Israeli Think Tank: Don't Destroy ISIS

Holla Forums was right again!

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Why would they admit this?



They're known to do things like that, like when nutandyahoo said 911 was good for Israel or when Meir Dagan said the same thing about 7.7.

Hey, THEY aren't affected by ISIS. It's only a threat to the US and Europe and we all know what they think of us.

I think this is it. They think they can get away with it. They think they can get away with anything.

Ben Norton
Staff writer for SALON



He looks like a rentboy

Jews are stupid.

Not as stupid as the goyim that always forget they said these.



Netanyahu also said that destroying ISIS would be a mistake.

The goyim doesn't even know that they say these things.

Where can I find that list? I need to see if myself is in there

Actual paper this came from

Doesn't that make Trump a bad goy for saying that he's going to utterly destroy ISIS?


This is Jews in a nutshell and why the US has been so fucking retarded vis a vis coherent policy in the Middle East.

every fucking time

Does this mean that ISIS are the ultimate useful idiots?

no, just fellow semites c|:^)


Because the average westerner has brainrot.



>He then said Israel will do “all we can so as to not find ourselves in such a situation,” suggesting that the Israeli military is looking at direct support for ISIS as a matter of policy, and not just rhetoric


put archive link in image

Fuck Israel. They are not calling the shots anymore. Wipe ISIS out with no mercy or hesitation.


Not even a threat to the USA.

When will Iran man up and finally nuke those fuckers?

They are.

Is there even good reason to believe they have nukes? I mean non-israeli reasons to believe it…

It pisses me off so fucking much, they often make jokes about how people who believe that kikes run the world are "le dumb racists xDDD" but the jews aren't even trying to hide what they're doing.

They dont. Yet. But they have the infrastructure and knowledge. Its like the North Korean situation tbh.

That's why they agreed to all the investigations and searches by international bodies, and hundreds of limitations which violate their sovereignty.

Why is it so implausible to some here that Iran has nukes? Take the "Aryan" cock out of your mouth for two seconds. If you were Iran, wouldn't you want nukes to counter Israel? Everybody knows Israel has nukes.

Because Iran would be fucking dumb if they tried to develop nukes

nobody will do anything about it anyway, why would they bother keeping it secret

I never said it is implausible. I am asking if we have any evidence of it.

North Korea has actually detonated nuclear devices with questionable success, at least according to the American government. I haven't heard similar accusations about Iran.

"Has the ability and resources, but hasn't actually done it" seems closer to the situation with Japan. Japan is known to have all the nuclear material necessary, the reactors to make more nuclear material, and all the technical knowledge to do it. The only thing Japan lacks is the political will to assemble the bombs, but they could do it in mere months if they wanted to.

Is Iran thought to have the requisite material yet? Are there any public estimates for how much nuclear material they've amassed so far?

Does no one remember all the mossad ties ISIS had when they first became a meme? Seriously??

USSR, Nooks, China and Iran was the old nuclear corridor
It still exists, thing is jews killed all nuclear scientist in Iran before they could go beyond and Nooks have their own trouble than help them further
Still NK did give them a bunch of hardware and Russia supports them, China is playing it neutral

Because they don't have nukes. They want nukes, but they don't have them yet.

Evidence? I don't doubt it but all I have ever seen was fake crap from conspiracy websites.

Iv'e always thought that they could at least buy some from some shady Eastern European mobs in ex-Soviet States

I mean even those faggot hipsters at Vice figured out how to buy nukes from them for fucks sake.

I can't post that atm, but bump this thread, you'll have it in a few days.

Nukes are relatively easy to build. Just a simple case of smashing materials together at high speed (see, gun type device)

The hardest part of building any nuke is getting weapons grade material.

Say it isn't so!

Next we'll find out that Saudi Arabia also promotes ISIS and other terrorist extremists!


We look at ISIS and we see a bunch of savages who are committing an act of genocide against the Yazidis and the Christians in the region.

Jews look at ISIS and see goyim killing other goyim. Since the Jews don't care about goyim, they ask themselves "How can we use this to profit Israel?"

