I really really hate what Holla Forums has become. Smug anime assholes shitting up every thread, dick-stroking "e-celebs" whoring themselves out all over the place, underage faggots being smug as fuck but having no idea what they are talking about calling everyone that knows more than them a "lifestylist", no one even fucking discusses politics anymore, and above all, I am sick and fucking tired of being so goddamned isolated, you sectarian fucks wont agree with ANYONE besides yourself! Learn how to into solidarity.
Leftypol sucks now
fuck off back to #bunkerchan irc
your kind is not wanted here
8.5/10 if this isn't a snowclone it needs to be.
i actually agree with you to some extent
Is this Satire?
This is now Smug Thread
Holla Forums was literally never good
So only the bunkerchan irc dweebs post on leftypol nowadays? Good to know. That explains why this is a shithole.
For what it's worth, I agree with you and dislike the general direction the board has been going for a while now, even though you're making yourself look really triggered over it.
And that was kinda gay tbqh.
You seem upset, user
I like the anime girls but otherwise I agree with you, OP. IRC is absolute cancer and anyone who goes there should be permabanned from here.
the tripfaggotry needs to stop being a thing. It kinda defeats the puropse of an user imageboard imo (posts judged on merit rather than on who is posting). As far as muh solidarity goes I'd rather have an honest debate than pockets as hot as the sun like on Holla Forums and some other boards which shall remain nameless. We haven't gotten to Life of Brian-tier tardery yet, so I think the debate's a good thing for the time being.
dat b8
It was always shit.
we have good memes and share good content from now and then, what else do you want from a imageboard?
Yeah lol what a fag having an emotional response to things only losers having feelings or get angry about stuff
Having emotional reactions is normal. Trying to appeal to emotion when that emotion is your anger and rustlement on an user imageboard will get responses like pic related.
I wanted to leave it at a smug anime face…
but damn are you full of yourself.
First of all, no one gives a shit what you think, so I don't know why you felt the need to create an entire thread about your opinions and feefees.
Secondly, "calling everyone that knows more than them a "lifestylist" is really full of it, it's serious what you called earlier "dick-stroking".
Thirdly, we do discuss politics but its often contained to the elections thread. Sorry if a lot of us are disillusioned because faggots didn't vote for the only marginally left wing guy in America.
But how the fuck is this contributing?
And in every reply you've given so far it's just "lol you're just butthurt IRC man".
What are you doing? What the fuck are you doing right now? You're sitting on the internet doing jack shit. Literally kill yourself.
Stop taking yourself so fucking seriously.
Learn how to into not being fucking autistic.
sauce on first pick?
IRCs and the like kill every board.
rebel you are literally 15 and you browse reddit all day, I think a lot of people would agree with me when I say "you are reducing the quality of posts on leftypol"
Rebel's weakness is large amounts of porn. Post enough of it he'll be forced to eat a raw potato to prevent himself from committing sins.
Stop bumping this thread you faggot
Stop posting here. Nobody wants you here.
you seem upset, OP.
you bunkerchan faggots deserve all the spite you get. You bully actual leftists and kick them out of your retarded nazi circlejerk. fuck you.
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds
Go and take your leap of faith from the top of a building faggot
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
Back to tumblr, faggot! =D
this tbh
Wow OP really triggered the IRC faggots
The bunkerchan faggots have clearly demonstrated why they should be banned in this thread.
nice try, OP. You're still a faggot
The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts
Come on everyone let's get along! :)
Look deep into your heart, OP.
You know it to be true.
Then it really says more about you being a fucking faggot than OP being wrong about being angry.
Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little
leave my country out of this :^(
Op gives me the urge to just tripfag really hard honestly.
Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places
I've seen too many smaller board go shit because of this. I guess it's inevitable.
pls no
rebel pls
OP here, I'm truly sorry for summoning these bunkerchan demons. It was better when they only occasionally stuck out their ugly heads, but now thanks to my complaining the entire horde has come out of the woodwork.
I kek'd ngl
holy shit the lack of self-awareness
People from the IRC aren't too bad. The root of this problem isn't even bunkerchan/irc. It's just a couple retarded faggots from the IRC that are really shitty and the fact that Holla Forums is a minority board on a forum for rightists.
In its history Holla Forums has shed the "pure" leftists that originally started it and absorbed "reformed" rightists that came here to troll and ended up having their minds changed but don't have a fraction of the literary background that inspired Holla Forums from the beginning and some feel REALLY insecure about it, so the quality of Holla Forums has gone down dramatically because all the theory/philosophyfags that made it great to begin with left after getting tired of endlessly arguing with retarded Holla Forumsscum.
But since the only real solution would be to a) read more and b) stop responding to shit threads Holla Forums is doomed unfortunately.
this tbh
Nod an argumend.
they are not communists at all. They are all totalotarians. It's not sectarianism to oppose obvious enemies.
lol is this pricklycactus
problem with ML?
Holy shit, you are actually a joke. I actually feel sorry for you.
At least mods will know who to permaban.
Marxism-Leninism is a fascist ideology.
This. If you are one, please kill yourself.
I'll call him a kike, that'll show him.
well shucks iv never thought of that
Great, another one to ruin the fun.
OP here, im sorry for being such a triggered little faggot.
hey man, im sorry alright, i made the thread with little thoughts. im sorry.
I feel the same way, comrade. I am sick of *chan culture and have come to the realization that Holla Forums is the alt-left equivalent of alt-right Holla Forums, comprising LARPers, lifestylists, and cryptoreactionaries. Even reddit has better discussions than Holla Forums, not to mention a more friendly atmosphere and radical leftists more committed to actual realizing communism. I'm seriously considering going to reddit, or even RevLeft or some other community, since it's clear that this board has exactly zero revolutionary potential.
I tried going to #bunkerchan IRC to see if it was any better, and it was even worse than the general board, and that's saying a lot. Like on #bunkerchan, Holla Forums has a perverted form of political correctness predicated on deliberate political incorrectness and virtue signalling by that means, up to and including the promotion of reactionary views. It's profoundly ironic that this board pretends to be "politically incorrect", when it has developed its own ideological line that members must toe for fear of harassment and banishment, just like Holla Forums did. Even the mods uphold that party line, albeit not as often as on Holla Forums.
