en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HD_164595#SETI_candidate_signal (the system's sun)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HD_164595_b (the sole known planet from the system)

Welp it looks like we might have to go to war against the Xenos filth.

What if we've actually memed the Imperium into existence?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/pdfy-xPoejl7ruL9jyW3_/KOJEVE introduction to the reading of hegel_djvu.txt


I hate those dumbfucks at SETI. What sort of retard would think that broadcasting our planet's location to a galaxy full of unknown dangers is a good idea?


So it finally begins…

Wow, what an oddly-timed coincidence.


Related pic….

I'd love to tell you the dubs will it, but they've probably been in bed with the juden since Roswell.

Why bother.

It would be the equivalent of a grown man peering into a hostile and self destructive termite mound with nothing to gain.

Weren't Hitler broadcasts the first radio signals ever sent from Earth?

At least the aliens will know about the Jews if they come here.

We memed Warhammer 40K.

Time to purge all heretics.



Also the prologue to the new 40K movie is finally fucking out if anyone cares.

Trips in the name of voklisch ayylium QT waifus

Wasn't there some tin foil stuff about a staged alien landing which will user in (((the new messiah))).
Also, didn't some strange vortex appearing in the sky of east Africa that had a similar connection with this?

I read that too, I hope they don't get too influenced by the leftist propaganda that comes after that.

Not only do they know we exist, but the deeps space message has already been deciphered. It has been roughly translated to English:

Everyone hates, nobody likes, Space Kikes! Spaces Kikes! Space Kikes!

I seriously hope they're some kind of blue skinned alien, I also hope they're friendly.

No one on Holla Forums actually likes or plays 40k. We aren't fucking Holla Forums or /tg/. We're Holla Forums. We're the least autistic and beta board here.

Speak for yourself, i'm extremely autistic.

Speak for yourself I'm the alpha of betas.

Quads confirm, this is not a drill. I repeat we are not Larping

Xenos confirmed
Praise kek

The inquisitor is a snarky and undignified nu-male manlet, into the garbage in goes.

Well, I guess you fell for the joke then. You do know Holla Forums only uses 40k jokes and references in order to make fun of the autists on Holla Forums and /tg/, right?

We're solely in it for the memes.
You're about as stupid as those faggot who fell for the "traps aren't gay" meme.

I play Orks. Just finished assembling my Killa Kans, don't know what you're on about.

and it's fucking nothing.

First confirmed photograph in the signal cache.

Autist number 3 enters the ring.
Is Holla Forums just full of beta cucks today?

Necrons best race. Shit taste fag. Orks are niggers.

I thought they didn't do that?

I for one admire the autistic powers of /tg/. Look at the link it's basically a one man driven fan movie…

Except it's way better than most high budget CGI shit (save the acting part… but then that's typical for fan movies).

/tg/ main meme is "/tg/ gets shit done" and it has never been more true.

If Holla Forums was half as autistic as /tg/ there would be plenty of video games.
If Holla Forums was half as autistic as /tg/ the kikes would have been long gassed and classified in sub-species by ashes densities.

Sorry, but if you cannot check dubs or trips of truth then you will not be blessed by Kek. You don't even have the heart of a true memer. Kek turns his froggy back on you.

they are not aliens, they are whites returning to save us!

post that pic

What an autist


Sorry, but the only thing I hate more than 40kfags are weebs.

You've been blocked.


You call us autists but you know 40k fluff, nigger

There's nothing wrong with globalization if they're all one race.

I know I wouldn't mind a one world government made entirely of whites.

Maybe the Xenos already gassed the kikes and live in Whiteopia?

Oh jeez now I am embarrassed on your behalf. I thought you said you were not a beta autist?

I wouldn't mind either but we must keep our cultures/languages intact.

I was memeing you dip.

>Not wanting to be a literal robo-skeleton
You a fag or something?

Didn't they include messages from myspace users to a message beamed to aliums? When will this signal reach them? Because, when it arrives, we will be slated for extermination, guise.

Imagine the oy vey if they are homogeneous and tell us stories about how they exterminated their lesser races.

Things would get really funny really fast.

No, Holla Forums uses 40k jokes because we see the space marines' zeal for purging as analagous to our own desire for purging. It's the kind of joke where we project our genuine opinions, but crank them up to eleven for comedic effect.


I have 4500 points of miniatures (roughly 150 models)

Don't worry about it, when Trump gets in, he'll built an electromagnetic wall and make the ayyliums pay for it.

Seriously, though, here's my ayylium heuristic:
Ayylium Heuristic:

Anyone talking about aliens is a gullible fool (or a nut job). Anyone talking about Project Bluebeam is a conspiracy theorist.

Anyone talking about aliens is either a gullible fool or part of the conspiracy.

Same, I can't even interact with normalfags in real life, I don't understand what goes through their heads.


There would have to be an extreme degree of interconnection for complete globalisation. Otherwise regionalism would happen.

