Single Mothers thread

Let's have a thread devoted to talking about single mothers

It seems pretty fucked up to me that single mothers are treated in society like some kind of special, amazing thing when in reality they have been raising criminals and draining welfare systems.
"everyone else should pay for my mistake"

Some fuel to get started

Other urls found in this thread:

Here are 15 reasons to date a single mom.


Literally none of this is true.
Also for experience with single mother, my neighbor is one and her kid throws tantrums all the time and bothers the whole fucking building.

for fuck sake..

Most of those didn't even sound like postive things though.

how about a single father thread?

A single mother =
1. Taking on several long time financial commitments.
2. Is an emotional trainwreck with wagonloads of muh feels.
3. Has a former husband / boyfriend who's going to be around for decades.
4. Will make you a literal cuck.

A single woman who doesn't have kids yet = none of these problems.

Shit thread, OP.

Stop bumping retard

P.S. Female Anons: If you get pregnant outside of marriage then you're an idiot.

In short: They are the female version of the chucked male liberal.

In 4 years she utterly destroyed herself before my eyes. It was like watching someone go through a catalogue of bad ideas on a spending spree.

I'm now in my mid 30s and I look better than she does. Scary stuff.

1. Be single then
2. I already have a mother
3. Stern, Bossy
4. No fun
5. Her child decides if you're worthy
6. Cheap
7. Needy
8. Demanding
9. Boring again
10. Was a huge whore wants to be again
11. Will look like shit
12. Fat
13. Childish shit
14. Broken
15. Busy all the time

Lipstick on a pig descriptions.

Number 11 made me laugh hardest


It's weird how that happens. Where I live, there seems to be more single mothers than there are in a couple, especially in my age group (25 and below). Absolutely loads of girls in my year at school, 17 in total, ended up pregnant before they were 18 and having kids. I think only one of them is still with the father, and of that I can only think of two who actually have a steady job.

I went no contact with my single mother a few months ago after she punched me in the face and tried to kill me with an axe.

Although that was probably more the borderline personality disorder than the single mother part.

Seems to go hand in hand tbh

Oh look, another white woman proving white women are societal filth. Her sole goal in life was to get fucked by a black guy. Oh man, aren't white women just fantastic!


good goy, hate white women!

Good nigger, shift your personal responsibility onto the all seeing Jew man, just like your black brethren does with the evil white man. Jews don't dictate our personalities and mindsets. White women in the Western world are loose hyper-sexual filth because they want to be.

if i added a pic it would be wojak sitting in the gutter crying into his fucking knees

im the last chance for our family name lads.

My sister is a single mother. Her two boys are fine, as far as I can tell with kids their age, but act a bit timid towards men. She tries to get them involved in sports and other manly activities, which is good, but even then it'll ever fully replace a steady father figure in the kid's lives.

It's definitely not all of them and it's programmed into them early to do that. There are plenty of girls out there who don't fuck every chad they see but the whole 'mgtow' bullshit is just trying to divide men and women more. One of the Jews best tricks was convincing women they are a social group, rather than a family member/someone to start family with.

Well my mother was a single mother, my father left before she gave me birth. ( Not a nigger but sometimes he behaves like one.)
Of course she raised me like a normal child, but not having a fatherly figure all the time was an handicap, of course,but I had the best grandparents I could have, and they taught me values that I respect now. For example my great grandmother was married and had 3 kids, but her husband died when she was in her 30's, she never wed again or dated another man.
I have no siblings except half brother and half sister, and I've never been in a stable familly.
But the lack of a stable structure taught me that it's the backbone of a stable individual.
Children of single mother are handicapped in a social way, but that doesn't excuse them for being a failure or a drop-out.
Give your children what your parents couldn't give you.

Why don't you buy an Asian woman and show yourself to be a hypocrite and a loser.

Just because I point out that white women are hyper-sexual filth it doesn't mean I'm MGTOW. I don't associate with those morons. I'd like to have kids. I'm just not going to do it with a Western white woman. Hell, I probably never will. I'm in the latter half of my twenties now, which means all women my age have been in a few relationships, meaning their ability to be trusted in a long term one is even lower than it was to begin with (I'm under the belief that multiple relationship partners, not just sex partners, degrades one's willingness to be in a long-term relationship), which was already baseline at best. I'm to the point where I'd accept a Hispanic woman who's of mostly or wholly Euro descent. They carry themselves better. They like to cook and tend to the home. I can't even look at a white woman these days without thinking she's hyper-sexual filth, and it's entirely because of rhetoric that came out of their mouths.

Why would I "buy" an Asian woman? If I wanted an Asian woman I'd head out West and get one. They're free for the taking for any white man that wants one.

