Its being spread on twitter
this is a video from a UK muslim school teaching to kill adulterers, non believers and homosexuals
Show everyone what moderate muslims are really like
Its being spread on twitter
this is a video from a UK muslim school teaching to kill adulterers, non believers and homosexuals
Show everyone what moderate muslims are really like
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't see a problem tbh fam
We'll use your own justification while purging you muhammed
so tolerant.
Is this from a GEMS education run school?
Fucking webm please.
When will newfags learn?
Are they like the (((best ally))) ?
Fuck off christkike
lazy op files so small no conversion needed
2 outta 3 aint bad.
Stay mad, faggot.
Maybe this Islam thing isn't all that bad.
>>>Holla Forums10547914
Get the fuck out of here /int/
This is why Holla Forums gets nothing done, pathetic
Normies will just call you a racist. I got called a racist multiple times for wanting to talk about Cologne and Rotherham. Normies are subhuman garbage and deserve their fate.
You realize the muslim girl who recorded this will most likely die in an honor killing
a little muslim schoolgirl has more balls than you , scared of being called racist, good lord.
You'll get nothing done with that atomistic lolberg logic, thinking their fate is just their matter and doesn't affect you and everyone else. Go point fingers at them, it won't do a thing at the end.
Agreed. Killing illiberal atheists is wrong!
Pegida UK was started by (((Tommy Robinson)))
Acting like a selfish baby because you're fanny-flustered over some normies calling you racist won't solve anything. By giving up you've conceded power to them, and allowed them to shut you down with accusations of racism. By doing that you're no better than a cuckservative.
And you think this gives them power over me?
Do you feel in charge?
I think he is implying that it removes any gravity your arguments, backed with facts or not, had.
All normies truly do have a mental block preventing them from seeing the world as it is, if it is removed, they will lose there fucking minds. Call it there "fail safe" hitch.
Sauce: My normie buds.
He's right though. Every normie will say "Wow those are just extreme muslims, why would you share this, what do you have against good muslims?"
I mean, I will share this on twitter but man normies exist for a reason: they don't care about reality, they care about feeling good.
Showing them reality is not going to help, you have to make them feel afraid (bad). That is when they wake up.
the vague language they use such as 'those who reject islam' just means anyone not muslim you kebabcuck
You're all missing the point. I don't give a shit if I get called a racist. The point is normies refuse to listen and deflect the harsh facts by calling me a racist before burying their heads in the sands. My frustration is that I've tried and normies refuse to listen.
Sounds good to me.
I'll admit dealing with normies is the most frustrating thing in the world, and indeed our efforts shouldn't be so much converting normies, as manipulating them to our ends. But still, you should never back down when they lay out the racism card, which is what I was afraid the user above was doing, just saying "whelp, they called me a racist, time to pack it in". Still if you're just referring to their mental block, then yeah, I hear you there.
We have all tried user, with are friends and family…
We have all tried…
If normies are subhuman garbage, then what are you who let's them cry bully you into submission?
Normies are sheep. You don't listen to their pathetic mewling, you take charge and lead them to where they need to go.
Only solution, sooner or later, is to expel them and kill those that resist leaving. There is no other option. The ideology won't die, so they'll continue pushing this shit on kids until they're gone.
Unfortunately, some people can't be reached. However, most can. You have to find an issue that they're not emotionally charged about. For example, it's not hard to convince a conservative Christian about the nature of this video, but good luck convincing them that Jews conceived their pro-Israel theology.
Similarly, with progressives, you're not going to reach a Tumblrina with this video. (But you could try it with some brogressives, depending on just how cuckolded they are. I'm sure most of you can tell the difference between the Holla Forums egalitarian and the "I agree with whatever radfems say" dog.) You have to reach them on something else, like, say, the treatment of PoC Palestinians. From there, you might be able to talk about how (((they))) have framed the discussion of that topic in the media.
Yep. Different people may require different methods, but they must be led if they will not/cannot think their way out of false beliefs.
You ain't living
My theory is that normies all think in a strongly feminized way and that they all have herd mentality. They will refuse to accept facts as true if the facts are considered unpopular and damaging to their social lives. If suddenly it were socially acceptable to be racist and anti-immigration, then all the retard normies would do a 180 and would be sieg heiling with the best of us.
