Online Video Game Propaganda

In order to change the future we must get control of the youth. Leftists now own most aspects of a kids life from school to after school programs and summer camps, pop culture, the media, etc. That does not leave us many mediums to teach them anything, but we do have the Internet. Online games are a section of the Internet that I don't see mentioned much on Holla Forums (for good reason since they are a waste of time, but hear me out). I am not a gamer myself, I don't have any installed on my computer at the moment, but this thought just occurred to me and I would like to know if anyone has been trying this. I think we should brainstorm more effective tactics as well. FPS games like Halo and CoD seem ideal since you typically have a voice chat with your team and these games are already well-known for their edgy and at times politically incorrect banter. Do you think it is worth it for someone with free time on their hands to get into games solely for the purpose of redpilling the next generation? Or should we rather keep focusing all of our memepower on twitter where the influence is more focused on adults, and hope parents get red pilled enough to teach their own kids right from wrong? Anyway, it is something to consider, especially if twitter and other sites decide to shut us down completely.

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>>>Holla Forums

>>>Holla Forums

If it helps, i name all my characters "Hitler Was Right"

I think it helps. I was in a Payday2 lobby just yesterday with a guy who was named
"Research 9/11 Google Tower 7"

This one guy was asking questions, it was nice to see

>>>Holla Forums

So many shills.
Produce hard puzzles, Cicada1303 lvl to estimule the brains

I played through Dark Souls III as Super Sayain Hitler. I got a lot of positive responses when saluting (pointing up).

Video games are degenerate, they promote escapism.

Gee, I wonder why three different accounts would post almost the same thing?


Does this entertainment teach you any useful skill? You could make a point at strategy games that can sharpen your mind, but from anything else you get nothing.
You waste your time, sitting and watching in computer screen for hours. Your mind gets filled with useless shit and your body goes out of shape.
The only appeal I see is to escape into some fictional world away from reality, which is very bad too.

Engaging in play and fun is part of being human.

You almost had me.

10/10 would co-op with.

The best way is to become a good rolemodel online by becoming an E-celeb. So many kids are using E-celebs to learn from and almost all of them are leftists.


To make the mustache, you can use a mole under "tattoos". Set it to very dark (dark brown is the darkest) then set it under the nose and rotate 45 degrees. It turns square.

Other characters (pic related)



The left have actually lost their coolness to the right in recent years.

Holy shit.

Fuckin KEK

A better idea would be to make a Holla Forums gamestudio and make games with redpills. For example a holohaux simulator where you prove that it is impossible to reach the 6 million(and make it a achievement that is impossible to get).

Shitty garbage. I don't play video games because I want to socialize with other faggots. I only play singleplayer video games that have no political messages in them. It's entertainment and the reason vidya has gone to shit is because certain groups (left) are politicizing them. You are only adding to the problem if you do the same.

>>>Holla Forums

The right's strength is in breaking propaganda, not replacing it with our own. We need free thinkers, not obedient puppets. That's more suited to left-wing sheeple thinking.

This. Propaganda of all forms is fucking cancer. Only people who lack confidence in the truth of what they believe need propaganda.

You're retarded. Slave moralities/plebeian/call it what you want make up more than 99% of the population (low estimate). Progapaganda is simply the only way to communicate with them.

Fuck off commie.

t. josef gerbils

Propaganda is getting your message across successfully. The NSDAP was very good at propaganda, because they had a good cause. The Jewish propaganda is failing (indeed, polls show that people trust the media less than ever today) because it has a bad cause.

Incidentally, I found this German propaganda poster about building youth hostels on a page titled "10 Disturbing Pieces Of Nazi Education Propaganda". OYYYYYY VEYYYYYYYYYYYYY, THE GOYIM WANT TO BUILD CHEAP HOSTELS FOR TRAVELLING YOUTH TO STAY AT! SHUT IT DOWN!

You know, I wanted to post some good examples of NSDAP propaganda, but all those files already exist on account of someone spamming a Rachposter with them.

95% of the population are lemmings. They always will be.