Total globalisation requires one race, one language, one culture and one uniting philosophy.

Well let's just be friends then.

Yeah, search for Project Blue Beam. I doubt there's any legitimacy to it. Perhaps it was just an idea thrown around by (((TPTB))).



No culture


Let me explain. Non-whites are can be categorized as either animals or slaves, seeking nothing further than their next meal and the avoidance of pain. In contrast, Europeans are a martial race, a race of conquerors and adventurers, we idealize a universe of eternal war, we discovered the Darwinian laws of eternal struggle that underlie all life. The warhammer universe speaks to a deep aspect of European man, we see beauty and order where subhumans can see only darkness and terror.



It's a shitty setting made to sell toy soldiers.

The demographics and birth rates of the various populations of earth wouldn't create a mulatto race. European genes in this future mongrel race would be equivalent to the Neanderthal basically the mongrel race would be 1%-3% European.

The mongrel race would look like modern day West Africans which aren't as pitch black as Central Africans. This isn't the kind of race that would be able to maintain global structures.

i've got a gud idea:
>Install [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */, and [email protected]/* */, and then play any game that lets you kill xenos
It's the easiest, most efficient to send a warning out to filthy xenos.

wait, it's SETI @Home.

The nearest realistically viable planet with aliens we wouldn't already have evidence of due to proximity if they existed is probably hundreds of light years away at bare minimum. Even this planet is nearly a hundred light years out. If that signal is even coherent when it gets there, it won't get there until the 2100's. Which is why I seriously fucking doubt that any advanced interstellar civilization actually uses radio waves or any other type of signal we can even detect. You'd need some way of either communicating faster than light or using some kind of wormhole just to ensure than a message can be received and responded to reliably even within a human lifetime.

SETI is essentially like aboriginals in the new world looking for life on Europe by seeing if they can find evidence smoke signals across the ocean. We most likely do not have the tools, or even frame of understanding, to fully understand any advanced alien communication.

Even if we were to intercept a signal similar to our own that's undeniably artificial all that would tell us is that past tense, something existed using method's that trap them on their planet as much as we can't leave our solar system. By the time they even got any message we'd hypothetically send it would have been centuries after anything they sent to us was released. Even if the very earliest of our signals reached an alien planet that responded back right this second, they'd be trying to talk to a WWI era civilization in an era where we'd have flying cars and space colonies.


What if they send a message to the NSDAP

SETI is just a money sink that targets empty spots
Many signals have already been received, aussies reported that twice

Last time I checked my pants, I was still a virgin user.

At least they'd be trying to talk to culutrally superior human beings. Then again, they'd probably kill us all for getting their hopes up about such an awesome culture and then they find massochistic man children instead


You can have an interstellar civilisation with only relativistic technology. It just requires patience and extremely long term planning. There wouldn't be communication between difference colonies unless they were in a manageable number of light years.

40k humans are a group of diverse paramilitaries under a insane leader
Not a whitetopia


Name one colored human civilization in WH40k.

every time

That's one translation, but I think this one is more accurate:

Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine:^)

>He plays Robot Space Kangs
My nigga


It seems to me that you're the one with autism.

What if the egyptians were actually niggers and flew off to space in their pyramids, what if these are gay niggers from outer space?

The indians (feather ones), and then there's the aztec larpers

The planet the Salamanders are from.


What are those called, though?

Out of million of Terran species not a single non-Homo sapiens sapiens (Europoids and Mongoloids) taxon does not seem fuckable. What makes you think that organisms separated from us for over 4,5 billion years of evolution would be sexually attractive?

Damn, dude, did Chad spill your milk at lunch again?

I don't know I just hope there's some otherwise I'm going to be disappointed.

Talarn is a planet of Arabs
The Celestial Lions chapter
The Crismson Fists Their Chapter Master is named Pedro Cantor and their biggest hero's last name is Cortez
Also the White Scars are space Mongolians

Plus I remember a Ciaphas Cain book has a sheboon Mother Superior for a group of Sisters of Battle.

Hold, i'm going to search them well enough
Saw all the types in a old chart and was surprised by it

Couldn't it just be aliens that exterminated inferior races/cultures and took the fuck over?

I mean come on this is reaching so far they're obviously pushing an agenda.

We better watch out, the ayys are coming for out women!


Or they rounded up all their space niggers and took them to a cold climate to evolve.

Because the Gods are real. Intelligent design. DNA strands are memes of the flesh.

That's certainly what happens in any kind of fully globalised world.

Any regionalism that props up after the global cleansing has to be harshly repressed.

They'd have enough chink genes to at least keep technology to near-present levels.


Not with the population explosion happening in Africa. Chinks are below replacement fertility.

Isn't that the entire 40K universe?


Oh shit, I picked the right time to start reading 40k. I'm currently on the second Horus Heresy book. Should I be reading anything else concurrently or just stick with this series?


