How old were you when you finally realized that your Atheism™ was just you lashing out at your parents for not buying...

How old were you when you finally realized that your Atheism™ was just you lashing out at your parents for not buying you the latest Call Of Duty?

dubs thread?
nice dubs

faggot, no dubs for you

atheists are angry, miserable people.

shameless self-check

and again

I was checking OP's dubs you newfag.

all these dubs damn op


Youre not even trying at this point

heaven quads have spoken. Atheist BFTO. lol

You're the same asshole who claimed and wiped the >>>/atheism/ board yesterday, aren't you?

Neither side is right or wrong, just be a good person and quit bickering like babies about an unanswerable question.


Atheism is the only logical conclusion to life

A million times over! Just try to life a good life and be good person.

Everything else is superfluous

That's right good goy! Just be a nice person. A nice person would be OK with pedophiles! They will be OK with immigration and muslims


For your dubs you get an image


how new are you


user, pls.

Even numbers agree with Jesus Christ.

That flag.

Fun fact, the "simulation theory" is supported by this world being ruled by numbers, fun fact, old believers always said that this world was created for that "accuracy" and old atheists were obsessed searching and searching for something wrong in that order and using that to attack christianity. The "no order means God" is just freemason propaganda. Americans merely adopted the fedora. You were born in it, molded by it, this is why you are a living joke right now and you cant notice it.

Go back to lick ahmed cum from your sister's pussy.


Please, brits are smarter than that.

Nigger, what are you even talking about? The cartoon just points out that god as most perceive him is a god of the gaps.

Okay so what created God?

see above

Useless. If the universe didn't exist we couldn't discuss it.

Not even wrong. You may as well say "God exists because flub flubber jugapop". Not that they knew about "absolute hot" or other advanced physics, but even if they had the laws of physics don't prove there's a god, only that there is an existence.

See above. If we weren't around we wouldn't be talking about it.

Nice ad hom

Y'all muthafuckaz need moar Buddhism.

hello achmed

First, thanks for take care of our garbage, second, i was pointing how propaganda destroyed people minds, the rest was just a "reminder" so we can talk from a better perspective.

Btw, untill 10 years ago we had less niggers than you.

It wasnt created, the rest is the classical shit comparing philosophy with niggerism because i say so…

Please dont let argies ruin Falklands.


This nigga knows his shit, "atheism" is just buddhism without the deepest parts and how to deal with life.

Fuck you, take your niggers back

can you stop flagfagging?

This is why nobody takes atheists seriously.

Yeah, let's have this debate for the bajillionth time.

Dont you think it's time to move on, OP?

That's cute, but Thiests don't believe in God as an abstract concept, they believe in an actually physical deity.

He's talking about religious beliefs, not pedophilia and mudslimes. Calm down.

Blame Pinochet, not me.

Blame mods, not me.

Bullshit. Believing in a real deity is the definition of theism. Have the balls to admit what you believe.

Whee was the last time vid really talked to you,as opposed to the voice in you're head everyone calls god?



>also, I believe in "definitions" because some guy with horn-rimmed glasses wrote that down in a book somewhere, with science 'Dictionary' stamped on it, and oh boy that can never be false, unlike the Bible!11!

16 when i relized that Islam was the true religion


sounds about right, i pirated COD4 and stole cd keys for it through my trojan, and never became an athiest like all my friends






tranny genocide when





never, I was never a neckbeard


second one looks like a tattoo lol

Kek The guy on best gore said the same thing.





fucking true



out of gore (on friends comp) i'll just collect for friend











I only see a delusional ovendodger


That was actually my first reaction watching the Atheist Experience. Keep in mind I was already an Atheist at that point.

Then I started getting into it and also watching debates. I stopped when Dawkins and that other guy made a movie, which were just compilations of parts of their debate.

I am grateful for that experience, because it teached me how to argue, but I am not some edgy Atheist. Anyone who truly believes that you just need to get rid of religion and the world is suddenly okay, is very delusional.

















Atheism is pretty well on par with just not giving a shit about ancient traditions that don't really have a place in a modern society.

We don't sacrifice young men and maidens, we don't want to pay 15% of our annual income to a church for no purpose, and we don't want to live by rules set forth by people who wrote it 1300 years ago (yes, in the 700s). The law is similar to the rules of said religions, probably because said religions wrote their rules to abide by laws that already existed.

Do not steal, do not kill, do not rape or cheat on your spouse .. These are laws that definitely existed almost globally back then. Even Japan who has this reputation as being a fucking wild west type country for 2000 years had a caste of law enforcers (the Samurai) who upheld these types of rules. Yet you get this religious body who pushes the idea that "without religion, you wouldn't have these rules" as if somehow these rules precede humanity.

In this situation, law precedes religion, but religion claims that religion precedes law and that law got its rules from the religion. That's just trying to manipulate people into believing that religion gave us morality, like somehow humanity was just one big clusterfuck of cannibals and murderers until some religious book was written.

The reason that religion pushes so hard for people to stay religious is simple, if no one is going to church, no one is paying money. If no one is giving their offerings, then their coffers begin to run low. And they should. Judaism, Christianity/Catholicism, Islam… These major cult religions that literally tell you to cast out and shun people who don't believe are just ponzy schemes.

Also I never wanted to play Call of Duty, and I'm not actually atheist, so fuck you anyway.








he's picking his nose!

Straya cunt, you wanna fucking go, m8? Ah'll jab you in the gabbah you fucking abbo!




Is he OK?


I am a christian, but thats not related, well, animists are atheists.

Sorry, english isnt my native tongue, i didnt get it.

And i am the schizo.

And i am not sure if this is elaborated irony or delusion, seriously.




Really nice dubs.

I'm actually agnostic and COD lost its value.

Looks like I found a new wallpaper!!!

going to church was boring the food if they served any sucked.
religion is a problem and its needs to be solved already.