Yeah, your that type aren't you. the male equivalent of a single mother..

Did you do a bunch of "nice" things for a white woman in the past and not get the "righteous" love you deserved in return?

I know hundreds of white women who are disgusted by the idea of a nigger touching them. Fuck off with your defeatist shit.

a healthy mother-father family is the best thing you can give your kid

my father died when i was 4 and i honestly felt a void at around 17-18, someone to teach you to be a man

apparantly he was very redpilled as well, as he had a bust of Marechal Petain, the head of Vichy France, and he regularly talked good about Hitler

mother gave the bust away ffs, she didn't know what significance it had

Unless you mean you would with an Eastern European white then you can gtfo
Justify your race mixing all you want but it's degenerate filth. Instead of looking for a decent woman, you've taken the easy option and you'll settle for some 3rd world poverty woman and cuck yourself, bravo

We should distinguish between a widow and a slut, I think.

Widows just got dealt a shit hand.

You're not really a "single father" though, you're a widower raising his kids on his own. There's a big difference.

With a true "single mother", there was never a father involved. If there was, she'd be a "divorcee" or a "widow". Single mothers are always dumb hoes who were too irresponsible or too slutty to know who fathered their kids and keep him around.

The weakened minds remove themselves from the world.

Agreed. 'Single mother' generally means had a kid out of wedlock to a low quality male and feeds off the government. Widowers are distinguished from this group.

Yea, but at the same time almost everybody in my age group has some sort of problem with their family. Either one parent died, or they divorced or they aren't divorced but still hate each other… I can count the people I know WITHOUT any issues family relation issues on one hand.

Let me guess, you're a member of a LARPer Nazi forum where LARPing virtue signaling women try their damnedest to show how in-tune they are with group consensus by claiming to hate niggers? Oh man! That doesn't mean shit to me. It's like the modern Leftie jumping all over the anti-Feminist bandwagon after we shifted group consensus to be against Feminism. They're still filth. They still harbor countless undesirable ideals. They're just following group consensus to fit in. Do you expect me to believe that there's white women out there that are honest, pure, and loyal for any means other than appealing to the group they want to associate with? Fuck no. History is rife with female treachery. Only men can harbor such pure loyalty to their own.

Are you slow? There's countless tens of millions of white people in South America. I'd consider an Eastern Euro woman, but fuck if I'm going to Eastern Europe any time soon.

That's because divorce has been made such a commonality and women are being pushed to pursue careers instead of standing by their husband.

Do you think old people never had problems? Yet they managed to get through it, creating some of the closest bonds a person can have.

This perversion of family life by (((them))) is what's at the basis of it. I see the effects every day.

this was for

I call them prison fillers.

Hey MGTOW faggot, women follow and men lead.

This is nature, the way of the world, when my iron sword shatters your bronze sword, it might be unfair to you who live in an area with no iron but I am the victor.

If you didn't think most people normally conform to the culture they were brought up in; you wouldn't be here. You would instead think that somehow all the White Women will become virtuous and all the White Men would become uncucked.

The reality of nature is that our time is limited and also our blood.

White knight cucks like yourself are the fucking problem. KYS.


Exactly, so I'm not wasting it reforming some hyper-sexual fuck toy. I'll keep an eye out for a nice immigrant woman from a place like Argentina, Poland etc.

You're so fucking retarded you call a guy attacking women a white knight. You're not to be taken seriously.

There is an annoying single mother on Rizon known as sheza/tahkisis/ardhel

She is mentally unstable and constantly seeks to honey pot any OPs of any channel she resides in.

Her child is an accident and yet she claims she did not make a mistake.

claims to have a decade of experience in the food industry but all she has done is cook and clean. no real business exposure.

Why not get an asian woman? You're just going to clown on me for having brown eyes and a slope forehead anyway.


Fuck off.


Might as well turn this into a cp thread

Wise words here, but the truth may actually be somewhere in between. One the for certain is that is takes an extraordinary woman to go against group consensus in this day and age, unfortunately that requires a loving father must have been in the picture at an early age and instilled some independent thought into her. The problem is that women are weaker minded and thus more susceptible to the zog programming that is/was rampant on television. Us whites have to make the best with what we have left of our white women.


I don't really fun Sam Hyde's comedy to be funny per say, but it's borderline genius. It's almost impossible to be offensive as a comedian in this day and age but he manages it somehow. He's like Andy Kaufman.

Molyneux speaks out against single mothers, condemning them as failures. Remember, there is a reason why MTGOW types hail Molyneux.

I'm taking back my own bantz.

