The Jewish ethnostate does not have a right to exist. Zionism is bad!

Can someone explain this contradiction to me?

Other urls found in this thread:

Kikes should not have their own state because even if they have one they will still try to destroy non-jewish nations.
Short answer: kikes should just all be genocided, fuck off shill.

Didn't even bother to read your stupid fucking OP.

Reported, filtered, saged, and called a fag.

False analogy. Jews as a whole should not exist.

Because a Jewish ethnostate does not benefit me, but rather harms me.

It's like asking a Deer if we should hunt Cougars. Of course the Deer would say yes, there is no benefit to saying no besides some false sense of pride. Pride that will instantly be for naught when the Cougar hunts the Deer.

You stupid fucking retard.

What's the pic from?

There is no contradiction. Jews are subhuman and have no right to exist. Whites are great so they should dominate the globe.

It's the opposite of what jews believe
an eye for an eye

Both you and OP reported, filtered, saged, and called a fag.

You forgot to sage

Kill yourself

They can't just fight their own battles honestly. They have to use underhanded tactics and drag everyone else into it.

Indeed I did.



Obvious fucking shill.

any ethnic group that has the capability of providing its people with a state, deserves a fuckng state

Honestly how can you hold the beliefs that most people on here hold without accepting this fact.

I have no problem with Israel being an ethnostate. It helps to establish the reasoning for other ethnostates.

It's known already that Holla Forums uses anime to D&C nearly every topic they use it with.

Seeing an anime image when someone posts is like throwing up a flag showing "I have nothing to contribute and I will only make non-entitled smug remarks.".
Weebs are the literal embodiment of shitposting.

You niggers got away with it on 4chan because it was a site designed for anime.
But Holla Forums was designed with free speech in mind, not an autistic man-child cartoon genre.

Kill yourself.

Kill yourself kike

so does that mean israel deserves to exist since they can theoretically provide for themselves?

Again: kill yourself

go back you Israel you fuckin Kike.

oh fuck off its a question that deserves to be answered. Take your autism somewhere else.

Jews and Muslims can do whatever they want with their deserts, as long as they leave us out of it. But they wont, will they?

Because Israel intends to rule over all, instead of being content with their own ethnostate. If this was not the case then Israel would be fine.

Israel belongs to the Christians, not the kikes or diddlers.

I wouldn't mind a Jewish ethnostate if they'd stay in their fucking ethnostate. Sticking their nose in other people's business is one the strongest instincts a jew has, though, second only to collecting shiny metals and fiat currencies.

White nationalism does not advocate interferring with other nations. It simply means you get to live your own life and progress under the superiority of your own culture.

Zionism advocates profitting from other cultures' strife and destruction for the betterment of the jewish.

Pick one


I actually believe Israel should have their own ethnostate. But whites should also. If America was 100% white or close to it, we would be un-fucking-stoppable. Non-whites are dragging us down and will eventually turn us into Brazil.

Yes! It most certainly does.

If we want hold the position that white ethnic groups have the right to states, then we must extend this right to all peoples.

The kicker is that white ethnic groups have the advantage, because on an equal playing field, they will dominate

If you want to round up some Christians to go fight for it, I wont stop you. Don't expect me to join in though.

Here OP, have a bump.

Huh, I got a lot of replies faster than I thought I would.

I normally post on 4chan, but I decided to come here because I wanted an actual answer and not meme replies. I suppose I should've taken that into account before using an anime image. My bad.

Meme replies.

Well, this is how normies think. And I'm not a normie. I'm open to the idea of America being all-white, so long as the Jews also have a place to go that isn't the oven. White nationalism doesn't mean killing innocent people, it just means taking them out of the country.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

What's D&C? Is that another Hillary SuperPAC shilling the boards? Your context implies that, but I only know about Correct the Record, and their acronym is CTR, not D&C.

Sure, that's why Israel has not only conquered Palestine, but branched out into conquering other nations. You fucking idiot.

They won't stick their nose in America's business once America is no longer a "diverse" nation and we're a planet of ethnostates.

Holy shit, there are more replies every time I finish responding to the last one.

Argentina is a failed country economically.

I'm in competition with jews for survival and there lose is my gain

Are you talking about the fact that Israel trades with other nations, or are you talking about how Jews are responsible for moral decadence? Jews ≠ Israel and you need to make a distinction in your arguments. Jews have existed for thousands of years and Israel did not exist until 1948.

Wew lad

Every other nation has fought for its nationhood.

Actively implements ethno-state policies

They're already contradicting themselves nullifying ours, but lets continue.

If they were truly embracing this Nationalist mindset they wouldn't care about any other nation turning Nationalist, yet they actively work to prevent this from happening.

I would have no problem with Israel if they got the fuck out of our business. In fact, we'd be natural allies, but instead they've tarnished the nationalist spirit bringing their jewry into the equation. They're an embarrassing abomination of what a Nationalist state should be.

