Blue pilled cartoons

Post retarded political cartoons

Other urls found in this thread:


awful, just fucking awful

moar, I'm enjoying my anger

Same. I need more.

Here you go

the wage gap isnt real


Jesus Christ, these people are delusional.

you wanna know something funny?

that comic is from 2007


Really? I didn't think that shit had started til a little more recently.

Here is another


Another one

This one

Ants shouldn't be allowed to create political cartoons.

Here is one

They can't really complain about "putting views into a box" when they make political comics.
This isn't even a "your side does the same" argument, it's more like "this is the reason people read your comics".



This one


One more

This golden autism



One more of this


the whole pizzagate thing was just to troll autists. Nobody with a functioning brain believed that shit


Communist cancer

More communist cancer

Check it

That looks more like a NEET comic than a leftycringe comic

I haven't laughed this hard all die. Hilarious.


This one


Pick one.

Yeah, it's not like anyone should be suspicious when a pedophile keeps mentioning a place he frequents using terms favored by pedophiles. No sir, nothing suspicious there, just like there was nothing suspicious about how long it took for the cops to investigate it. Nope. Aught-Rites, amirite guis??? xxDDD

How the fuck can people still say this while there's a new terrorist attack perpetrated by muslims every fucking month?

You mean day.


it's a parody of themselves


A classic

This nigga sure loves his strawmen

how did he draw nicole so cute

Here it is

the bottom guy has a point

This one

Fuck off shitskin

Probably when shitskins stop committing crimes. Or when they fuck off back to their shithole countries. Or both.

what did she mean by this????

Do not question it

If there was a terrorist attack every 10 minutes I'd still be more likely to die while crossing the road.

because you don't look both ways :^)









Here is a turd


Such autism



More sweet cringe

This is some impressive cringe, it's fascinating.


t. butthurt globalist zionist

One in the same :3

Please don't.


Shouldn't you be fucking a camel





I don't understand what this is saying.

no camels here in washington :/


At least I am not an antisemite


can someone make a version of this showing all the violent crimes these guys committed below them.

transform "when will it stop?" from meaning "when will police stop shooting black men?" top "when will black men stop committing violent crime and rushing the cops?"







I don't understand what half of these are trying to say

I don't understand what half of the left are saying most of the time.

there are so many hot take opportunities in this thread that i keep deleting every post i make b/c there's something funnier to say about another cartoon and i don't want to the people that make these do this on purpose?? šŸ¤”

Jesus Christ, can you stop already? How many (you)'s do (you) need?

dude just refresh the page theyre all gone

Don't care. Post your tits.

Holy shit.







kek. no. it's the pedos pretending to be be trannies people are shitting themselves over.
quite frankly, if you are sufficiently passing, no one will question the fact that you're using your preferred bathroom. If you're not passing, they know you're a tranny anyway.

Thank you




















Are you being sarcastic right now

no i'm really really really really serious


How is the labor stolen if it was paid for?

Please get help

Wew fucking lad

Were these cartoons made in a sweatshop in china in the middle of the midget village where everything is tiny?

Because the product is being sold at an inflated cost so the CEO could skim off the top. The consumer pays more, the producer gets paid less, and the parasites of society get rich off it.

It's like they don't understand how marketing and distribution work.

It continues to blow my mind that Holla Forums type motherfuckers are literally this oblivious to the Muslim-Nazi relationship from ww2.



reddit is a goldmine for these

This oneā€¦

drumpf btfo haha

we really showed them now


nice thumbnails faggot

the bluest of pills

how come Angela Merkel is yelling at James Comey?

I can't laugh at this stuff anymore. I don't know where the stick came from, but it's lodged thoroughly up my ass. How do you guys do it? What am I doing wrong that I can't find enjoyment in this?

Functioning brains aren't as common as you'd think. It wasn't so long ago that people were getting multiple life sentences for allegedly arranging for children to be raped by giraffes, and for allegedly killing and eating toddlers enrolled at their daycare center, whose parents never reported them missing.

Keep in mind that this bullshit requires the kids' parents AND their therapists AND the police, AND the prosecutors AND the judges AND the juries AND the media all to believe it in order for things to go this far. It blows my mind that this could ever happen in the modern world.


you wouldnt have a black only fire brigade that only came and put out fires in black houses

if there was a white only fire brigade im pretty sure that would be considered racist

You're having trouble instantly seeing the bad logic, you're having trouble seeing the absurdity, you can't enjoy your anger, or you're burnt out.

Its baaaaaaack

God Emperor won. It doesn't matter what these fags actually believe anymore. The only way to push their agenda is in person and through cartoons. They've been btfo.

i was musing over why leftists who "should" be passive in their nature given their principles would be so quick to resort to violence

musing on the charlottesville events, it occurred to me that their behaviour is influenced by the super hero based media, this comic confirms this

this type of media presents the narrative that so long as your cause is just, you are allowed to resort to physical violence and even break rules

im wandering if the influx of super hero films is contrived to pander to snowflake generation narcissism

i meant to make a thread on my personal distaste for super hero films a while back, perhaps i felt that it was a little too bloggy, but i think the points i was going to raise are relevant here

super hero movies are based off of comic book characters, comic books are meant for kids (this is what i consider to be the source of my dislike for such media), i wander if this is why they are so effective at communicating their brainwashing onto this self entitled snow flakes, because their intellect is so immature that they easily identify with the themes presented within.

consider a SJW drawing parallels and internalising the themes presented in the nolan batman franchise with regards to their leftist degenerate causes

i dare say that the right are probably influenced to some extent too, but they wouldnt perhaps be driven by the same illogical narcissism










>signed "Remember __, the workers control the means of production! t. Tom Tomorrow"
I turned the topic to wildlife, and got them to talk about how disruptive 'coons are.