What we are seeing in this article is one side of this debate. The Prof. who wrote the article thinks that keeping ISIS around is the best way to profit Israel. Other Jews think that siding with Russia is the best way to profit Israel. Other Jews have other srategies. &c.

If ISIS were genociding innocent Jews instead of innocent Yazidis and Christians, they would have a very different opinion about ISIS. But because its only goyim being killed, they genuinely don't care.

Israel ordered Clinton to stand down on ISIS years ago.

We could have wiped them off the map when they first appeared but they have been useful.

We even make sure arms and intelligence "accidentally" falls into their hands.



Sticky this


they talk to their friends about it in secret, they use codewords to spread their message

they have used their propaganda and influence to do a lot of things, so much so that they become egomaniacs that believe that nothing can go wrong for them

They admit it because they know that only their friends will listen to their words, and that nobody will say otherwise

Are you also going to tell me it wasn't a pure coincidence that almost all of the ISIS propaganda videos were "discovered" by the famous Rita Katz of the SITE Intelligence Group?

Who are the SITE Intelligence Group that distributed the Sotloff video before the jihadis?

Private Jihad – How Rita Katz got into the spying business.

Very Good point user.

Do you also have a link to that article?



Reminder that Erik Prince the former boss of Blackwater, who had a plan to stop the flow of refugees from entering Europe through Lybia, was recently accused of financial crimes by the Justice Department:

Blackwater’s Founder Is Under Investigation for Money Laundering, Ties to Chinese Intel, and Brokering Mercenary Services

"According to an internal slide presentation, Prince’s private force would operate in Libya for the stated purpose of stopping the flow of refugees to Europe. Libya is one of the main routes for migrants trying to enter Europe from eastern Africa and parts of the central Sahel region.

Prince told colleagues that he received preliminary approval for the border force from a senior Libyan official, but would need to secure European support to loosen up restrictions on Libyan money and weapons, which would otherwise impede the plan, according to a person who discussed the proposal with Prince.

By exploiting European fears of a mass exodus from the Middle East and North Africa, Prince believed he could obtain political buy-in from Europe to bring a foreign force into Libya.

Prince arranged a meeting in Germany to pitch the plan and also shared the proposal with the Italian government, according to two people familiar with his drive to drum up support for Operation Lima. In Italy, Prince found only lukewarm interest, according to a person with knowledge of the effort. The Intercept was unable to confirm the German response."

The head of the Lybian army, General Haftar, is a CIA agent.

Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, The Hezbollah, The Hamas, etc. all of these terrorist groups target Israel because it's their main cause and they consider the U.S. to be the puppet of Israel.

Is there an anti-Israel ISIS propaganda video somewhere? Do they even mention Israel in their videos?

Mods Sticky


Jews are insanely shit at long term planning
That's actually part of why Donald Trump is doing so well, he's been planning his Presidential Run and has been putting the pieces in place so he can win since the 80s perhaps even the 70s

Page 19. Don't let this good thread disappear so soon.


bump, this is important

Fund Iran
Flatten Israel

gg yids

Important thread. It should have been stickied already.

Nice. Have a bump.


It drives me insane when normalfags say Israel is our greatest ally in the war against terrorism.


kikes need to get exposed for what they are



Israel, Saudis, Sunnis, ISIS


North Europeans, Shia, Iran, Christians, Hezbollah, pagan Yasidi


Semites vs. 'Aryans'

Holla Forums is always right when it comes to the Jews


Stop falling for Zio war propaganda.

Nope, see above.

Jews did ISIS

Jews did ISIS

wrong picture

Reminder that a leaked Hillary email showed that the Obama administration was interested in intentionally weakening Assad via proxies for the benefit of Israel.

See pic.

It's been the policy of the Neo-Cons since at least the late 90s to destroy Syria through proxy war.

>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction". Certain parts of the polices set forth in the paper were rejected by Netanyahu.[2][3]

These people are the ones conjuring up the phony isis propaganda videos. Google Rita Katz


Overconfident, not stupid. If they were stupid they wouldn't be successfully driving western civilization into the ground.

I loved her in Game of Thrones.

It's Meshugana if nothing else.