Polish soccer fans torch 'Jewish' effigies, fly banner calling for burning of Jews

Polish soccer fans torch 'Jewish' effigies, fly banner calling for burning of Jews

A group of soccer hooligans in Poland torched effigies representing Jews and displayed banners calling for Jews to be burned in a shocking display during a match last Friday, according to local media reports and a global anti-Semitism watchdog.

The incident occurred when dozens of fans supporting the Widzew Łódź side rallied against the town rival ŁKS Łódź, which is often derided as "Jewish" by opposing teams' fans, in a similar fashion that the British team Tottenham Hotspur is regarded.

The rally took place ahead of the derby match at a local train station in the central Polish city that used to boast a large Jewish population prior to WWII.

According to a weekend report by the Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism, the demonstrators at the rally unfurled a banner printed with the slogan "19.08, today the Jews were named," in reference to the year ŁKS Łódź was established.

"Let them burn, motherf***ers," continued the banner's illicit message.

The report noted that images taken at the event showed the ruffians igniting strung-up effigies donned in attire apparently representative of Orthodox Jews.

Debates over Poland's attitude toward anti-Semitism have previously erupted over the contentious practices of some of the country's soccer fans.

However, in 2014, a Polish municipal prosecutor in Poznań ruled that chants by soccer fans are not deemed criminal offenses.

Following the decision, European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor condemned the reaction of authorities in the face of the offensive, prejudicial actions of soccer fans.

"Unfortunately, extreme anti-Semitic chants like those in Poznan are regularly heard in many European stadiums, including in England and Holland, and the reaction of the authorities is minimal," CNN quoted him as saying.


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Sure, when do they stop talking about the Holohoax and the EU army?

Truly Holla Forumsand

Poles are goddamn schizophrenics, I think there is too much jewish blood admixture in them which makes them crazy.

Who cares if you think Poland is based. They aren't white, so they'll hang with the rest of them on the DOR.

like clockwerk

every thread about Poland and we instantly can see butthurt shills to discredit one of few nationalistic european countries who oppose Merkel politics.


One fourth of an e-shekel has been deposited into your account. :^)

You're getting slow, Schlomo.

Didn't they ban mentioning polish death camps in Poland?
They can effectively deface Auschwitz.
Who else thinks the old Put helped right wingers come into power?

Do they even go for football anymore? Why don't they just organize protests not connected to sportsball games?

This is why i'm a massive polandboo.

Western Euros are fucking faggots

Eastern Europe pushes Germany for joint EU army
Stay butthurt, subhumans.

Oh really`? Why is da based pooland begging to join the Merkel's army then?
Delusional fuck.

Thats just their way of blaming it all on the Germans. The right thing to do would be to make inquiries and investigation into the Holohoax free again.
It costs NOTHING to do so. Oh wait…
Actually, they would lose the EU gibs that way.

They're probably butthurt russians after reading the latest article about Russia allying with Islam.

If there is one thing about the mongol subhumans, is that at least they have some form of dignity.
shitpoles have none. They are literal slaves to every contemporary power that existed throughout time.

I didn't know kike shills were so this autistically dedicated to attacking the the most nationalist nation in all of Europe. Same insults. Same copy-paste replies.

They should also drop the effigies and start burning the real thing.


There is a good likelihood that you either live in some cucked state in europe with more than 1% of muslim percentage or in USA, where polish genes make-up a sizeable percentage.

If you're from anywhere else, you're a subhuman youself and have no right to call yourself anything above that.

eastern european countries want to use western money to protect themselves, using their stupid ideologies that says they are "morally superior" and german post ww2 guilt. I see nothing wrong with that, since western countries, especially germany are unable to have assertive politics towards anything, so why no exploit their stupidity?

Nah. When you are a beggar, there is no such thing as dignity or honor, much less honesty to oneself.
Kinda like niggers when you thing about it.
Oh wait

Im so sorry for posting truth and facts then. At least this one is new. Would you care to read it then?


Im sorry the hawaitt brothas destroyed the Axis and caused it. Maybe if poles have some dignity they would receive halal money then?

