The daily caller just uncucked itself with the single best article on the alt right ever written
So a mainstream cuckservative rag just published the single most poignant look at the alt right ever.
The daily caller just uncucked itself with the single best article on the alt right ever written
So a mainstream cuckservative rag just published the single most poignant look at the alt right ever.
Other urls found in this thread:
I was going to yell at you for not archiving but actually this is a good article and the guy deserves the clicks.
for posterity
We archive also in case the article gets taken down, newfag-kun.
not jewish
Wow that was actually well written and I like his prison gang metaphor.
Life isn't lemon drops and unicorns like the leftest make it out to be. We have multiculturalism now and where is the utopia we where promised?
It says he is a writer from Social Matter, which is a homosexual NRx website.
that's one of us
jail redpilled me harder than any thing else, even though I was only in there for a week
race redpills boiled down really hard in there.
A neat article, but it ends in a cliffhanger for me. I don't think he reaches his point.
Why are you so degenerate user?
nobody even knows what that is
The memes move to fast for labels. Thats the best they can come up with. Old media cant talk about something unless they can label it.
even if they did it wouldn't be here, no faggot nigger loving halfjew fags or TRS jew e-celebs here. hell sam hyde is probably a gigakike
wtf i hate Hitler now
what specifically is objectionable about the article?
Because I don't give a fuck.
What does Hitler have to do with TRS and the Alt-Right? They only like le edgy helicopter man.
The real question that you should be asking, newfag, is why this board has become a dumping ground for media narratives and click bait.
Henry Dampier is a legend. Ive been reading his stuff in Social Matter for 2 years. All of social matter is worth reading btw.
Neoreaction exists solely to cover for Jews. That is their entire purpose. See any article and it is nothing but "Jews dindu nuffin" and so on. They aren't us, and they will all be killed as counter-revolutionaries when nationalists ascend to power.
Stop being degenerate, you shame our race.
dae fascism is a jewish shill plot meme?
That doesn't really answer my question.
It's short, but pretty accurate for describing what's driving people to white identity lately. Obvious stuff, really. It doesn't really explain exactly what Holla Forums is or why Pepe is used, though.
Basically he's saying whitey is getting shit on and punished for resisting what's happening. Whitey is noticing that the GOP is pretty much the progressive left in disguise and so whitey is venting frustration in the form of cartoon frogs and a fuck-it-all attitude.
I concur.
I don't get why everyone here hates being labeled it so much. I see the 'alt-right' as being the position of objective truth. Humans naturally tend to lean 'right-wing' when all facts are considered, so here we are. Part of that truth is that sub-species and their traditions/culture are best preserved when separated, hence white identity. Many Holla Forumsacks and 'alt-righters' probably never considered the importance of white identity until the hard push to destroy it in the last few years. At least in my case, 'GamerGate' was the Rosetta Stone (or whatever other gateway analogy you like) for figuring out how bad things really are. I was unplugged from the Matrix and steadily fed redpills from there.
the fucking article is fucking useless
No youre a dumb nigger for following ANY e-celeb gas yourself
Sure m8
No, just Pinochet's lolbergtardian pseudo-fascism.
Pick one
Somehow I think it has more to do with restructuring society and government than hiding Jews. This article isn't on kikery anyway though, so how is NRx re: merchants relevant?
Are you implying Pinochet was a fascist? (He's not)
Because you're a newfag who hasn't lurked enough.
Crypto-judaism = objective truth? These threads just keep on giving.
Digging deeper.
Yeah, you're practically Miguel Serrano.
It's not too bad but its brevity does push it towards clickbait territory.
It does have a nice tenor with regards to just how much trouble the establishment is in right now. They still think it's all some big joke run by some guy with funny yellow hair and that this will all blow over after the elections.
This guy is great.
Nope, it is about covering for Jews, by implying problems do not stem from jews.
What is going on?
Did we slip into another universe again?
You just aren't holding hands hard enough go-guys
Kvetching about the policies of Pinochet as a means of attacking the alt-right is on the same level as poisoning frogs to kill Holla Forums. It's a meme ya dip
irrelevant ;^)
He has a point though, fear of labels is what killed Gamergate. It is what allowed tthem to be so easily manipulated
This board isn't "afraid" of the label. It is an active resistance against being co-opted by philosemitic faggots.
There has been a lot of asshurt over Pinochet cropping up lately.
how do you manipulate the message "gas the kikes race war now"?
I must have missed all the bits where Dampier blamed immigration on Calvinism.
My nation has a proverb: «don't swear off a scrip and prison».
Such Philosemites.
archiving is not just about shekels. stop thinking like a kike.
It's a lolberg meme that's popular because most of the alt-right are libertarians who roleplay as fascists on the internet.
Where would you get a crazy idea like that?
Wow I thought i could just post an article here that you guys would enjoy and at every turn you have fucking jew shills starting completely retarded purity spirals.
NOBODY posts here because this autism is so out of control and severe. I thought 4chins was bad with shills these days , but you have actual retards here with internet access destroying every single fucking thread with their relentless bullshit
Pro tip. Pinochet was a fascist. He overthrew the fucking government and ran the government with an unelected military junta that was unaccountable to the people via democracy but supported the peoples interests directly.
that is fascism. Im sorry it hurts your gay little NATSOC feelings he used jews to get his economy on track. But it was literally a fascist state.
