What is the appeal of Communism?

I'm not trolling so pls don't delete my thread/ban me.

Can you guys please tell me why your ideology is preferable to Holla Forums or even leftist "idpol" (assuming I was nonwhite/LGBTBBQUEER etc)? I don't get what socialism really offers me besides

There is no problem with these things, but peoples happiness relies on more than material goods, something which "idpol"ers of both sides of the spectrum recognize.

Unless most of the population is on the verge of starvation, I don't understand the urge to have millions killed in a violent revolution all for a slight quality of life increase.

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Communism gives you the power to determine your own life.

Not a commie, but the underlying notion is that a business owner's ability to profit from a worker's labor is unethical, moreover, the whole idea that someone profits (which is to say, steals the difference between how much someone makes an what it costs to run the business) from what should go to the workers is unstable.

There's a few divergences in the general picture after that, but that's the core premise.

Huh? We're communists. We don't like money…

Sounds anti-meritocracy. I don't like that.

It's hardly a vague. Democratic ownership over your means of production

What does that even mean?

Which is why we shouldn't let the elite rule over us, it's neoliberal capitalism (along with the knowledge things could be better) that is making people perhaps more dis-spirited with existence than they ever have been.


Well shit, you're a channer right? Do you really think people 100 years ago were as nihilistic as the people around here are now? Even the pepe meme you posted is basically a celebration of meaninglessness. Despite arguments about 'we have so much technology' etc we aren't happy. We can all sense there is something wrong with the world, just some of us understand it more.

We don't ban dissenting opinions, only if you're obviously baiting or shitposting will you get your thread deleted. We welcome differing opinions and questions as long as they are done out of legitimate curiosity and not just for the sake of stirring shit up.

To answer your questions though:

Communism has no money, in the transition period towards communism (aka. socialism) instead of being paid a wage by their employer the worker will receive the full value of what they produce.

For example if you are working on a banana plantation and the total amount of bananas you pick during the day is worth 400-500 dollars, instead of receiving a wage which is something like a fourth of that full value or less, you will instead receive all of the money yourself without having the employer basically steal most of the money for doing jack shit.

You get worth what you produce regardless of whether what you produce is a product or a service, I'd say that's pretty fair. See above.

All the people who have the know-how to do all of the actual work and keep everything within the workplace running democratically decide how it should function instead of an unelected corporate board of directors (who never have do any of the hands on work themselves) doing it for them. What is so vague about this?

It means that you will be able to actually live as you want, instead of having to sell your time.

so I can be a NEET?


No, he who does not work, does not also eat.

In communism they eat.

Well, let's stop feeding the elderly then

no they want, non productive members in society will not have a place in communism. He who produces nothing is useless and a burden to the rest of society.

The elderly who are in retirement and have worked all of their lives, deserve a retirement fund, because no market exchange and no capital is owned, it will be easier to accommodate them.

Going to be perfectly honest here. Personally? I don't like people getting fucked over. That's about it for me. I'm sick of "The muslims bombed us for destablizing their homeland for profit so let's bomb and torture them". I'm sick of rich fuckbags keeping thousands of workers in unsafe conditions to produce huge amounts of product that keep 90% of the profit I'm sick of seeing so much of the earth being turned into a dump because it's profitable to get people to waste and re-sell a brand new thing. I'm sick of watching friends I love crying because they're unable to get basic healthcare for their fucking teeth falling out because it's getting harder and harder to get even slightly above minimum wage jobs because so much of it has been automated or outsourced. I'm sick of the fact that there are more empty houses than homeless people in at least the US. I'm sick on a personal level of working for someone who gets to take most of the value of my work without my consent because my choices are work or starve.

That's it. Are those incredibly unreasonable thoughts? I really don't think so. I'm okay with doing work in return for what I get. I'm not asking for infinite free shit. I just want an end to the suffering that's perpetuated for the sole sake of personal profit for a few thousand in the entire world. I just realize that none of this is going to happen for so long as private profit is the driving force in this world. Most of these things would be highly socially profitable to fix, but none of them personally profitable.


Don't be retarded please. The whole point of communism is to liberate mankind from having to work.

It won't, unless we have a different conception on what "labor" actually is. This idea is an anarchist delusion, that's not even popular among most common sense anarchists.

I beg to differ.
The majority of current (first world) occupations would be quite useless in a collectivised society. Manufacture and rough industry already require minimum amounts of workers.

Which is why there will be also other forms of work will be invented to produce things that don't solely rely on Capital.

Such as production of art, culture, education etc.

Well said.



Are you really going to get pissy at people that don't "produce" culture in a society that has progressed beyond socially necessary labor time?

What? No it's to eliminate classes you dolt. There's no reason for the boss to get so much more than the workers get, there's no reason for an upper class to exist.

I want to be a NEET

Communism will be absolutely necessary in the future as automation becomes more widespread and unemployment tends towards 100%.

In the mean time, I'd settle for something like a universal basic income. Nobody should have to starve to death or die of exposure in a world as rich as ours.

Not everyone will work as an artist you idiot. People will be trained from birth and with regards to their aptitude they will be given a profession.