Unless we can somehow effect change here by changing the culture and atmosphere of this board, it may be best for us to bail and find a place that isn't such a cesspit of degenerates.
holy shit it's xir
Moralfags stop trying to ruin our fun shitting on OP
Time to pull out comrades, I feel bad now.
tits or gtfo
Today one again hears “seriousness” praised, “seriousness in the presence of highly important subjects and discussions,” “German seriousness,” etc. This sort of seriousness proclaims clearly how old and grave lunacy and possession have already become. For there is nothing more serious than a lunatic when he comes to the central point of his lunacy; then his great earnestness incapacitates him for taking a joke.
- Saint Max, Blessed be his Name.
u ok?
Morals are a spook, Rebel. You should know this.
stop pls ok this is really petit bourgeois k
how can anyone be so buttblasted over a fucking Indonesian Shadow play puppet theater learning forum is beyond me.
But where can we go? anokchan is kill, /anarcho/ is run by an IRC fag and I don't know of any other anonymous anarchist places.
you mean you inhabit the board along with other the 5 tankie posters from there ?
Go back to your grave Bookchin.
(create a new one)
Leave than faggot. Don't crawl back once you get banned from /r/socialism criticizing idpol.
Of course, you might just be an SJW nigger so you might like it over there as a matter of fact.
Katzlein! Sin desu!
Your own tits, with timestamp.
All things are my own, except my ego, which is the creative nothing
Post tits and I'll become an anfem. Just for you bebe.
Can anyone even tell the difference between bunkerchan posters and Holla Forumsacks? All totalitarians are the same.
just kill me in my sleep
Look OP, It's a sin to be a faggot. So please stop.
Holla Forumsacks don't pretend to be leftists.
at least soon this thread will reach the bumplimit and the pain will be over
How is hating drama queens sectarian? It has nothing to do with their theory (or lack of it), but their shitty personalities.
post your tits bitch
or are you trap?
In which case post dick.
i feel sorry for ancoms tbh
you guys are probably the most pathetic leftists of all
Post it
What if we apply lots of peer pressure and bully you into doing it? Would that convince you? :3
typical tankie scum
not really m80.
I'm not surprised that liberals want to pretend everyone else is Holla Forums
Give us your means of reproduction.
Post yours first, faggots.
Hi Holla Forums
You need to die tbh
Hi tumblr
I already did. You posted them ITT
feels good man
I'll post em but you won't like em'
I really do, quads speak truth.
be my mommy please
Fucking slave morality, man.
ComradeVAC is cancer
Spooks smh.
We all should die and accept Eternal Damnation.
Post them
We all deserve it tbh, but I'm me so I don't want to.
Are you you?
You have no excuses, just do it already.
ISIS please go home.
Not only am I me, but I am nothing but myself!
Nice sins.
How do "you" know this? What if "you" are just the extension of something else?
I posted mine. Now you post yours.
You don't get to bring essence.
hhahahahahahah omfg
Read Karl Schmidt who BTFO'd Stirner
this is the new left
guys, its OP here.
im sorry ok?
this thread was a mistake. anarcho-communists (including me) should commit suicide because we're elitist sectarians and we cant ever complete anything. we're useless whiny faggots and this thread is the evidence.
im sorry. you can have your board now. we're moving to /lgbt/ or /scat/
Post your tits with timestamp:
shave you big dirty ape
long live ML
We all just live in a huge pit. There is no justice but the justice you take. No sins, no gods, no justice, no reward, no punishment.
I guess Holla Forums was right about women taking credit for things that already were that way before.
Yes, they legitimately do. Go see for yourself. It's truly pathetic. If even reddit can outperform you, then you're clearly a fucking disgrace. Before long, I'll expect Tumblr or 9GAG to have more thoughtful posts, if I could ever stomach going there.
You're literally just reactionaries under the pretense of Marxism. Stay on /marx/, kill yourself, or actually read anarchist literature. Whichever is fine.
Because there are very few communities online where radical leftists could discuss issues from a radical leftist perspective, and there are basically none except Holla Forums which are anonymous and still active. Seeing the last refuge for anonymous radical leftists on the clearnet die (or, more accurately, turn into a cryptoreactionary shithole) is maddeningly depressing, especially when there is no comparable alternative.
We could create a new one. We need an exodus of the last remaning non-shitty people on Holla Forums to make a new board, like Holla Forums did to "an"caps. If that doesn't happen, however, then creating a new board or fleeing to a dead one is pointless.
Maybe we should just quit *chan culture entirely and, if we must, go to reddit or RevLeft, or just not be in an online radical leftist community anymore. I know that I'm getting to a point that I'm considering just withdrawing from politics altogether and give up myself, since I'm pretty much convinced that communism will never happen.
I actually support lifestylism as a way of promoting revolutionary values, and I am a lifestylist myself. My objection to lifestylism is when it is performed at the detriment of other revolutionary activity, such as organizing, educating, and agitating for communism. We need people living according to communist principles and persuading others to do so, as well, not antisocial isolationists who think their "fuck the man" NEET lifestylism constitutes revolutionary action.
Unlike Bookchin, I'm not categorically against lifestylism. Like Bookchin, however, I am very critical of those who use it as a superficial excuse for being leftist.
I probably wouldn't get banned, since my opposition to idpol isn't based on a rabid obsession with political correctness that isn't behaviorally different from the reactionaries on Holla Forums. One can oppose idpol while not be an asshole to those who engage in it, thereby alienating them further from radical leftism and class politics.
I'm telling Jesus!
He wasn't a materialist when he wrote his best book.
Shaving is for faggots.
Well, what are you waiting for. I fulfilled my end of the deal.
toteltatertatyrians, more like
How so?
stop posting and start making that knot faggot
Lets see your tits faggot.
Look upon what you have caused.