Make a WWI+II game from Germany's perspective, include speeches from both sides, known letters, and etc that show that Britannia was being led by a mad dog who was in turn being controlled by der jude because of his degeneracy and debts. Kids love FPS's and you can literally inundate them with propaganda like "US din do nuffin to Japan they just attacked because they were crazy" rather than us provoking war with them for no good reason considering Germany was reclaiming it's territory where German people were being killed in the thousands by lesser races and thought Germany wouldn't be able or willing to fight for their blood.

don't waste time being a shill, create content instead


It's almost a comfy feeling when the game is so under the radar it can even base an expansion on the rapefugee problem that was already hinted at in the story. Too bad the WoW refugees are already saying the lalafel are mean charactures just like the ferengi.

In Insurgency there's a gun that's available to both the insurgents and the security and it's an Israeli made Galil. I often point out how the jew funds the terrorists the goyim fight against. Plus since it's aussie servers it's not uncommon for people to say jew jokes in voice chat. Some people yell RACIST but the majority of the server shames them into oblivion to the point of teamkills.

King thordan did nothing wrong.

Do I ever miss being able to escape into that game without the gnawing sensation of my life slipping away. Ignorance was bliss.


So what hobbies do you have user?

Insurgency already has a decent community, a lot of chill 30s and 40s (sometimes 50s) ex-military guys that enjoy a tactical shooter without overly complicated mechanics like ARMA. Lots of southern accents, very friendly, and most certainly unpozzed. A few kids here and there, but if they act up someone will go dad mode and tell them to shut the fuck up or ban them.

How about we control our own children and simply don't let them waste their time on something as trivial as video games? I know people like to act like video games are great teaching utilities but any form of art/media should not be provided to your kin/offspring without review.

Maybe you video game addicts need to grow up and get some life skills other than thinking you've done yourself a favor by buying the next unfinished release.

It's a lot of work to make a game with modern graphics. You need artists, musicians, and programmers – all things which Holla Forums has in abundance. However, getting those people to coordinate and put in the amount of necessary to make a good game would be no small task.

You could probably get further by just modding existing games. Why doesn't Pokemon Red: Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Edition exist?

Is smoking a hobby? Is drinking a hobby?

Path of Exile has a major update on 2nd September, meaning a lot of people are going to be on, resulting in lots of bantz potential. It has a lot of Holla Forumsacks anyway but still. Global chat is great for shitposting because you get muted for a fairly short amount of time since the devs are perfectly aware of the fact that long bans mean that people will simply make new accounts (due to the game being free to play) to get around it.

I play video games too, but he's right, it's a vice with little to no real value. Maybe they're effective at relieving some stress, but much like television if you consume it for more than an hour or two in a day you're wasting too much time. Every once in a long while a game will come along that actually implants useful information or a different perspective into the player but they are rare exceptions. For every game that teaches you to be wary of the government and mass media like MGS2 there are a million games that do nothing but program useless movements into your muscle memory.

Yes. Anyone who can read tutorials, make simple pixel art in Gimp and use public domain/permissively-licensed music can easily make simple 2D web games in LÖVE or Godot: the key is putting fun first yes, even ahead of redpills so normalfags and bored kids will have fun playing them and spread the word to others.
I need to get back into coding anyhow, so making redpill vidya is a good excuse to get off my ass and make something again.

I should have specified much like television before it became 100% pozzed, now you shouldn't even relax by watching television especially since you can download shows straight from the internet.

Now sliiide to the left, sliiide to the right

self sage for vidja degeneracy

playing wow because i feel like it. shit excuse i know *gasses self*

WoW's trade/lfg chats have constant Trump spam. Also blatant nationalism and misattributed AH quotes.

I even piled on replacing jews with canadians in quotes. no bans many people piled on to that theme.

plus side: txt memes to millions; the opposite mesage is being torn apart in front of millions;
down side: too many pollocks play wow; we are bad and should feel bad

as penance i will plow my backyard and plant veggies and grain
pics at random

Depends on the person.

