Anthony Wiener sent another dick pic; Huma to divorce him

The Hill []:
New York Post []:
The Hill []:

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Paradoxical last name.

You mean ironic?

What a fucking dipshit

I love it

You know wiener is /hebe/ tier.
Meme it

What are the chances that he did his Talmudic duty and fucked that baby?

Well, before that I would have said none.
But what's his relationship with his wife anyway ? She a sand nog, he's a kike so technically they don't like each other, she seems to be doing hillary on the side so what about him ?

God I love this man.

As I understand it, she married him for the political connection. Possibly as cover for her lesbianism.

Ok so why would he marry her for ?

Who knows, he's a pervert. Maybe he couldn't find anybody honest to marry.

So what about the kid, huma is not dumb why would she have a baby with a complete pervert ?

Holy fuck, this is a baby?

isn't this considered child abuse? will he actually be arrested for this?

A Jew and an Arabic Muslim; what a natural combo.

do you really thinking bringing a child into a loveless marriage solely for the appearance of being a 'happy family' is beyond these people?

They are sick, and you should know by now that people of their ilk will destroy anyone, even going so far as to destroy the life of a child before they are born, to get what they want

this is obviously the jews messing with the goyim

Yeah that's true, but I don't know I always thought most people even corrupt drew the line at children. Now that you said that I remember all the child trafficking.

It depends whether or not Huma pulls some strings


Not a chance, you know how many kiddy fiddlers are out there who have stupidly powerful connections even on a lesser level?

Vulnerable children are like the bitcoin of politically related power and influence transactions.

Jesus he looks like a fucking jew bastard lads

Anyone have a pic of the kid not blurred? I think I could probably get there.

get back to your containment thread, cuck

No Trump, the weiner has to stop getting out, that's the problem here.


Eat shit, D&C shill.

Didn't this guy recently say that if Trump was running for Governor of NY Wiener would destroy him? Or was that before Trump ran for President?

Mudshit Huma or this?

Yea, she did him a favor.

next time you want to make another shill thread for that establishment puppet you gotta proof read the story first, burgeranon.

I don't think women are attracted to ugly perverted has-beens


If you wouldn't fuck that guilt free you're a literal faggot. I'm not saying marry the slut, just prolapse her anus.

fuck you, cuck

Power/fame = panties off

you forgot: Trump supporter and NRA member.

Are we supposed to care?

He has no power anymore. He is famous for dick pics now.

Virgin detected

This guy is dumb as a post. It's a wonder he's got enough brain cells to keep his heart and lungs moving.

logically speaking, yes, since this thread is about making fun of a libcuck sending his faggot pics around. In turn we should also make fun of that trump and nra bitch who did it with him.


because HE IS a fucking jude



Ive never seen a republican candidate so clean and a democratic candidate so dirty yet the media will only talk about how clean the dirty are and how dirty the clean are.

Oh man, I forgot he tried to frame Brietbart for that. What a filthy fucking kike.

She's just a honey pot.

She looks like shit m80

not to a jew
plus shiksa appeal and all that

She's getting all kinds of shit from Hillary.
Apparently, she looks good to Hillary.

Hillary ruined her. She didn't always look that terrible. At least to her.

beep boop

logically speaking

i am a sperg robot

Still a lesbian whore who hates whites and related to people a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, no matter how hot you think she is.

She is fucking ugly on the inside, which makes her outside disgusting too.

I think seeing this man's weiner once was enough for a lifetime.

Makes you wonder why the media would even post a story about a Jewish Democrat doing something wrong.

That's not her, fuckhead

Sorry son, but if you are into assholes, you are the faggot.

The fact that so many of our elite are complete degenerate retards that have bought their own bullshit makes me think that they can be beaten


That's a tranny.
Evidence: man hands.

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

None of the archive links work for me.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Weiner is my name
Also my game
Sends you a picture

The Huma is worth about 2 million
Weiner about 1 million.
just googled it. but who knows when it comes to jews, they do tricks with money i swear.. magically appears for them. that is probably why they worship money literally. they can hold god and keep it in their pocket.

Worth doesnt mean they have that in the bank. In finance, the present value is derived from discounting future cash flows, so they take into account future earning potential as well.

Anything looks good to a lesbian woman who shits her pants when she gets triggered. Prove me wrong.

simple misdirection. same reason why any given Hollywood icon is ever sent to court. it keeps the others in line and puts the spotlight away from who's in charge.


DATS f00king right son!!!

That's literally the only good picture of her. It probably took both Spielberg and Lucas to pull it off.

Trump's Chief Soccer Mom blew Weiner the fuck out.

For anyone just seeing this, since the unedited OP isnt here

He didnt have cock out, but his gross kikecock was heavily detailed in outline inside his underpants. So I doubt any legal action unfortunately

And yes, with the infant directly to the side of it.

Actually..the OP pic is a different one, another one at a diff angle. So maybe im wrong

For a long time, she looked the other way in regards to his obvious perversion.

pedo jew

what a shocker

Oops, Holla Forums bust have changed how it registers brackets. Sorry about that. Try this:
The Hill
New York Post
The Hill

A theory: this was entirely intentional and Weiner is complicit in the creation of this scandal.

When the original Weiner story hit the news, it dominated the airwaves for weeks. You basically couldn't turn on any late night TV show or early morning radio show without hearing nonstop jokes about this guy, his ridiculous name, and his equally ridiculous behavior. It was one of the most over-saturated stories of the decade.

Clinton and her team have made it fairly clear that their current election strategy is to try to run out the clock. Trump, like it or not, up to this point has committed only self-inflicted wounds. Their thinking is that as long as Clinton stays out of the news, she's more likely to win the presidency. If the Weiner story dominates like last time, like the Clinton team is counting on, this will effectively block any press she could get.

Also, Huma's very public decision to leave her husband means that whenever she's out there with Hillary, the press will be dividing their time trying to ask Huma questions as well as Hillary. It's a brilliant play.

It's also worth remembering just how close Huma's family is to the Clintons. Anthony and Huma's wedding wasn't presided over by a priest or a judge, but by Bill Clinton himself. As we've seen with the Clintons, you don't get that kind of treatment without promising them something valuable.

Think of the bull riders at rodeo shows. Whenever one of them falls off the bull, a very distracting rodeo clown comes out to pull the bull off and save the rider. That's what's happening here.

Couldn't help but notice that amusing archive link nameā€¦"c0CX"

Great theory. I think you may be correct. Especially in that "as long as Clinton stays out of the news, she's more likely to win the presidency" is visibly true, at least for now.


Isn't this child abuse though? Whipping your dick out in front of your sleeping child? Fucking degenerate child molesting faggot. Can't you go away from your son to take dick pics?

I think it could *possibly* count as cheesy pizza

You're damn right it is, but if some no-name SJW tranny like butts can get away with raping his niece, I doubt a Jew York senator will see charges.

But with any luck this will rattle Huma's cage and she won't be able to work alongside Shrillary, and that takes out one of Shrillary's support pillars.

No, this is likely orchestrated. See

If anything, this deflects attention from Clinton's quid pro quo allegations.

Again? How has this dumb mother fucker not learned that dick pics are detrimental to him? I understand his frustration being married to Hillary's mistress, but come on.

You could be on to something here.

Typical Jewish pervert.

Seriously isn't this like the third time now? There's something pathological with these people. Disgusting kike.

Disgusting kike.

those kikes all look like nu-males

She obviously did it because of the controversy's.

She has connections to numerous high up muslims organizations. Organizations with connections to royal families and that work to keep books skeptical of muslims off the shelves and their authors intimidated.
