Will any of (((them))) be at Trump's inauguration?

Does Obama have to do some ceremony where he hands control to Trump?

How would any of this even play out given that it would basically be ZOG doing a ceremony to hand over control to a nationalist

I'm thinking the inauguration will have people like Obama and Hillary absent and it will be nearly entirely Trump supporters

Obama and them will probably have already left the country

POL what if the jews are behind the jews?

Yes, traditionally the outgoing President gives an exit speech, then sticks around while the new President is sworn in. Not only would he be losing his chance to get in the last word but it would be incredibly sour grapes not to attend.

He can skip the afterparty without any censure though.

what would he even say?

Donald Trump’s Jewish Cabal

Michael Abboud (Sephardic Jew) – Communications Coordinator, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Paul Achleitner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG (Donald Trump’s largest lender)

Sheldon Adelson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Las Vegas Sands Corporation

Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization

Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development

Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development

Lewis Eisenberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Trump Victory Fundraising Committee; Finance Chairman, Republican National Committee

Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)

David Friedman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Partner, Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization

Michael Glassner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Campaign Manager and Former National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization

Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Owner and Chairman, Icahn Enterprises

Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder and Co-Owner, Kushner Companies

Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chief Executive Officer, Kushner Companies; Publisher, Observer Media

Yael Kushner [née Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, LeFrak Organization

Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Sam Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Owner, Kinray

George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization

Phil Ruffin (Ashkenazic Jew) – Owner, Treasure Island Hotel and Casino

Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization

Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization

Steve Wynn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Wynn Resorts

Lara Yunaska (Ashkenazic Jew) – Associate Producer, Inside Edition

Why does Holla Forums always ignore this?

Is it false or is there some kind of justification for it?

Answer me this question: Who should I vote for?


Trump, of course.

Doesn't change the fact that he has strong zionist influences as well

You don't have to vote at all, what's the point if both candidates are controlled by kikes?

He's sold out his family to jews, every one of his kids are dating kikes bar baron because he's 9 years old.

I'm re-prioritising my vote.
1. Gary Johnson
2. Donald Jew Trump
3. Hilldawg

My main objective however is to ensure that Shillary doesn't win and ends up having a coughing fit and pants of shit.

which candidate would you propose? most if not all if those in politics are involved with (((them))). would you rather pick the candidate preaching nationalism or globalism?


They usually just give a long boring self-aggrandizing speech about all the great things they did during their term in office, liberally peppered with empty patriotism, and fuck right off. I doubt Obama will be any different. He'll want to take credit for all kinds of things he didn't actually do.

Hillary doesn't win

Can't we tackle the Jewish question once the wall is built?

True, but almost all members of the Senate and Congress are Zionists. You'd have to overthrow the government to change that.


Most of Holla Forums understands that Trump has surrounded himself with Jews.
If the rumors are true, he knows the dangers of Jews, and is using the Jews he's surrounded himself with to outjew the other Jews.

He's built a spiked shield of greedy kikes that aren't as short sighted as the others.
We can't wait for Hilter, all we can do is put our money on our Trump card and hope anything happens.

That being said, I don't expect much from him.
Even in failure, his campaign will have stoked the fires of nationalism and ethnocentrism.

thanks for correcting the record.

i'm #waitingforhitler now

You can wait for a candidate that isn't controlled by jews instead of waiting for hitler you know.

Serious question: do you understand how many consecutive presidencies it will take to get rid of spics, AND niggers, AND muslims, AND jews, AND homos?

We've fallen so far that merely enforcing the law is controversial. Baby fucking steps.

Not voting means voting for Clinton.

Why are you so strongly committed to open borders and a fully stocked liberal supreme court?

I've been here for a while and have formed a few suspicions:
1. Donald Trump's campaign deliberately leveraged and shilled Holla Forums in favor of him (all political transformative efforts begin with those that are marginalized).
2. Donald Trump's appeal comes from the fact that he represents an opposition to the SJW menace. If I were running a campaign for President, I'd exploit the "fracture points" of issues that divide a population (SJW'ism, Globalism, etc).
3. Seeing how powerful Holla Forums's propaganda has been, If Holla Forums had've invested their efforts into supporting a Non-Jewed third-party from the beginning, that third-party may've had a decent chance.
4. There is nothing wrong with Libertarianism if done properly. Caste systems would develop naturally based on capability and you'd have the "degenerates" (racial or otherwise) at the bottom if they provided nothing of use.

