how much time will it take to regain my noob gains?
should I take some anabolics if I want to hit my natty limit faster?
how much time will it take to regain my noob gains?
should I take some anabolics if I want to hit my natty limit faster?
Just get on the roids brother
redpill me on roids?
will I die?
high risk high reward
not going to shill and tell you not to do it nor am I going to go into depth about the pros and cons of anabolics but just do some research if you're being serious and not being a shilling niggerkike
nigga do you even calisthenics?
calisthenics are not substitute for lifting, they're a complement, but they're mostly for endurance, not hypertrofy.
i understand that, but people arent get that torso shape they want just by lifting weights. come on user…
calysthenics only works to give you basic gains at slower pace.
is no optimal, is fun, but you can't build mass with just push ups and pull ups.
well does a "skinny fat" person really need more mass? also he is bitching about more body fat, his he lying?
we're talking about using gear to reach something bigger than othermode.