This is why you are losing in the competition, because you're a fucking retard.

Go back there then, and take this crap with you. Jews are the destroyers of nations. Why sould we give them what they have been so vigorously denying us?

A quarantine of jews should exist, like a honeypot of sorts to remove them from white society. I'm sure I'll catch flak for this but I don't think the US needs to be all white either. Parts of California should house the mexicans and undesirables from other states(homos and marxists); likewise all the blacks should move to a deep south state. While Holla Forums seems to be in love with the idea of active genocide and open race war, it seems like a lot of effort for minimal return on the lives that would be invested.

If you're looking to collect white agentinian images you should just say so.


It's really hard to have an actual discussion there. I figured it'd be easier here, but I'm still having trouble.

Jews are responsible for forcefully bringing destruction to other nations either economically, culturally or religiously by funding chaos and betting on the sides they think will win, or even betting on the loser. Why do you think Israel sells guns to both sides of wars?

Israel is a country made for jews. It's made by jews, for jews. As long as jews reside in Israel, a huge proportion of zionism will be taken there.

No, I was serious. People are not equal, therefore the same standards cannot be applied across the board. Jews are subhuman so they should be exterminated. Whites are qualitatively better than everyone else on earth, so they should take their rightful place as the master race.

Actually, the what I believe we believe is that we should cut all ties with Israhell.
At the very least not giving them $6 million for free every day. And thats just the US.

Those arent contradictory statements.

The USA was founded by whites, for whites. White people began to colonize the Americas in the late 15th century. Whites were the vast majority of the population of the USA throughout its entire history. In 1960 the country was 89% white.

Jews on the other hand only had historical ties to the Levant. Their claim of ownership of the land which would become Israel was based on religious texts rather than the Jews presence on the land. Jews were a small percentage of the population of the British mandate of Israel.

The creation of Israel was a instance of European Jews colonizing land which did not belong to their tribe in close to 1900 years. The moral impact of such an action should not be compared to the process of Europeans colonizing the Americans as that occurred many centuries previous. Morality changes throughout the ages, actions taken place post WW2 cannot be justified on the basis of actions taken in the late 15th century.

Also you need to consider the fact that the Americas was largely depopulated of its native population by the introduction of old world diseases. This was an unavoidable consequence of an isolated population coming into contact with an old world population and contrary to claims of so called "disease blankets" the introduction of these diseases was not deliberate. Nothing similar has occurred to the native population of modern day Israel. They either exist as second class citizens within the borders of Israel or live in neighboring countries unable to return to their homeland.


Finally, a real argument. And a good one, too!

Your post raises a question, though. Are there any lands in [THE CURRENT YEAR] that are at least mostly vacant of people and could be colonized by Jews?

Jews are an enemy, why would you support your enemy?

Just a hypothetical question, would Jews accept to get greater Israel and move there in exchange for letting us gas each one that remains in our countries?

Jews could move here as long as they're comfortable with not being the majority population.

my ashtray

This is a logical non-sequitur.

Wasn't the miasma theory of disease still prevalent during that time as well? If so, there couldn't be a way to knowingly give smallpox blankets, as nobody knew how to infect them with microbes.

No, you fucking faggot.

In an anarchic setting such as international politics, might makes right.
Israel does not have the right to exist because if we non-Jews weren't protecting and funding them it could not survive.

Let's say for argument same that our revolution happens and America becomes great again and we cut all support to Israel, and the same happens with the rest of the world.
If Israel still existed and kept their enemy's from destroying them, then indeed through the right of might, they would have the right to exist by their own will enforcing their power on others to the ends of existing.

Hey guys, I'm a fucking kike. I recently became open to the idea of white nationalism because I realized it was no different from Zionism, an idea I got most of the people in my immediate family to agree with. The impression I get from most white nationalists is that they don't see things that way, and just want GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW. Some of you here do, and have provided actual arguments, so that's cool. My main takeaway from this thread is that I have to do research into Madagascar. Thanks for playing with me.

There is no contradiction, you stupid weeb. We attack Israel because it's an evil kike state founded through the subversion of Europe and kept alive by leeching the US and making Americans die in their name.

The "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR" people are either too frustrated with their lives, cryptos, fake CTR users or stormfronters.

Zionism promotes using other nations to their own advantage. Nationalism doesn't. In the worst case scenario, Zionism fails and destroys all other nations in its wake trying to prosper. Nationalism fails and the nation itself crumbles, but other nations are unaffected by it directly.

Force, antiforce. Semitism, antisemitism.

Diagonically opposing all evil in every case simply leads to you being used in Hegelian ways. Nothing new under the sun…

What if each Jew in Israel got welfare so he doesn't have to work?

Jews can keep their little sliver of worthless desert as long as
a) All of them live there.
b) None of them ever leave.

