MJ casting shouldn't be about Hair color : IGN
Are Jews pushing out propaganda as fast as they can before China buys out Hollywood? All they are doing is turning normies against them.
CISbusters 2.0?
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why do some people have no motor awareness holy shit
Mary Jane is iconic for having fiery red hair
you cast her as a generic nigress she loses all identibility to her character.
when will they realize that acting like this is hurting them in the shekels and stop?
I don't think they care or they think they are ahead of the game.
webm that shit. Not giving clicks.
Hah, they'll never run out of funds to push this psychological warfare. The day this will stop is when they're ripped away from their positions of power.
never seen that poster before.
good find user
Well firstly, it absolutely should, because "firey redhead" is kind of a big part of her iconic image. And secondly, there's a bigger problem here than hair colour.
Comic cucks deserve this and worse. They are the most lefty SJW type of people you will ever meet.
Of course, I find this absolutely disgusting, but comic cucks will eat it all up.
I had to close the video though, couldn't take it.
By the way, I'm assuming the host is a jewess.
Some user on Holla Forums said it best and it went something like this, "comics are a visual medium and often times the character is defined by how they look. So it is reasonable that fans get upset when an actor looks nothing like the character or they change the costumes."
Australian it seems.
Same girl who got rape threats and found out it came from a kid and told kids mom. Was in the "news".
They don't care. This is what anons don't seem to get.
Media and big business are using shareholders' money to fund social engineering, it's not about making money, it's about spending it to achieve the desired outcome.
Think about Intel hiring female engineers and programmers. Obviously they won't make a profit from those people, their main job will be to visit schools and universities giving lectures and being exemplars of "women in tech", in the belief that seeing a "woman in tech" will magically cause young women to develop a passion for the subject itself and produce successful programmers/engineers/scientists.
In the case of comics and movies, they hope to engineer cultural marxism through repeated exposure. This will incur a loss because it's not what people want to see (think Ghostbusters) but that's ok, the shareholder pays.
Fuck you're right……The intelligent/nerdy leftist I know are all comic book cucks.
they're lowering their value and assets so when the chinks buy them out they won't get as much.
as OP already said, the gooks are taking over pedowood because the kikes who care more about shekels than propaganda will cater to them. kikes whose primary goal is to genocide whites are pushing out as much shit as they can before they get shut down oy vey in the name of shekels. a movie isn't worth it to pedowood elite unless it has international appeal and the market they care about are the chinks. chinks don't like niggers, mudslimes, and str0nk yndypyndynt wymyn. the greed of the jews in control of the studios is overwhelming their underlings.
another hilarious instance of the left eating itself.
where did this meme come from that the Chinks are going to buy hollywood? The hollywood jews are literally setting up shop in China right now. I have friends in Shanghai who have helped build the studios.
a shekel for the good goy
Explain this Holla Forums
gooks aren't buying pedowood, but they want the shekels from the chink market. it's a battle between sjw focused kikes and shekel focused kikes.
everyone with standards has been replaced.
Really made me think.
The new Flash Thompson guys.
I don't even into cartoons and even I know nobody wants a pudgey, manlet spic as their superhero.
wait. I just saw flash and assumed it was The Flash. who the fuck is flash thompson?
Good. I hope these cucks and kikes (both many times) sink fag comics and their companies with it.
2-for-1 win
flash thompson was a chad that kicked peter parker's shit in during high school.
He's Peter Parker's bully.
Why she still Gonzales on the cast? she is MJ or not?
lf yes, why they don't go full ape again just like WF the force #woke and KongBusters? they don't know that dindos hates mulattos?
they're casting pedro from napoleon dynamite as a high school bully? is he going to have cholo/gangbanger older brother who do all the work?
Weren't the last spiderman movies all considered critical failures?
Maybe they know it will fail again, so they are giving themselves a controversial excuse for the failure so they can try the CISBusters media narrative again.
She's also the perfect wet fantasies from the comic book nerd, if she isn't white, she must be a ginger asian.
But never one negress, who the nerd who dreams with a shebon?
Petition Sony to cast Leslie Jones as Mary Jane!
hoist them by their own petard
even better! he's going to make snide comments about their fashion sense.
better fit for hobgoblin to be honest.
The less fit she is for a roll, the more we should petition Sony to give it to her.
