Copied for /pol
It always seems like black women are praising black men as if these men are so faithful to us, the same goes for white men praising white women.. but i NEVER see white women or black men doing the same.
And you can see the white women are always in silent or just comment and give upvotes against white men, white women are wanting to be part of rap, hip hop, kpop against white men. Only deluded white men do not realize it.
And it seems that white women only date with white men for lack of choice, fear of racism, or for money, white women demonstrate not be attracted to white men, on the contrary, were white women with several commercials, scenes in movies and American pornography who always tried to racially degrade the white man, to promote them as bad sex, bad men, losers for men of another race and shaming them.
I think white women have sex with white men thinking who are making a charity and are not attracted to them, white women think that are better than white men since white men are the losers and white women are the queen of the narrative, white women have dreams about men of other race, white women support the men of other race over the own white men.
All the negative propaganda that white men have been created, promoted and made by white women in all these years in all kinds of American entertainment and their behavior compared to women of other races who don't seems to hate, feel shame and disgust of men of own race when compared to white women and everything produced by white women against men of own race, lol.
I think I did the white men look even more pathetic, losers and less attractive for the own white women and women in general and I did white women become even more full of themselves.