone who is registered or something.
Also, read the line alone. The line itself. It's a threat, and it's intentional, because if you click on the story the title there doesn't include the word "dead", it says "Donald Trump Is Wrong About Crime In Cities".
Face it,stormfags,one day we will all be mixed,and you know you can't stop it.
Miscegenation is a good thing and should be encouraged,especially with Africans.
White men should also leave old prejudices behind and embrace homosexuality.
This is a different website. The storm one is a different place, and they have a commenting system there. Two different places.
You are a tripfag, anyone who chooses a name instead of remaining anonymous for no special reason is a fag. Second, let them cry they can make all the threats they want and nothing will come with it. Its more important to see what soros is doing and what they are doing, not saying.
Amyway, you are clearly new and need to
Fuck off nigger
or lurk until you know that you stay anonymous and learn our ways.
You're clearly a moron and new. Fuck off a lurk at least 6 months before posting retard.
fyi he isn't using a trip, just a name
you're the one who seems new
If this gets reported then the author of the article will get a visit from the SS. :-)
btw, you can type the same name into the "name" field at the very top of the page. It's not "mine."
Bump to keep it alive. We need someone who cares about Trump's life to help us keep the left from doing what they've been caught doing.
This is what the faggot OP should have posted about. BLM terror group runs around out of their cages and unchained and WLM is evil whitey because they are white.
Staying alive staying alive staying alive!!!!!
I see many coincidences in that image, OP.
Yep. I see one, top left, meant to hint at a CIA melting suicide pill pistol?
a tripcode is just a special form of name (that can't be forged unless you know the code)
the objectionable part is using a name in the first place, retard. tripcodes are for very rare situations.
my sides
Donald Trump is "Dead wrong" about inner city crime.
The lines are set by Huffington Post. They're threatening Trump on their main page. The place where it "breaks" isn't browser-specific. It's set deliberately. They used a different headline for the article. Whoever added the article to the homepage is the one who added the word "dead" and achieved the spacing (it's deliberate, though you cannot prove it - they have plausible deniability).
Are they victims of poverty and discrimination or not? Holy fuck, can they at least be a little consistent with this shit or what?
Read just the first line.
kill yourself, Carlos
have a video
sage because the web is phone friendly, sites are 'responsive', vertical navigation, resizing pages…so the
could be read
Like your thread
OK? case closed
Wow. Another shill!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look, I checked on ipadpeek and you're right, but I believe it to not be mere accident: Consider this, the article itself drops the word "dead". Additionally, on the PC (or Mac, no doubt), multiple browsers show the same line break.