I've had an idea for a game for a while… I have litterally no experience making games(unless making pong in gmod counts lol) or i would try it myself.

Basically, what i had in mind is a 1v1 sniper duel scenario. Gameplay would be slow and tactical, as the game should be fairly realistic. Characters are fully customizable, down to things like watches and dogtag shapes. It will large catalog of available weapons/gear/items, all with descriptions on their origins, historical use, and modern applications. Several legendary snipers throughout history might be available as well(Simo Hayha comes to mind), as well as several standard sniper field outfits from various militarys, all with long descriptions of their history and service. The redpills wouldn't be in the game istelf, but in these descriptions.

The people playing the game for a game don't care about redpills, or politics, or history, or usually thinking. They just want to have fun. The people looking into the descriptions, though, would find out the kind of terrible things that the russians did during WW2, or the outstanding numerical difference between germany and its enemies, or maybe why America had such an enormous advantage entering the war so late. Not even actual redpills, just facts, here are enough to change many's opinions.

I know this because the same thing happened to me. I was engrossed in Civ V, reading as much of the info in the game as i could. In the end, i began to question what is said(a lot of its info is wrong as well), and this questioning eventually led me to Holla Forums. I think it would be effective for others as well.

Probably a useless wall of text but w/e.

Allowing leftists to monopolize a propaganda vector is college level stupidity.

One day I'll probably steal that idea bro.

CivIV is the pinnacle of the Civ franchise.
Has the best quotes and probably info of any Civ game.
it's been almost a decade since i was really into it

Start doing videogames ourself is the true way.

Working on it, but hell there to much to learn if you don't to make a shit game. When I start doing the plot points I will ask pol for advice.
unreal engine master race.

It's an entertainment medium. You partake in it purely for the enjoyment of being its own reward. I.E. no propaganda or politicizing, that just ruins it like the left has done by putting identity politics into video games. Same how cinema was absolutely ruined a century ago by being co-opted as a propaganda medium instead of an entertainment one.

Oh, you're a casual who has shit taste.

I thought I was niche before discovering Holla Forums
Now I am niche within a niche

Strategy and old school rpg's are the taste of patricians.

If you actually plan on stealing, there's so much more I've thought out about it, and would love just for the oppurtunity to play. I could write out an awful lot about this imaginary game of mine.

For example, damage wouldn't be simply assigned to each weapon. It would be calculated using barrel length, bullet mass, propellant load, distance to target(complimented by velocity drop assigned to each bullet shape for each caliber), then it takes the bullet's current energy at point of impact and deals damage based on how long the bullet travels through the enemies body, exponentially going down until the bullet either leaves or finishes its wound depth (5.56 would penetrate about 14 inches iirc), all based on real data.

I have a lot of free time to thing about these things.

The entertainment portion of propaganda is only ever there to make it easier to trick people into listening to your propaganda. If you were confident in the truth of your beliefs, you would be able to treat it seriously and just tell people outright what your message is and what they should believe, not co-opt a once enjoyable medium in order to use it as a delivery vehicle.

Name a medium of communication, transfer of ideas, or art that hasn't had propaganda shoved through it.

Then tell me why videogames are special.

Really shitty reasoning here.

Sounds like an absolute bitch to calculate in realtime: most of that could be simplified and you would get get almost exactly the same results with less of a performance hit.

Not to mention the majority of that is thanks to leftists putting propaganda in everything. See

I never said it was good or honorable or okay, but not doing it would be stupid. We're letting the enemy arm themselves with new weapons while we're still arguing over the morality of the weapon.

From what i gather, we broke propaganda with our own(much more honest) propaganda. I could be totally wrong, though.