FUCK, couldn't find them, but i did find others by a forum post
Salamanders are black
Thousand Son group are egyptian-themed (arab egyptian)

Also curious how some folks around here use and like Warhammer lines but praise a chaos god in the form of Kek, even when those are polar opposites


To be fair there's never going to be goobacks I mean good luck getting chinks to racemix and Mestizos are their own fucking race and they still categorize themselves based on how white they are.

I think the goal is to destroy purity.

If they have the technology to travel that distance, there will be no war, if they want to they could enslave/exterminate the entire human population in days

You mean that (((completely natural))) population bloom that resulted from billions and billions of foreign aid from White countries?


And you're a faggot


>DNA, the memes of the flesh

NO human beings would be able to use such a communication network. Any wide ranging interstellar species would effectively be so far above any human effort that we can currently barely comprehend how they might communicate, and even "barely comprehend" comes with a large number of asterisks. If they came to earth we'd at best be equivalent to a bunch of feudal motherfuckers banging each other on the head with hammers, and more realistically only be a couple of steps removed from cavemen.

If you can fire a weapon at near light speeds with a lot of mass you can basically destroy the entire planet in seconds.

Which is what people are so often afraid of. If an alien species that could make that trip wanted to kill us we would basically have no recourse. There wouldn't be a landing party, there wouldn't be a war. They'd just fire a one missile and there wouldn't be anything left of earth but free floating gravel.

I'm dissapointed Holla Forums.
Ayys decide to send dick pics right before WW3/economic collapse/possible faschist uprising..


They wouldn't even know we're here.
It takes them 95 years to get our stuff and 95 to send back(if they're as primitve as us).
The first transmission will reach them in 15 years if the Hitler transmission was the first one out.

You are not doing him a favor you know … Jesus at least had some street cred to start with.


So, we'd have to live 110 years more in order to witness it. Maybe if 12 year olds lurk Holla Forums.


So kikes are finally using the ayys as an excuse for World Government? Shocker.

You really beg for replies, don't you?

I have about that and haven't played since early high-school.

If it's a similar mass to the sun, why would it bend light that much? If this is the case won't they find another 2.7 ghz signal in the area?

What's so autistic about Warhammer? I'd much rather have my children idolize a Space Marine than some obnoxious anime monstergirl.

I don't think you necessarily have to be an autist to like 40k, much unlike weebs and their moeshit.

Moe is for manly men that need something cute in this world of horrors.

Tzeench trips of lies.

You know full well that's not the case and that weebs are all closet trannies.



Which anime nazi pissed in your cereal this morning?


Nice strawman faggot. I have nothing against anime per se, but 9 out of 10 grown men who watch it are autistic beta cucks and nu-males who are so utterly obsessed with it that they start LARPing as little girls on taiwanese shitposting forums.

Now answer my question you little sperg.

I was just having a giggle mate, retards that cant stop sperging about anime are obnoxious cunts. I know quite a few people who watch anime and dont go full weeaboo, they just dont mention and go full autistic over it in the first conversation you have with them.


The few good anime can be pretty based
Though nothing beats Berserk manga


Don't forget that netorare exists, too.
It's literally Jake Rapp: The anime genre.

In the 80s everything was looking to space cartoons tv shows movies. Now everything is about nonsense and feelunz

Memes are the DNA of the soul


The Indian chapter is the Dark Angels. Salamanders aren't "black" black, they're literally black. They look like drow space marines, only 100% less faggy.


You realize now that we have to undergo an Age of Strife, and get buttraped by xenos for a few thousand years before we get to the Age of the Imperium right?

You seem mad (((user)))

Still better than slow death.


I would, the only way to ensure functioning world government is utmost depotism, decentralized economies and states are better for everyone freedom wise.

I'm on the 9th of the series and I started like 5 weeks ago. Just stick with the recommended reading order and you should be fine. If you don't want to do that, since after Galaxy In Flames the timeline is no longer congruent you could go from the fourth book to the Garro series. I hear they're pretty good.

Fucking kikes. The only way the world would ever unite is if we had no equality and a caste system based on races. Humanity would go back at least 500 years if forced to go mulatto.

Actually based on colonial and ww2 british forces who assumed local arab wear for practical purposes (pic related)
GW website always has them painted with white skin.

Not knowing who Cortez irl they are referencing

Stupid novel fluff that no one takes seriously. Also pic related looks hwite to me

An honorubu mention as mongolians were pretty good at fucking shit up and it fits the chapter cavalry theme well. I wouldnt mind if they did some kind of space japs in samauri gear or something either tbh.

No, fuck off, 40k universe is mostly white with a few worthy offshoots of human species who were able to make functional colonies also surviving the dark age of technology. the unification wars and the golden age of mankind.

Fair point, I suppose

Humanity would go back and never see the light ever again, if forced to go mulatto.