Hell, why can't Leslie Jones be Spiderman? Sony are just a bunch of sexist racists if they don't let Leslie Jones be Spiderman!
Leslie Jones received the best critical reception of all the CISBusters cast, so obviously she is Sony's most valuable acting asset. The only reason they wouldn't let her be spiderman is racism and sexism!
I would rather eat a shit pie than have to do that guy's job of cucking
I quit comics completely in 2012, they had gotten too pozzed even for my blue pilled brain to keep giving a shit
can't tell if it's a joke or not. fucking poe's law is flaring up super hard lately
Because Spider Man should be John Boyega
Has to be an Australian Jewess, she just seems off.
I would get behind that. Not that horrifying gorilla, obv. But the petition. #LeslieJane
how do sheboons go out in public looking like they do and think it's a good idea?
As disgusting as this is, we should really be celebrating the self immolation of Jewish run hollywood.
These types of SJW stunts always lose money, and the sooner that happens, the better.
As the movie studio gets bigger, its "niche" market probably gets reduced ultimately the genre. everything else is catered to the center of the belljar
I hope Spider Man comes out of the closet as spiderkin.
Hello fellow comic book fans… it seems like yet another of your, I mean our, favorite white characters has been replaced by a minority… as a fellow comic book fan I am completely fine with this and don't care about continuity… neither should you!
Her only memorable feature aside from being a white female is not important.
I'm laughing but I'm sad. Fucking hell.
This faggot needs to be purged.
True. It's all true. And even in the infinite universes of What If?!, there was never a Flash Thompson as gay as the little Guatemalan faggot they cast. I hope this movie dies and languishes in the pits of Tartarus with it's creators and actors.
I want this so fucking badly, but they'd just say "Oh, Zendeya was already cast. But don't worry! She'll be in the second one as Dr. Octopus!"
I wonder how retarded nerds will defend him. This isn't just a case of changing the character's race, Disney is also changing, well, the character himself. You can't turn Flash Thompson into a skinny manlet.
I expect the old "b-but what matters is the quality of the movie" excuse. So much for the source material, hm?
Thank you comic book merchant you are my greatest ally.
They don't care. Here's the biggest example:
totally offtopic but damn that dude in the video looks like the most beta guy ever. even if he makes all kinds of money of youtube, i just cant respect such nu-male looking fuck.
Even if the movie fails, the Marvel Cinematic Universe will keep running for the next DECADES. So Mary Jane will forever be a mulata and Flash Thompson will forever be a manlet.
I also bet Disney will kill Peter Parker in the future and replace him with Mile Morales. They are already preparing terrain with all this diverse latino casting.
They will also find a way to ruin Gwen of course.
It's not black spider man though. It's the same White kid who was in the iron man vs captain america movie.
Chinks are setting up their own studios in China and have expressed interest in producing movies using the infrastructure set up in Hollywood. Link below is one of the big players in china:
this is actually a great idea.
if they don't cast her, we accuse them of sexualising the part.
if they do cast her, it'll be a big nail in the kike coffin because it'll be all hamfisted and god awful.
win - win.
Wait a cotton picking moment her…
Isn't Flash traditionally depicted as an oppressive, violent straight white male sports enthusiast in all settings? Wouldn't keeping him as a cracker better serve the agenda of demonizing the Aryan race?
…I'm so confused.
He has been replaced by a scrawny Pajeet in the name of diversity just like MJ is now a mulatto.
Btw, if you want some D&C fun set off Black Twitter about "another brown girl who looks like whitey cast in what should have been a black role!". Full blooded blacks fucking hate mulattos.
This is like depicting Josef Mengele as a HUEHUEHUE. Shits weird.
Thanks! Was looking for that link!
Her hair colour is her fucking trademark. Goddamn Marxian reductionist dialectic of "critique," it's a corrosive acid upon anything cultural.
They'll just give her a crayon-red weave in "homage" to the original character
so black people really put this stuff in their hair?
I have a hard time believing that. The quality is slipping and the endless fucking baiting will grind down even the norms after awhile. I'm pretty sure they'll start losing money after Infinity War, if not before.
Mind you, we'll all be at war before that happens, so it might not even get made.
The kid I've affectionately come to refer to as "Ultracuck."