He was authoritarian, nothing more
Thanks for confirming you are a kike op
Cover your nose, Moishe.
That's your first mistake. This board doesn't need more threads linking articles on other sites. That's all its turned into.
You can fuck off back to reddit, or GLP, or wherever you're trying to level up from.
It's a good article, but this is an opinion piece. Anyone could have submitted it. It speaks nothing to Daily Caller actually uncucking itself. Hell will freeze over before that happens.
Our race shames itself, if you haven't noticed. I'm a drop in the bucket.
Just kill yourself, kike
actually a good article. way too short though
he outed himself hard with that post HA
People like you are the reason things are so shit.
You think like a nigger.
Why can't anyone just admit that they disagree with us and that they're mad about it?
Facism can be directly defined by two words you faggot cumsock.
authoritarian nationalism.
Good job jew. you filled out half the equation of fascism.
now…. Was pinochet a nationalist?
Can you answer that question? If he was such a globalist money grubbing jew surely he would have sold off the nationalized copper mines…. Oh wait he didnt?
Came here to say exactly that.
Wow, really insightful post. Thanks for Correcting The Record.
Oh look 14 year old Natsoc detected.
You probly think that fascism is directly connected to antisemitism. I can tell you have been here only about 1 year.
Nigger thinking.
Kill yourself
And actual good article. Has it been shoahed yet?
lol okay faggots
Tucker wants to be based again.
Thanks for wrapping it up for us.
Now that's odd, Diarchy is one of the main tenants of fascism, how do you explain that smartass?
There are like 5 shills shilling hard in this thread on a faggot article that has 0 useful information
Y-you guys are faggots! I didn't want to be NatSoc anyway
Most of these faggots don't consider DS part of the Alt-Right though. Look at this gay infographic TRS tweeted out after Shillary's speech.
Go think and act like a nigger somewhere else.
National socialism is the utopian communism for right wing manchildren. You are a group of faggots so retarded its shameful. You look at 1940s german aesthetic from your computer monitor in rural iowa and you have an autistic lego hording spergout of fanboyism. If you believe in national socialism as a functional political system , you have brain aids.
National socialism is basically what we have all over europe. Only "the public interest" naturally became money obtained on a global market level.
You totally forget that germanys role for the first half of the century was dumping mausers all over the planet. Sounds like (((GLOBAL CAPITALISM))) to me goy.
The author of the article is a neoractionary blogger. Be warned.
Yes because it's the fact that they're jewish which invalidates it from being fascism, it couldn't possibly be the economic policies themselves, no siree.
Last (You) from me, kike.
Stop this
There's nothing wrong with that image. Actually, it's posted on the Stormer too.
Which faggots are you referring to? Anglin openly associates with TRS and the rest of the alt-right. His site just gets left out of mainstream news because they don't want normies getting any ideas.
When did Tucker go Cuck? I've seen him as the attack dog on NeverTrumpers many times when he's on TV as a pundit.
you already proved to be a kike when you posted that retarded article. stop replying to your shill thread
tipity top kek
What about the fact that it's promoting Ramzsaul?
You cannot be serious
I'll be honest….I wanted to hate this article going in but the author did a great job.
Bonus points for not bringing up faggots like Milo and Dicky Spencer, as if they speak for us.
So what?
I wish this stupid fucking meme would die
Im totally serious. The second hitler died you would have a capitalist power struggle for power that would have manifested itself into roughly the same form modern germany is now.
Kill yourself, you D+C piece of shit
And I've even heard hosts on TRS shit on Anglin. Most of the people who take the label super seriously, and follow people like Johnson and Spencer strongly dislike Anglin and claim he isn't part of the Alt-Right. He's a "1488er".
Anyone who thinks this is a good article should be ashamed and kill themselves because you obviously don't belong here.
except for the fact that it advocates egalitarian-lite "nationalism 4 every1" and advertises Ramz "goddamn 1488ers" paul
A nationalist government would allow guest workers in?
A nationalist government would allow millions of "refugees" in?
A nationalist government would push feminism, homosexuallity, transsexualism, Islam onto their people?
Delusional lolberg spotted
You're getting all giddy about you being used as pawns and scarecrows for the new pozz march.
Kubrick was right! Merkel is Hitler! Smash the fascist thugs, ancap utopia now!
The guy went full retard on his shit shill thread of a shit article and he just wont let the thread die.
TRS lolberg spreading untrue bullshit about a topic he doesn't understand
Hey there Nick Land. How much are you getting paid to shill for your overlords?
This is just embarrassing. you're just making alt-righters look ever worse than they do now.
Nazi germany imported hundreds of thousands of workers dont you remember. Their space rockets were built by them
Like all the oppressed ethnic germans from surrounding countries?
What makes you think they wouldnt? was the united states pushing these things in the 30s 40s? the answer is no. And national socialism had no ideological opposition to these things any different than any other country at the time.
alt-right faggots stand out so hard on Holla Forums it is fucking hilarious.
