…………………………………………………………………………………..kpop is degenerate…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4cuck tier
KPOP is more rewarding than this board in general.
Watching Korean crime thrillers may have even made me into more of a man.
I might even go do some natural grounding now.
fuck these shit threads and fuck you OP
I love the ratqueen
who the fuck cares?
I'd say you're sliding but you're probably just an idiot
South Koreans are probably one of most degenerate nations in the world, they even beat Americans to it, which is quite an achievement.
You goys remember when India was Aryan?
I do.
THIS…………………………………..is not a slide thread
Who gives a shit? Only micro-dicked faggots watch that dumb slant-eye gook shit.
in order to become a real man you must watch ichi the killer
ok well if u dont like it fuck off and dont participate in the thread, u dont have to write a fucking comment dipshit.
Bot shills are running a simple binary programming to stir up conflict on these boards now and all hope is lost for this kike website.
eh, not that great
Is that the same actor in Mongol? Probably.
Any of you goys in the states, go find a Korean massage parlor.
Might as well enjoy some creature comforts in these last days.
That's disgusting, you degenerate! A real white man fucks a big booty black woman then threatens her with lashes if she talks.
Not sure if OP is a bot or a retard.
i dont think those are koreans at those massage parlors
The korean broads always put out.
More than chinks.
Ok, faggot, let's get two things straight.
One, let's assume you're an American. go look at MTV and watch the behavior of the niggers they promote on their shill channel. Do you believe that to be indicative of most Americans and their behavior?
I don't, and most people wouldn't, but that ignores the fact that young people are impressionable, and that this shit serves to brainwash only them. Don't get me wrong, this is a problem, but America has plummeted down the path to degeneracy far longer than South Korea has.
Two… anyone who migrated from cuckchan knows what I'm going to point out. What are you trying to say with this thread? "Kpop is degenerate." And? No suggestions or explanations? No questions for our Korean Holla Forums denizens? No ideas about how to fix aforementioned degeneracy? This is Holla Forums-tier random shit.
BTW, Koreans, for how degenerate they can be, aren't fucking obsessed with niggers like America and Western Europe are. I'd take k-pop over cuckoldry tbh
Gook whores are only good for spayed harems.
Korean gook women are and most nasty, materialistic and whorish women on earth. Compare Korean fashion to Japanese. Gooks make even western women seem like loving 2D maidens in comparison. And if it wasn't enough that these gook subhumans are stealing Japanese culture, they steal jomon Japanese look too.
Can confirm. Dated a Korean girl when desperate. I'd rather kill myself than date another one.