It's that process that sees our nations swamped with useless people, the spawn of single mothers are primed to be more liberal than a regular non-religious 2 parent normie cos they're on the hook sucking gubbmint tit from day one.

They're emotionally weaker, more readily resentful and act out like children because they've never had their actual father figure around to check their shit properly or teach them to toughen up. Boys and girls raised by women will see the boys come out effeminate/school shooter/MLP fan/Furry and the girls as unruly whores/unfathomably stupid with a pussy like a YMCA that accepts any scumbag.

I used to harbour liberal thoughts until I understood how it destroys the fabric of society (importing islam/supporting niggers) and makes our people intolerably weak. Never agreed with the idea of single mothers even back then though, they provide a shoddy, inadequate substandard medium in which to grow.

Now that I think, my cousin has broadly done the same, she got IVF because she can't hack men in her life. Ended up with a son (irony), he's only 5 but he's weak, the first few years are all important, my brother and his woman broke up when *their* kid was 3, they pass him back and forth, not ideal by any means but he's much more mentally tough and capable than his 1 parent counterpart.

I continue to fear for the future.

UNWED mothers. "Single mother" is a Jew term.

unwed could apply to women who have a father figure around but aren't legally married. Single mothers suggests there is no reliable father figure. There probably werent enough of them around for the distinction to be important before the change.

My own mother is enough for a book. Statistically there is no more accurate predictor of poverty or criminality than growing up raised by an unwed mother.

The issues that woman has are unbelievable.

Milo the degenrate dindu sucker was right about a lot of things.

I tell the kids she died. She still lives in that trailer, and I am now an accountant.

Unwed mothers must be discouraged.

Absent some form of abuse, the worst thing you can do a child, is to remove the father from the household. Study after study has shown that. Tens of thousands of children over decades in some studies.

But you can't say this in murica because somehow, it would be taken as an insult by the legion of single mothers. When you can't even address a problem, the nation is fucked. Pozzed beyond all recognition from a functioning society. Just ignore the elephant in the room. That goes double with race. Let's just all pretend if we give niggers more money…

He triggered you bad, eh faggot? hahaha. Jesus Christ, how long have you been waiting to say that bullshit? That's some epic mental illness on your part. Just go gay already and leave us alone.

Lots of good white women still around and they're the best thing in the world. If you find one, you'll know.

I've got a story for you.

What's with you faggots coming here and saging everything? Why post? This started last month. Most are CTR shills, but these posts seem to fit the Holla Forums narrative. So why do you do it, enlighten me.

Young single mothers are all pretty much entitled whores,

At 20 I've come to realize patterns in the failures I grew up with.

Of the kids who had single mothers, here are some case and their significant issues:

-Addicted to video games, ended up joining the army
-Beta faggot
-Beta faggot
-Beta faggot, bisexual tendencies
-Suicidal girl
-Horrible bitch

I can't believe the west let this shit slip through our fingers. I was in Singapore recently, and noticing the white, western tourists there still brought incidents of single mothers on holiday.

I don't understand why they bother posting at all if they've nothing to say other than the mindless shit they come out with, everyone is a sliding jew shill but them regardless of what they post apparently.

Single mothers on holiday sound like ripe pickings for thieves/rapists/sex traffickers, them and their kids.




They are




I love when Stefan raises this point.

Like if she wanted to raise her kid well she should have selected a better partner.

Dumb cunts.

Obviously most single mothers are degenerates, but what about women with young children who become widowed? I doubt they would face the same problems, all the widows I've met hate "empowered single moms" with a passion

I'm White you stupid pricks

He wasn't a dead beat when they met. He had a lot of nice paying jobs only too quit all of them every time he and my mom would move into their own house. We lost all of them so me, my bro and mom had to move into our grandmothers house.

I was raised by a single mother and life sucked compared to the solid middle class family life we had before she went batshit and divorced my father.

Single mothers are pure cancer.

For every single mother with solid reasons (women should be man's property though with her family making sure you don't mistreat her) there are 99 who are pure cancer.


remember not to fall for bait

C'mon you know granddad had his fun with the yellow girls after the war. Apple/tree, and the tree had a gun.

He has more than done his part to increase the white genes in the world. Better that the be fucking high-iq non-whites than that they never existed at all.

This is gynocracy, dude. That man is you, unless you'd prefer she gas them.

Remember mean-reversion. You find "one of the good ones" and then you've got two obese mestizo tweens twerking to music coming out of a lawn-worker's truck.

Widows are very different, assuming the death was entirely unavoidable; there it's a matter of choice whether you can spare the resources to raise a good man's kids in addition to your own.

If she was so tough and independent, she wouldn't go look for someone to cuck. Truly strong and independent people don't need to announce it. When someone announces it, it means that they're not strong and independent.