Yes, using PoWs and other undesirables during total war is totally the same as importing shitskins during peace time so Mr.Goldberg can lower the wages by 5 cent
Keyword being ETHNIC GERMANS, and even then they and their lands were just re-annexed by Germany
America has always been the breeding ground of cultural marxism, and a deeply zionist infested nation
What the fuck are you on about?
So a government allowing millions of their own people who live outside their borders into their nation is totally the same as importing shitskin refugees? You're retarded.
Because National Socialism is based on a complete rejection of leftist egalitarian belief systems. Feminism and faggotry acceptance all stem from leftist egalitarian principles. You don't even understand the basis for the ideology you're trying to argue against.
America in the 30s and 40s wasn't NatSoc, you mentally defective nigger. America in the 30s and 40s was a liberal-democratic state based on egalitarian enlightenment principles, and had despite the racism of the general population, had no official policy of racialism like Germany had. You are trying to compare a system based on leftist principles to a system based on the rejection of these principles.
How about you actually read about the ideology you want to shit on. It would help you not look like such a clueless fucking retard.
Oy vey all those things are true, BELIEVE ME GOY.
Yeah, fair. Some people are still too scared they might bruise the normies.
I'm pretty sure that's bullshit.
Okay, so why are you taking the same side as them? We should want the fascist influence to seem ubiquitous and inescapable, not small and divorced from power.
Way to actually not discredit us. If you didn't like Holla Forums so much, why the fuck do you even go here?
>>>Holla Forums
No its not different. Your super NAZI state had to import like a million people to keep their state functioning. They didnt want to pay the MILLIONS of civilians in the country to build the rockets. so they imported KIKES To do it for free. Quite a similar economic mechanism to globalist free trade deals.
Ya hanz LEWBOWZKI is a german.
Uh no. Pretty sure the jews came from europe. One thing you goofy little NATSOC children forget is that america in the 40s was much more culturally fascist than germany ever was. If hitler stayed in power he would have had you queers facing mecca 5 times a day
Do you try to join up with the Bloods, or do you join the Aryan Nations? Or do you decide that getting stabbed is preferable to compromising on your principles? Do you go up to the Bloods table and introduce yourself by saying “How do you do, fellow Americans? The potato salad looks absolutely delightful today.”
Anyone who has ever been in the military, spent a few days in the dark, or has been enriched in a true multicultural neighborhood knows the truth about race and reality.
Hearty kek was had by this.
Quality post, friend.
we'll all be in jail soon enough if Clinton wins
double sage
nah son.
You ninnysocs got fucking blown the fuck out.
Your superior socialist society with slave labor got fucking rekt by a country that outproduced them WHILE PAYING THE NATURAL CITIZENS MAD FUCKING BANK FOR THEIR WORK
get absolutely fucking raped.
triple sage
Yes Shlomo, we are a bunch of things that contradict each other.
keep going
What? He told them to LEAVE!!! They didn't. They were then rounded up and put into ghettos and internment camps. They then became work camps. As supplies and resources diminished, along with allied bombing, they became death camps - as in - they died from starvation and disease.
Do you really believe they would willingly capture and chase jews around Europe to bring back into Germany?
What Germany?
Empire, Weimar, Nazi, Postwar.
Jesus your stupid.
bot, or CTR? Either way filtered..
awesome man
It must hurt so much for them to learn their superior nationalist society ran on slave labor.
Just imagine their faces if they won the war , and used slavery for all industry because it was so cheap and actual germans had no jobs.
Just imagine how ironic that is
Atleast our society ran, communism didn't,
You didn't do anything and why haven't you killed yourself nigger?
Lol what about the millions of jews in poland and france Were they asked to leave there too?
What were the germans going to do after the war? just get rid of them?
no they would have been slaves for life. Free labor for the new reich. Tough luck german machinist , you have been replaced by chaim here.
Unless it points out how the alt right is a GRIDS riddled foam party of false opposition its not a good article on the alt right.
Get it through your heads or go the fuck back to TRS. This is the only place that that has sincere posters. All namefaggotry and all e-celeb shit is kiked bullshit.
Nigger you high again?
Of course, are you denying the Holocaust?
Yes and the US was built on niggers picking cotton right?
no thats something NATSOCS do until you ask them what market forces would result in german industry getting rid of cheap slave labor for expensive german labor
Slave labour can't actually produce a lot of the technology used, because you need to be educated and trained. duh.
The US war machine was built by US workers getting paid a shit load of money to work their asses off every day.
The german war machine was built on starving kikes and slavs.
Yes, because its NATIONAL socialism, not fuck-over-the-working-class socialism, which you seem to follow.
pretty sure the v2 was produced entirely via slave labor.
Just imagine how many german civilians sat unemployed because uncle adolf wanted to save a few shekels.
Yes, they got paid a lot during war…..
So you are saying germans lost the war because of kikes then?
you never read a book on the rise of the nazi party did you sweet pea?
Sure thing, advanced technology get's build by slave labour and hitler made sure that they where all unemployed, that's why unemployment was almost nothing….
How is this even an argument?