See my earlier post
My point was that I've tried reaching out to normies but they refuse to listen and dodge and deflect all facts with accusations of racism. I have no idea how to break through the conditioning.
What have our memes done?
It's the way I see it as well.
Islam is not mutually exclusive to race. Even some oriental people are muslims.
But in this day & age where narrative speaks louder than common sense, I see little hope for future generations.
The normies who will wake up would only do so when they have to pay their jizya tax or get on their knees infront of a mudshit holding a machete.
Bangladeshis are the asiatic muslims by the way.
so h'white
Thanks for correcting the record on that
Your post made me chuckle.
so are Indonesians but all non-Arab muslims get treated like shit compared to arabs
the arabs still have their tribal bullshit which is also mentioned in the Quran
mohammeds tribe at the top, followers of mohammed below him, neutral and dissident tribes of arabia below them and then everybody else below them
and thats just muslims
and then you have the dhimmu, the half-humans the jews who arent targeted usually because jews scheme and shekel farm their way out of muslim abuse
and christians who get to live as subhuman extra tax paying slaves in the islamic world
literally everybody else who isnt a muslim, christian or jew needs to be raped, slaughtered or sometimes converted to the bottom tier of islamic citizenry which still puts you above christians/jews but below all the arabs
Some fedoras definitely do, but it's misguided as well. There's no reason we can't convince christians of our own viewpoint.
Are there spic muslims? Would that be the Spaniards?
those are Moors dummy
Really OP?
of course I'm not, I'm a mudslime
Yes, they will do that. Yes, sometimes it is hard to get through. You keep on keeping on.
Deprogramming for Dummies
1. Get rid of your expectation that you can just turn someone from an indoctrinated vegetable into a determined comrade in one sitting. That will never happen.
The indoctrination run deep, and rejection of ideas that don't fit their fairy tale utopia is a built-in defense mechanism. It takes time, and many attempts, to get through to them in almost all cases.
2. Chances are you started out just like them, or narrowly avoided that fate. In either case, if you grew up in this world then you were exposed to the same poison that got to them.
Try to remember how you escaped or avoided the indoctrination, paying particular attention to:
A) What first got you doubting the narrative? The first nicks in its armor, the initial crack to place the wedge. These are usually minor things that don't contradict the narrative too much; just enough to sow the first seeds of doubt.
B) What was particularly effective at driving that wedge deeper? There will likely be a few events or pieces of information that had a considerably bigger impact than everything else.
C) What was the final impact that made the whole thing shatter? It's usually just one thing, maybe two, that really brings everything else together into one coherent picture that reveals the narrative as both impossible and harmful.
3. Learn their defense mechanisms. Learn to shut them down as quickly and reflexively as they throw them out.
Yes, they dodge and deflect. Realize this isn't the time to give up. Realize they haven't put any thought into what they're saying in those situations, they're just executing pre-programmed routines triggered by your attack on their cult-mentality.
Realize, that this is when they are at their weakest.
Double down and attack their defense mechanisms themselves. They won't be able to defend against it because they are not prepared for it.
Questions are often more effective than statements here, because they put them into a position where they feel pressure to provide a response they simply do not have. Example:
Oh, so they have to ALL be like that? Should we just sit and do NOTHING until they're ALL like that? What if ALL BUT ONE was like that, would you be saying the same thing? How many of them need to "be like that", how many times does X need to happen, before YOU think we should start doing something about it? Name a number! How many?!
And while they're reeling and gaping, you switch to the offensive:
"They're not all like that" is a complete non-statement! It means nothing at all! It's just a mantra you repeat to yourself every time something bad happens, to give yourself an excuse not to deal with it and pretend that everything is OK. Meanwhile, people are suffering because YOU don't have the balls to take a stand!
4. Know when to back off, and who your target audience is.
If you're trying to convince the person you're talking to, you need to be careful not to overdo it. Know when to leave it be or temporarily disarm the situation with a "*shrug* well, that's just how I feel about the whole thing, maybe I'm not seeing something too".