And socialy necessary labor time does not mean the elimination of work.


gross fam


Triggered anarchokiddies lifestylists and Lafargists


you are literally misconstruing their point
but good job on being a shit tier ML I guess

but how is the market value of the produced goods determined under communism?

I am not a Communist or really an advocate for it but i read this qoute today wich explains some appeal i have to it.

'' Stirner demolishes all spooks; yet, forced by material need to contract debts which he cannot pay, the power of the “spooks” proves greater than that of his Eigenheit: his creditors send him to prison. Stirner himself declares free competition to be a mere gamble, which can only emphasize the artificial superiority of toadies and time-servers over the less proficient. But he is also opposed to Communism which, in his opinion, would make ragamuffins of us all, by depriving the individual of his property.

This objection, however, does not apply to a very large number of individuals, who do not possess property anyhow; they become ragamuffins because they are continually compelled to battle for property and existence, thus sacrificing their Eigenheit and Einzigkeit.

Why were the lives of most of our poets, thinkers, artists and inventors a martyrdom? Because their individualities were so eigen and einzig that they could not successfully compete in the low struggle for property and existence. In that struggle they had to market their individuality to secure means of livelihood. What is the cause of our corruption of character and our hypocritical suppression of convictions? It is because the individual does not own himself, and is not permitted to be his true self. He has become a mere market commodity, an instrument for the accumulation of property — for others.

What business has an individual, a Stirnerian, an Eigener in a newspaper office, for instance, where intellectual power and ability are prostituted for the enrichment of the publisher and shareholders. Individuality is stretched on the Procrustes of bed of business; in the attempt to secure his livelihood — very often in the most uncongenial manner — he sacrifices his Eigenheit, thus suffering the loss of the very thing he prizes most highly and enjoys the best.

If our individuality were to be made the price of breathing, what ado there would be about the violence done to personality! And yet our very right to food, drink and shelter is only too often conditioned upon our loss of individuality. These things are granted to the propertyless millions (and how scantily!) only in exchange for their individuality — they become the mere instruments of industry. ''

'' Modern Communists are more individualistic than Stirner. To them, not merely religion, morality, family and State are spooks, but property also is no more than a spook, in whose name the individual is enslaved — and how enslaved! The individuality is nowadays held in far stronger bondage by property, than by the combined power of State, religion and morality.

Modern Communists do not say that the individual should do this or that in the name of Society. They say: “The liberty and Eigenheit of the individual demand that economic conditions — production and distribution of the means of existence — should be organized thus and thus for his sake.” Hence follows that organization in the obedience or despotism. The prime condition is that the individual should not be forced to humiliate and lower himself for the sake of property and subsistence. Communism thus creates a basis for the liberty and Eigenheit of the individual. I am a Communist because I am an Individualist.

Fully as heartily the Communists concur with Stirner when he puts the word take in place of demand — that leads to the dissolution of property, to expropriation.

Individualism and Communism go hand in hand.''

Stirner: The Ego and His Own by Max Baginski.


Also before someone will point it out, Yes this is a major misunderstanding of Stirner and this author hasnt taken mutch attention to reading the rest of The Ego and His Own with the arguments and counter arguments for Property (Property in diffrint concepts like the Communist style Property/Capitalist Style and Mutualist Style.)

you mean total?

Markets don't reflect value, they reflect price, which is a distortion of value which has its objective basis in the amount of time it took to make the product (we may call this socially necessary labor time). All products designated for the market are called commodities and there will be no markets or commodities under communism since markets are for exchange, communism is the realization of the economy as a monolith or totality instead of so many fragmented producers and consumers. All labor and all products are part of the commons, the common stock, and people could take as much as they need from this common stock without restriction. In fact, the reason capitalism appears so innocuous and benign is the fact that its economy is made of millions of little individual transactions (nominally, between separate and equal individuals) such that the underlying class relations are obscured. At any rate, this all means that a farmer who works 6 hours a day can draw as much as he needs as any one else, even if they work more or less. The crux here is abundance (not to mention society adapting its norms) such that nitpicky accounting (people may work more or less than other people) or claims that mental work is somehow more valuable than basic drudgery, will all be nullified.

No real communist supports meritocracy and the arbitrary application thereof.

Communism appeals to the morons here because they're stuck working at Starbucks after getting their philosophy degree and they think after a revolution they'd be placed in a position of power as a commissar or Secretariat of the local vanguard while the working class they claim to represent goes back to working the same shit job under the same shit conditions they had prior to revolution.

Seriously. Browse this board for a while and you realize it's just power fantasy nonsense.

This tbh fam

More money and more free stuff means more leisure time, more time to pursue activities that give you ACTUAL fulfillment in life.

How do you not see the appeal in this?

Like browsing image boards and masturbating to anime.

NEETdom is death.

Communism or Marxism? This describes tankies perfectly but I think communism is just an inevitability if society is set on the right path.

It's materialistic.
It appeals to Jews, narcissists and sociopaths.

Also the reason for atheism, which is just a sect of Judaism but without organized religion to back it up. And the priests are the MSM.

Just stick to christian socialism.

Why even add Roger Water to it? Jesus Christ.

Justice and the redemption of and from the past.


So when do you kill yourself?

kek, this