Try again.
wow very sincere post my friend
*tips menorah*
They lost the war because at every turn they made bad decisions.
For example hilter deciding to fuck off out of moscow to capture some retarded city with stalins name on it.
Did they also not prepare for winter warfare?
National socialism was a massive labor movement you fucking vagina. You would know this if you read a book on it instead of listening to synthwave over ww2 footage
Alright, and this is an argument against what point I made exactly?
Also, could you try and sound less like a lefty and more like a human being.
Easy to do when you have all your men getting bayonetted by slavs in a trench somewhere.
In what world do you live in where spouting a bunch of bullshit that got immediately refuted is "pinning down and raping nazis"? You're a fucking embarrassment. Go back to sucking nigger dick on /r/thedonald.
Alright, and this is a counter-argument to what exactly?
That war is somehow not a job?
What does a lefty sound like? Say stupid shit and you are going to be corrected.
Its called NATIONAL SOCIALISM for a reason. It was a massive labor movement
You have said nothing but stupid shit and been corrected since you made a thread to shill a kike article.
So because Im opposed to nazi larping children that means im less of a white nationalist than you?
How about instead of signing up for a dead , contextually german nationalist movement. You invent something better for a new american century?
Let's see, act pissy, insult people at the drop of a had, belittle people, use argument that have no basis in what is being discussed, smug sense of self-worth.
ps. Still not an argument towards anything I said.
Where have you corrected the fact that national socialism was not a workers based labor movement?
Are you actually saying that the Labour party and Nationalsocialism are basically the same ideology?
Because, that is just silly.
No its called you are getting rekt and your stupid opinion is not worth even an ounce of respect.
NATSOC kids could be forgiven if it was 2014 or 2015. But its 2016. If you have not matured ideologically beyond what is nothing short of fanboyism of the third reich there is nothing that can help you
Yeah, pretending you are rekking something (we use butthurt btw) is usually a sign your losing.
Alright, so your argument boils down to:
"it's the present year"
"are you serious!"
Neither of which are arguments.
Oh you poor thing dont go exposing your age like this.
I am much more smarter than you KIDZ be in awe of me superior opinion of stuffs. You are literally a mental nigger
Because nobody here, or anywhere else in the entire world, chose that Label for themselves.
To put it another way…
You should kill yourself.
That's not Labourism though.
And here, ladies and gentlegoys, we have OP proving to us that alt-right is cancer.
I don't think he's ever gone "cuck", but he isn't exactly on the Trump train. In normal times, I suppose it would be good for a journalist to reserve judgement, but with the way the left are acting, the time is over to be reasonable and sit on the fence.
He thinks he is more educated than everyone else it is pretty sad actually
I see, this is where you belittle someone, because you can't find a good argument.
Thats literally what it is though
Jeezus, it's walking, talking cancer.
VERY altright
I'm talking about the OP btw
No, it's not, its an organisation or union build around labour, not a form of socialdemocracy, like Labour parties in Europe.
Oh right, yeah that makes sense.
10/10 shitpost
You know the nazi party ran on labour issues and won a majority in parliment before hitler was declared chancellor?
Do you know any history? do you know that the nazi rise of power happened democratically?
Do you know that the meme of "nazi fascism" is after hitler took power democratically?
What is a labour issue exactly, i mean in your opinion.
No, really? Fuck, you learn something new every day, I thought Hitler pulled a sword from a stone and got crowned king of Germany.
What? Not sure what you mean by this.
thanks fam
It's true. It's just a vague term to describe the alternative to the mainstream corrupt cuckservatives Republicans Koch-suckers.
So, instaid of awnsering a question at the first quote and trying to explain yourself better at the last quote, you just decided: fuck it!
isnt that the indie bookstore everyones been talking aboot? it sounds german
you haven't had any arguments besides DUR HUR 14 YR OLD NATSOC DUMB IT NEVER WORKED GOT EM11!!!11
but but Koch endorsed Clinton
This. /thread
It wasnt a question. It was a statement of ignorance.
Please tell us more about the NSDAP's wartime space program.
The nazis shoved 13cm of photon blaster up my ass
Yes, you are very ignorant, good of you to finalyl see this
My mother had to work on a v2 rocket six million times and was then gassed by it when it took off, oy vey the sufferinks.
Not the same thing faggot.
fuck my sides
Its simply every -ist you can think of. See, easy to remember goyim.
Kek, go back to whatever hole you crawled from, kike
To put the whole of this programme into effect, we demand the creation of a strong central state power for the Reich; the unconditional authority of the political central Parliament over the entire Reich and its organizations;
and the formation of Corporations based on estate and occupation for the purpose of carrying out the general legislation passed by the Reich in the various German states.
Literally such the same thing that we put the guy who developed it in total charge of the US space program
What word for faggot ends with "ist"?
kay faggot
No the german people did not vote for authoritarianism. They simply accepted it because germans are good little worker ants. The same ones who gobble down the cock of diversity because the government says so.
Oh Shlomo, all humans are basically ants.
I'll say this for OP, he's no kike. Definitely not. Jews will make a persuasive argument, but an odious one. OP is just an angry and particularly stupid young man.