No she is not, because if she were, she would be in a functional family structure. True, some times women pick a man who they never could have told would be a bad pick, who then leaves her. But most of the times today, women become pregnant during the cock carousel, and then as they approach 30, they try to cuck one of those men they completely ignored in their 20s.

She is not patient. She is desperate to latch on to the first cuckable man. If she was patient, she wouldn't be a single mother in the first place.

Clearly, she fools around since she got pregnant and is a single mom. If she took her relatinships seriously, she would never have gotten pregnant with a man who would not stick around.

A good thing for her and her kids means that you can be milked for money. That's it.

It doesn't seem that the author even though about how to advertise why single mothers would benefit the man. Why does she deserve to be pampered in the first place? That is earned by being proper wife material, which she isn't.

I can't be arsed to comment on the rest, but this is the basic idea of how women mince words. She is the burden, so she has to sell herself, and she does a poor job of it. A smart man never dates single mothers.

You may not understand that most single mothers are way, way past the point of expecting/hoping for a husband to financially support them. They're very lonely, have a ton of trouble finding any partner let alone one of the quality she used to expect.

how do i fix this?


I just had parents who didn't give a crap about teaching me anything of value…

I don't need to understand it. When she has the burden, the she needs to advertise herself in a way that would make up for the burden, to make it beneficial to be in a relationship with her. It takes a lot to compensate for the burden of raising another mans offspring. To any decent man, it will never happen because it is repulsive on a biological level. She failed evolutionary since she gave away access to her vagina on bad terms. She did not ensure through proper judgement that the man who made her pregnant was the kind of man who would stick around.

That also implies she might do it again. She might have a kid with the cuck, marry and divorce him and then sue for child support and latch on to a new sucker.

I am fully aware that many single mothers are desperate, but articles like the one those quotes are from makes it seem like she is doing the man a favor by being with him, while in fact, it is the other way around. They tried to sell it, but it became so transparent that it's ridiculous. That's what I pointed out.

However, if you're in a relationship with a woman and you know a woman who is a single mother and she is trying to raise white children.

Why let your family, help her out? For the sake of the kids.


I know two different women with FAS, both of whom are single mothers to children with FAS.


single moms are what they are because they're supremely irresponsible.


Underrated posts

She's patient but she's not patient?

She's so loyal that she abandoned her husband to chase after my dick?

Audacity and entitlement.

As a cyclist this triggers me. Kill all cagers. Also you're a faggot…ALWAYS call the police. You could have had an injury and not realized immediately due to adrenaline/shock. What if you had a concussion or something? Ya dummy.

You could also have reported the nigger for harassment. Literally just call the police every time. Do not fuck around or they could lie and it would be your word against theirs.

There is nothing good about single moms. Fuck you OP.

I was raised by a single mother until around 8 years old. She got a boyfriend and we all moved in together, my 2 brothers and I with his 3 daughter.

Happy families until I was 12 years old and he died. We moved into my nan's house and 6 months later my mother moved out with a new boyfriend, left her children with her mother.

I was raised by my racist grandparents and have never been happier.

That's a rare case.

You should make a police report about the black boyfriend visiting you, I guarantee she's on some form of benefits with the condition that she doesn't have a partner in her life.

How often did they move into their own house? How often can you move into your own house? Wtf are you trying to say???

This ZOG-bot perfectly debunked these lies.

Widows are never lumped in with dumb whores in the term "single mom". The father dying due to circumstances which cannot be controlled, like an illness or something like that, isn't a shitty life choice. Single moms always become single moms due to shitty life choices.

Now this is anecdotal evidence, but in my street there lives a widow who has 2 kids, the father died when the eldest kid was 3 years old, and then there's a single mom who has 3 kids from 2 fathers. Guess from which family the kids ended up growing up well, getting good jobs, marrying and having children and from which family one of the kids ended up having his mangled body found in a trash container because he got a loan from loansharks which he couldn't pay off?


Widows are to be protected–they're simply very unfortunate, and shouldn't be punished because their source of safety and support died.

"Single moms" are stupid sluts.

I'd say there's a third category, for girls who get raped and don't have an abortion due to religious conviction or similar…. I actually know someone like that. Dragged off the street (in her own neighborhood; she wasn't out thrillstalking), beaten, and raped–apparently the guy's dad caught him in the act and beat the shit out of him, but by then it was too late. Anyway, those women, assuming they didn't ask for it (drinking around strangers and "regretting it", going to obviously dangerous areas alone, etc.), have more in common with the widows than with "single moms", but society seems to see them as the same.