This buys time for them to think it through outside of a confrontational situation, sleep on it, etc. You can pick it up again some other day… you might even find THEY pick it up again because they've become curious, couldn't quite reconcile something, or just want to convince you since they feel you might be uncertain.
Alternatively, there are times when the person you're addressing isn't the person you want to convince at all. Rather, you want to convince the audience. In those cases, it can pay off to push harder and make them really look the fool. Still, be careful not to overdo it. If the audience feels you're being too mean, they'll likely side with the other position even though it is weaker. Underdog effect and all that.
You want to expose the other position as weak and unworthy, but avoid crushing it completely. The latter is only useful when you're preaching to the choir.
> Killing illiberal atheists is wrong!
I don't really believe in "magical sky daddies" but an "atheist" is the last thing I would identify as.
I agree. I have a sense of "something" but the inability to achieve anything amounting to "faith".
As a result, I tend towards my ancestral traditions of the Norse pantheon, but use it as a means to give name to the above "something."
But I don't _believe_ in God or Gods as literal manifestations that exist.
So, perhaps Deism is the best way to describe what I (we?) believe?
Mudslime Internet Defense Force really goin the extra mile today
I personally identify as a "cuckstian" as an ethnic pride thing since I also celebrate religious events with family and friends without complaining about "lol you are adults and still believe in santa when you could be euphoric and enlightened by my own intelligence". One of the reasons I went past my "militant" atheist face was the combination of unwarranted arrogance, use of strawmen and half-assed education most fellow fedoras had. Now I not only view spirituality and religion as simply socially beneficial but also as a last line of defense against the multi-culti scourge.
So fucking what I'd get a tattoo on my fucking forehead if I'd still be able to get a job after.
Take this
If you're a human, you're racist. It can't even be argued, there is a correct and an incorrect, a yes or no, a 1 or 0.
Human = Racist
Just take the iron pill and start radiating völkisch reverence for Mother Europa. Going after white christians like they're the enemy of the west is kind of a waste of your energies when islam is at our fucking door.
Coincidentally I also started doing this after the army.
Doesn't make a difference to a muslim.
An infidel is an infidel.
And even if we find some of their policies acceptable (tough I'd imagine it'd take a couple of decades of eugenics before the idea of outright killing fags and adulterers doesn't provoke a negative gut reaction in non-larpers), they are not us. And the fact that they are exercising such force within our lands should be seen as a challenge, whether or not we'd agree with it on a "moral level" . Liberalism "works" so long as everyone plays nice, and there remains around the "bubble" of liberalism enough state-power to "take-care" of those that don't play nice. They are not playing nice. If we don't plan on joining them or being assimilated by them, we SHOULD use that against them . Lest we become absorbed, erased, and our only consolation is not impeding the mudslimes who where more manly than us.
It actually makes. pic related
Yep, it's my own personal research but I came to a certain conclusion regarding the intensity/weight/dankness of 'coincidental uptake'
I'm not the only one doing this, and I'm also not the only one who had the 'unique idea' to spread this meme adigitally. It seems to me that cultural and social memes are fundamentally different.
The most intriguing aspect of this disparity is the revelation that, because evolution and selective forces have favored our current social nature, it follows that those traits are intrinsic to the selective process. Given that the races have evolved more or less independently over varying amounts of time up to 80,000 years, fucking abbos, these social traits are something that have been selected for or against, evolving separately per individual race.
Culture, just as much or even moreso then skin color, differs between the races.
The cultural meme takes on a different form, then, where the social meme isn't so racially exclusive.
stop posting if you've already given up, no one wants your nihilistic vitriol here. my whole family is almost as enlightened as i am and i've even started redpilling on (((them))) now.
found the christcuck?
So tolerant and progressive.
I don't want to kill fags, I just want them to fuck off and leave me alone. No more disgusting parades that smell like anal froth, no more swanning into 12 cake stores before finally finding someone willing to call them out. Same with the rest of the fucks like the jews and muzzies. If they'd just stay out of my way, I'd stay out of theirs, but that's not good enough for them and so now I'm here and ready to rock.
This tbhfam. Muzzies should be left to do their thing for a while.
We should have been doing this by ourselves. Kill mudkikes, faggots and whores.
