It's begin
Translate or get the fuck out
I thought young girls didn't need to wear the burka?
France is no longer France.
Would YOU go out among Mudslime men as a young girl without some form of protection?
Another shitty thread, fuck sake
We don't speak French retard.
So is the kid actually French?
Have a lovely bump fam.
I have to admit, I hate the lazy faggot ass French more than the mudshits.
Yes the kid is French
OK. Now explain what this thread is about.
Kid is wearing that. Why? Context? What is happening? 99% of Holla Forums does not speak, read or write French.
and I'm Chinese
and no, converts don't count
It's nice of her to put her daughter in a trash bag.
TRANSLATE THIS PLEASE. I have no idea what those words mean.
shits fucked.
In Paris, a Restaurant refuse a hijabi woman because all muslims are terrorists
It's probably the woman who was kicked out of the restaurant for her burka, now she complains on faceberg.
With english sub
they're not?
I haven't seen this much shilling one in night since the first super Tuesday.
Best argument.
she probably ready to get married
It gets shit done.
so you admit to making a thread when there already was one?
Was that even an accurate translation?
Oh shit I'm sorry
What a goddamn loser, now he looks like a spineless bitch.
Sorry for what?
Our daddy told us not to be ashamed of our shitposts, especially since their so obnoxious and all
They didn't send their best for that interview.
Props to the owner, said he lost a friend in bataclan and isn't standing down.
Honestly sorry. I'm so angry.
He's scared by voldemort, batman and the jew journalist
Hello, newfag
Honestly, he should just have told them to get out without giving any justification.
He dun goofed.
2014 newfag.
First webm on Holla Forums.
if you weren't on Holla Forums before 2010 you will forever be a newfag, kid.
the mudslime cries out as she strikes you
Transalate this shit or fuck off.
It [the invasion] gets bigger when I ignore it.
Translation anyone, I don't speak fag.
Reeks of acted false flag. It was probably all over the French (((media))) with "we are better than this" headlines.
Wonder what the actual owner was paid?
wtf is that thing, and how is that thing allowed to talk on tv
they don't send their best
they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, and some I assume are nice people
It's guilt boy.
If you hate sharia, you must also hate cripples who were crippled by sharia.
It's the Mud Avenger.
He invites you to have a coffee with him, and so you will see he is not a killer.
The guy needs to sharpen up, "that's just what a killer who wanted to poison your coffee would say" is the correct response.
Killers don't drink coffee
I'm actually sick of seeing this guy because he's a totally shitlib and believes that "jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams" horseshit, and thinks he actually knows what's going on in the world. (He isn't angry at the Jews, so he clearly doesn't know shit.)
Assuming I can read this primitive sub-human language…
Little French suburb, full of fucking animals.
This guy's life is over, hopefully people who agree with him show up
It doesn't matter who he is, what matters is his song, which fits in our situation and beliefs all too well.
Jet fuel can melt steel beams?
If there's ever a major pushback in the West, I think it's France that will get the ball rolling.
Translate that shit you fucking baguettenigger´.
Yup, it is.
the steel beams don't have to melt just be weakened which the fires easily burned hot enough to do.
The fact so many conspiracy theorist get peddled here is disturbing.
Its a fact Jews control the world.
REALLY. then explain why building number 7 free fell and an airplane never hit it
maybe because the plane that was supposed to hit it, got highjacked from the highjackers and crashed to the ground (fact)
Do burkas actually stop mudslimes from raping and molesting girls?
Bumpity bump I bump u up lol
There wasn't enough jet fuel to weaken enough steel to cause the entire building to collapse though.
What am I looking at? French people cucking themselves in a show of solidarity with mudslimes? Or is there a galvanizing push back at last?
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
Quoting plinkett has never been more relevant.
Needs to happen to the men France, squabbling with sandcunts will get you nowhere.
It's over.
If we don't do anyhing. Soon.
Fugged frogs, someone has the comic with the isis terrorist fugging a french cartuinist?
This is a hair off being a gang of armed mud threatening him. I'd have fucking gone out with butchers knives and chased the cunts down the street.
They need to fuck off back to the middle east their opinion and stance is worthless as shit.
Seriously all that guy should have done is told them to fuck off and leave the country.
Why do they always name themselves Mohammad?
she IS married
What's wrong with your
Bihari fag reporting in
Translating 2nd pic
P.S this is OLD
Nice try, Shekelstein.
nothing to see here, its' just his wife