They are scanning currently over at SETI.

They do that 24/7


They added that. Though a type 1 civ probably would be global that is not the standard and not what you seem to think it would be.

Usually directly competing species don't coexist for long. So a typical type 1 civ would also consist of one race.

That is just a kike addendum to a rating system that is based on energy output anyway.



According to them, only 12 hours a day. And they don't scan this particular star system everyday. They literally have trillions of choices.

Why not? Even better if we get to take their technology and use it to advance humanity even further and faster then whats happening now assuming its not just more bullshit and actual aliens of course

Lost my >>

fuck I hit the new reply before I was ready
stupid fucking mobile

The system is 95 light-years away, how would we communicate anytime soon?


Well we probably couldn't, but if they are sending shit also it might be information we could use. Unless its just a "You are enemies/Slaves to our empire" shit or "Anyone out there?" Or unless their language is so different and weird that we have no idea what they are saying and we are unable to translate it.




Why do people get so excited about this? If we signal "ayy", it would take 95 years for them to receive it and another 95 years for us to get their response of "lmao". That's 190 years. That's as much as 19 10s. And that's terrible.


Yes, I am dealing with a shill as well. Please come see my thread here and help me analyze if I'm onto something or seeing too much in it:

40k is shit, the game literally exists only to advertise buying more Space Marines. Alien races get shit updates, no cosmetics, and abysmal support from the writers. And in retrospect it has degraded into a circle jerk of Space Marine worship to the point where (if you're invested into the lore) you're a cuck for not being a space marine. Don't get me wrong, I love humanity in 40k, but it gets tiring when GW does nothing but fuck other races over just to shit out a new box of space marines with a fluffy codex that worships them for being elite.

Maybe because playing "Horus Heresy" gets boring and I'm tired of playing space marines vs space marines when there's an entire galaxy filled with other races to shoot. It'd really be nice if there were aliens who were equal to the space marines to give the game/lore an actual feeling of suspense, and maybe faction loyalty beyond humanity, but that would cramp Matt Ward's style of focusing on that meaty marine cock that's the most elite of the elite who are the elitest elites to reach elite status. also, he's working at GW again, so enjoy another Grey Knights-tier shitfest
Age of Sigmar pulled the rug out from under players and crippled the existing races unless they were outright removed just to make way for the Stormcast and Everyone hates them. GW's only afloat because people aren't sick of Space Marines, yet the lack of new ideas is slowly grinding down the community. Honestly if they keep pulling shit like the Death Masque which will lead to another "End Times" the game might even die.

Honestly, the only good wargaming is WW2 wargaming at this point. Warhammer memes are funny, but the actual game is shit.

On another note, I wish we had television that would play marching music when it would stop for the night.

Guys relax. Aliens arent going to hurt you, alright? Why would w- I mean they do that? Huh? Youre being silly.

They don't send out messages, they only look for messages.


That's where you're wrong, heretic.


JIDF pls go

What convenient timing…

cucks likely doomed the human race because of this. Its now a matter of when, not if genocidal aliens arrive. As such, we must embrace national socialiasm as soon as possible and prepare for WAR

2016 best year of my life

We have been unintentionally sending signals into deep space for nearly 100 years. SETI doesn't send out messages because the message was already sent.



Literally the one and only reply you ever get from weebs. I already said I had nothing against anime. In fact I think YOU are the one who is mad AND projecting.

Stop being such a faggot user-kun

I fucking hate that jew Carl Sagan so goddamn much.

Delusional faggot.

Well at least I can die knowing that cartoons villains twirling their mustaches were the ones who killed me.

Kek, cry more weebcuck. Your tears are delicious.

Please let this happen, leftists would be suiciding left and right. Also does anyone have that story about how space is like a park at night talking about relativistic kinetic weapons?

I have honestly never read anything sagan has written, what did he kike up?

what if on the planet of the ayys, it's filled only with hot aryan annunaki waifus dtf, and their message says only
>"ayy where dem ayyryan chads at


It is the eyestalks user, the eyestalks.


You think I'm betraying mine for some Xeno? No. I'll die in battle in defence of Earth and meet her on the other side.

I really hope we find aliens and end up being superior to them.

would depend on their genetics for me





if dubs new ayylium race is a mass effect-tier liberal degenerate shitfest


they will be pure-blooded space ayyryans

It's likely nothing but if it is and it's an alien race, they will undeniably be far technologically superior to ours. I would jump at a chance to abandon the human race and join them if it were possible.

This signal doesn't look too promising tbh


Good riddance you fucking heretic

You're a good example, the human race is doomed if it's filled with LARPing faggots like yourself who see the world through a filter of the various fictions they have found.



If humans are proven irrevocably inferior, then I'm just following facts. The same logic applies to niggers who know they are inferior to whites.


Kill yourself heretic

Ecks dee

How does it feel to be a pretentious retard on an anonymous image sharing network?