I dunno, seems pretty redpilled to me.
Why can't we get some videos of Jewish schools? It would be the same shit. Fuck you JIDF.
Think again, dumbass
Nah. I'm gonna let this keep going
It's not that they're wrong, it's that she's completely right.
In her own words, mudshits don't belong in Europe and removing them violently would be ethically and morally correct.
Oh no, I have not given up spreading jq, though with my views on things I find it difficult to find people to interact with as I'm sure a lot of other people here do as well.
I have given up with my "friends" and have vastly distanced my self from my family though.
I know my post seemed defeatist, but some people are truly too out of reach for some and sense we don't have a reprogramming we can commit are family's too for others to work on yet… Better to find others you could assist, then waste your time on the lost.
Here is the thing about that…. if you're not a muslim then you're next on their list buckaroo.
lets be honest, if they were white you'd think its pretty based
yes this is obvious evidence against immigration, just avoid using the "they're coming after our sodomites" angle in argument.
Go suck your arab boyfriends cock Cuckedfilth, we know you want to worship islam
There is nothing wrong with those specific beliefs though. Give me one reason why punishing whores and faggots is wrong. Mudslimes are trash, sure, and their religion is pure AIDS, yes, but punishing skanks and diseased faggots is completely sane. We should be the ones doing these things, too. USA had the death penalty for faggotry for most of its history. It's perfectly in line with western civilization. Only modern judaic NWO civilization tolerates these ills.
anti degeneracy laws in Islam don't prevent degeneracy. They excuse them all in times of Jihad (which is 100% of the time) as long as you fight for (((allah))) and don't piss anyone off they tolerate trannies and gays alike.
What's wrong with killing homosexuals? Faggots are disgusting degenerate scum who should all be gassed.
link is dead
as much as i hate Muslims there is some things they get right, still have to go back.
the majority of atheists are on the left, if you ask me they are a part of the problem but if you want to fight i could forget that
someone needs to make a better version of this
moron, also
why are you fags obsessed with him? upset that he told you fags are a problem?
You fuckers need to kill yourselves.
I actually prefer them being muds so that I can demonstrate the religion of peace' true face to my normalfag circle.
The issue is less what they believe at and more about them being violent inbred brown subhumans.
are you saying most atheists are redpilled and NOT left leaning? wew lad. Never said we should execute people who don't believe in god retard, did you even see who i replied to? Guessing not
For good measure, yes.
t. former atheist
Agreed. Islam is extremely left wing and supports gay pride and feminism.
for good measure, how about you put a bullet through your brains?
How the fuck does one stop being an atheist? Did you get a "visitation"? Topkek
It's interesting how they want to hide their agenda. But we don't.
The point is, this is a Muslim school in the UK. It doesn't matter if they're "extremists" because the policies that allow Muslims to migrate to western countries has been proven, by this video, to allow murderous Muslims in along with any kind of Muslim.
And if this is what the Muslim schools become when they establish a caliphate within your borders, then letting ANY Muslim in at all leads to this sort of psychopathic mentality, with small children being taught to murder at a very young age.
Even normies have to realize Muslims are a cancer to civilized society, and they must be purged, every last one of them, because you cannot tell which Muslim is lying about being a psychopath and which Muslim is not.
The only people that can possibly still support Muslim immigration are the most duped, brainwashed, mentally childish & inferior cucks in the entire country, the very dregs of the zombie-lib knee-jerks.
It's blocked in the UK it needs spreading and reuploading as far as possible.
This is why wbm's are so important, and why they must be spread far and wide, all over America, Canada, Europe, & Australia.
Americans, you need to do this especially, as you are one of the few countries where they can't arrest you for doing it.
It is a moral obligation.
We need somebody to explain how to download & up load webm's from Holla Forums, just in case people who want to help are unclear.
Daily reminder that Muslims have slaughtered entire towns, down to the last baby, for being Christian.
Christians, they see you as being just as infidel as any atheist…or any Buddhist or Hindu, for that matter.
They intend to wipe you both out, along with anyone else that does not accept their slimy, gutter-religion.
i know, i didn't say I want them, i just agree with some of their actions.