Do you ever stalk girls from your school on the internet?

Do you ever stalk girls from your school on the internet?

I used to

What are you 13?

Kind of. I look at their younger pics from when they were 14

I have a lot of attractive friends, so I definitely do. I'm trying to stop though, to be honest.

I do

tfw whole no women in class

A girl stalked me once when I was in school it was pretty freaky

nah, the most i have done with 3DPD in my class is one asking me why i never smiled and if I am alright. I told her I was fine, and she never talked to me again, and that is the way i like it tbh
3DPD pretending to give a shit is the worst

I find pics where I can see their cute toes and stroke my cock til my balls are empty