I hope you're correct and I definitely see him as the lesser of two evils, but not altogether desirable in my eyes.


Third parties cannot win in winner-take-all systems. Assuming a fairly even split, the winner will always be one of the original two that had the fewest amount of people leave for the third party.

Fortunately none of the justices Trump has proposed are neocons, and they all oppose birthright citizenship.


You're a fucked.

Nah, you are.

Just kill yourself

Only his kids and grandkids

This. checked
If anyone paid attention to Trump's campaign, early on he hinted that if the Republican party failed to give him their nomination he would run third party.

Beyond my other suspicions, I also suspect that he is only running as a Republican because he knows running as a third party is futile.
Kikes have continually shown us the fastest way to destroy an enemy, or twist a cause to your own, is from within.
Prior to him running, the Republicucks were just that, cucks. By subverting the GOPe, Trump has effectively restructured the Republican party to support ideas more in line with their prior leaders.

Third party candidates have always been, and always will be a way to distract voters and muddle polling data.
Just look at the current independent candidates.
The independent candidates are just a new facade for all the same shit that the Republicucks and Democraps have been pushing.

It's your vote, do whatever you want with it, but please think of the actions, statements, and short-term goals of the candidate you choose to vote for.
Even not voting is a valid choice, albeit a poor one.

4 years is more than enough, this has already been proven.

Bomb in the inaugural podium that they somehow missed.

Well said. Makes a man weep

People on here are constantly saying Jews while failing to acknowledge Muslim money in our political process and in our media. It's no coincidence that the media and politics are so friendly to them. We're not run by Jews alone, we're run by the highest bidders, and most of them tend to be Jewish AND Muslim. There's a recent thread on here with a quote from a Muslim some 800 years ago that describes the plan they're undertaking to undermine the fabric of our society. Aside from the CTR shills on here, among others, there's loads of Muslims on Holla Forums. Holla Forums needs to start acknowledging that those influencing out politics are both Muslim and Jewish.

Nice repeating digits my fellow /POLack/

You will note that they are all under him, not over him.

Billionaires have a certain privilege allowing them to employ devils to their own ends. He wouldn't be nearly as strong as he is without them. They (probably) won't be able to dictate policy to him.

Why? He's the viable alternative to Clinton, and he has some decent policy ideas. Unless he does the literal opposite of what he says (which he won't), he's the clear choice. If he does nothing, he's still ten fold better than her. If he's being used, which I doubt he is, then it's to advance a position we're not considering. It's something the media will never comment on. His other positions will just fall to the wayside and nothing will really get done, while that one position is furthered behind closed doors. Or he's the real deal and he fixes immigration and trade. Nonetheless he has already done more than everyone here by emboldening millions of people to speak their minds and by giving the kill shot to the influence of the mainstream media.

Are you a veteran /POLack/ too?

Since Trump is planning on prosecuting Hillary I fully expect for her and others to flee the country.

Which of course is perfect and a massive propaganda win.

If you were secret Hitler with a plan to expose the ZOG would you ever tip your hand that you're an anti-semite?

Do you think that it's possible to gain power today without going through Jews? And even if it is going against Jews would lose the Evangelical vote and array Trillions of dollars against you.

No at this point we need to do what they did to us. Infiltrate and subvert, there's no other option.

Horse shit

My record is corrected, thanks.

First there was ZOG, and then came Trump, and now there is POZ, the Holla Forums occupied zionists, and that is how it will be from now on.

Top fucking kek. Trump is a jew puppet. He's done nothing but to praise the jew. He's even married off his kids to them. In fact all of his adult children are either married or dating a jew.