Pretty sure that is Anglo and German blood, m8.

eastern european countries want to use western money to protect themselves, using their stupid ideologies that says they are "morally superior" and german post ww2 guilt. I see nothing wrong with that, since western countries, especially germany are unable to have assertive politics towards anything, so why no exploit their stupidity?
So how is pooland "exploiting" Merkel by begging to join her EU army? "Realpolitik", no? Like Putin? Are you going to tell me you actually think the East Bloc is going to be friend with fucking Russia?

And for the tape scandal link, CTRL+F then type negro for the relevant reference.


Widzew - Żydzew

Too bad there is so many bluepilled Poles and we are ruled by cryptokikes.

polish constitution makes it unable for poles to be in german army. Everything Poland other european countries boerdering russia are doing is trying to make USA and nato throw money for bases and send soldiers, mostly to have it as hostages, so if Russia would attack, it would also attack American/German whatever kind of soldiers would be there.

now burn in hell jidf

Nice try, mongrel. Feel free to be angry with your uneducated opinion of who's subhuman on who is not in the privacy of your home.

Western europeans can be cucked as much as they want, it's all for the eastern europe's benefit for waging countless wars over our lands.

It's your fault for being cuckolds, not ours.

And the subhumans are so stupid they believe this shit.
WW3 doctrine is clear. pooland is ground zero for nuclear exchange.
And EVEN if you were so lucky not be, it wouldnt be pretty to have spic and nigger soldiers on your soil.

Im sorry. Pic related?
Pooland has always had more kikes than any other European country. Also if you use this argument feel free to list how many Germans and kikes are there in the chart.

Also, nice chart. Can you read?
So it isnt a chart of how poolish america is. It is a chart of how shitpoles are distributed in America.
So you cant even read map. It is safe to say you and the poles are pretty much subhumans.

I feel like I must really address this point twice because of how stupid that is.
shitpoles are no doubt currently patriotic, even though they arent wholly redpilled.
So they will fight for pooland when Russia comes. Im very confused to how can you say that Russian soldiers will only attack ami soldiers whent they are invading pooland hypothetically.
Because obviously that implies no pole will fight back.
Contradicting, no?

try to read again

what im saying is, that if there will be soldiers from foreign countries, invasion will maybe force this countries to help.

Example: American soldiers in Poland -> Russia attacks -> Americans die to russian soldiers -> forces America to react

thats what eastern european countries are playing for. I said nothing that these countries want defend themselves. They just want quaranties from their allies, that they will help, and soldiers as hostages are better for that than only words.

Yeah help.
Help 1: Nuclear Wasteland.
Help 2: Nigger/Spic occupational force.

Football is the only thing preventing the kikes being gassed, imagine if people didn't have this outlet.

Connecticut here.

Pollacks are shit tier. We literally have Polish gangs where I am who beat up other white people who aren't Polish but don't fuck with the Haji and spic populations if you're from CT you'll know where I'm from. Half of them never learn to speak English and are rude as shit.


why not?

Poland hasn't been subjected to the shit the Germans have been for the past ~70 years. If they were, Poland would be just as fucked as Germany is now.

Nobody cares, Hans, or is Muhammed?

I'm American.

And if I can see how bad we fucked over Germany, then you should be able to see it too, Borys.

Why does every thread about Holla Forumsland end up getting bombarded with racial D&C?

And France, the UK, Sweden? Every country you would claim are "superior" to Poles are mass importing terrorists and doing absolutely nothing about it

Because there are no Haji or spics in CT, my grandparents live there and it's probably 70% White and 30% black. I'm from California so the sheer amount of whites was foreign to me but I didn't see any nonwhite besides blacks.

They seem a little schizophrenic:

just kids having fun
5 years in jail

And it's the reverse in America.

Wrong. There are tons of Spics, mostly Puerto Ricans and Guatemalans. You most have avoided Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, and Meriden during your visit. I would wager CT is around 10%-15% Spic a this point.

But we do, subhuman.
Funny how other flags were there but the toilet lickers werent anymore.

so where's the proof this actually happened? because I don't see any

Your folks live outside the cities don't they?

Probably false flag by jews to reinforce victim identity and idea of "muh jewish persecution in yurrop".

calm it with the inferiority complex, you fucking bitch. No one is calling you a subhuman other than shills

No normal Holla Forumsack thinks of Poland as non-white. And only the lowest intellect, generally worthless Holla Forumsacks engage in infighting against fellow white European countries. All of you are being played the JIDF's oldest and lamest tactics. Fucking newfags.

