Muslimas humiliated and forced to leave French restaurant

Two women wearing headscarves were sat at a table at Cenacle restaurant

Based restaurant owner appeared and told the women they weren't welcome

Owner tells them 'all Muslims are terrorists'


oy vey so sickening

He should of quietly served them shit.


They probably wouldn't notice.

see, that's where you're wrong.

you faggots think that muslims actually take sacred things seriously, but they don't. they'll do anything if they think they can get away with it, and a thousand years of rule-lawyering by their "philosophers" have given rise to the mentality of a highly legalistic way of thinking.

for example:

repeat ad nauseum for every infraction of their sacred laws: stealing/lying to/raping/killing fellow muslims, drinking, fornication, etc. they only enforce these when it benefits them, or satisfies some sick desire for power over someone's life.

just ignore the public righteous outrage, it's all for attention.

like you never watched Youtube videos, Rabbi

Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.

and jews

So the French are fighting back, bust exclusively against women. This feels manufactured to garner public sympathy.

that's the spirit

A Religion that stole from Judaism tends to rules-lawyer a lot, whoda thunk.


It's about sending a message you autist.

Do you think middle fingers cause harm to people? No, they communicate disdain. That's the point.


Obama is that you?




Pretty ballsy. He probably shouldn't have just said get out.

Owners of private businesses should have the right to serve whoever the fuck they want. That's the basis of private enterprise.

If I want to make a male-only bar, I should be allowed to turn women away at the door.

If I don't want to serve mudslimes, I should be allowed to kick them out.

If I don't want to serve fags, I should be allowed to tell them to fuck off.

My business, my rules.

It is a government that overreaches that seeks to tell a business owner how to run his business.

It used to be that a man's property was his castle. Today we have courts forcing the victims of home invasions or robbery to pay their attackers because they defended themselves.

It's truly sickening that the French government is going to have this guy's head because he doesn't want to see hijabed mudslimes in his commerce (something that is banned by that same government in all public places in Francet!)

All Muslims deserve the most horrific of deaths. The very first thing a Muslim must do is accept a pagan moon god (a demon) as their one true god. Then they venerate a mass murdering, genocidal, enslaving, degenerate and sociopathic pedophile as the most perfect man. Anyone willingly doing this deserves to die. Full stop.

Those are the only things wrong listed there, pal

gtfo trudeau

I am 100% correct.


But user, muh commerce clause! That ended segregation (as well as justified passing of many projects).

The US Highway system (or autobahn) was justified as a military necessity. Then the funding was hung over the states to pass certain laws.

Kebabs who claim to be just as much victims of ISIS are delusional. Once you realize that the world is made up of different groups you`ll see how the kebabs gain while we lose.
Sure many kebabs don`t like ISIS, yet come to our lands and settle here. They defile our lands with their broods and threaten our existence. Thought the inbreeding they are walking
heaps of defective genetic material. White children are being/going to be denied medical care because off the lack of resources, resources which are being used to save achmed the retarded kebab!
A kebab bred to either die at birth or to be a blight on this world, a low IQ combined with islam makes for a effective zerg rush against an docile opponent.
(Read up on the genetic defects the kebabs have because they fuck their nieces for generations upon generations).
We don`t want kebabs on our lands, we don`t need kebabs on our lands. If it was not for kebabs we would have reached the stars by now.
We don`t have a righteous hatred for kebabs because of ISIS, our hatred stems from the fact that these decrepit creatures are an insult to all that is good and just in this world.
Whites suffer and we are denied birthright of being the masters of this planet, and for what? For this multiculturalism in which there is no equivalent exchange, in which we Whites only give.
We granted the niggers freedom from slavery, now they kill us on the streets we let them roam on. We let kebabs settle in our ancestral homelands, and now they kill, maim and rape us.
We gain nothing, we are being punished for letting the weak run amok. Punishment for letting in the kikes, punishment for showing mercy to the lesser races. If they had any sense of who they
where dealing with they would tremble in fear for our wrath, and our wrath will come. Maybe sooner than later, if sooner be a beast and show no mercy. If later then prepare by being better everyday,
there are enough free courses to follow user`s.

Now prepare for war user`s,
This time the world,

fuck off.


This guy knows whats up. There's a tradition in goatfucker land to ignore some of the stringent requirements of the faith at night time because 'that's when Allah sleeps.' They're also fucking liars who put pork into food and label it chicken because then that's okay. It's all just rule lawyering like you mentioned, which reminds me of a certain faith Europeans are obsessed with that takes a whole lot of rule lawyering to hamfist into a crusader RWDS narrative.

Both of these are shills.


We only had to say collectively;
We will have to fight our way out of the mess we are in even if we said, "No" tomorrow.

Kebabs don't like the cold, neither misty valleys, and open green pastures. "Where they have created a desert, they call it peace."

Can the Lugenpresse ever tell the truth and use accurate wording in their stories? I would use the word "article" but calling this a story is more accurate.

underrated post.

We whites gave them the world as an act of kindness, and they repay us with attempted genocide. Fuck them, we're not making the same mistake again.

They're also drinking while holding their cups under the tables "because thats where Allah doesn't look".

How long before the bleeding hearts grab their pitchforks and torches, conveniently forgetting all of that "private businesses can serve who they like" shit?

That guy is a beta cuck faggot reddit tier manlet in the eyes of Muh ham mad.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Great post.

This pretty much.
I don't know the laws of France, but an owner of any establishment should be able to refuse service to whomever they want without needing a reason.


The french tourism industry is well aware of the disastrous effects of islamization, especially since half of all tourists are germans who want to get away from their own muslim squatters. Germans want to visit Paris & France, not Kabul & Afghanistan.

It's true that all mudslimes are complicit in terrorism since they do nothing about it, they report nothing, they permit those among them to commit terror attacks because they secretly (often, openly) agree with killing non-muslims.


This times infinity.


can you give source on the first one? I need it

As a moderate Muslim, I only supported the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the Orlando gay bar. I dont support terrorism at airports because Muslims, and non-degenerate non-Muslims, use them too.

I only support terrorism against degenerates


I know thiis is b8 but here's your (You) anyway

We have the right to free association. This should make voluntary segregation of any kind legal.

Fuck, you know your group looks bad when the fucking French are standing up to you, Goddamn.


MIDF pls go