No not all humans. Americans are bred to be rebellious.
germans are bred to listen to their leaders even if it results in total suicide.
Tucker is a smart man. He is trying to state his opinion as an "objective" person.
I do it all the time with co-workers. He's pro-Trump. I'm pro-Trump, but people whom are neutral or dems are more willing to listen than if they can't write you off as a conservative right away.
I don't think you understand what space is exactly, hint it's not low orbit.
its time for you to leave
Yes, that is why all American culture is so similar to each other and Americans went to war in the millions because their leaders said so.
Those stupid German ants and their literature, science and music!!
The NSDAP Programme was presented in 1920 publicly, alt-kike.
name a talented german musician of the last 30 years
No it's not and I suggest you read up the wiki article on space.
right and all the leaders were thrown in jail after putting it into practice you cumsock
Just let the thread slide and die.
stopped reading
why not just post rammstein like the 14 year old you are
Alright, why is this and argument?
Or where you talking about space as an abstract concept, because in that case I am in space.
Space begins outside of the atmosphere when pressure drops to near vaccum
You should know this.
Yeah, if you think Schulze is the same as Rammstein, then I am afraid you have no knowledge or taste in music.
TOP KEK! In what world are you living in?
Nah this is a good thread to show that anyone claiming any Alt-Right affiliation on any level is not welcome here
Stop bumping the thread.
No Im pretty sure dragging and dropping sounds in fruity loops does not qualify somebody as talented in music.
Not exactly.
Maybe actually read a wiki page before you comment.
God your stupid, it's like all the narcisism of the left in one person.
they don't tho
it literally say right there the line is below low earth orbit,.
Remember when first exodus Holla Forums used to link to neoreactionary articles by Dampier and others, and we'd have large discussions on them without them getting derailed by autist trailer-trash skinheads?
Goddamn there are some low IQ dumbasses from reddit and cuckchan here now.
I don't even know why I even come back here anymore.
Yes and since the v2 rockets didn't cross this line, I win.
Where do you disagree?
He's sperging hard. Let him keep going. He might make it to 200 posts at this rate.
This is literally OP
You really are the best description of the alt-right
he is a alt-right civic nationalist, a cancer
Wow, you expect someone to aplogise, because they made a mistake, you are seriously socially confused.
there are no civic nationalists in the alt right. These are entryist people from kikebart who jack off to milo and think they are alt right because he talks about it.
No one here is a fan of kikebart or milo
You are definitely in the wrong place now, friendo
Alt-right isn't a real thing how have you not figured this out yet?
Its a real enough thing that we had the democratic nominee for president talking about it on stage
Hide Alt-right Threads, Ignore Alt-right Posts, Do Not Reply To Alt-right Posters.
where did i say you were? I already explained to you retards you fall under alt right philosophy and dont like to admit it because you have label autism
She's not exactly known for only speaking about real things, now is she?
How is the alt right not a real thing when there are people who actively identify with the movements beliefs , have meetups , and have entire conferences in hotels dedicated to it.
Actually we don't, because alt-right is basically still democratic and we are not.
pretty racist tbh lad
If she talked about Jesus, Xenu, Sauron and Muhammed having a fuck party on stage, would that make it real too?
I'm pretty sure we've seen candidates talking about things like "white privilege", the "wage gap", and "undocumented immigrants" too.
meh, not an argument.
Wow, your so leftwing.
(Linking for exposure)
Man the NATSOC bros on this board are the Holla Forums shills of pol. They argue the same, never refute points and advocate for a system that is functionally very similar to that of their rivals. All nostalgia, no substance.
Look guys as far as I'm concerned I would rather associate with a national socialist that a commie any day but you blatant willful ignorance of economics is equivalent to the willful ignorance about everything exhibited by the commies.
If we could make that state work, I would be happy to participate in it but every empire that has collapsed in human history has just proven that you cant. Resurrecting a clearly failed state will not make it work and trying to bring back national socialism is the nazi equivalent of a communist saying it "wasn't real communism!" Or a socialist saying "it wasn't real socialism!"
If Nazi Germany didn't fall to the influence of jews in other country's, it would have fallen due to its Slave based economy and expansionary nature. Just like the Greeks, or the Romans.
I'm not saying I have the answer I'm saying that repeating history yields the same results.
Do you have any evidence that natsocs had a slave based economic system.
I lol'ed because fascism is the most popular governmental ideology in the alt right but for some reason you have been led to believe that isnt the case.
The fact that they had hundreds of thousands if not millions of slaves building armaments , fortifications , and countless other things.
Alright, so in your mind, fascism which predates the alt-right by more then a century, is part of the alt-right.
Wait a minute, define slave.
Oh. You are retarded. I see
Like…. comic book characters?
People do all that for their fictions, does that make their fictions real?
somebody working against their will pumpkin
What exactly does YOUR fascism revolve around only white society and nationalism?
try writing this post again so people can understand what you are trying to ask
Again, not an argument, I know that in leftwing circles it's normal to belittle people, but we are on Holla Forums here.
Children in school are slaves……
Nope, try again.
Guaranteed replies.
Well shilled.
But tits or get the fuck out.