Computers are getting better, by the time I make it/hire someone to they'll be good enough to handle it. I'm more concerned about making camouflage viable in a multiplayer video game, I've never seen it done. Also, your pic actually supports that my game would work; the guy is asking about making greandes bounce, and explosions. The only thing about the bullet that has to be calculated in real-time would be the energy on impact, wound channel, and maybe bullet drop.

are you seriously retarded?

all you need to make an effective propaganda piece out of a video game is to give it the right coat of paint when it has fun gameplay.
take doom for example. the super columbine bros made their own level based off their high school's layout and that alone served the media to drive "violent video games causes real violence" straight down everyone's throat. nothing but a coat of paint, effectively
if you want to be really edgy and avant garde you can change the gameplay so that your interactions with the game drive the point home in some way, Kojima does this for example (whether or not you think his games are good; I personally think they're pretty effective at disseminating their messages).

if you want to win the propaganda war you're going to want to start thinking video games at some point; fuck loads of people play them. you can get away with some pretty redpilled themes in your game if you frame it as a fictional setting. warhammer 40k, although not necessarily tied to video games, demonstrates that; you can get apolitical nerds riled up enough to scream "BURN THE HERETIC" at each other over a tabletop. it comes full circle if you can then convince these people that they're fighting a cause as just and righteous as that of the God Emperor of Mankind in real life.

remember, perception is reality because people want it to be their reality.


I don't give a fuck about the "propaganda board" though. I just want to play fun video games that are devoid of politics and only about the video games.


There are plenty of good games with politics in them, m8.

Mostly only old games. I play video games to get away from people's opinions and worldviews, not to have them advertized to me even more.

that's what I'm saying, you make the good game first and slip in the redpill themes afterward

and asking video games to be devoid of politics all the time is a ridiculous statement, any game that has any message at all can be considered political

You are saying the exact opposite. You want to make a video game just so you can poz it up with your flavor of propaganda, you're just as useless to me as the leftists in that regard, since you can't keep your politics out of my video games.

To be fair there aren't that many good new games in terms of gameplay either, not just politics.

no, I'm saying that the leftists are shit at everything, because they're leftist. leftist propaganda games are shit because they're shit, not because they have propaganda in them.
you can make an effective propaganda game by reskinning quake 3 so that one team is nazis with flamethrowers and the other team is AI starving jews with gauntlets and the objective is to killas many as possible

look, until you understand that politics emerges from all forms of culture, you won't understand that you're being politically influenced by all video games that have a narrative regardless.

to follow up, you can make an effective propaganda game easily because gameplay is usually what makes a game fun, not narrative. therefoee people who disagree with the political message will still play it.


No politics, Holla Forums is not all about you.

wow, you are a petulant little child aren't you? well, so much for having an intelligent discussion i suppose. i was hoping to discuss the difference between narrativism and ludology, but i have no fucking idea why you're even on this board if all you're going to do is tell everyone how much you love to stick your head in the sand.

I don't give a fuck about that, it's not video games.
Read a book if you want a narrative. The best video games are 100% about the gameplay, the mechanics, the physical actions and responses. There is no message or politics in that, it is a nonverbal exchange devoid of propaganda, pure and untainted entertainment.

Name them then.


I played a lot of mgs4. Its not that good in multiplayer. Yes, i saw the guy on the ground first try.

Not to mention, it only partly works because of shitty environment and texture quality.



Well the thing is that having that at least slightly contributes to being hidden, after having played enough you can tell by default which can be an issue when trying to make camo work without making it simply function like it does in singleplayer where you are simply invisible until an enemy gets close enough.

Convincing argument.

Legend of Grimrock 2
Cave Story

yeah a game made by a Soviet Union engineer which just so happens to be about blocks fitting together perfectly in harmony to do what none of them could do alone, and just so happened to sell like hotcakes in the west

are you getting it yet? it's unavoidable

fuck you.
t. ex Holla Forumsirgin

It's a puzzle game where you solve the puzzle and get a high score against increasing difficult gameplay conditions. I can say that it's a pro nazi game because of nazi symbolism when I make a swastika shape with blocks, but that would just be injecting my own politics on top of the game, not inherent to them. Also, pretty fucking retarded, much like your argument.

all games have political connotations of one kind or another, some games sacrifice gameplay to make those connotations known.
these are never good games.

taking MGS for example:
the anti-nuclear anti-war sentiments are clear as day, but the fucking gameplay is what makes the games good. not the story, not the ideology driving the story, not the environmental cues that draw attention to that story or ideology, just gameplay.