Yes, you're exactly like a nigger. No loyalty to the tribe, good riddance as I said.

I don't know user, why don't you tell me?

No u

Hope you aren't dissapointed if we ever find aliens and they are inferior. The whole "Ayys are superior to us!" Has been hyped for hundreds of years by everyone imaginable. The path we took as humans to get radios and other such technology is miraculous enough, there is little chance of such a thing repeating itself for another group of life.

Y-you too

it takes a type 2 civilization to broadcast whats called a blip from 95 light years away, we would have to have much stronger transmitters to put anything detectable into space. Or the xenos would have to be closer.

let me guess, space kikes again?

Galactic reptillian illuminati

Goddamn space Jews man.

start priming the antigrav-ovenators.

Project bloеbeam would be preferable

No but seriously, isnt it wierd tgat in the winter a planet past neptune was discovered and now a hospitable planet orbiting the closest star to us?

Also idk if anyone remembers but the black knight spacecraft thats in a geosynchronous polar orbit was revealed to normies during a thanksgiving pepsi commercial

They're priming us

meant for

Oh shit, half life 3 confirmed


I'm convinced something changed in 2012 that's way beyond our understanding, (((they))) have been getting ready for something ever since
we might have misunderstood "end of the world" maybe all it meant was "end of an era" or "end of the era"

HL3 will be developed on alien supercomputers and played in your subconscious.
how do you like it?

Weird, I've seen Apocalypse now several times and I don't remember the hotel room looking like that. muh mandella effect


Been waiting for hl3 for 13 years so mad excited

Kek you're not even worth the shitpost.

To further this, someone once theorized that after "first contact" things would get so weird so fast that history would then have to be divided into pre and post contact.
There's only one other event that had this effect, and that was when Jesus said "fuck off" to the land of the dead and came back holes and all.
The kikes have been waiting for their messiah to come, I think that messiah will be an ayy lmao

I'm fairly certain it looked that way.

Messiahs are made, not born.


Yeah, and the fucking kikes are trying to make some fucked up alien war-priest that 99% of the goyim would obey without question because of (((hollywood))) movies making ayys look powerful.


Yeah… well you're a fucking faggot.

Take that

Do not mix 'themed' with 'race'. The only canon art depiction of non-white races was a black catachan and the white scars as far as I remember. The rest are themed after exotic peoples, and a few written abouts like the superior there.

MOTHERSHIP CONNECTION fam, YAKUB PBUH be finna show up and reestablish the 👌👌 pharaohs my nigge

Quality shitpost m8. Filtered and reported.


My body is ready.


Anime is a pure media with mythically structured narrative and archetypal characters. It especially excels in its sensitive engagement of the female form like the best periods of western painting. Moe is just one facet of its exploration of feminine charm.

Warhammer's mythos, on the other hand, is nothing more than pulp. It's not just plot driven genre literature, but one that was written as background for an extremely dumbed down and commercialized wargame marketed to overgrown children, of all things. While it carries some novel concepts, there's really nothing of value that can't be found elsewhere. You can play much more rewarding wargames, you can read much rewarding literature and political philosophy. Of course, it won't be so saccharine, but you're not 14 anymore.

You can make literally the same arguments in favor of ponyfaggotry. Fuck off.

Or it might be rock ayys dude. How the fuck do we beat silicone based life-forms? Super soakers?



Why are you defending yourselves to him? We settled this a while ago that anime was fine and I don't even watch anime, only people still bitching about it are newfags and D&C shills.

At best you could argue MLP serves as an effective and wholesome children's show, serving its role as providing moral role models, possibly even approaching the level of traditionalist myth. I don't know if it's true, I've never watched it, but I can't see anything else applying.

Also, you're a newfag
The heresy meme dates back to a very sincere purging of furries that predates Holla Forums. I don't know if it came from /tg/ or Holla Forums first but I'd imagine the latter given /tg/'s fairly tame (read: cucked) nature.

It's not a question of anime being "fine". To even think that was up for debate for a moment speaks to a total obliviousness to the nature of imageboard memetics. I'm shilling for it's value as mythic media. One user was convinced of it as the spiritual vessel for femininity itself, I wish I had saved his posts. I wonder if he's still here.


probably vinegar and baking soda

Considering that MLP, like Warhammer, was intended to sell toys to small children, you could make the same arguments against it too. Main difference is MLP is for 3-year-old girls who don't know any better, while Warhammer is for grown ass men who still wanna play with wizard dolls.



Well, I was just thinking, the Jews want to conquer the entire universe, because reasons….

So they are probably already starting with their indoctrination of humans to get them to hate any alien species in the universe.

That way, the humans won't notice the jews machinations, AND they are filled with hatred for another potential jewish enemy…

Er, Hatred for an enemy of the jews.


First time trying to read? Keep at it.

Need I remind you the existance of NTR? Not even anime is safe from judaism.

