Sorry can't archive link and still access story. Even tried to tiny url trick.
For all its horrible faults, ICAN being under US control required it to at least nominally respect freedom of speech. ICAN under the UN would likely result in mass censorship and the closing of many platforms for discussion.
This should be stickied not lost in the catalog most people never look at. I'm sorry if your thread died but that is no reason to be a sage fag and take it out on others who are actually concerned about the prospects here.
Liam Powell
See pic Because people could not possibly be asleep at this time… Also, only newfags such as your self do not check the catalog. There is also another magical thing called savepage so you have have your own backup of up. of this only removes the pointless comments and image at top that is not needed.
Dominic Gomez
Thanks man kill yourself
Anthony Howard
Nathaniel Sanchez
This thread will quite literally stay here until the other is full and then this will be the other one used. You feel stupid yet, newfaggot?
Matthew Long
Then why bump this one schlomo? Don't call people newfaggots when your excuse doesn't hold water. Adding posts to a supposed backup thread is not how you're supposed to do it.
Liam Myers
Because this is upseting you and I like the taste of (you)
Ethan Green
Its his first post ever made, he would feel slighted if people shit all over it sense its already here, he only just now noticed it on his goybook circlejerk "hacktavist" pages and can no n2 catalog.
Jaxon Green
Lucas Lewis
Really makes me think.
Samuel Reyes
See my first
If you truly was concerned, you would be reading the just under 100 posts already there and contributing to it. Oh whats that? Nothing to add? Simply shitting up the catalog with a useless duplicate thread? That proves your a newfag much like OP.
Brandon Bennett
I'm just amused at your autism
David Foster
Benjamin Franklin and some nigger on the same picture.. is this the end of the world?
Nicholas Cox
Why is it OP can't search the catalog like someone who isn't a complete faggot?
Luis Foster
My autisum? You clearly are also new here… It is Standard practice to politely sage+link to other threads when some one messes up or didn't check catalog… I did as such, newfag OP, spergs the fuck out because he is simply too autist to admit he fucked up or is truly a newfag. Then your dumb ass whiteknights to the rescue because you can also not check catalog or his plebbet buddy.
This is autism
Joshua Gomez
Nice autism man
Luis Cook
Yeah fuck off, he was being polite no need to be such a normie sounding cunt.