The US should become a white state and dedicate most of its resources to space travel and finding habitable planets instead of fucking around in sandnigger land.

What if you killed yourself.

Isn't that what trading with other nations is, though? Are you saying international trade needs to end?

Also, nice Hitler dubs.


Calm down Moishe

International trade deals are different than funding terrorism groups and economically crippling nations for the purpose of profit.

Good deals mean both nations get something out of it. Even if a nation loses money, it gets something in return. Zionists just want to intentionally cripple nations to purposedly sell their solutions for the problems. It's no different than mobs breaking shit in your estabilishment than making you pay protection money.

IF they could provide for themselves then yes

Given they leech money from everywhere and bite the hand that feeds them such is not the case, as things are Israel are more of an emotional sunk cost project for old rich Jews to not feel totally nihilistic in their lives


What contradiction?

Kikes don't have a homeland and are mongrels larping for gibs.

Palestinians aka ancients jews would have more claim to it.

War and conquering are valid ways of getting clay, but jews didn't even do that, they had the British give them the land from the Turks and deny the palestinians a nation to war with, or even giving them second class citizenship as helots in their conquest.

a common misconception. hitler did not believe this and neither do many of the people here – he tried to deport all jews to Israel. however, after what happened at the end of world war 2, most people here also believe that kikes are too dangerous to live.

in other words, it's not because they objectively don't have a "right" to a state (rights don't exist by the way you liberal fuck tard) as much as anyone else, it's because we simply believe they're a threat.

Can someone explain this contradiction that I hear on T.V. every day to me?

There is no contradiction kikes don't work in the interest of whites and we won't work in their interests.

There is not a single jewish organization that promotes the idea of a europe for europeans.

I don't if Israel exists. I just don't want jews destroying us.

The holocaust never happened but it should have, it's not a fucking joke you brain dead faggot.

Ah, that explains your retardation

*I don't care

Why don't you arsk the Jews why diversity is a great strength everywhere but Israel?

FYI- I've got no problem with Israel. In fact, I think that all the Jews should go there. And STAY there. #DeportAllKikes


Wait a fucking minute. Are you telling me Israel is funding ISIS?

Sauce, now. If true, this could fucking change my world view entirely.

That's harder to prove because I'm not smart enough to understand how that works, but TELL ME ABOUT ISRAEL FUNDING TERROISTS RIGHT NOW

I meant

How'd I forget an arrow?

Yes, Israel buys their oil. The rabbit hole goes even deeper, the US government through the CIA is responsible for training and arming them in the first place. Ever wondered why they never did shit to Israel yet ran amok all around it? They are pawns to help create Greater Israel.

You aren't from 4chan, your playing dumb.
Your honestly a pretty basic and pathetic troll tbh, and tbqh.

fuck forgot to sage




Links, please.

Fuck you.

Actions speak louder than vague concepts.

Strange as it is to say, Israel isn't hated because it's Jewish. It's because the Jews in and for Israel have a nasty habit of fucking it up for everybody.

If the jews took their little hats and many headed candles and stopped fucking with everyone else, nobody would care.

its not a contradiction, if you think the enemy has a right to exist but your own race doesnt youre a fucking retard and there really isnt anything else we can do for you

This is Bernie Sanders freaking out on a liberal girl for questioning the racist apartheid state of Isreal and its settlements

How does one support walls for Isreal but not for the US and Europe?

Don't change the topic.

I don't like Bernie. I don't like people who say the US shouldn't have borders. Even cuckservatives agree that a nation without borders is a nation that doesn't exist.

It being used as a safe haven for kikes when they are caught committing crimes in other countries and all the sex slaves who end up there really doesn't help liking Israel.

Ethnostates are fine and I encourage all of them, but the Jewish question goes beyond that.

I'm a radically and dangerously forgiving sort of person, so if Jews fucked off to Israel and stopped meddling in all foreign affairs as a dramatic act of penance, I'd consider leaving them be. But with their history, any act of foreign meddling, by even a single Jew, but especially by anyone within Israel's borders, is tantamount to an act of war and invalidates their existence.

This goes beyond just whites vs jews. If it were just that, they'd be our enemy, but as long as they stopped fucking with white people I'd have no problem with them. But the Jew fucks with everybody on earth, even other Jews. Unless they reverse their entire nature, then every person on earth (including every Jewish person) has a duty to every other person on earth to wipe out our greatest common enemy.

Ethnostates are fine, but Jewry can't be tolerated in any amount. It's not the Jewish ethnostate that can't be allowed to exist, it's Jewry.

Better than just funding:



Jews think ONLY they should be allowed to have an ethnostate OP you slimy kike scum.

We're pointing out the hypocrisy of the kike. He gets to have his ethnostate, but whites don't. It either goes both ways, or the kikes die.

Jews are rats.

Should clear you right up.