SETI may not have but Arecibo did on November, 16th 1974. They sent out a burst at a frequency of 2380 MegaHertz with 1000kW of power, towards the cluster Messier 13.


Fuck off Robotfag


Why waste their time here? Unless they are hiding like the rats they are, now that would be funny.

You might be interested in Robert E. Howard's "Children of the Night".

Some dude gets conked on the head with an ancient flint mallet and flashes back to one of his ancestors, who he specifically describes as an Aryan warrior. The whole story goes on and on about Aryans, subraces, migrations, etc. Anyway, this ancestor he relives the memory of utterly wrecks a scheming race of reptilian yellow eyed rat/serpent men who, in modern times, have bred with and infiltrated modern society, and are scheming to summon evil Elder gods.

Robert E. Howard was redpilled as all fuck.

Stephen Hawking was and is pretty pissed about the Earth broadcasting it's location blindly to the universe. We have no idea what's out there. It's worse than shouting out your name and location at night in a deep jungle, because at least in the jungle you know what sorts of things are gonna eat you alive. In space, we have no clue what's out there, how it thinks, or if it does. Damn near anything you can imagine is possible. Trying to guess what life is like out there is like trying to guess a trend with only one data point. With only life on Earth to go off of, there is absolutely no way to know.


Ann Druyan, co-founder and CEO of Cosmos Studios, who was part of the announcement panel and will work on the Breakthrough Message initiative


/bane/ is meming up another plane crash as we speak. Hopefully it will be a plane with Hillary on it.

Earth has been leaking radio signals for years now, you can't stop it.

Keep in mind that on the galactic scale the range it's reached is fucking tiny. That and we're fairly certain that none of the nearby star systems have intelligent life so that any life would have to be exponentially more advanced then us in order to reach us.

Think nukes vs stones and multiply.

This. Imagine if the bacteria residing in your digestive system started talking to you?

Why so they can shoe in Biden and pull all the Bernouts back from Trump?

Biden doesn't have a chance. What's he gonna do, adopt Bernie's old "Have some free shit!" platform?

Radio was first used about 100 years or so ago. Radio waves also travel at the speed of light. something 90 plus light years away wouldn't have picked up anything from Earth and been able to respond in kind yet. remember 90 there and 90 back. that's 180 years give or take. that was before Tesla was even born. It's probably some kind of natural phenomenon.

You're also forgetting that past several light years (dozens? hundreds?) The signals become indistinguishable from white noise so unless its directed we should be ok

Fuck the faggots tgat put that gold plate with our coordinates/broadcasted towards that cluster though

Gold plated disk on voyagee*

that's how it always goes lad.

Women always welcome invaders because ultimately, they benefit. If the invaders are able to overthrow the local men then clearly, those men are inferior and their genetics are inferior.

In Ann's case, she's chosen to cuck the human race in favour of a potential, superior, stronger, more virile race. She's not naive.

keep in mind the decay rate due to radiation or the like is relatively fast, there's no guarantee that any civilization that even detects our signals would be able to figure out where they came from.


I want to know what's going on in Antarctica first.


I wouldn't so much say she chose to, as her instincts make her feel and think that it was the better option. She could be right, but staking the future of humanity on a hope that aliens are basically nice people is a hell of a risk to take.

It's just such a feminine way of thinking to think that evolution will do away with violence, and that the most developed peoples will be peaceful and nonviolent. The strong will ALWAYS devour the weak, one way or another. Modern liberals ignore this truth and so Western civilization is being overrun by an inferior but currently stronger one. Right and wrong has nothing to do with it, but these idealistic fools think that their morals and ideals can overcome cold, hard, uncaring reality.

It would be nice if everyone could just lay down their arms and coexist, but in a world like that whoever took up the sword would be unstoppable.

We found a possible earthlike planet that's 4 light years away from us user.

high test

Do the Dark angels have a designated shitting planet?

Doesn't seem really smart tbqhwy fam.
Cant get

Well actually, nobody has any idea how an alien race would act.
Their way of thinking would almost certainly be fundamentally different from humans. Things like war and politics could be foreign concepts to them.

How fucking hilarious would that be, huh?

I would fuck that Pepe

Fuck off normalfag.

You've been playing too much Ass Erect. Ayylmaos wouldn't look like humans. In terms of relatability, they'd probably look more like deep sea creatures.


wait, wasnt this one of the hillary scenarios? they lie about outside contact and demand we "unite the world" against them, thus ensuring the formation of a one world government?

A sea spider.
The name is a misnomer, they're not actually arachnids.



why is the sea so terrifying









The really scary thought is that most forms of life live on Earth in the sea, and we barely know anything about them. There's a goldmine of weird shit to be discovered.

*on Earth live in the sea

>get my rig set up nothing my trusty macbook can't handle

you would like Junji Ito

you'd think an interstellar civilization would be able to overcome the limitations we had with that, like the low bandwidth.