You fucking Trump cucks never learn. Your so called "emperor" is a jew plant. Period. And before some faggot comes in with the regular copy paste response "we will not elect Hillary" I'm not saying that you should. But Trump is still a fucking wannabe kike.

The only thing he'll do is the same old shit and deliver more of pic related.

Get out, newfag.

We do see it. It's this giant surge of cucks from the_donald that have decided that they're welcomed here.


You Trump cucks need to get that into you FUCKING HEADS. Vote for Trump but stop spamming this fucking jew lover all over this board. No one in their rightful mind should think he'll be anything else but a jew sanctioned "new" wind in the white house. Sure he's better than Hillary and the reason Hillary is even in the game at this point is because the jew want that catastrophe to be there so that they get their number one supporter into the Whitehouse.

Trump is the best we've got with the broken shit system. But for the love of god STOP asking "muh who should I vote for" every fucking time someone points out his jew ties.

And if you cannot handle it the go back to the_donald.

That's every fucking president since the jew were allowed into the US. Of course they'll not place themselves visibly on top you fucking idiot.

Kill yourself Trump cuck.

Who should we support instead?

You're so new you smell virgin all the way to Israel. Fuck off.

I'll repeat for you the same I said to the other Trump cuck:

You Trump cucks need to get that into you FUCKING HEADS. Vote for Trump but stop spamming this fucking jew lover all over this board. No one in their rightful mind should think he'll be anything else but a jew sanctioned "new" wind in the white house. Sure he's better than Hillary and the reason Hillary is even in the game at this point is because the jew want that catastrophe to be there so that they get their number one supporter into the Whitehouse.
Trump is the best we've got with the broken shit system. But for the love of god STOP asking "muh who should I vote for" every fucking time someone points out his jew ties.
And if you cannot handle it the go back to the_donald.

Damn. Looks like this topic really struck a nerve with (((them))).

A sensible kek was had.

This thread is a fucking trainwreck.

Trump is better than Hillary but Trump will sell out to the jew just like all the others before him.

Trump owes his very existence as a primary candidate to Holla Forums memeing him but if he fucks up and goes full ZOG (and he will), Holla Forums will make sure he never gets anything beyond those four years.


Fuck off trump cuck.

He's already done that. Long before he even started to officially run. He's planned this run for a long time. It didn't just come to him from nowhere. He's known that he'll run for years. Most likely when Obama got elected the second time. What we're seeing is a plan that has taken 4 years to prepare under the guidance of the jew and is now being executed. And if you think it's just a coincidence that his opposition is Hillary then think again.

He chance to win the Whitehouse went to hell when Obama got elected. From that point on she and Bill made a deal with the jew to help them put in their man in office. Money poured in and she started working. Her fuck-ups over the years weren't fuck-ups but carefully planned to be dragged up at a later date. That time is now and the closer we get to the election date the more of her pre-planned fuck-ups will become main issues.

Wikileaks are a dump cog in the wheel. They got the leaked documents for a reason. Once you start to understand the jew you realise that they work far ahead of time and not in the now like most whites do.

Trumps presidency was planned all along.

I can imagine him giving a speech about it being a sad day for America, bad choice, etc while Trump just stands there looking smug as hell.

Trumps presidency was planned all along.



And you're the prime example of why the jew always win.

And you're a prime example of a Jew.


The kike media has been against Trump 100% but he'll probably still shill for them in the end. Unbelievable.


The fuck are you talking about? One of the greatest weaknesses of the Jew is that their time preference is short as fuck. They're exceptionally clever and can lay proverbial track as they go like no other group of people, but they inherently lack the ability to establish and stick to long term plans. They're always blowing their load on short term gains. This is precisely why whites so often can defeat Jews in long form debate. The Jew dives in all directions for low hanging argumentative fruit only to paint themselves into a corner as the debate continues and the white man keeps the pressure on.

Above all else, the Jew is prideful and will leverage any advantage he can as soon as he can, even if that precludes him from taking greater advantages in the future. If you wish to defeat him you must remember to leverage these two traits first and foremost.

I'm just afraid he'll get shot out there in the open. This isn't a Trump rally