There is no going back now, Ancom san.
my god this level of autism can only be anarchist
I'll pray for y'all's eternal salvation.
after the phenomenological dialectic, the spirit is the innermost sphere. The individual only exists, only has character, by the grace of spirit. We apply the law of spirit to itself, so the individual takes the greedy fuckin spirit into itself and drags it into the grave. Upon the premade dialectic, where the physical and psychical worlds have sank into each other, the individual climbs atop the rubble, being the last thing in existence, the final evidence of the dialectic and declares I am nothing but myself, instead of setting his cause on nothing
I won't use any website that requires making an account, sorry.
Thanks for becoming meme material.
try harder
guys OP here
pic related is me as a compensation for being a sectarian.
im sorry.
stop faking me asshole
No problem user.
That's not a BTFO at all.
That's just assuming that spirit is real somehow and the repeating Stirner in new words. What a hack.
kek i can feel the butthurt
this is a sfw board.
This is a SFW board pls. God is watching you.
And then he regretted it cause he knew he was full of shit with his mental gymnastics. :^)
It's not a BTFO, but I'm too lazy to explain why that leads to Stirner getting BTFO.
Do you know that thread where someone asks how Stirner gets debunked?
I explain it fully there.
The difference between the maxims is great.
nod an argumend
Post your tits!
I posted my tits. Now post yours faggot.
Spoiler this you fucking degenerate.
Somebody pls end this suffering
post your dick
so profound
so rebellious
this is what rebel thinks we think of him when he writes such shit
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
You said there that he did not debunk him but corrected him on some minory linguistic problems that nobody cares about. We get it, you can read some obscure neckbeard's book and repeat it without understanding it, but it won't impress us.
"She" is probably a he. That's why he won't post tits.
Not if Schopenhauer can help it.
anarkids, why are our memes so much danker than yours?
why are ancoms such tasteless faggots?
you should really kill yourself
But that would be hilarious!
He debunked him on certain issues, like the fact that infinite consciousness doesn't fucking exist which is not just a linguistic issue.
"Minory linguistic problems"
Literally kill yourself.
It would actually.
How does it feel, you essentialist normie?
OP here, heres the second pic. sorry for not spoilering the last post.
im sorry for causing sectarian
Sir, I think there's something wrong with your testicles, sperm oozes out from them.
Post real pics with time stamps.
Masturbating is a sin. I'm praying for their and thou's souls.
Post your tits
She's too much of a faggot to do it.
post tits
See attached.
I generally feel the same way.
I'm not faking anyone, you dumbass false-flagger. I'm also an ancom, like the OP, hence my flag. OP doesn't have exclusive rights to use the ancom flag, and neither to those who pretend to be OP (like you).
Ancoms are actually serious about achieving communism. They aren't meme-addled shutin NEETs who like to circlejerk on anonymous imageboards under the pretense that they are participating in revolutionary struggle.
I'm not sure if you're mocking me, but stop bullying!
that's not my tits. mine are different.
nice try fakanposter
Post your actual tits with timestamp instead of this shitty screenshot from some porn site
Nice try. Timestamp or GTFO.
and yet here he is, arguing with people on imageboards and making a fool out of anarcho-communism.
you truly are an anarkiddie.
No no, this was a DIFFERENT crazed teenager that popped in a week or two ago.
Yes, sfw board.
Post your tits or stop posting here
will you fuck off? stop pretending to be me.
OP here im truly sorry for what ive done.
Posting your own tits is allowed.
They haven't transcended samsara. For shame and vainglory.
If you are actually OP you can delete your own thread.
Post your tits faggot
You should really drop christian buddhism and just go full catholic with me
Report immediately to Kwaliso.
I don't handle schisms very well.
i cant. it kept saying wrong password. i dont know how to fix this
Post your tits
Try being the actual OP, that should fix it.
But you said I could still convince you thoughhh
Call the Mods.
very convincing.
So do it.
That user posted his tits, you either do it too or stop posting on Holla Forums.
"Anarkiddie" is a term used by tankies and like reactionaries who fundamentally misunderstand anarchism and consider it a threat to their fascistic goals. No serious radical leftist would use the term, and not only because most serious radical leftists are anarchists or cryptoanarchists.
I have no interest in memes, I actively participate in agitating and educating for communism, and I don't frequently come here anymore precisely because Holla Forums principally comprises:
Tankies aren't taken seriously in the radical left and any genuine communist revolution that occurs will shoot you alongside all the other lumpen and pigs. Fuck off back to >>>/marx/ with the other half-dozen USSR-nostalgic roleplayers.
She's too much of a faggot to do it.
I'm practically an anarchist, and you fucking embarrass me.
Not the person you're responding to but chan rules.
Just a reminder to all of you faggots that this board started going to shit after memes started being made and people started to attempt to "recruit" people from reddit, 4chan and revleft.
The fault for the massive drop in quality rests on the shoulders of all of you anonymous fags.
Maybe if you fuckers dropped the memes, made an effort to learn theory/philosophy and attempted to make some post with some real meat behind them; This board would go back to not being quite as shit.
The fact that you would all attempt to use Trip-fags/IRC-fags as scapegoats is despicable.
We are not only a tiny minority of this board, but we are just about the only ones who make posts of any real quality.
You are practically an autist and you fucking embarrass me.
This is why lefties can never get anything done.You all graze on the idle lullabies of the law.
tfw agree with Technocrat man
Post your tits
You embarrass the entire radical left by knowingly and intentionally contributing to the deterioration and post quality of this board. If you were sincere about radical leftism, you wouldn't be actively destroying the only community that you ostensibly believe represents it by turning it into a closed-circuit circlejerk facsimile of #bunkerchan with a perverted politically correct party line to match.
Tripfags and #bunkerchan circlejerkers are only a part of the problem, albeit a very conspicuous part, fascist. Of course there are more fundamental problems with the board's culture and norms, as you already noted, but they nevertheless maintain that culture and norms by being the vanguard for its inanity.
All the tits are mine, and it would be impracticable to show you them all.
Rebel you only post here cause you are lonely and want attention.
True. What difference does that make?
I don't make shitty posts like OP.