GYO was fucking weird

The kikes are planning to manufacture a fake alien attack to push for one world government to save us from it.

Eat. A. Dick.

I don't actually play
I just like to paint the figures

I used to have a Chaos Marine army, shit was tight yo

best part? I had lost the arm for one of my chaos marines, so I just grabbed a gun piece and stuck it on there.

Guy who'd been playing for like a decade pointed out that I hadn't done the list properly, and that it was a valid twin-linked plascannon.

please tell me you paint the pieces individually before assembling them

God created humans in His image, right? If that is true, then all sentient aliens that He created will just be minimally different and look like humans with cheap makeup and prosthetics on, like the universe is a low-budget sci-fi show.


I've never played tabletop, but I bought Dawn of War at a second-hand store.

No I like to spend stupid amounts of time painting just to have it look like ass at the end. Come on now.

I've never actually played a Warhammer game.
A board game bar opened recently by me. Maybe they have a tabletop thing too.


I've had veterans of the game shit on me for painting the pieces before assembling them.

I ignored them, of course, but it really bothered me.

Artist is chazzerpan
they do a lot of thicc



I've got a warhammer shipping box right here and its labeled NOT CHILDREN'S PRODUCTS on it.
Also they are far to expensive and tedious to be intended for children

Just like diet Dr. Pepper was "not for women", right?

Jesus Fuck-Mothering Christ, the Darwinian failures are going to kill us all.

Our civilization is going to die for the sake of social signaling.


I got my first WH40k tabletop game at the age of 8.


Wouldn't that also be pretty much impossible to aim accurately?
At relativistic velocities, wouldn't the weapon also be incapable of determining the location of it's target?

Extremely wasted quads on first post saging shill

Praise the Quads for confirming that this is not a LARP.


I never played mass effect

Praise Kek


Bullshit. Given a similar physics, you get organisms with a limited array of features. You will see arthropods, mammals and birds on an alien planet too, if that planet is similar to earth. Because those lifeforms are the more fit for survival. We too had freaky and alien shit, but it died off in the strife for survival.
And an intelligent species will probably walk erect, because erect posture is fondamental for using and developing tools.

The Dark Angels are Native American Indians, not Poo in the Loo Indians.

Despite their evolutionary success arthropods are the result of a single evolutionary lineage.
Same with them
Out of all animal kingdom only the bats and pterosaurs convergently share generic body plan with birds and neither of them used identical flight mechanics with them.

Read Gaunts ghost series or other Imperial guard novel, okay? Praise the emperor.

Life evolving on Earth-like planets could be the exception. Thinking that aliens will be anything like us is silly. If they did evolve in condition similar to ours, they may have legs or some other means of moving about on the ground, and eyes, or something similar that allows them to detect light. But they may not have brains. They may not even have DNA. It's hard to imagine how foreign aliens even from a planet like ours would be, let alone aliens that developed in extremely different circumstances.


how convenient kikes.

Is that haarp's laser show cousin?

What if asari pussy has suckers in it? They did evolve from a cephalopod analogue after all.



I wanna feed that sexy little bitch a krabby patty

What will you do in your last 5 minutes, anons?


Pretty sure I can get a rousing round of Panzer Lied off before the end.

Dubs confirm, we get our brains harvested by Mi-go or eaten by star spawn, praise kek, We''ll become slaves of the outer gods.

Forgot vid.

Fuck off, kek wills they be Quarians, anything else can die.





Forgot vid


Honestly, I don't see many of you ever revealing your personal political alignment, lest you be ostracized from society.

Dubs confirn, feels bad man.

Moe is for fags.

Didn't they also paste our basic genetic makeup so the xenos can have their bioweapons ready when they come?

Because as everyone knows sophisticated means peaceful. All high civilization we've ever known has been completely peaceful after all.

How these molluscs manage to dress themselves for their press conferences baffles me. The current society is the height of wishy washy type of peacenik thinking like that, and even now we're in pretty much constant wars.

Still, when the ayys come it's going to be a psyop. Prepare for CGI.

what if it turns out to be an alien race identical to humans, that have only just figured out how to beam such a signal out into space?

Galactic Alliance when?

The psyop has already begun.




Not sure.

Our civilization can't even approximate those speeds effectively, so there's no telling as to how such a weapon might be employed.

they are going for MUH PROPHECY COME TRUE meme and have some poor schmuck from some shitskin backwater country be crowned MUH KING OF KINGS with all the kike symbolism du jour.

Stay vigilant!

It's not just folks at SETI bro, it's the majority of the human race. Think of it. Our leaders (like Merkel) were stupid enough to open the borders of europe and "broadcast" an open invitation to the subhumans living in the ME and in Africa. If that wasn't stupid enough, now they are taking hundreds of thousands of them in despite the fact that all they cause is destruction and carnage.

But still, you have a valid point there.