If you play games as an outsider who only sees them as propaganda vehicles to be exploited, and not someone who loves video games for the sake of video games, then of course your preset bias will make you read into it and make up political references everywhere.
I might as well be talking to some old senator who wants to ban violent video games, that's about as much as most people on Holla Forums understand about video games.

but making a swastika isn't the goal. in fact it will make you lose faster. the goal of the game is to sync the blocks in perfect harmony.
i'm actually trying to help you avoid being brainwashed here. culture is politics, and culture always finds a way to express itself. politics is everywhere in video games.

Wouldn't you know it, that's called gameplay mechanics user.
You might as well say jigsaw puzzles are communistic, because you have to fit the pieces together in perfect harmony. Jesus christ you're a joke.

Cutscenes break the flow of the gameplay though. Also Legacy of Kain has some fairly simplistic gameplay that on its own would make the game fairly shit.

Communists use the hammer and sickle as their symbol too, every video game that has a hammer or sickle is now communist in nature.
This is how retarded you sound.


Goddammit one more month until the DLC then I'll download this shit again.

I think this could be fixed purely with graphics(especially really good shading…) and a lot of testing.

Video-games aren't bad, they are just like Guns and Drugs.
They need to be regulated because it can lead to dangerous outcomes (guns not so much).
Even if Reddit doesn't want you to believe it, video-games do cause violent thoughts in Children.
Look at all the chan users with depression, /r9k/. They've always existed, but before this type of people were a minority, myself included; now it's a majority of children. Same with drugs.
They also cause addiction.

What we need is an strong state that can regulate these elements, we should also censor many games, and changing their purpose a little bit, making them fun but also educational instruments.


fuck off reddit

This is pretty good bait, you had me at shilling for censorship.

Probably because I'm right, do you want your children playing SJW games or watching Sense8 on Netflix?

Thank you for correcting the record.

Hi Reddit :)

Hi Goldberg :^)

Eat shit and die faggot. Filtered and reported.

Hi Shekelstein :^)

Tell your upper rabbis that you aren't paid enough, and your shilling isn't working.

I was implying that I'm not CTR lad

lolbertarian xD


True, but you can always skip them if you aren't engaged by the story, a game that puts anything above refined and engaging gameplay is going to sell well or be enjoyable.

Playing vidya for the sake of loving vidya only gets you so far, it's a shit hobby.
you mean seeing the messages the creators intended to display?
you're going to tell me Hideo isn't anti-nuke? you're going to tell me that hooknosed faggot that made undertale isn't a marxist of the highest degree? come on.

Announcing a report is a bannable offense Goldstein

back to Reddit

This is exactly what tells me that you do not belong anywhere near video games, and do not get any power or opinions on them. You are a normalfag, and there is no point wasting discussion of a hobby on someone who clearly does not belong near that hobby.

Oh you're an epic gamer xD who thinks gaming is a hobby and not a tool…

… what a cuck

Filtered, fuck off CTR

fuck off Reddit

Didnt hillary or the gov literally fund something like this? Some kikrosoft and gubmint funding educational gaming program that's trying to indoctrinate kids.

Ideas =! Applications

You can have a good idea and apply it wrongly. Are you against guns because niggers use them to kill whites? No, you aren't, because you believe in the principle of having guns.

You can believe in the same principles and have different practical methods to apply them.

There should be a great wall between politics and video games, but if you want to make shit like Gone Home: Alt-Right Edition, go ahead.

Build the wall.

go back to cuckchan. reported.