Unlike OP I'm actually well read.
nice try, do I have to tripfag again?
As far as I'm aware, Marxhead, Freudposter and Leninhat aren't IRCfags. Marxhead is good for his useful insight and knowledge, Freudposter for informative OC and Leninhat for making some great WEBMs and dumping tons of literature. So no, don't flatter yourselves. The only tolerable person from the IRC Yuiposter because he actually has insight; the rest are just unbearable attention whores and idiots, yourself included.
So are things as bad as OP implied they are? I don't think so. There's definitely been a sharp increase in newfags with high USI crawling out of the woodworks to make trips and join in on the circlejerk, but it's ignorable and filterable. What's really a shame is the trend of a decrease in at least mildly thought-provoking discussion. The shining beacon in all this are the weekly Holla Forums read threads, which are really great, but I'm definitely seeing things going down slowly.
stop this bullshit and post them already
Don't worry I'm sure as soon as BO sees this thread she'll delete the board and put us out of our misery
join the tripfag master race
Can you name me a thread I made which "intentionally contributes to deterioration of post quality"?
Oh shit, no you can't, because you're fucking scape-goating so you can blame the shitty threads of veganism and feminism on other people.
I want to, but Katzlein would be mad.
post tits fem bitch
this thread is interesting from a philosophical point of view
as an user you are free from all of yours associations and prejudices yet a lot of you want to carry it with them
i think this is the fear of wildness of thoughts taking place
Sure, this one: 8ch.net
I asked for a thread.
And that's saged so it doesn't count.
Tripfags are cancer
We are leftypol individuality should not be tolerated on the expense of the collective will.
Pls go Holla Forums
What's the bump limit?
Hotpockets are probably getting absolute keks outta this.
post 'em
mm give me some more of that hate ;)
Why won't Katzlein and Rebel just gf each other, have fun and spare the rest of us from this pointless nature-denial and slave morality?
"memes" were made from the very beginning but yeah the "recruitment" being done did bring down the quality alot
stop acting so tsundere
What are you talking about user? This has been one of the greatest threads in Holla Forums history. Not to mention, we got some dank memes out of it.
fuck off
Love you too fam :^(
We haven't killed this board at all why you chatting shit
No you should be banned for low quality posts tbh.
Name a Time I fucking banned anyone.
Well that is some-what true.
You certainly are better read then Muke (not like that is hard to do).
But, I would be apprehensive to call a total fetishisation of kierkegaard "well read".
Marxhead and Freudposter are both intolerable idiots.
Leninhat is a IRC-fag; One of the most uneducated ones to boot.
Yui is annoying, but somewhat well read (outside of Greek philosophy), I will give you that he is ok over all.
I happen to be one of the few people that challenges the childish circle-jerk that you reds have going on.
Even if you discard my effort posts, I perform a valuable service to this board.
You are lucky that I grace you with my presence.
I fucking hope so.
This entire Holla Forums affair has been nothing but a mistake.
The first worthwhile meme this board made was the whole bunker thing, it ran that into the ground with in a month.
Everything after that (especially the Sterner shit) has been nothing but cancer.
We should create a site were those who are banned from here will have to fulfill a reeducation training/ or questionnaire and unless they are not successful they will not be able to post here.
Admin make me a mod and I will set it up, faster than you can say purge.
I will start by purging OP and Rebel.
You're my new favourite person ngl
Literally nothing good will nor has come out of this thread. Half of it has been assorted tripfags and IRC buds pretending to be user to perpetuate a false conflict, and all you're doing by responding is feeding their lust for attention.
This thread SHOULD have been deleted by now, ESPECIALLY before it was allowed to blow up to >300 posts of ACTUALLY pointless sectarian infighting.
You're the expert on being cancer
omg this fucking shit
You can't gf a boy.
you just jelly because I'm well read
And by the way, both feminism and veganism are—or ought to be—relevant topics of discussion on Holla Forums, since they are relevant to contemporary radical leftism and it would be useful to have a civil discussion about them, if only from a critical perspective. By limiting Holla Forums to strictly class politics and arcane theory (even though that actually never is the case), you are limiting the range of discussion to provide an insular echo chamber in which we rehearse the same old arguments and prejudices ad nauseum. Holla Forums is a board for political discourse from a radical leftist perspective, not mutual masurbation with smug anime avatars and shouting down deviation from the Holla Forums ideological line.
Sure thing: 8ch.net
You banned me in IRC because I called you out on your stupid fucking opinions and crossed the party line you drew. You are likely also the reason I was permabanned from Holla Forums, since it fits right into all your other behavior.
Still Salty ComradeVAC? :^)
i agree
btw did you know you was unbanned a day after? :^)
i am enjoying analyzing this thread
the ideology here is strong and i love it
you need to do the same tbh
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Rebel opened this thread.
no one is stopping you from talking about and making threads about them, and in fact there are people on Holla Forums that support both in certain contexts
but if what you're looking for is to be agreed with and not be criticized for flamed for your opinions then it's you that's looking for an echo chamber to masturbate in
post your tits
You should rectify that mistake and permaban xyr.
Post your colon.
Kill yourself. Nobody wants your shit here.
I'm actually decently read and as a man of great knowledge and wisdom I wouldn't do such a thing.
it is fam
post your tits
this tbh
Wasn't there a thread here the other day about somebody there being permab& for criticizing fymymyst idpol cancer? Yeah, fuck reddit.
See previous. Also I've found this place reasonably friendly. Probably because I try to keep my assburgery to a minimum.
How's that?
Nobody's forcing you to stay here. If you like it better there, you should go. I know this is a flounce but whatever
No, that's Holla Forums. Last time I checked this is a even a SFW board. Or is this just your verbose way of intimating that you've never seen such filth back on the farm?
What line's that? I've rarely even seen Holla Forumsyp shitposters b&, their autism is entertaining. I've argued from a bunch of different positions since I'm a contrarian fuckhead, and I've never felt the b&hammer for it.
Smug anime girls and mockery aren't harassment. Also how do people harass you if there are no visible user IDs?
Again, I have seen no evidence of this.
