Why is it socially unacceptable for a man and a little girl to love each other?
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Never watched the movie but I know the guy's from Godzilla! Also, it isn't socially acceptanle among the rich folks. Remember, normal people are just the "rabble". I'm a rich buisness man, so I'd know.
because Christians and SJW's
are we being raided
we had treads like this before
Yes, this board is just a testing ground for other peoples work.
Moralfags are not welcome. Back to cuckchan roastiefag
Ironically the kikes know about the power of a virgin girl. They want men cucked and feminized and financially crippled by women
Because little girls are easy and need to be protected from predators, if it would be ok to go after little girls then there wouldn't be any pure little girls left.
Imagine you had a daughter and she met some pervert like you and he would use her and then move on to the next one, i imagine you wouldn't like that.