All the MGTOW hate in this thread comes from hating the lack of control in one's self.

MGTOW takes a level of "No, I'm not going to desire or take the candy" that (for evolutionary reasons) isn't too common on Holla Forums.

Not necessarily.

My wife came from a seriously fucked up background–but she decided early on (young childhood) that what she wanted, more than anything, was to be a wife & mother.

She didn't "date around" in her teens; she didn't sleep with guys (there was blood our first time); she won't talk to men unless I'm present; she knows all the feminine crafts that a decent wife would have known in a traditional culture (sewing, cooking, crochet, dying, spinning, soap making, candle making, etc.), and she thinks the highest purpose a woman can possibly attain is to cleave to her husband and do a good job raising his children.

The tl;dr: her background may be informative, but her character is more important: fruit from a good tree can still spoil, and loving parents aren't proof against degeneracy; likewise, from offal can grow a beautiful flower, if one has the wit or wisdom to distinguish it from the maggots.

No, MGTOW is a Jewish attempt at white self-extermination.

It combines self righteousness, defeatism, moral lassitude, weakness, sexual incompetence, and ignorance into a kind of nihilistic cult mentality that just because you are too pathetic and too stupid and too unattractive to realize that the Dunning-Kruger effect is real & that you really ARE NOT what women of quality want, that every other man should willingly follow your flawed and worthless genes off Darwin's cliff.

that thousand yard stare on the bitch

MGTOW is a drop in the bucket compared to WGTOW. Many women are totally happy with dating random guys and watching Netflix with their cat until they're 35+.

You'd be surprised how many legit 7's and higher are WGTOW. They have no fear of The Wall until it's too late. Most accept it eventually and go childless and will eventually die alone.

It's a modern day tragedy. Thanks, feminism.

Moreso, they need to be gassed.

Their argument fell apart at the first point and in a truly just world this would be laughed at instead of seen as bravery.

Wrong. Women are easily controlled, easily dominated. They "date around" because we let them; they don't commit because we let them have such silly thoughts in their pretty little heads.

MGTOW also tries to pull the victim complex shit, just like the SJWs–the two are, from my point of view, indistinguishable: both are (((calculated))) movements to convince men that we are weak and powerless.

The truth is that it's a man's world, and the only power we don't hold is the power we give away, of our own volition, because there is nothing in this world stronger than we.

Women winning the sex market? Our fault: we actively reward wanton behavior.
Women "dating around"? Our fault: we gave them license.
Women voting? Our fault: we gave them the vote
Women abusing alimony? Our fault: we wrote and enforce the laws they're (ab)using, and we allowed female judges and lawyers who do the most damage.
Women getting divorces? It was a man who legalized divorce; it was men who created child support; it was men who enacted no-fault divorce.

We have the power; that means we have the responsibility.

You and people like you are simply weakling pussy faggots who want it to be someone else's fault–just like the feminists.

You disgust me.

Oldfag here. Single mothers are actually perfect women (not girls but women) as they've work through all their little girl crazy bullshit at least somewhat. They like men (unlike modern girls) and are good with men but they still will mother you with a kind of patience and kindness. The only problem is they will never love you all the way. You will always be second to their kid. If you gave her the kid then you come second again but you are also genetically apart of that love so it's a bond. But when the kid isn't yours then you are either a help or a threat.
If being second or third in her book is OK with you then I say date a single mom.
Also if you bond with the kid and break up, well that's it… So bonding with the kid is kind of bullshit

don't you mean strippers?

Most strippers are basically single moms. They are women who are use to being used.

That sounds like a lovely woman. Congrats.

That's a damn good article.

Yeah no, in my experience single mothers are the most stressed because of too much on their plate. They have to work, drop their kid into a daycare, return home to do domestic work, try to find a man to share the burden, and give attention to their child. In every case she's half committed to the child unlike a mother who has a husband to support her, more apt to get frustrated on the child or outright ignore them by handing it an iphone (like I see everywhere today, mothers giving 2 y/o iphones, playing angry birds, jump-starting an early addiction to electronics).

I have no fucking clue where you get this idea that single mothers are perfect and have patience.

shill quit debating lol you're wasting your breath, no one buys your shit. just thought i'd let you know

What a fucking cunt, user.

Also I have a story.
>sister hooks up with a fuckup near the end of high school; kind of a wigger
It's a real mixed bag because my sister shouldn't have been with that fuckup in the first place but my nieces are great. They can be wild but we always make sure to reign them in.

That being said, single mothers are the worst. I remember watching a movie with my dad and I showed disgust at the female lead (she was playing a single mother) and - my dad noticing - asked if I would ever be with a single mother.