Who's 'we'? I don't mean to be that guy, but you say you dislike this board and like reddit better. I can't see why you would, but if you do and you're unhappy here, why don't you just go back there?
i want them here rebel is good shit
Not the person you're responding to but tits =/= colon.
You got banned from the IRC cuz you wouldn't stfu about veganism.
Hell, I'm a vegetarian and even I got fucking sick of you. We have vegans on the irc.
Like a little kid, you came onto leftypol when you got banned and cried about it to mommy BO.
Literally just off yourself, comrade Vacuum
Kill y'allselves ngl.
I'm not just good, I'm also well read.
No, Rebel is clueless and only capable of parroting the book he's reading at the moment. He can't actually understand theory.
come on now
I'll do it after you have posted your titties
care to explain?
Literally not an argument.
I'm not just well read, I'm well understood, too.
You need to up your theory homie
Kierkegaard disapproves of your arrogance.
Seriously, what would Regine say?
yes, read much like I do
Take your meds buddy
Hate to say it buuut you're clearly not as well read as I am.
post your tits
also post tits.
you faggots are even more authoritarian than MLs
this tbhfam
fuck off
I love these lit memes. Keep em coming
you forgot to take off the flag dumbass.
Kierkegaard doesn't seem to disapprove of it when it comes out of your mouth, tho.
It's a habit I'm picking up just now. It's called conscience.
Yes I fucking am. I dealt with ten fucking years on 4chan Holla Forums and Holla Forums with immature and intellectually incompetent dipshits like you. I came on Holla Forums—and, eventually, #bunkerchan—in the hopes of finding some glimpse of thoughtful discussion. It was my mistake in believing that *chan culture could produce anything different and that the mods thereof could ever be anything less than power-tripping manchildren enforcing politically correct ideological lines.
End your life, space_. You are unfit to moderate anything and you are an active detriment to this board.
I'm not the OP. I'm just another ancom who agrees with OP.
So? You already proved that I can't trust you to be a competent moderator and mature participant in any rational discussion, so it would be pointless for me to return to a place where you have totalitarian power to kick whomever you please despite how multiple IRC members disagreed. Your betrayal of solidarity and refusal to adhere to basic principles of decency was all that I needed to know.
No, I have felt this way for months, and went to #bunkerchan precisely because I felt that way. I'm simply joining in agreement with the OP that Holla Forums is a shithole.
Maybe if there was a serious and civil discussion about the topics, rather than meme-addled shitposting marathons where anons rehearse their prejudices, it wouldn't be such a problem.
Not only is veganism closely related to radical leftism and there are compelling arguments for a communist praxis which includes veganism, but most vegans are highly sympathetic to radical leftist views—some even identify as such, like veganarchists. If nothing else, we should discuss how to persuade vegans and appeal to their values in order to convince them that communism ought to be the goal alongside the other goals that vegans share.
I studied Roman architecture tbh. Philosophy is just a pastime, a consolation. Faith is my nourishment.
Muke stop being a pervert to anfemfriend
This tbhfam
that's because I'm actually well read
grow up
post your tits
I've never acted arrogant
Rebel why do you have to be an autismo drama queen and not be like based comrade Xexizy
proof anarcho-communism is a sack of shit that cannot work
sexism is the cancer that will kill the left
Oh god
don't be such a cuckold. guys naturally have sexual urges. our job is to help satisfy them and keep guys motivated.
this shit is literally ML tier
ancoms are the biggest authoritarian of all
get out you pleb
you need to read more buddy
rebel had a gf actually
Tumblr are raiding us, then
Yes I fucking am salty. I dealt with 100 fucking years of the Iraq war in Syria with immature and intellectually incompetent dipshits like you. I came into the U.S.– and eventually, the navy seals— in the hopes of finding some glimpse of glory. It was my mistake in believing that *amerifat culture could produce anything different and that the generals thereof could ever be anything less than power-tripping manchildren enforcing silly political strategies.
Faith is not a fixed idea. Read Kierkegaard.
this just in the emancipatory nature of leftism shouldn't be extended to women
Greek and Baroque architecture is better, you wasted your time tbh
now post tits/feet/or dick
I've had more gfs than anyone on this board will ever have.
O my dear Lord, cast thine eye on him there who shows himself more indolent than if sloth were his sister.
this one was me. Internet is fugged.
You are so under-read that I'm not going to explain to you my position. Read Kirky you pleb!
post your tits
It was nonstop shitposting.
m8 we had a vote.
fuck you
Space_ is one of the very few worthwhile people on this board.
Kill yourself.
Go /brutalism/ or go home, fag.
I swear, you must get paid to shill him.
New thread:
Okay, I can explain it if you want.
A fixed idea is something that doesn't depend on the ego, rather than an abstraction as this person is treating it.
Faith in the Kierkegaardian sense at least, is not fixed, because it's entirely dependent on the relationship of the ego to God.
It's a relationship, not a fixed belief.
This is THE most cancerous thread I've ever seen on a chan.
proof you have never read stirner
love you too bby
Literally can post ego and its own with a timestamp if you want. And I can reference where he defines fixed idea you fucking idiot.
This is a funny way to spell "joke ideology"
I'm actually well read.
the west love for putting things in boxes have always fascinated me
why do you love boxes ? i don't know
ANARCHISM X ddddddddddddd
ancoms are literally more cancerous than ancaps
Do it.
Look, guys, a timestamped picture of War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy proves I've read it!
speak english bitch
this is how we further leftism
not the issue right now.
Glory to Him in the highest.
I'm not talking about Xexizy, you new fag. I'm talking about the original Leninhat, who didn't trip or have a shitty YouTube channel.
No, but a reference to War and Peace with a quote that directly proves the point being challenged does, you fucking retard.
think before you send, i dont really like her but purely for ideological reasons try to do the same
I don't know. It depends on how they expressed their criticisms. reddit subreddits actually have civility standards, so making sure that one shows respect and solidarity to each other is important; consistently failing to do so can result in a ban. Perhaps if Holla Forums adopted such policies and enforced them, or at least had them as non-binding guidelines, this place might not have as much sectarian infighting.