Putting plastic hair into black people's hair is potentially a $500bn a year industry. Hair extensions (which are essentially the same thing) have been around since the 80s.
She probably be Mandam web
how little is sony paying this faggot that he can't afford to get that growth on his chin removed?
An issue like this is ripe for some maximum exploitation. I'm in the process of developing a surefire way to exploit an untapped fracture point amongst blacks by also utilizing the greatest secret to racial politics that no one ever goes near. But I don't own this idea, it can be replicated and it can come in a multitude of ways.
Blacks vs. Mulattos. Mulattos are always used by hollywood to represent blacks. They're mixed with white genes so they're slightly more intelligent than their completely negroid counterparts, they're generally more pleasing to the eyes because of their interspersed white genes, and because of this mixture mulattos comfortably get around while the nigger sits in the backseat.
Niggers as we all know are extremely protective of their racial identity, and rightfully so. Teachers faced the problem of having to introduce "iconic" black figures into discussion or they wouldn't care. Mulattos would rather hear more about white people, even the ones who still insist they're black. What this all leads to is that the 100% negroid mind easily and has a proven record of rejecting the mulattos. This is even a subject on black television networks like OWN where mulattos had to face "discrimination" from "both" sides. I've spent a lot of time on black twitter, but even someone who doesn't knows this is true. Hell, it's historically proven that during the collapse of african colonies, the first to die were the mixed children and the ones who killed them were the blacks. In other words, even the nigger sees that the mulattos enjoy all the benefits given to niggers, all their pogroms, all their minority quota positions, and the niggers can't stand that there's a brown person getting by as "black."
Do you see how this is ripe for fracture? You can have the blacks persecute the racemixers, call for racial purity, end the mulatto-minority voice, and "start the conversation" about mixed-race people. It all starts here where a white character is now represented by a "brown" woman. You don't realize how close this come to happening organically. The chimps will cannibalize their fake brown representatives and they'll do it with fucking gusto.
And if the shareholder is a billionaire Soros, how many of these films do you think he can fund?
It's over. Educate the masses on genetic differences of the races or it's over.
Not if (((someone))) like (((soros))) with billions of $$$ is funding them.
but that's still better than 'Madam Black'.
Great video from a convicted tranny who also happened to kill someone. But you know, they ain't mentally ill.
I hate those normie faggots who signal how progressive they are by saying that they liked the new Ghost Busters movie.
the left has ruined this generation
I remember that webm
I don't know why though. Do you have any story on it?
This is the answer.
This. Fuck'em. All these capeshit nerds have ruined film anyway.
Its so clear this movie is going to be shit, and will most likely perform shit if they go the cisbusters route.
Executives never learn. Whats the budget? Thats the only final thing to make it another cisbusters, which I thought would happen in a few years and not right after it but (((Amy Pascal))) is involved so it looks like shit follows her
I don't think they're gonna be able to pad this out for decades. People are all ready getting tired of all the cap shit. I don't think they're gonna be able to stretch it out much past 2020. People are starting to want their old summer blockbusters back.
Maybe dc shit is like that, but people flock to marvel movies. Unless that trend changes, people are not tired of capeshit, they just want marvel capeshit.
Le current year man trying to be "geeky"
I don't know how to webm, sorry
Fuck, just boycott the movie. Who gives a flying fuck what these libcuck faggot opinion pukers have to say?
Why even post their vomit on this board?
Boycott whatever show this vid is, as well…it won't be any great loss to you.
My god, Oliver sucks even worse than he used to when I could stomach him (many, many, many, many, many, years ago).
Bet he thanks god every night for canned laughter, just before he drinks himself into a comatose state.
I love you Holla Forums. Not only do you use the scheme of the Jew against the Jew, but you make them seem so awkward that even normalfags are disgusted by what the Jew concocts instead of being impressed/entertained/normalized. We won't have another gold/silver/bronze age of comics ever again, better just to trash it all, and let the kikes wail for all the lost shekels. Let it all burn.
Time for Holla Forums's faaaaaaaaaaavorite game - LETS! FIND! THE! JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWS!
Spider-Man: Homecoming
A goy!
Let's see his most well-known previous works…
> en.wikipedia.org
… Mmhmm…
> imdb.com
> imdb.com
> imdb.com
I see… and his wife…
> imdb.com
> linkedin.com
… Aaaand it all makes sense.