Holy shit while I got in this thread this played.



Hello fellow humans, i come to ask you fellow humans about any nearby high population areas, i wish to mingle amongst other organic humans and express a happy emotion amongst other humans, do you know of any nearby?

I'd imagine that if you were capable of building such a weapon, you'd have the necessary technology and information to aim it properly as well.

Salamanders are white guys that have a mutation in their gene-seed making there skin as black as coal and their eyes glow red.

No need to shit ourselves, with the news of the Swatstika Crop Circles the Nordics are here to help at a Perfect Time..

blue beam?

Somebody please hack his mod account already. I know at least one of you has the ability

This is exterminatus level heresy right here.

the imkampfy account is shared amongst thirteen different high level hackers, snowden amongst them.

git gud.

If you have a screencap from the thread we may be able to find the OPs post number determining the url of the thread allowing us to find a archive.

Can you provide examples of each, user?

Real fucking hard to search imperial guard regiment huh? Anyway anyone with passing familiarity with the fluff should know that the Imperium is stupidly diverse but you won't see that on the table these days because jew workshop is too cheap to do much more than stamping out loads of cadians.

I want to know this as well.

t. imkunty

What's the use of a stable orbit such as that?


I hope they are humanoid and spiritually advanced if true
thousand sons best faction

Or it could be filled with SPACE JEWS!

so lesser tzeentch daemons?

I want to know this as well.

GET confirms.

Not sure if satanic trick.

How the hell would you know that?

Congrats user, you got an actual, audible, several second long laugh out of me, and I continue to snigger (see what I did there?) whenever I re-read it. In return for your service, I grant you a prize known as "the intarnetz".

Juden didn't invent degeneracy, they simply utilize it to further their goals.

I just came here to say


You sure about that brother?


Can you name a single developed life form which does not compete, which does not engage in warfare? Even fucking plants genocide eachother on the regular

Watch the trailer beyond the first couple of minutes, fam. He's probably an Acolyte.

Who? Yui?


israeli cucks should worry more about fallout from tarmat-2. poof, gone.

good riddance

Kill yourself, Tripfag.

Either Yui, or depending on how you view "naïvete", Rei



If a alien has no central nervous system (like a octopus - each limb has a "brain") then wouldn't cutting a piece off such a species actually serve to reduce the individuals intelligence?




every. fucking. time.

You can start getting ready for their arrival right now, user!


I hope he can forgive me.

The plan is to get Hillary in office and then fake an alien invasion.

Hillary will enact martial law and after the fake alien invasion the world will have "no choice" but to accept the Jew World Order giving up all sovreignity.

Of course the "aliens" will COINCIDENTALLY target only white countries.

"Aliens" aren't extraterrestrials from other planets. Or, if they are, that's the /least/ interesting thing about them. Beings from other dimensions, where space doesn't work like the four-dimensional spacetime volume we're familiar with. Some are hostile, some are benevolent. They've been visiting us throughout our history, though they make contact through "astral" means more commonly than any physical manifestation.

And so begins the Imperium of Man

Top image.

Yeah, Yui and sort of Rei because she only exists because of Yui.
>does it in front of her child by her own request
Fuyuutski did nothing wrong tbh.
>knows about the fucking lance and does NOTHING
Maya is best girl tbh

if Shinji or Asuka knew all the shit Rei did they would've gone full Gunbuster on SEELE.

checking your trips, but I digress by saying they'd become mindfucked by words instead of a beam of light into their brain.

Can you give me a tl;dr on what that is?

I've done worse.

And I'll never tell


Different concepts of Chaos with very different meanings. 40k uses Chaos in a very exoteric way, and in that setting Chaos ultimately represents the true evil within: our emotions and desires. Leftism and 40k Chaos are literally spiritually equivalent. Think on this.

Kek, on the other hand, represents a more esoteric version of Chaos- the Chaos that causes change and growth. Imagine, if you will, that the universe gains XP from 'death'. Now suppose that this 'death' extends not just to biological forms, but also to ideas and emotions. Chaos becomes the engine that drives evolution. Chaos clears away the bad, the impure, and the false, leaving room for Light and Truth.

I am human, and therefore I know absolutely nothing about anything, but this is the situation as I understand it

this is about as TL;DR as hegel gets bro
archive.org/stream/pdfy-xPoejl7ruL9jyW3_/KOJEVE introduction to the reading of hegel_djvu.txt

I could just say "le ubermensch" citizen/creator archetype but that wouldn't be good, read it up lad its good shit


It's not so much its useful as its incredibly hard to achive if you understand how objects orbit around other large centers (or any size really) of mass

Stiftung für Memetische Kriegsführung*

The English "bureau" is usually translated as "Amt" or "Behörde" in German, a "Stiftung" is "foundation".

t. American in Germany

capp'd and checked Satan

Every fucking time with them and civilization. God DAMN.

So here's what I can tell you.