No i mean you are literally retarded. You think that every movement that causes change must have some singular uniting ideological framework.
Its like you completely ignore basic history, and how the hippy movement , which was a coalition of totally different and sometimes totally opposite ideologies worked together as a reaction to the status quo and changed the country forever.
Like I said , you are dumb child and no respect should be given to people who are so wholly stupid and incompetent
Legally under US law children are slaves. They can be jailed for truancy
He thinks segregating himself to his white utopia will work. That the foreign hordes and jews will just leave him in peace because he asks nicely.
spot fucking on
also kek'd hard at that
Or to people who put words in someone's mouth and then actually belief they said them.
Like your typical kike/lefty you are so full of hatred, it's starting ot make me sick.
No, I never said that.
Or to people who put words in someone's mouth and then actually belief they said them.
Like your typical kike/lefty you are so full of hatred, it's starting ot make me sick.
Really, so US Law literally says, all children in US are slaves….
In other words, Natsoc Germany used slaves, because you redefine the meaning of the word slave.
We are not using slaves for our entire labor system. We enslave children to be educated
Nope, not an argument, don't think the alt-right is stupid either, I see your going into the phase where you invent things your opponent never said.
That's your own special left definition of slavery, which I do no share.
You already proved nothing anyone says matter because you are so much smarter and knowledgeable than us.
Enjoy shekelsteins alt-right meet ups make sure you are non-violent goys please and thanks!
Here we go. The natsoc who claims to hate jews but them IMMEDIATELY get into jew argumentative tactics to try and define away the truth about their failed idealistic government entity that works for everyone always forever and will never collapse!
Trying to define slavery as something else and then dismissing the initial claim without addressing the main claim expansionism, doesn't make your system any more sustainable. You can not enslave forever, you can not steal forever and continue to hold territory. This is what anybody who doesn't have a biased against reality concludes about socialism but since those hugo boss uniforms look so good we need national socialism again!
I wish it worked boys but reality is not on your side on this one. The gassing jews part, even though it didn't happen, I can get behind though.
I dunno m8, the style reeks of vagina tbh fam, and not in a good way.
Only by threat of force can the mudfolk horde and their Jewish masters be dissuaded.
Segregation could work - is the crux of ethnocentric nationalism - but segregation benefits only (or rather, appears at present to benefit only) Europeans, and so Europeans will have to possess the force to impose their will to such ends, and must possess the will to employ such force to arch ends, if such were to be maintained to such a time as other peoples might recognize the value in themselves, if any, as opposed to seeking to pilfer the value borne of Europeans.
This thread is a total shitshow shilljob though.
Dude, what's with all these turbo-autists shitting on the article? Granted it didn't have much meat to it, but it nicely summarized via metaphor why white identity politics is back, and it's a good Overton Window push. Are these people just shills or are they actually mentally retarded?
Nope, never said that, the third time you invent something I never said.
Oh shit, he's projecting, mister, all children are slaves, because I say so.
Gosh, you would think that when the war ended, forced labour would end and we would enter an era of feudelism, but who cares about the meaning of words right!!
Never actually said I wanted nationalsocialsm, fifth time you invent something out of thin air.
Well, seeing how I caught you telling lies about what I belief, atleast 5 times….
The the whole article left out the deliberate attack/subversion of whites. it chalked it up to poor old whitey is sad he left behind in this new progressive world.
It's not, though it was from some time ago. Wish I could remember the podcast # of The Daily Shoah, sadly I can't.
To be fair it wasn't an actual host just one of the several additional people they bring on not just shitting on Anglin but The Daily Stormer in general.
Also it should be mentioned that during a discussion of "alt-right infiltrators" recently one of the goys on TDS mentioned 1488 in more or less these terms
It was quite refreshing.
For what reason
Well, that is very simple, war is over…..
Yeah I'm talking specifically to you there bud. I'm not making general statements or anything. You are so special I am going to somehow focus in on your specific brand of politics you haven't defined yet but act like you have the superior political beliefs. So are you new here or just stupid? Well could be both.
Alt-right is itself is a infiltrator cancer. because RWDS just doesnt make normie shekels as well as "I'm just a fed up well educated white male" so they get to sell you alt-right ware like alex jonestein and his filters. you people just eat it up tho.
It is and it must be. A fascist must be antisemitic because Jews are an other, a hostile outsider group.
Yeah, your projecting here, but good, good.
Wow, your not the same id, but the butthurt, its so strong.
Yeah, TRS are libertardians.
No no no these alt-right faggots think THEY have superior political beliefs
We are being shilled by lefties, I am having fun by just awnsering all their claims.
One guy thinks that all children are slaves, so when Germany forced jews and slavs to work, they where also slaves and not like forced labour….
They refuse to believe the "alt-right" is the literal definition of controlled opposition.
The term alt-right is the more kosher, more pc side of the 21th century right.
Dude come on
Good article? No, not really.
Best article written on the "alt-right"? Yes, most definitely.
It's not necessarily a good thing at all of the MSM exposure we're getting, shills and newfriends will increase ten fold now.
You wont get belittled as hard once you prove your not a kike shill tho.
He, all fun and games, the kike was being unusually vitrolic though, has a grand superiority complex.