I've noticed that they occasionally plan to collaborate to achieve specific goals that help promote communism. I see none of that on Holla Forums whatsoever.
I used to be on 4chan Holla Forums and Holla Forums for around a decade. I left there when I discovered Holla Forums in the hopes that it wouldn't be so horrible because I grew tired of *chan culture and wanted a more civil atmosphere and a community with greater solidarity. My description applies to both Holla Forums and Holla Forums. I first noticed it on Holla Forums and later saw it manifest in Holla Forums.
Any talk of topics considered "idpol" is discouraged regardless of whether it's a constructive topic to discuss, and people are sometimes even banned if they engage in it. I know I was permabanned for participating in a side discussion about gender-specific personal pronouns despite otherwise contributing to the thread.
They identify you by your writing style, the terms you use, the topics you talk about, and recurring themes or phrases in your posts. By "harassment", I mean anons repeatedly telling me to fucking of to whatever bogeyman site of their preference because I am whatever bogeyman identity they think I am. They'll proceed to derail the discussion and ruin what fruitful discussion was being had because they are more interested in pressuring me and others off the board than just disagreeing and moving on. I've seen this happen to others, as well, not just me.
I've never used reddit in any serious capacity and only recently checked out some of its subreddits because I am thinking about leaving Holla Forums. I don't know if I like reddit, but what I saw was better than what is often posted here, and that's seriously depressing.
The topic being discussed was veganism. It's not my fault multiple people, including space_, got triggered and started spamming nonsense and shouting down dissent.
Now you're showing your true colors. You first, delusional Jesusfreak.
See? I'm well read. I have books in my house.
I agree.
Cunt is a much more fitting term.
Then again, that may just be my Australian bias speaking.
Please just go back to reddit.
You ruin every thread you post in.
Literally end yourself.
Fuck off tripfag.
Have you considered growing a fucking spine?
All faith must be petrified; for then it is dead.
It is when we enslave ourselves to faith that we become less, that the limited amount of agency we have is limited even further.
Faith is Angst. The denial of the beast within.
Stop biting your nails.
if you really think saying cunt will help anything or the movement you are wrong
I have anxiety issues because Kierkegaard.
I can't. I read so much and so often that nail is becoming my only source of nutrition. I'm arguable the most well read person on Leftypol, you see. Things come at a price. :^)
this is a fun thread, don't be sorry m8
No. Solitude and the unique are faith! Those who can be content in such a place is either a beast or a god!
not surprised
You are little better flag-fag.
Well I'm not a leftist, so I don't really care if it helps you lot or not.
I do think saying such things is very useful however.
It makes all of the white knight and tumblr sjws jump out of the wood work.
Plus triggering fags is funny shit.
Nihilistfriend pls don't make fun of me that's not me
He's just envious of my talents.
That's very nice of you to do add, stalker who has no life so has to spend 2 hours pretending to be me.
Yeah, but I'm kawaii, and you are but a namefag.
2 hours wasted with not reading!
ohh you sorry fag come here and have a hug
it is ok
i did. that's what i decided to send, given thought. get over it.
You are both pretty convincing shit posters.
If it were not of the real Rebel not being able to help himself, but to start jacking off over Kierkegaard.
I would not be able to tell you two apart.
You are an annoying cunt with a shit, tumblr ideology and fuck all in the way of philosophical understanding.
OP, I gotta hand it to you. This is the most fun I've had on this board in weeks.
How rich.
I don't think I own this board. I would never want to own such a profound monument to the death of the radical left.
What did I say that was "authoritarian"?
I am unaware of any such vote, but regardless I didn't say it was a majority opinion. It was nevertheless held by multiple members who privately objected to it.
As if I give a shit about the opinions of a technofascist? You have such a fractally wrong view of the world that anyone you like must be a despicable piece of shit.
You are an exemplar of Holla Forums's posting quality. Congratulation.
I know you're retarded, Rebel—you're a Christian after all—but at least try to make sense.
uwot, I have no idea who the fuck that is. How you deduced that I'm that person is beyond me.
everyone on this board is stupid except for me :^)
no such person. and feminist is for misandrists.
Faith is that which tells us that we shall not indulge; that we may not do as we please.
It is the thing that tells us that being poor is a virtue; that being a slave will reward us in the afterlife.
It is that which tells us that we must endure, rather than fight back. That there is something greater than ourselves and thus therefore that we ought sacrifice ourselves; that we are only worth anything in relation to a great framework outside of us.
This is faith. This is the denial of one's will and nature, and noone is free as long as they have faith.
Oh you brave soul you, speaking up for yourself on the internet, and then getting fucking salty because you got rejected by a bunch of 20 somethings.
That christian snipe really proves how much of a baby you are.
Do you deny celestial masses?
This is wrong. Faith is not the forbidding of good things, but the liberation from bad. It is the recognition of one's despair, and the need to take a leap, that one can't handle it alone.
Freedom from sin, not freedom to sin, okay?
Praise Augustine.
no you're a gross trap.
And it doesn't say being poor is in itself a virtue. The point is that if one is poor, they haven't worked their way up by corruption, abuse of others, etc. They are meek. They have been abused by the rich and have carried on in spite of it.
Indulgence is the sin.
post tits fembitch
it will be just between you and me, I'l be the strong Marxist Leninist in your life ;)
How can you corner someone in your sexuality if you're so conspicuous? Gross trap seems to be a base oxymoron in this way…
Post philosophy and virtue tbh.
Says the fucking an-comm.
This whole thread is little more then an example of you being rejected because you are so fucking shit.
The fucking irony is amazing.
It is the very acceptance of despair. It is the cowardly surrender to despair and those who hold you in it. It is to ignore youre needs and your drives.
As you say, indulgence is considered the sin; thus being poor is much better than being rich; thus the system is justified as you would not partake in their indulgence.
I say indulge! Take from the masters their fine wine and their delicious food! Be lazy, be horny, eat and drink as you please, for this is good: it is what pleases you!
And as long as you deny your will you will always feel despair.