They aren't fine with it.
The only ones that are would be those people that work in the media or who never really cared about the stories.
I know people say Amy Pascal has little to no power and this is just a titular job sje has for this movie, but this reeks of the same shit cisbusters had and she was all over that.
See above.
> imdb.com
Wrote on both of Watts' earlier films.
Vid related… Wew lad.
In review, we've got…
Director: Nu-male
Producers: Cuck and Jewess
Writers: Two cucks, two nu-males, and two Jews.
This movie is going to be shit.
I expect 90% on Rottentomatoe$
The people that are "fine with it" don't buy comic books
3/4ths of the producers and the executive producer are Jewish.
I think you have something there. As I understand it it's something of a point of pride or status to have lighter skin amongst blacks, but also a source of envy from the darker nogs.
From an AmRen article I've seen posted here before:
read tolkien or go lift
I laughed when even Stan Lee told them not to pull this nigger shit and they didn't even bother listening to that ancient kike with one foot in the grave. Being a redhead is pretty much all Mary J had going for her.
Rotten Tomatoes doesn't rate movies, they're a review aggregator.
They already know it does. Money isn't real anymore, ((($16 Quadrillion Derivatives Market))) so it doesn't matter. There are bigger things at stake like destroying the only Super Power in the world so you can establish your glorious NWO.
Mary Jane, so plain her only defining and memorable feature was her red hair, so fiery and fair. 'Oh poor Jane, she can only be consoled by Baneposting.
I have a feeling even Disney regret letting Sony have so much creative control. After CISbusters boned so hard
Flash turns into an American hero in the comics.
Even more reason for the jews to make him into a shitskin
Didn't matter. SONY had the rights to Spiderman. And they wanted Spidey in the Avengers Movie, so the deal was struck long before CISbusters came out and bombed.
Only the first two Raimi movies were good, everything after that was trash.
I hope Alexis didn't back down.
I'm betting this will be anudda goybusters.
wtf is this shit? Please tell me this is from some shitty 3rd rate docu-movie or some shit? Gonna need further explanation, user…
Why do Jews ruin everything they touch, even their own people's works? The only things they seem to hold sacred is the holohoax and their perception that goyim are animals to serve them. Where is the pride in accomplishing a deed, or sharing someone's happiness in their accomplishments? Where is the respect? Where is anything that makes them sympathetic, human? The only reason I can see why people care is white guilt forced on us via indoctrination.
You do realize that holocaust porn is an actual thing and that it's super popular with the jews?
Pornography is also sacred to kikes.
Just as the dominance of Yankee one drop rule (as opposed to the Southern racial caste system) forced these two groups together so can identity politics force them apart and create strife.
There might be porn, but it is never questioned that 6 million Jews died in the holohoax and everyone else must eternally be miserable and kow-tow to them. It is not undermined by the porn existing, and there already exists stories of a sexual nature in the holohoax like the fucking machine or 25 cm of wood. Point is, they don't ruin that Jewish falsehood for themselves, unlike just about everything else that exists. It's just confusing why they do, even Jewish creations like comics and characters.
They would operate hollywood at a loss for a hundred years before they sold it to outside interests. That's what makes all the other grifts possible.
What the fuck?
Revelation trips confirm, ebola is now snow crash
sage for wrong, sage-related pic
Just a heads up that Liz Allen, the popular girl at Peter Parker's highschool who was white in the comics, is now a nigress in the movies and also spiderman's love interest.
In fact the only white people in the main cast so far are Peter Parker, Aunt May, and 3 of the 5 villains in the film.
I don't hate them because of that. I hate them because when we tried to warn them almost a decade ago about this shit, they brushed us off and called us racists. Now everything they like is going to shit and they don't know where it went wrong, because they're fucking morons.
When Hollywood makes a race-swapped remake of "The color purple", THEN I'll let these faggots have their opinions.
You realize that the Jews in Hollywood are just reacting to demographic changes right?
It's the same with GamerGate, they had all the male consumers and switched focus to wimminz because they hadn't captured that market yet.
Here they're trying to capture the minority market. But they're also piggybacking SJWs to amplify the hype. 'Scandals' in showbusiness (which reach the media) are mainly dreamt up beforehand as promotional tools.