How can we prove Poland is white? Pic related is a Polish girl. Would it upset you if you saw her dating a nigger or mudperson? If yes then it must be because she's white.

Let's slay these jews before we turn on each other.

Still, you are right. We have to tolerate them and not allow the kike turn us against them, after all they've suffered more than enough by their kike overlords.

Makes my russian wimminz folder look like an average pepe collection.


haha epic +1 reddit gold

Speaking about untermensch getting cucked

Poland now - 99% white, national homogeneous society

Germany now - 80% Germans, 1.5 million turkroaches and more then 1 million other niggers and sandpeople.

Tatars, Turks, Muslims are in Poland since hundreds of years.

Polish ultras are the best. Lots of butthurt kikes in this thread.

Yeah, Tatars Poles defeated, Turk transplants that came from Germany to sell kebab and some shitskin Chechens that came here after Chechen war. All of them number less than 1% of Polish population and stay completely isolated in their shitty villages.

Good job, torpedo. You did not even question percentage, you just sperged about some irrelevant shit.

Tatars are Turks

Tatars are Muslims

Poland has a indigenous Turk Muslim population since hundreds of years


Ok, for you retard, if Germany has a population of 82 million and following your claim, has 2.5 million muslims, how does that make 20%? No wonder poland can not into space.

Slavs, mostly.
Domesticated by Russian policies.
How large?
Poland is more based than any western nation. UK is an oddball, with Brexit and still managing to 1984.


How large?



For fuck's sake, wording it that way makes it seem like anything bashing kikes is contraband.
Same could be said about Metzitzah b'peh, Moshe.

This Kvetching kike deserve a place in one of oven the kikes added to Auschwitz to try and give a semblance of truth to their hoax.


Hungary is also right under you and they are the actual country with fences.
This is why there is "racial DC" against the subhumans here. You are all fucking deluded.

Fears ISIS sympathisers are among thousands of Chechen migrants exploiting 'unmanned' border between Poland and Germany

Since January, some 20,000 asylum requests have been filed by Russian citizens – almost all Chechen – in Poland and Germany. (Aug. 2016)

Poland welcomed 90,000 Chechens without incident in previous years (Dec 2015)

So Poland is nothing but an oversized Greece, winking through the invaders while living on the dole and permanent complaining.

JIDF really fucked this topic up smh tbh fam. Why do you retards keep falling for the bait.

Can confirm this from experience.
Slavs are responsible for a huge number of "refugees" (illegal immigrants) even before the current invasion.
Just go work at the factories in Germany and ask around.



russhit detected


w4e567885v6g e35uesdf

great banner.


Sounds like (((they))) are doing damage control for cutting off the God-Emperor being presented with a (((prayer shawl))). THis way anyone who talks about it will be bleated down as an antisemite.

No that's retarded and you're retarded. Poland's right hates Russia, quite rightly too.

Poles are dumb as always. As a slav I know I only have a future in jew controled world. If westerners took back control it's one way trip to the oven for me.

Ach hier bist du user! Im Deutsch/pol/ ist gleich essen fertig



Based soccer hooligans.

hahaha no matter what they do, the jews will always be worried about the ovens.

Because Poland is the key to control over the eastern Europe (due to strategic location and large population), and right now it's slipping away from yiddish control. The shills can't have us providing Poland with memetic support at such a crucial moment.

In short, it shows we're hitting a nerve.


I'm black and I love going to Warsaw for some easy Slav pussy

Sexuality and masculinity, provoked with imagery of >The evil barbarian stealing our beautiful young women, will be used to misdirect our energy and attention to unfruitful pursuits. This is one of the eternal jews' upmost efforts currently

No, you're not. You're not white either, Shlomo.

Your jewgle translate is faulty.

They have the highest concentration of the original Indo-European haplogroup. In other words, they have the most Aryan genes.


Yet there are no photos of these supposed effigies before or after being burned?


oy vey!

Thanks for your input, it sure was nice hearing your opinion about something unrelated to the thread, Moishe.

I expected this.
Declining Christianity leads to cuckery.