That was my first post in the thread. Im just a common shitposter lurking here.
I wasn't talking about you specifically was just saying
Good info graph for babie's first redpill
Now we just need to hear how the "alt-right" is going to accomplish this.
It seems more like a prologue than anything else.
Henry Dampier is a prominent figure within the actual alt right. The article's a good one but not for the reason OP thinks. Rather than being just the first media coverage that isn't trash journalism and offers some insight into the view, instead he's using the opportunity of conservative normalfags looking to figure out what this "alt right" is to tell them to forget pepe and swallow a low dose white nationalist red pill.
The guy was probably called in my daily caller expecting to provide a "viewpoint from the alt right," instead he used the platform to drop a very specific and almost unjustified red pill, the mad man
It feels sloppily edited. I imagine quiet a bit was left on the cutting room floor
the biggest deviation the alt right has from Holla Forums is they're pr cucks and they're infiltrated. Their method isn't sustainable and they let in too much trash, while some of their self identifying ideologues align with our viewpoint, most lie left to us to their detriment. this is exemplified by the infographic he posted, it's gay as fuck.
TRS is not tied to any one economic theory/policy
no the whole "alt-right" movement was created as a containment movement for low level white nationalism.
Only a week for killing 7 Jewish children? What a madman.
That pic is glorious.
Yeah the second half of it.
You're right, it's filling up with shit-tier faggots who refuse to acknowledge even Race and IQ and dismiss r/K selection theory - probably because they're low-IQ whites and the concepts are above their heads or they don't want to accept they have any betters.
The board is also filling up with female-brained bullshit like horoscopes, magic numbers, discussions about witchcraft and tinfoil as far as the eye can see.
The last thing many neo-anons seem nterested in is being politically successful, maybe their entire goal was just to sit here and whine about how they're not getting 100% of what they want. Whatever it is, the quality of discussion has dropped dramatically. The reading comprehension level is approaching third world. Dumb motherfuckers everywhere here.
That's what happens when you're infiltrated by shills who promote chaos in an attempt to fuck up the culture of the forum/board.
You know everyone hates you pseudo-intellectual types right?
I see the same thing on endchan bunch of faggot losers if i have ever seen them.
It's a good article, but a better summation was written here:
How about you stop assuming things about what my political opinions are?
yep, Holla Forums is fucked
I don't give a fuck about either as much as I give a fuck about actual discussion. Discussion on here AND cuckchan is shit tier compared to what it used to be. I chock that up to the shills.
I just want to be able to have meaningful discourse without having to skim through 12 posts of people arguing about anime. If that makes me a "pr cuck" or "pseudo-intellectual" then I guess you're just too stupid to understand then. :^)
Who is arguing about any of those?
Yes well thought out discussions is where we need to be at right now.
Hey I'm sure when they are dragging you off to a death camp you will be given the option to right a 300 page research paper and discuss it, as to why they shouldn't kill you.
I hope you people aren't our last hope of "intelligent discourse" either
Do you also mistakenly think that niggers "built America" simply because they were used as farm animals for a time?
Germany did not need the slave labor they used the inmates at the camps for, as a matter of fact, if they had not been attacked for taking back the section of Poland that was historically part of Germany (& was full of Germans), they would not have needed to send so many of their able-bodied workers to war.
They used the inmates for labor, not due to any necessity, but for the simple convenience.
If they had not been made to work, they would have been useless eaters, using up resources and putting nothing back.
The NatSocs were doing fine pulling themselves out of the worldwide depression, even before the war or the internment camps.
No, Counter-currents is the homosexual site. Social Matter is ran by larping catholics and god fearing americans.
Chill nigger.
TRS and specifically The Daily Shoah folks aren't perfect by any means and I cringe quite regularly while listening to them but it's better than fucking nothing and hilarious as all hell at times.
Can-it spergus.
I showed this song (produced by TRS) to a gun-nut, 3 white child having, redneck friend of mine and he loved it. He still quotes it to me. Now I talk with him about RAHOWA. A quote from him -
It's nice getting off Holla Forums every once and awhile bruh.
Go lift.
Ok then, I suppose you have the answer of "where we need to be at right now". Let me guess, recruit the locals, network, and form some sort of para-military resistance. Oh wait, how are you going to convince Fox-News watching billy-bob that your views are accurate and right, in the face of every media outlet in the world telling him otherwise? Are you going to convince him with sound argument and well-thought out emotional appeals coupled with logic, or are you just going to sperg about how fantastic fascism really is?
You're a fucking retard. The altright is as real as SJW is. Its just a term that can be used indiscriminately against anyone. Its literally THE left-wing version of SJW for the Right.
You are wasting your time trying to make this bullshit an actual thing.
number 5 works for me
Not really, adopting it as an identity to defend ferociously is what killed GamerGate. Once they chose to play defensive PR, that set up a prime opportunity for the opposition to bog them down with criticisms as well as co-option. As a result that eliminated a lot of strategic maneuvering in favor of maintaining an image, effectively neutralized them.