Also, comics themselves are the bigger problem tbh. Childish fancy and fertility rates are correlated, ask the Japs about it.
I've been posting this image for months every time this topic comes up.
Every time someone would pop up with an increasingly weaker defense.
Then when Ravioli was confirmed to be Flash Thompson the defense shifted.
Then James Gunn casually tweeted out Zendaya might be MJ to test the waters and see how people react…
So what's going to happen if this film bombs as bad as Cisbusters or barely makes it's money back? They already went Samurai on their American division. Close it all don't due to losses?
So, he's implying they can photoshop her being a red-head. No reason they can't photoshop her to be white then.
That's fine. The faggots at Sony can shoehorn niggers into everything they make.
And they won't get one dime of my money.
Eventually these jews will stop pulling this bullshit when it starts effecting their sheckles.
I have the complete opposite reaction. I'm glad they're doing this. I hope they do it more aggressively. I hope the propaganda in this movie will be blatant and in your face.
If the masses are slowly being indoctrinated little by little, you get a frogs in the pot kind of situation. Lately however, they've moved into a higher gear with the Ghostbusters stuff, this movie and many others I'm sure. I don't really follow new movie releases.
I hope the forced diversity and propaganda will be blatant enough that a portion of the masses will understand that someone is doing it on purpose based on a political agenda.
Demographic changes they themselves are causing.
Funny thing is beaners don't spend their illegally obtained wages in the US. They send it all back to Mexico. They're not wasting $15 going to the movies when that $15 could buy a car in Tijuana.
So, are they not capable of creating NEW characters who are black?
Or women?
Because it looks like there are PLENTY of them already (Women superheroes, Black superheroes, and Black Woman superheroes)
Here are the lists.
And let us not forget, the literally Endless selection of Green Lanterns.
And don't forget Mogo.
The movie was going to flop anyway, because how many fucking Spider-Man reboots do we need. This will just make it flop harder.
Don't be defeatist. Blacktastic 4 bombed, and The Human Torch Johnny Dindu is sure as shit never coming back. If a movie fails, the rebooted characters go away.
Do not give Yellowtooth the Pirate clicks.
Mogo is cool and all but the F# Lantern is my favorite also the one that's a bio-sentient mathematical equation
Oh boy they sure haven't forgot about her.
DC movies are taking in money hand over fist, dude, and they effectively gave cucks the finger with Suicide Squad. Even now with Wonder Woman, they still have her in a showy top with her bombshell legs out, paying full respect to the comics even if they had to "modernize" the outfit. The critics aren't being kind, but the fans are paying up and seeing the movies. They're buying the DVDs. They're swaglording. DC is drying their tears with money, and they're doing it because they don't change shit to appease the "progressives". They know where their bread is buttered and they know what comic book fans want to see. They want to see their heroes, as they're depicted in the comics, on the big screen.
This movie will fail, and DC will carry the comic book movie industry into the future, on the back of respect of the fans and keeping true to the comics.
Kids in a tug of war between (ukrainian) mom and (britbong) dad: mom accuses dad of being involved in satanic shit, videos police interviews etc pulled from web, dad definitely gives off pervy vibes and Sandy Hook tier "backstory", but either the London health authorities lose babies down the back of the sofa or mom did a bit of coaching and the kids enjoyed the limelight.
I noticed it any time I ended up on webdev twitter. It's all numales excited over nerd movie casting and shit (when not being very serious about gender issues).
Shouldn't he be able to grow them back? This goes against Flash canon.
Remember when IGN just reported on gaming news and made gaming reviews?
Not really
You fucking low levels.
Not every jew cliché ever. What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
It's always led to (((their))) downfall. They can't help themselves, and get too greedy, when if they'd been patient a little longer and waited another couple of generations, they'd have irreparably subverted the nation they were manipulating.
It's not jew shekels. It's the jap's money they are throwing away. I think the jews are intentionally ruining Sony's movie division for a jew buyout.
Why can't the japs see what is going on? Sony needs to bring on the shoah.
Nobody is saying Spider-Man is all that great a character. But he's WHITE, his girlfriend is WHITE with fiery RED HAIR, and that's how it should fucking be depicted on the big screen.
this, norman osborne did nothing wrong.