Really? because I'd be willing to bet I've sunk a lot more time into my favorite games than you have yours and know a lot more about what it takes to make a game good than you do.
go shill for undermeme more you huge fucking faggot. Gaming is just another facet of the media machine however, it's one that hasn't yet been 100% jewified thanks to the tech barrier keeping largely the kikes grubby hands off it.
Guys like Robert Pelloni and Terry Davis(sans mental the issues) used to make 100% of the games because you used to need to know low level computer functionality to be able to create games.
Kojima got his start programming graphics libraries and ended up making several one-hit wonders in his spare time, leading him to create titles using those libraries such as Policenauts and Snatcher, some fucktard jerking off to sprakly GameMaker zelda clones made by caffeinated SJW asspirates have no fucking idea what it takes to make a game and I suspect you don't either.

nobody is trying to repurpose your vidya, we're just seeing it for what it is. vidya is a powerful tool that can be used to push propaganda. I am advocating for what GG used to advocate for, complete industry crash where we take over and usher in the waifu age with decently made and widespread applications of VR
xD MAGA my fellow gamers!

Good video games are inherently right-wing just solely on the fact that your entertainment mileage depends on your proficiency.
Just make good vidya but ditch the whole utopian bullshit like multi-racial harmony or anti-war themes.

You know nothing about how a game is good. Gameplay is the sole reason video games are good. Undertale is shit.
And I have spent thousands of hours on my favorite games, playing and modding them. You don't know shit, and you need to be kept away from my hobby for its safety

where and when do I say games should be political, I say they are political and it's idiotic to ignore that.
if you'd read my posts you'd realize I am advocating for the destruction of such things.
you sound mad as fuck, maybe it's because you're still clinging to the dying corpse of an industry that got so politicized it forgot how to make good games.
We could get into a dick-measuring match over who's played what for longer but I suspect you'd win since the most hours I have logged on anything was 2k openRCT(my favorite game ever because it's a nonpolitical sandbox that is entirely gameplay)

Modern games? Absolutely, since they have been stolen from the original audience and perverted to become political vehicles instead of toys.

Luckily for you, video games as they currently are are already dead, so you can have them to play with the corpse for your propaganda desires. I would rather video games stop existing entirely than live to be politicized husks like the movie and cinema industry.

uhh….Gamergate is dead

now that is a kike

We're on the same page then, as I've said the whole time I just want an industry crash so the people who actually make games can get a good shot.
And yeah, I agree that the best games are toys no questions there.


Games with a political point can still be great. Examples are MGS, overwatch, doom, and maybe the warhammer games(but it was a board game first iirc)

you must be newfigs. If you regularly visit and post on this site you have been influenced by propaganda.

So Caravaneer 2?

Leave politics out of Vidya. The right already has a monopoly on strength, and as long as we have that, Video games will attempt to emulate the values of the right, and not the left.


Right-wing games and mods have traditionally been crap.

FFXIV is fun simply by the fact that most GMs don't give a fuck unless you are spamming or hacking.

We should make a thread about redpilled ideas for videogames or modding, pretty sure that dev's lurk those.

Gaius van Baelsar did absolutely nothing wrong. Eorzeans are just ungrateful heretical shits that can't handle a cohesive orderly civilization. Still butthurt that their 12 pagan gods don't exist and even savage nigger tribes can wreck their shit.


Also sage for doubleposting, but do you find it funny as well that the new expansion/4.0's main storyline will literately feature refugees as a main plot?

Not sure if puritan filth or kike shills desperate to stop NatSoc from spreading amongst youth.

postal series and hearts of iron are some of the best and most implicitly right-wing games around

you had me until mentioning overwatch.
shit is as cucked as it gets.


Thordan is a prime example of "around elves, watch yourselves".

This Webm Immediately comes to mind

What the fuck would Pokemon Red: Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Edition even be about?
What would be the story? New Pokemon?
DOn't leave me hanging user, I'm interested. Give me ideas since I've led a few failed ROMhacks and other projects before in the past and gotten a bit far in all of them



When I still played that cultmarx cancer infected game, GW2, I had a personal guild named "Declare War On The Modern World."

German teams are always the best in War Thunder, but holy shit, they have to be if they want to play German in that game.

Also, Politics, Jewry and Autism in Space, also known as EVE Online is going free to play in november, might be a game that interests some of you.

We need more stuff like embed related

Please, no. You don't belong in Dixie.

better embed with all the gr8 moon quotes and nig noises