That's not to say GamerGate was a failure, it was a partial success. But its potential was cut way too short before they could escalate the fight against the whole media into something revolutionary. Fortunately it looks like Holla Forums is utilizing the U.S election campaign as an attack avenue against the media in a sense.
I think Gamergate was actually overly successful. It progressed too quickly too soon and collapsed under its weight.
What a great article. The Daily Caller must want to get back on our good side before the RWDS start
truth. I can't decide if it's autism or D&C, but I really get a kick out of the oppositional spergs on here who so desperately need to feel unique that they attack "the alt-right" because (((the media))) calls some bluepilled conservatives "alt-right".
The simple truth is that most of the actual "alt-right" is pretty much indistinguishable from the average Holla Forumslack. There are plenty of people on twitter, MPC, TRS, etc. who hold essentially the same set of beliefs, and the presence of a few who don't doesn't reflect upon the "alt-right" as a whole.
pics related, they are TRS memes
Tell me about this, are you a normal looking guy? I am about to spend a night in County jail for a dui and I'm scared of the hordes of niggers that are bound to try and rape me.
We'll take over the death camps no problem. Take no prisoners.
Good read
w468 47wrthw
pics related, Pinochet with Milton Friedman, Henry Kissenger, some random kikes, and examples of how much of a shabbos goy he was.
Refresh TRS front page about 6 times
Meanwhile, (((Naomi Klein))) was butthurt about Pinochet.
90% of the trash that Pinochet took-out were foreign Mercenaries from Cuba and other countries, who had East German and Russian military officers training them. (boohoo, it's only unfair when the US sends agents to subvert commies during the fucking Cold Way, commies doing it is just fine though)
Allende was a disaster for Chile, and he had his own Pinochet, General Pratz, who was even hated by the working class for being such a dick. Pratz threatened to kill a woman for insulting him, then some old men with guns nearby started shooting at him, and he had to jump into a taxi to escape.
Chile's largest copper mine (the largest open mine in the world) had a net loss for the first time ever, the year after Allende put his derptarded economic polices in place. Allende also cause food shortages, because he nationalized all the traditional family farms and put retards in charge of them. Chile had over 140% inflation, by the Allende government's own estimates.
Also, Allende never won a majority of votes, he was just given power by the center-left coalition.
Stay butthurt, Holla Forums.
Thats all well and good but is he wrong, did Hitler not continue the Wiemar governments practice of selling weapons to Kebab?
He was going after the oil. Logistics are complicated, but siffice to say, he should have went for Stalingrad and Baku in the first place. Didnt even need to capture it. Just wreck it.
Moscow and Stalingrad were engaged by two completely different Army groups.
They did not divert one from Moscow to Stalingrad.
Doubtful. What the retards around here try to ignore, is the end game.
The Jews were going to be slaughtered, and the Slavs? All the Aryan phenotype children who appeared german enough would have been moved around, with Nazi liberals keeping tens of millions of Slavs alive. The. The new Eurasian Empire would have been built.
Pinochet really rustles Marxist jimmies. Chile was the spic country that escaped their grasp, a total capitalist/US success story and an area where lots of commies got helicopter'd. (it was nowhere near the commies' level of genocide, but they were used to having their way all the time, so it's a relatively huge thorn in their side)
More than half of the books about him are written by butthurt (((communist intellectuals))).
Did he mention anywhere about the demographic shift to a white minority in the USA? I missed it if he did, other then that good article. Even got thae "hello fellow Americans" part just right.
Because the Alt-Right isn't about Streicher-esque anti-Semitism, you 1488er.
Holy shit between all the posts in this thread and the Sam Hyde is Gay thread I've surmised that Some of the powers that be, Either a minor force like intl or lefty are behind this DNC but it's co-ordinated over the span of a time like it has been suggests to me that this is a paid action.
If the "Alt-Right is Gay" spam is coming from a moneyed interest that means a few significant things.
Murderbitch made a speech about us directed at us and to intimidate us.
They are funding DnC shills on our backwaters and targeting us directly along with massive swaths of the population in an attempt to intimidate people away from propagating the message.
Intimidation isn't the last tool in their repertoire but it is such a blunt instrument that they are admitting:
Pic related: The assassination attempt will come soon unless something cracks the Hillary campaign.
If they get him it's war.
It has to go all the way up. I mean, even Richard Spencer is in on it, and has been since 2013!
Are you against defeating the kikes or any progress toward such goals or are you just a dnc shill.
Because taking our message from the Alt-right and letting kikes take it over without a bit of cognitive dissonance about the intent of the "click of international Hyenas" is forfeiting the most ground we have won ever period since the Virtue signaling leftist led culture took hold.
You obviously still post on Holla Forums and this place is full of faggots.
Says the faggot defending TRS, Stay in your piece of shit forum Holla Forums is not alt-right
I don't follow, I'm not Alt right but I am being realistic about our options here, What I'm getting from you is the old:
anti-slide bump
It was a great article indeed.
Good article fam.
But who sponsored it?
Someone should go back in time and tell Hitler not to use Roman iconography because it's Italian and from several millenia before his time.
Good stuff user, plebs will never understand great and transcedent music.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to end up in jail and lose your wealth, family and life nowadays if you are White and proud of it.