DAE as well read as I am? I doubt it, because you see, I'm the unique one.
No, I understand "veganarchism". It is a joke ideology for middle class liberal hipsters.
You implied that I was spineless. I directly refuted that statement with evidence you already know. Now, you're complaining me for correcting you on your stupidity?
You truly are an insufferable piece of shit. You have no argument, and quite frankly, you never did. You just shitpost and circlejerk on this board and deliberately lower its quality in the process. Even anfem poster makes more meaningful contributions than you.
Congratulations on helping build a pile of shit, champ. Enjoy playing in it.
Basically you're too fucking strong man and macho to realise you're in despair. Okay.
"To ignore your needs and drives"
Faith is a need. A need to overcome despair.
"I say indulge!"
I am indulging. I can't indulge in two things at once.
I can't indulge in the essence of God, and also in the essence of the devil, at the same time. If I accept one, the other will reject me.
lesbian as fuck
Stirner's unique one does exist, but not in the way he thinks about it. Stirner says he sets his cause "On nothing". Under the Schmidtite view though, one doesn't even need to set their cause, because they are the justification for themselves. "The last thing standing on the rubble of the dialectic" he calls it.
The unique one is justified by comparison to others based on infinite consciousness.
I say we ought drag infinite consciousness to its grave!
right, ok
You're spineless. You can't take it when you get banned online by a bunch of dweebs, and you have to come on this board and shit it up as well, and whine about it.
Insufferable? You're again showing you can't tolerate others. That's spineless.
The gravity is always greater than the song.
Holy shit, you just don't stop.
This is the funnest thread on Holla Forums in a while, and most of that is you just kicking yourself.
Why you care so mutch about that mental Masturbation containment zone anyway? Nobody here actually will do something in their life for the revolution or any Left that was fetish.
Ofcourse you care. Your the one shitting up the board with this thread, love.
Daily reminder that I'm very well read.
God is the devil. The is the one that requires your subjugation, your slavery, your denial of your will;
You must either indulge in God or indulge in yourself.
You must either be a slave or be free.
Though, to the weak, slavery seems an easy path to walk.
If you reject the pleasures of the rich as evil, then you have turned poverty into a virtue. What's the point of getting rid of the rich, if we must all be poor instead?
No =3
I can't believe you worship humanity in 2016!
I got your unique one right here pal.
Haha, look at my briliance. I sure showed them!
Worshipping rocks, fucking pagans!
You missed my point, my naive young stalker.
What exactly were you trying to convey here?
why would you spend ten years going to a place you didn't want to be
I can't really make this any clearer for your dumb and under-read mind,
lewd pls stop
what does that book mean
I've read so many books that I could tell you but you are not worth my time, tbh.
Deus seu Natura
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That's not what spineless means, you fucking imbecile. You clearly don't understand what that word means. Look it up in a dictionary.
I may be acrimonious, but that's not the same as being spineless. Being banned was just another tick in a long history of shitty behavior on this board. My anger is not because I was banned, but because I despise the completely childish behavior of those who purport to be the vanguard among the radical left and the complete demolition of this board through the same vicious cycle of shitposting, memes, and avatarfagging that kills virtually every single board. I am angry that this is what the radical left has become: idpol-addled lifestylists who can't into theory and rabid alt-left Holla Forums rejects using leftism as a meme theme for shitposting.
I have been banned countless times before. That doesn't phase me. The behavior of the board does. I honestly expected better of you all.
You are a self-parody.
I have no solidarity with the degenerates here. There can be no solidarity here, since perpetual sectarianism is apparently the rule of law.
I had no where else to go and for the first few years, I actually enjoyed it there. I was quitting *chan culture entirely when I found Holla Forums through my brother. I thought Holla Forums would be different. It wasn't.
I've read a quarter of the books that haven't even been written yet. Get on my level.
I'll just dump this here while you guys are now calmed down.
I'm sorry, I just can't take you seriously.
I want to meme everything you say.
Get your blog outta here. I can't be bothered to read it.
but to be on your level i'd have to be kneeling or on my back
That sounds like a personal problem. Hopefully, when you finally get in your 20s, you'll grow out of it.
Get your delusional nonsense and attention whoring outta here. Most of us can't be bothered to tolerate it.
Hahaha! Read a book, you peasant!
this tbh
You're post these to trigger me aren't you?
this tbh
It's been weeks and Vacuum is still salty af.
please post more sexual and triggering images
Books. I read them.
It's a shame leftypol is this cancerous because there is no where else to go.
Theres bunkerchan.org or
Spacechan.xyz :^)
Yea but if I wanted to talk to myself I would cut out the keyboard middle man.
as the actress said to the bishop keep going.
literally the point of Holla Forums is that you can make your own boards, retard. 8 = infinity = unlimited boards. see? even the name is a reference.
we're screwed
So bored.
The irony.
Doing so is pointless if few to none come, especially when Holla Forums may harass or bully any board that does so.
why the fuck are you posting in this thread still? has ended it! don't they teach you how to read in your ex-soviet shithole?
only heterosexual posters can end threads, sorry.
All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love.
How do you build a train at a sex party if you can't take your plug out?
maybe you should get a boyfriend to suck off for those times you want something to do.
But that's sin.
the only thing wrong about it is if you don't charge them for it
panty > stocking
semen is a gift; an essence of his Spirit
damn you saucy bitch now you went and made me hard.
post tits you cocktease and I will seize your means of production ;)
Also how does your pussy smell?
of course you don't charge master! i meant other guys or if you don't have a master.
moar corset piercings
The tripfags are the ones who tried to recruit, retard.
imagine getting a spanking. you know you've done something wrong, so you're hoping he won't be too angry. but then he calmly tells you that he's going to discipline you. imagine what accepting his decision feels like as you bend over in front of him. tensing up as you hear him telling you off before the first strike.
that's not what I saw
Cool beans
I'm not on Reddit much, but I've found in general that standards of 'civility,' 'respect' or 'politeness' are used to censor dissent and other shit the people running things dislike. History shows that this often creates a brain-drain and stifles useful discussion and necessary criticism. By insisting that certain subjects and arguments are taboo or sacred, the group pointlessly and needlessly cripples itself. All it effectively does is turn forums into a game of who can be the biggest passive-aggressive smugfag before the biased mods find an excuse to b& the people they dislike.
