This video is making the rounds on goybook...

This video is making the rounds on goybook. qt posted it with some comments about her new vegan diet so I did some quick research on the guy, and sure enough - (((Michael Klaper)))

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Great fucking thread faggot.

"Saying you shouldn't eat dairy products because you aren't a calf is like saying you shouldn't swim because you aren't a fish."


i wonder what kind of doctor this guy is. not a medical doctor thats for sure

its just a butthurt vegan jew talking out of his ass, saying "we shouldnt drick milk becuz we arent cows!!"

Here's your vidya


It's one of the subtlest redpills to drop without coming out against (((them))). Simply mention that their lactose intolerance rates are on par with Africans, and watch whites start scratching their heads.

What does it mean when I didn't have lactose intolerance for most of my life but one time when I had almost zero dairy for a few months it suddenly happened to me? How the fuck even does your body forget how to digest dairy in a few months while being an adult?

What he says is partially correct but it applies mostly to fresh milk and older people.
Yogurt and others are a completely different animal.
His perspective is also skewed since he is old and probably fears cancer, which milk may help develop easier at that age.
He completely ignores how any men seeking to get huge benefit from milk. Especially growing children or teens.

You can train your body to digest things that would completely destroy a normal persons digestive system. I recall seeing a reality show a while back about a family that ate all their meat raw af. You could have built up a tolerance to it, and then lost it.

gut bacteria dying

Thanks user.

Thanks, his voice is killing me.

Guy says it's to get big. No shit. Says it causes breast lumps and cancer and man boobs? Is he focusing on shit that's bgh treated? That's why nearly everything now says no hormone, like the old no msg bullshit. Pic related.

As a vegan he's attacking all forms of animal derived milk as well. Goat's milk has a lot of beneficial properties that cow's milk doesn't offer, without the side effects. But then he's not in the business of being factual, just pushing his (((vegan))) agenda.

Guess I better eat a tonne of yogourt with culture.

I do eat cheese and so on often I just don't drink milk anymore unless it's "lactose free" because it hurts my stomach too much and forces me to the john. I figured it would learn by now since it's been almost 10 years now but maybe it's my gut bacteria.

There's nothing wrong with or herculian about this assuming their sourcing their meat from upstanding vendors.

Beef (bleu rare, steak tartar, italian carpaccio), pork (german/polish mette), lamb (turkush cig kofte), fish (latino cevich, japanese sashimi) have all had traditional cuisines serving them raw.

It's only a question of hygienic procedure and each animal's own prevalent viruses, not the human body. Chicken, for example, only is at risk of salmonella when industrially farmed, it's related to the process of boiling the feathers. On the other hand, only industrially farmed pork is not at risk for trycosis as modern sanitation regulations keep it separated from its waste. Beef only needs to be cooked because of e. coli, but the virus can't penetrate the muscle, which is why only the outer edge needs to be cooked. Your body is completely fine eating the steak entirely raw otherwise.

a) cooking meat makes it easier to digest, meaning you need to eat less of it b) not cooking meat gives you a non-0 chance of transmitting all parasites in the meat into your person c) iron tastes like shit

Fuck off rawfaggot subhumans

Enjoy your pus with extra hormones.

So what's with the Jews' raging hate boner for milk recently? It was eggs, butter and margarine before that.

Evidence is inconclusive. At best, a study has demonstrated mice expend more energy digesting raw beef.

Same is true of cooked meat too, retard. Nothing will ever secure you against all harmful bacteria. Yet there are procedures you can follow to ensure you're realistically safe for all practical purposes, be it cooked or raw.

Tell me transanon, were raised without a father or just without any water filter?

user… they're all white on the outside.

Go eat some raw goat you braindead commie faggot


colour me shocked

While I agree that raw meat can be delicious, your post is 100% shitty broscience. Nearly everything you said is dead wrong. Dont post shit you don't understand.


Hit up the Amish people around your area if you have some.


That shit is insane for boosting test levels.

It's also CHEAPER than the grocery store (price/nutrient content) and you are BUYING A PRODUCT from people who are WHITE and REDPILLED instead of MERCHANT OWNED grocery stores and slave shops like WALMART.

what's with the fucking vegan shit everyday on Holla Forums now?

jews gotta jew

They shill unhealthy lifestyles, and unhealthy lifestyles come in many different forms.

Reminder that Hitler was vegan, didn't smoke and didn't drink. Follow your leader.

You will love this video even more than the op's statement. Watch it. Your typical eggs can be reversed into live chicken.

Kosher Jews have weird dietary laws regarding meat and milk. It's a lot easier for them to eliminate all dairy than it is to follow all these retarded rules.

The whole pile of bullshit is based on an Old Testament verse that said something about not eating baby goat boiled in its mother's milk. They argued and interpreted it over the years until it's morphed into not being able to eat meat and milk in the same meal. They have to wait at least 6 hours in between eating meat and milk due to some dumb Sharia-like rabbi rulings. Also they have to have two sets of dishes, one set for meat, and one set for milk. A Kosher Jew would never eat a cheeseburger, it would be against the rules.


That commandment is literally just
It doesn't even say anything about eating either one.

Thats jews for you


Your immune system works the same way, some guy managed to make himself immune to Black Mamba venom, then allowed one to bite him on TV, with no ill effects.
Though a doctor did caution that if he did it too much there was a risk, as there is with latex, that he could start getting allergic reactions to it.
Yes, there's a chance he could kill himself with an allergic reaction to the one of the deadliest snake venoms known, rather than the venom itself!

It was just misformatted, retard
cutfag trauma turn you into a blind, frightened cuck? or are you just another slimy bodily obsessed kike?


All store milk is full of plasticisers due to the flexible tubing that is used to milk the cows. These chemicals are endocrine disruptors, it they disrupt a person's hormones and can mimic estrogen.
Just one of many reasons milk should not be considered a health food,whether you choose to drink it or not.

There's no evidence of jews systematically pushing veganism or vegetarianism. The vegan movement has been grass roots.

Mainstream media has always been anti vegan. They've mocked vegans. Jewish movies aren't pushing veganism like they do race mixing, drugs, casual sex, fat acceptance, feminism, white guilt etc.

The assertion that jews are pushing for veganism could not be further from the truth.

Except he wasn't vegan.

Vegans are fucking faggots and I would gladly weather a billion charcoal-induced cancers if it meant they would fuck off and die already.

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He was vegetarian you flaming retard. For medical reasons, too.