There are many difficulties which affect the modern family. Some of them are legal realities (i.e. how easy it is to divorce). Birth control isn't helping. The media openly promotes adultery and non-monogamous lifestyles. etc.

However, this is as much of a philosophical crisis as it is a legal one. Marriage was once an institution which was blessed by God. These days, few acknowledge a higher power's involvement with it, and even among those that do, they seldom truly contemplate what that means. They would divorce over the most trivial things because the nuclear family is of no real value to them. To save marriage, you must find make more people take it seriously.

I once had a girl in my class say that she likes Obama because she gets free birth control. You might see me on the news if shit gets worse. JK

Thank you for Correcting The Record ™

Women have no self awareness do they? Why do they think prostitutes exist?


this is the wrongest of all these wrongs

Holy shit, you are me.

My parents split up when I was a kid.

My mother is the laziest hypocrite I've ever met. Over my life, she has bounced between four or five office jobs, each one cushier than the last. Going in late, leaving early, taking an hour and a half for a 30 minute lunch, always campaigning to work a four day week (but still leaving early so not even working the normal 8 hours a day, let alone the 10 expected of a four day week). One of them was a flat out work from home job. In these jobs, her duties included some light excel work, and calling a couple of people for maybe 20 minutes a piece to take some case notes. She did half an hour of real work a day, if that. And the kicker is she constantly bitched about every single one of them. How they were so hard, how her boss is an idiot, and so on. I guess I can agree that her boss was an idiot if the boss let that lazy sack of shit stay on the payroll for years. She keeps leaving these pretty fucking sweet jobs for even cushier ones, and she hates them all for what little scraps of work they make her do. I've had to outright tell her growing up that I don't want to fucking hear it, because I work more in a day than she does in a week.

She also has no trace of social skills. Growing up, she'd snap at me and outright scream at me over the most mundane things, and half an hour later, she'd speak to me in this chipper, peppy tone as if nothing had happened. She's not bipolar or anything like that, she just doesn't have the social skills to understand that if you scream at someone for leaving their snowy shoes on the linoleum floor instead of on the mat, it takes longer than a trip to the bathroom for the sour feelings to go away. This would also be why she got along with nobody at any of her jobs. It's like what happens when you never take a puppy to the dog park to get properly socialized.

In her "good moods", she'd do things intentionally to annoy me, laugh at how annoyed I got, then get all pissed off when I told her how annoying she was being. Things like turning my bedroom light on when I was reading just by desk light, or opening my bedroom door before she left for work so I'd wake up early on days where I worked nights. Little petty shit like that. She thought she was being so cute and funny, and she got pissed if I told her she was being annoying.

A lot of her own family hates her, too. Her new husband's daughter has called her a cunt to her face. Her niece visited after almost ten years, and it took no more than three days for the gushing happiness to turn to outright loathing, as the niece was trying to enjoy her time here while my mother was trying to control and micromanage every second of it. My mother was expecting a sit down family dinner every night, but the niece wanted to eat out while sightseeing and enjoying her vacation. Which is the "proper" thing to do is irrelevant here. The fact is, the niece paid her own money to fly here, it's her vacation, it's her choice what she does with her time. My mother could not stand having control taken from her, and she hated the niece for it. To this day, she can't say a nice thing about her, though everyone else thought the niece was an amazing woman.

My dad, on the other hand, is one of the greatest people I've met. Kind, smart, respectful. I don't know shit about cars, and my dad was willing to give up half a day's pay to come to my place at 8 am in the dead of winter to change my car battery. (Yes, I know, I couldn't even change a battery myself, I don't fault you for laughing.) Everyone in his family but his coked up drunken brother loves him, and his new wife's family accepted him into their extended family not even months after they met. It takes a lot to anger him or push him away, and in fact, it was my mother who broke off their relationship. I don't know if she did it BECAUSE she's an insane cunt, or if she turned into one after the fact, but that's my personal experience with a single mother. They're usually single for a reason.

From what i remember at least 4 times.

I'm saying that my dad made great money at his jobs when he had them. When he worked, he and my mother bought a house that we lived in for a while then he would quit his job and we would be forced to move back in with my grandmother. After like 4 times of this my mom just left him.

I can't wait till he dies so i can get some of that social security benefits he is getting now because he is old.

thats why they named their site eh advice and not WOW! advice

I too love my family but it's remarkable how we're split down the line when it comes to republicans democrats, the only pairs that break this mold are my grandparents who both vote right and my cousin and his wife, who both vote left.

Aside from that, all men vote right, and the women vote left, and nothing will ever change the womans minds.