What goals and which ones have they succeeded at achieving?
The stuff you mention (rigid conformism to politically-incorrect nonconformity and chan culture) I I see here less and with more dissent against it than I do on most of the other boards on this site. There are dank meems, but there are also some good discussions too. It seems like you want flowers without dirt.
There are constructive topics that don't have anything to do with the Left or Politics and don't belong here. If it's not idpol, argue that it isn't on those threads, or possibly the mod feedback thread.
If they post offtopic threads over and over and get told to fuck off, a brief b& doesn't seem unreasonable.
Seems uncharacteristic to me. Screencap? I don't watch them regularly but when I've looked at the board logs here the only permab&s I saw were that one a-hole who spams Cheese Pizza links across all the top boards.
Unless you have a very specific style, that's pretty tough to do. I'd advise you to change it up, it's actually an enjoyable writing excercise. That's how I avoid some of that. although I did get mistaken once for that one pedo guy who spams news about his FREEWARE YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT game once for sounding too autistic. Fun times lol If it's your topics and recurring themes, they might have had the argument they're having with you before enough times with you and other to be sick of having it.
I don't consider that harassment. Getting groped at work, being followed around by the cops, or finding dead animals in your mailbox is harassment. Getting a few anchovie pizzas you didn't order might count too. Where are they telling you to go, anyway? So far I've been told to gb2 here, reddit, tumblr, Holla Forums and a few of its clones, freech, 16ch, halfchan, SA and a synagogue. I think I even got told to gb2 Holla Forums once. I wouldn't take it personally or seriously.
Derailed as in the topic drifted, as in people argued, or as in it got spammed with pokeporn?
How do do they pressure you? You seem to be using a lot of generalities. What specifically do they post? Like, on Holla Forums they'd call me craftymerchant.jpg or Le Current Year Man if I posted that I don't give a fuck about interracial porn one way or the other. What do they say here?
You're welcome to try either. The difference between here and there is that if you do shit that pisses people off here, it's more likely that people will tell you to fuck off, rather than the mods forcing you to fuck off by b&ing or shadowb&ing you. body too long that's what your mum said chodemonkey
That's exactly what happens.
Rolled 3, 2, 6, 6, 1, 3 + 6 = 27 (6d6)
On the brightside lads the shitposting brought us third on the board leaderboard.
hooray for autism I guess
i called it!
s i n
But that's discriminatory
but what can you do? :o
There is a difference between civility standards and off-limits topic censorship. With the former, anything can be discussed so long as it is on-topic and you aren't an asshole.
That's preferable to the current culture here, where everyone is utter shitbags to each other and use the worst fucking insults on first replies until the biased mods find an excuse to ban the people they dislike.
I don't recall them in particular, but if you really want me to look for the ones I remember, I can do so. I doubt I'll find them, though.
It may not be as shitty as other boards or chans, but that doesn't mean it is sufficiently less shitty to be tolerable, much less acceptable, for someone seeking civil anonymous discussion about issues from a radical leftist perspective. I understand that this is an imageboard and imageboards are generally like that, but it doesn't have to be that way. We can be different; the board that sets a new standard for other boards by having quality discussions and a welcoming community that wants to educate others in radical leftist theory.
I'm talking about those which do have a lot to do with the Left and politics. Arguing that it isn't idpol is useless, since Holla Forums doesn't care. Once it concludes that something is idpol, the majority will attack it no matter what. And yes, I'm treating Holla Forums as a collective because I have witnessed enough consistent behavior among the majority of its posters to believe that treating it as such is fair. Anyway, some constructive topics might include idpol, or might lead to discussions which involve idpol, and I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing. If we were to discuss certain issues that include idpol from a critical perspective, and try to connect those issues to class politics or contextualize it in radical leftist theory, wouldn't that actually benefit us by helping us better understand and critique those issues? I don't see why idpol should automatically entail total and absolute censorship, as if such "that certain subjects and arguments are taboo or sacred".
It wasn't brief for me. It was a permaban without any warning, with the reason being simply "Get out".
See attached.
I do, unfortunately.
I've tried, it's difficult because I feel inauthentic and I struggle to articulate myself in a way that is inauthentic. I could do so, but it might impact my post quality.
It's frustrating because it's a childish tactic at othering the interlocutor rather than considering how their opinions fit within the context of the community. It moreover reinforces an extremely insular group identity, which produces the sort of "rigid conformism to politically-incorrect nonconformity and chan culture" that has become so toxic and leads to the development of an echo chamber (which I consider this board to have already became). I don't take it personally, but it does anger me because it's an intellectually lazy way of addressing criticisms or opinions one doesn't like. That's the sort of shit I expect from reactionaries on Holla Forums, not radical leftists.
They began arguing and antagonizing me with gross mischaracterizations and insults. Even when I ignore it, they (others often join in) start to reply to every one of my posts with "fuck off back to X" or "drop your flag" or "get out" or some other form of collective shaming and ostracism. It's the imageboard equivalent of chanting slurs at someone to get them to leave. It happens to others, as well.
Refer immediately above.
I don't document those events with any sort of screenshots or logs. I didn't think I'd need to. It's just something I've witnessed. Don't believe me if you don't want.
We've already considered how your opinions fit in here. They don't and they're quite clearly from a community that othered those of us who dissented.
You are a prime example of what I mean. I am not from any such community, and you are othering me based on that false assumption of who I am and where I come from. As much as you might not like it, I am a member of this community and have been for a while, some anons agree with my opinions, and the topics I discuss are relevant to the subject of this board. Instead of treating me as a raider from whatever bogeyman site you prefer to use for othering others, how about you—like I said—consider how my opinions fit within the context of this community? If you think they don't fit at all, then perhaps you're the new one here and you need to broaden your understanding of this community.
kill yourself, you're the prime example of "lel these people I don't like are totalitarian"