Active shooter. LAX.
Active shooter. LAX.
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2nd vote for Muslim.
I don't know. Could be spic. Why not blow up like a muslim, unless they want to take hostages or something?
Muzzies have been shooting places up a lot recently. It's like they're getting smarter.
Thats what happens when you use all the retards as suicide bombers. Eventually the smarter ones have to start going themselves.
Remember everyone. If this turns out to be a Muslim, he does not represent the majority.
Anons are too quick these days
You could put Hillary's face on that.
From LAX PD twatter.
going over this so far, it doesn't actually appear to be any sort of happening. in fact it seems to be some faggot probably heard something they mistook for gun fire and flipped out causing mass panic. lol fags
Someone probably dropped a heavy suitcase.
This is good.
What you describe is the whole goal of terrorism.
All Muzzies have to do is set off a few firecrackers every now and then to keep the fear levels high.
normal nigger is my vote.
yea and considering the low trust society we live in today. any sort of loud bang or white boy with a tactical bowl cut is enough to send muds panicking.
I notice no mention of race yet, so its a spic, nigger or muzzy. Most likely muzzy.
kek - woman (flight attendant maybe) busts ass on the pavement at 43 secs. Probably the fastest she's moved in the past 5 years.
@LAScanner – [email protected]/* */
LAX *Update: LAPD reporting poss. shooting in a food area in Terminal 8. People barricading inside the cafe. LAPD still swarming.
9:08 PM - 28 Aug 2016
Getting /comfy/
yup, just mass panic by faggots who should have been corralled into ovens so this kind of faggotry doesn't continue to happen.
Seems like mass hysteria
We won't know until some time though.
no, LAPD already confirming no shooter no victims. lol
inb4 proeminent member of the loosely Trump affiliated Alt-Right movement.
Usually if you don't hear shots while people are still running, there's not much happening to hope for. Shootings don't tend to last long, and even the most basic pavement ape knows to get out as many rounds as fast as possible.
I think we have just another panicked crowd who heard an elevator bang loudly or something.
Of course, I could be wrong. But that's my gut instinct.
Ok, time to play arm chair Jew. What's the over under we see a coordinated effort by the (((media))) to use this as an example of why we need more gun control?
Oh boy.
no, you're exactly right. the police have found no shooter or victim. just mass panic spread by retards.
Wonder what spooked the herd.
Well it is fake. Then what caused it? Someone said allahu ackbar? Loud noise provoked the liberals? Someone whispered MAGA to fag?
it doesn't take much. you could probably watch an action flick on your phone and the gun fire noises would cause a panic. people are fucking terrified and the reason is diversity rofl.
Dammit, I was hoping to get comfy too
NBC's High Yellow house nigger is on the scene.
Yeah, people on Twitter are saying it's false alarm too.
seconded. comfy as fuck.
pol "member would just start yelling allah snackbar just for the fun of it, all hail anarchy.
The media are probably waiting to see how much attention they want to give this. If it's a WHYTE MAAAAALE they'll push that out ASAP.
You see goy, even though there was no shooter, and the crowd was thrown into a frenzy over nothing… it's only because we live in a gun culture that the crowd of poor innocent travelers had to fear for their lives in the first place.
If we banned semi fully automatic assault clips, this kind of thing would never happen :^)
But what about finger guns? Those damn white terrorists can start pointing at people and pretending to have guns, isn't that horrifying?
Oh well, was about to get comfy too.
Dubs confirm that does look comfy.
I want a fire place to sit in front of as I shitpost
Well you see, that kind of simulated finger violence is due to the white male's inherent tendencies for violence and oppression. If they're castrated at a young age, these tendencies won't crop up :^)
Fuck finger guns, its them poptart guns that make me peepee poopoo
Get a laptop, build a fire pit out back, and git comfy
Did anyone else see Sam Hyde land at lax recently
Alright boys. Put the rations back on the shelves. Time to leave the habbening bunker.
[ ] habbening
[X] not habbening
Media intern got the date wrong. The LAX attack is scheduled for Tuesday. You just can't find the staff these days.
Another false alarm
probably tracking how fast and where happenings spread across the internet
Finger guns, you say… archive.is
and the archive: archive.is
I live in an apartment, and its becoming increasingly (((diverse))).
My ass is outta here as soon as the lease is up, I want to rent a house now. A fire pit is essential, as is a room to set up all my instruments for jamming and lifting.
Shit we crossed that line long ago and I didn't realize it. Guess we are only a few years away from the camps.
That's about all it would take these days.
Inb4 this was all an MDE world piece publicity stunt
Mmmmm. I love me some late night habbenings.
Nothing out of the ordinary tbh vato
Kek reminds me of that spanish anonymous webm
nah sam always gets away with it
unless getting caught was part of his plan.
Reports Of Gunmen At LAX Is Possible Hoax
Nigga was probably just trying to catch a ride home after the con.
Time to ban assault plastic swords.
Wasn't that the one where they mistook clapping for gunfire?
Don't know about JFK - odd they called it an elaborate hoax without elaborating.
Truly the end of times
Ah, ok. I remember now. The retarded TSA and airport cops were wandering around not knowing what to do.
Looks like loud noises and panicky tards confirmed.
He's a big guy
Easily panicked people, you say…
are these traced from something? they all look familiar.
Does anyone know if any active shooter drills were scheduled at the time at either JFK or LAX? Somebody should at least check on the possibility that these were aborted false flags followed by "oy very goyim it was just some cheering people of color nothing to see here"
I reckon it's nothing tbh, not heard much at all about this. I reckon some libtard faggot heard someone drop something and started shouting that someone was shooting.
I wanted to get comfy as well, disappointing.
Is that the hacker known as 4chan?
News now reporting that it was loud noises.
habbeing cancelled
Poeple in LA are on edge. If/when there is a real disaster people will turn savage real quick.
Bomb explosion, attack at Brussels Criminology Institute
You're giving me blue balls, habidding gods.
This better be just the start of something big.
Virgin-less akbar or just some cat with many suicidal lives?
Belgium went from one of the safest countries in Europe to being under eastern bloc countries
"loud noises" has been the new code word for airport shooters for quite some time now. They just "vanish" after the police clear out the civies.
What data did they have there that is now “unfortunately” destroyed?
Good question
well shit
I love how after they go a few feet they stop running and are just walking like "Yea, wtf ever." or "Ok, no need to run now, I've gone a fe- why was I running again? Oh well."
anyone remember that mannequin who did a shooting at LAX last year?
Since the thread got bumped, I'd like to know what was lost in the explosion?