Brussels explosion: Bomb blast hits crime laboratory
Brussels explosion: Bomb blast hits crime laboratory
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So. False flag to destroy evidence of something?
It seems unlikely that Ackbars are smart enough or care enough to attempt something like this.
All by plan…
why does the media do everything it possibly can to defend islam?
not really a happening m8
If there is a mudshit involved on this I am sure that he just spontaneously combusted because of white mans racism.
The honest answer is that they understand the power of memetics just as we do. For their own interests, they are trying to use memetics to alter the nature of Islam. They are trying brainwash Muslims into thinking that Islam is the religion of peace by gaslighting them with the media.
It's a plan doomed to fail for numerous obvious reasons. For one, atheists, christian and jewish westerners trying to dictate to Muslims the terms of their religion? Obviously they will listen to their own Imams instead.
But the globalists have no other choice. Their ideology does not permit the west to be at odds with the Islamic world, because such divides are contrary to the very basis of globalism. But the problem is there anyway, so what can they do but brainwash people until the problem is gone? It won't work, but they will keep on pushing it until they are dead.
Or untill we are dead. At least if we look how things are in Sweden or Germoney this would seem to be the most likely plan and it has been already set in motion.
An explosion means that's mud-slimes not niggers.
Something's got to give. They can't brainwash people into world peace.
That's like trying to stop earthquakes by glueing up all the fault-lines. Something's got to give.
only they used a magnet in Breaking Bad. Muslims cant into science.
what in the hell is going on in this picture?
Maybe, but the prime target for their propaganda are non-muslim normies. The propagandists become mighty upset if someone calls their bullshit, while muslims don’t care.
The whole “burkini” propaganda is directed at non-muslim, because for a muslim it is ok to show a shameless women their border.
All the “poor muslima” propaganda is directed at non-muslim, because a muslim would just tell her to shut up.
Don’t under estimate how clueless the general population is about islam, with millions of moslems in the country since many years. Even opponents of islam are sometimes very naive, thinking pork is a kind of kryptonite for muslims.
"Art", obviously.
Do you REALLY want to know?
I agree on that one bro, something will give but with leaders like the ones we have in europe I am pretty sure that it will not favor us "natives".
Pic vaguely related.
A lot of these, Anons. have a morbid sense of curiousity, user., so chances are he does.
Not terrorism but a "criminal act".
Prosecutors: Brussels Attack Was Probably Arson, Not a Bomb
Brussels bomb explosion: Car rams through three fences before blast at Institute of Criminology laboratories
Two arrested for arson attack against Institute for Criminology in Brussels
I think that's because that's what they know. Their foot-soldiers are mostly true believer leftist western journalists and politicians. These people, contributing what they can to the cause they support, do what they're qualified to do; propagandize to westerners.
It's not a one-sided propaganda campaign though of course, they are trying to socially engineer both the muslim masses and the western masses into compatibility, with no regard for either cultures or traditions. They have no problem with rewriting any culture and tradition if it furthers their globalist goals.
The social sciences are socially carcinogenic.
Sounds like somebody trying to get rid of evidence.
With the recent investigations into the Brussels bombing, I wonder who would want to destroy evidence that would be in a crime lab.
Gee, I just can't figure it out.
Lucky we have a stronk womyn on the case.
As I said earlier, I'm not sure if kebabs are smart enough or care enough to get rid of evidence.
My sides
Is Brussels actually a real country? Thought it was just a terrorism and EU capital district of Europe. It's kind of like how Washington DC isn't a real state.
Belgium I mean, not Brussels
It's someone's graduate project for a MFA. I can't believe that's considered art.
Brussels is the capital of Belgium (allegedly a nation state) and the location of the European Parliament. If that wasn't enough it's also the headquarters for NATO.
the Kingdom of Belgium is actually a real country within the European Union and is made up of 2 main lands, Flanders; the dutch part and Wallonia; the french part but it also has a German-speaking minority.
Brussels is the capital of Belgium and the capital of the EU because it is a multiculti city.
Basically they have ridiculously meme magic
*ridiculously weak
Museum of Fine Arts?
I was making a joke. It's like how Canada is not a real country because it could never defend itself against the US and is basically American.
Thanks for the info though.
hard to tell the autists from the autists these days
Considering it's Mossad and kikes that are funding and organizing them, I wouldn't be so sure there wasn't a reason behind bombing a crime investigation center.
Right, but I doubt it was the idea of some Durka Jihadi. Hell, could be the Belgian gov trying to prevent some uncomfortable info become it reaches the public. Probably something along the lines of "We knew about the Durka attacks but ignored it".
Yes, the subtleties of autism don't translate too well across cultures and language barriers.
My money is on the kikes blowing up the joint because the evidence would have linked the mossad to some terror plots.
Prove me wrong faggots.
let me guess, mental illness?
apparently people don't need to be diagnosed anymore
They dearly wish and occasionally show off a model muslim citizen. It used to be mostly leftist from muslim countries, they are now grey haired and old*.
The current crop of model citizen with muslim migration background are wolves in sheep skin, who can barely hide their contempt, like Sawsan Chebli or Aydan Özoguz.
*Basam Tibbi used to sell the snake oil of “Euro-Islam”, now retired and with secure founds blast the foolishness of importing muslims and how it will destroy Germany and Europe in short time.
Belgium is rightful Dutch clay.
gives this song a whole new meaning
We got an islamophobe here.
Damn Zorostrainians
Fuck you kebab shit :^)