I've only had bad experiences with single mothers fuck em

I'll give this thread a bump just for you

Most women these days are trash

With aging, the proliferative and functional abilities of macrophages and MSCs are impaired because of a combination of intrinsic and environmental factors. As proper bone healing requires an inflammatory phase, the increased survival of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages and reduced secretion of pro-inflammatory factors with age may jeopardize timely bone regeneration. At the same time, aging negatively impacts MSC proliferation and differentiation, further impeding the bone-healing process. It would appear that, taken together, both macrophages and MSCs, cells critical for regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues, are adversely affected by aging. This scenario provides new opportunities for modulation of cellular events in order to optimize the healing of mesenchymally derived tissues, including bone.

Fifteen years ago, President George W. Bush banned the use of federal money for extracting stem cells from human embryos. At the same time, he doubled funding for finding alternative sources. Today, virtually all stem cells used for medical treatments and research come from adult sources and do not involve the destruction of human life.

President Bush’s controversial decision has been vindicated, and it exemplifies the application of moral principles to scientific research. So says Christopher White in Crux.

From Christopher White, Bush has been vindicated on stem cell decision – Crux:

Fifteen years ago this month, President George W. Bush announced he was issuing a moratorium on the future spending of federal funds for embryonic stem cell research. He would later refer to this as one of the most consequential “Decision Points” (the title of his autobiography) of his presidency.

While his presidential legacy is much debated, science has already vindicated his decision to end the destruction of embryos and to pursue alternative methods of medical advancement. . . .

When Bush made his decision, he also announced that he was doubling federal funding for research to explore alternative methods-and in November 2007, James A. Thomson (along with Shinya Yamanaka), the same scientist to first isolate human embryonic stem cells which sparked this whole debate, announced that he discovered an “embryo-free way to produce genetically matched stem cells.”

Writing in the Washington Post at the time, Dr. Charles Krauthammer, a handicapped doctor (who arguably had the most to gain from any advances from embryonic stem cell therapy) and a one time critic of Bush’s policy, proclaimed: “The verdict is clear: rarely has a president-so vilified for a moral stance-been so thoroughly vindicated.”

Since that time, adult stem cells have been used to grow a beating heart, cure cataracts and reverse blindness, and to treat numerous cancer patients and support individuals with autoimmune diseases. To date, over 1.5 million people have been treated using adult stem cell therapy.

But as Krauthammer also noted, Bush wasn’t vindicated simply for pushing for scientific alternatives, but for his willingness to take a moral stand. “What Bush got right was to insist, in the face of enormous popular and scientific opposition, on drawing a line at all, on requiring that scientific imperative be balanced by moral considerations,” he concluded.

[Keep reading. . .]

wrong thread


top b8 m8 guaranteed replies


Found the cuck.

Nah, you just misunderstood what he meant by that.

Because when he said "Single mothers are actually perfect women"

He didn't mean that they were perfect partners, or perfect for relationships, or even perfect for raising kids….

He MEANT, that they were the perfect weapon of the jews….


I have one.
My moms best friend is a single mom who is a total whore.

My husband and I just had our first baby, and she came down to visit. almost as soon as we have a private moment together, "You know it's just you and that baby now. Thats all that matters. You know people change when they get older. People dont stay the same. its just you and the baby." it sounded like she was actually trying to convince me to just get up and leave the father of my child. Because 'people change' and 'things change and happen'. I just rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah, I know, I'll always do whats best for my son."

I could probably think of a couple stories of this one. she has two sons, both from seperate dads, and the oldest is a faggot who said threatened to harm himself and now shes fighting with he court over him. i dont really get whats going on in that situation.

How do you discipline them?

Sounds like a unicorn, mate. Where did you find her?

my mom cant even cook spaghetti tbh

i hope so because there is no perfect human

youre right but that post isnt wrong
its what women have been doing for the better part of 40 years now>>7317271

look i dont want my daughter to be a slut but do you really think i should give two fucks about some stranger female that has shitty parents shitty or non existent brothers and shitty local culture? dont blame me for the women in your area just because they are slightly more related to me than niggers


nigga most of the men here are not a century old, dont try to blame me for something mostly anglos started rolling a century ago

the whole of your post is impressive but the conclusion is retarded
you cant blame all men for something a few bureaucratic cucks wrote into law, sounds like you might be feminist

your own kids or your sisters?
you cant do much with your sisters if your dad is an active cuck
you discipline daughters by not being their best friend

We're going to have a lot of patriarchal fascists in the future due to all these single mothers.

holy shit that pic is golden.

I was raised by a single mom.

1) My mother would repeatedly take me out to the movies and pretend I was dating her so that she wouldn't feel lonely.

2) The above automatically disqualifies her from being a great mom.

