"Thanks for mentioning us younger guys. As a under 30 millennial, I will tell you exactly why most of us have this outlook.
We are the divorce generation. Even if we grew up in families that weren’t divorced we were still latch key kids.
Not only did I, a little over a decade ago, have more friends with single mothers by choice but also with divorced parents than intact families I also went to school with girls and came of age during the grrl power of the 90s.
This idea of women as victims falls on deaf ears when you spend year after year dealing with fucking cunts.
Team vagina can tell me all day long about how women would never lie about birth control or use men for child support and so on.
But, I know better. The high school I went to, a little over a decade ago, had a Teen Mom(watch that show on MTV if you want a realistic look) or two in almost every single class I had.
I literally only had one class in high school that didn’t have a pregnant girl in it. Several had two or three, out of 30 or 35 students and not enough book. Gotta love shitty high schools in the south.
That is just high school. If you look at reddit and the mens rights section in particular you will see that most of the guy are about my age(maybe a few years older) or younger.
Even the guys that aren’t in the MRA section on reddit have a very warped view of women and relationships. I think this is due to being born in the divorce generation.
Who needs to burn their own hand to find out that fire is hot when you can watch dozens upon dozens of older men burn their hands and scream in pain? Who needs that, so to speak?
This doesn’t even begin to talk about growing up in a feminized education system or the entitlement issues run rampant that most young women have or all the other issues.
To put it simply: You can’t kick a dog and not expect it to eventually bite the hand that feeds.
Guys of my generation have been kicked since we were puppies, and we were kicked constantly and from everyone who supposedly loved and cared for us.