3) My mother would randomly beat me because she thought I didn't love her. I wouldn't say she was patient.

4) She never entered into a relationship, so I have a null read on this.

5) As above.

6) As above.

7) My mother was kind of a backstabbing cunt. Also, not protective of her brood, see the random beatings mentioned above.

8) Null read as above.

9) My mother was neither practical nor fun. She would blow money on drugs n'shit, and she was boring/abusive to be around.

10) She did not leave the house ever. She was not a party girl.

11) My mother at least put my need to stay clothed/in school/fed before her need for drugs, so I'll give her this point.

12) My mother couldn't cook for shit. At the age of 13, I was capable of cooking better than my mother.

13) None of that. Too broke.

14) There wasn't much adapting to do for her, as she was at the far bottom.

15) My mother could barely function as a human, let alone "do it all."

Out of 15, my single mother gets 1 point. Shit list, 14/88.

I used to babysit for a single mom, it was the worst decision I had ever made. She had three kids and all of them had different fathers and they all miss behaved. Her house was an absolute mess and smelled awful. This lady had either me or my sister come babysit for her while she went out almost every weekend and some weekdays, she was barely ever home because she was too busy going out and getting fucked up. Usually she wold promise to only be gone for an hour or two, but not come home for roughly six to eight hours later shitfaced and/or with a new guy with her. The pay was also awful. All she would give was maybe twenty bucks if I was lucky for twelve hours or more of babysitting claiming that's all she had, but yet she can pay to go out all the time and party it up. The real kicker is how she would always make posts about what a wonderful mother she was and how her kids were her top priority.

Jesus Christ, what a cuck!

There's a good reason 80% of violent criminals are fatherless.

Single parents seem to be terrible in general, single moms have the rep for a reason. What about single dads?

Statistics show that children raised by single mothers do terribly. More likely to be a criminal, more likely to suffer mental illness, will make less money, be less educated, etc. Children raised by single fathers will do much better on average in every one of those areas.

But of course, the best outcome on average is from having a mother and a father raise the children.

Dunno why they're so unnecessarily angry but still good info.

the only reason i would get with a single mother is to get with her daughter

Either Jew propaganda works or it doesn't.
If it works then why are you holding White women responsible for their decisions steered by propaganda?
If it doesn't work then why does Holla Forums complain about it and treat it like a thread to White society?

He knows damn well that this issue isn't remotely endemic to white women. It's just that Western countries have been largely corrupted by this globalist propaganda bullshit, since they are the most powerful and successful. And (((coincidentally))) all the powerful countries are primarily comprised of whites.

There's no inherent trait of white women that makes them more degenerate than any other female population, given that all females care much more about consensus and group cooperation than truth and reality. The only issue is that whites are far more empathetic than any other race (unfortunately) and when combined with women's natural behavior of conforming to the (percieved) group, leads to shitty outcomes.

Regardless, no intelligent white man should EVER date a single mother. Fuck raising another man's kids, especially one who didn't care enough to stick around and provide for them. Raise your own fucking kids and disregard the rest. Bummer for those poor bastards born to shitty parents, but providing for them with only propagate their genes.

It's weird, we feel bad when we see a mama bird push the smaller babies out of the nest so she can focus on the biggest baby and provide more resources to him, making him more likely to be evolutionarily successful. Humans have no issue doing this with plants, pulling the smaller garden crops so the stronger ones can prosper. But that same thinking needs to be applied to human babies as well, however difficult and uncomfortable it may be.

Man fuck that whore. Good on you woman for having decency and love for your husband.

My mother divorced my dad because she was insecure and wasn't feeling loved or wanted enough.

And went through like 4 boyfriends.
One she broke up with cus he had the ball to yell at me when I was being a brat.
One she got pregnant with but "wasn't ready to be a mother" and so aborted it.
I straight up told her that she murdered it when she told me about it and agrees and says she has had nightmares.
One she coal burned with and gave it up for adoption
And the current one she lives in sin with because he is afraid to get married after what happened to him at the hands of his last spouse

One things that's always bugged me about single mother statistics: Is it being distorted by the niggers?

I'm also curious whether blacks are predisposed to single motherhood; I have little doubt they are, as that is their evolutionary strategy throughout Africa. The nuclear family (plus extended family) is alien to them; they naturally live in the sexual collective of the tribe with some facades of monogamy (such as "marriage" which involves the chief getting all the women, whom the other men are expected to rape). Pairbonding, I am convinced, is utterly foreign to them.

You know what needs to be done, right?

Ugh, just don't have sex with her at least, save it for marriage. I'd avoid the mother like a plague (or herpes), you don't forget your first.