Weev Is A Jewish Infiltrator

Weev Is A Jewish Infiltrator

I didn't want to believe it, but after his recent tweets I have to believe that Weev is a Jew and has infiltrated our movement.

He has increasingly suggested more and more violence.

His first issue of samiz.dat justified the killing of children, and now his latest tweet suggests bombing cities.

This latest tweet was completely insane, in no way represents our movement, and is VERY DANGEROUS. This guy is exactly like the CIA infiltrators who suggest acts of violence to White nationalists.

Andrew Anglin claims on the side of the Daily Stormer that he will not advocate calls to violence, but he is tolerating Auernheimer saying these complete insane things.

Weev has all the signs of being a Jew by his last name, his appearance, his behavior etc.- but I was not convinced until he started putting out this stuff.

The Stormer "book clubs" are now beginning to look VERY SUSPICIOUS.

Other urls found in this thread:



kill urself my man


he's right about bowl-cuts and robots though.
bowlcuts will lead to the resurgence of the friar hairstyle which advances some personal goals of mine, and robots are instrumental in achieving that.
everything else he does and is, is shady as all fuck.

look at the noses, only one of them is a jewish nose.

I did long suspect it, but I just don't like to dismiss people without giving them a fair chance.

Did you know? "Weev" stems from the French word juif, meaning jew.

He also has 33 thousand plus twitter followers without being shut down. How is that possible?

How does that alphabet soup taste?

Good evening, officer.


Ahh so you're that faggot I saw in the forum that I never go to but by chance happened to and saw the whole, "Why I'm leaving Daily Stormer" self-important thread.

If you don't understand weev or his humor just fuck off already. Guy doesn't even live in America.

The National Socialist revolution cannot be accomplished by terrorism, and anyone who suggests acts of terrorism, such as killing children and bombing cities, IS a Fed.

He's been talking about drone warfare being the future for years, and also how whites will defeat non-whites in a race war. It's nothing.

No, I'm not that guy. I don't know anything about that. Just read what weev posted and the flyer he put out.


The standard for National Socialism is Adolf Hitler. Would Hitler have written these things?

Advocating the indiscriminate killing of children is the mindset of the Jewish mass murderers who did the Holodomor etc.

So are you suggesting that there is a political solution to our problems and that violence is not needed? What exactly is the problem with destroying our enemies again?

Weev has chemical weapons from Israel stored somewhere in the Great Lakes area. The local Rabbi is in on it and has an emergency key for the container in which the weapons are stored in. Once Trump gets elected, they're going full Zionist Death Squad on Washington.

Some of us just want the traitors, the left, and their (((masters))) to be violently destroyed.

Hitler was also the gold standard. That's on par with waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Been 2,000 years and still nada. What Hitler would have said or done is irrelevant. He was macro, everyone else was micro. Himmler and Goring both saw the world and circumstances drastically different from him.

Yeah it sounds bad if you're in a situation that we're in now. In an all out war I don't want to hear that shit at all. That's for arm chair generals who have no real life experience to SJW themselves on a pedestal.

For me, National Socialism is the only solution, so I just disregard all other points of view on this board as irrelevant. So sorry.

All you need to know about weev is the feds had him in prison, then let him go.

NEVER trust anybody who has been in the hands of the feds. They can flip anybody.

Another good point. He may have been given instructions to infiltrate our movement, collect info on us, and make outrageous calls for violence.

It took you this fucking long to work it out?

Here's a hint, go find some leaked GNAA chatlogs, he usually appears as 'Rabite' or some variation thereof.

Aurenheimer is a Jew, yes. More importantly he's a troll of the old-fashioned rudderless 'hail eris' variety. He lives to play groups of people off one another, and that's it. He's neither a genuine white nationalist nor a government plant, in many ways he's more dangerous.

Exactly. Behaviour is genetic. If we destroy all European people who have actively harmed our race then we will have significantly increased the level of in group loyalty(tribalism) of our people and therefor made our race stronger and more cohesive.

And what way do you expect to live in a natsoc society without violence, sissy?

All lies.

Particularly since before he went to prison he was a troll, but after he came out, he was a tatted up nazi.

Was it because niggers raped him? Or was it because the feds told him his new job was to infiltrate us?

We don't know. We can't know. He cannot be trusted.

He's still a troll. How is being a troll mutually exclusive from any ideology? It doesn't mean he doesn't believe what he says.

I can't tell if you guys are shills or simply weak ass Christian cucks.

I already addressed this in
I am aware of what you said, but I just don't dismiss people immediately. I am convinced now.

Attacking Christianity is a common trait of Jews. Real nationalists like Hitler, Rockwell etc. do not do this.


read some evola, goy. esotericism is healthy for your mind, goy. here's another (((goy))) explaining what evola is all about. you can then have discussions about it on the trs forums, goyyyyyy.


I will also add David Duke to that list. The best White Nationalist leader alive.

Yeah except he hasn't been in the U.S. since apparently and is living around in Europe for 6 months at a time to avoid coming back. What is he doing? Is Soro's funding him to earn street credit in the far-right scene to break into Ukraine then into Russia and create another color revolution?

See, we can take this to stupid levels if we really want. Just enjoy the guy when you can and keep on doing your own thing if it doesn't float your boat. No need to start conspiracy wars because a man said some drastic statements like IDK every other post on Holla Forums

The fuck outta here nigger. You best be trolling.

What movement would that be? Also you are aware that he has been doing the same sort of shit for about two decades, right?

Pics very much related.

fucking faggot meme hyde and his Dyson vacumm, really needs to check his privilege btw

The Brownshirts weren't killing children, idiot. They were fighting Communists.

Real nationalists are critical about the establishment, and that includes Christianity that has proven itself since the French Revolution to change with the wind and no longer be the pillar of society. The rock that weathered modernity.

Logical fallacy. Just because jews attack Christianity doesn't mean all who do are jews.

We're never going to win with weak Christian pussies holding us back.

And what has he done? Compiled some information on the jews. Apart from that he's a master of apologetics. "we're not supremacists" etc etc. All He does is defend in a whiny tone of voice. He won't lead us to victory.

It is true that in the past they shut nationalist groups down by advocating violence for absolutely no fucking reason at all.

Yeah, fine, attack establishment Christianity, but do not attack Christianity in broad strokes. There are many racially-aware Christians.

Which is why people who say violent things are not associated with a group. If he was associated with a group then I could see OP having a point, but he isn't so it's a waste of personal opinions.

He is associated with the Daily Stormer, and the Daily Stormer is now encouraging its readers to come out of anonymity, identify their locations, and form cells.

And that's bad? Do you think we're going to win from our bedrooms?

Killing their children is just tit for tat. They knowingly facilitate millions of rapes and murders of European children every year.

I don't know, and neither do you.

Trust him at your own peril.

Weev went to the same Talmud School as the Golden One. The Golden One also placed second at a Tora reading contest where Barbara Lerner-Spectre sat in the jury committee.

He's just some guy who went insane from solitary confinement in prison

It must be.

Yeah, I'm open to that possibility too, that's he just some unhinged person who actually lives in a fantasy world. In any case, he is dangerous and discrediting to real White nationalism, which does not advocate violence against innocents or civilians.

Also the whole idea of drones swarms absolutely terrifies me.

How are we supposed to rebel against the government now? Is the second amendment still a trump card?

Lurk moar, officer.

So much disinfo in this thread. The NSDAP were elected, so was Hitler. They didn't achieve this by terrorism and violence. They ended the night of broken glass for that reason. The violence was scaring the public.

Hitler and the NSDAP won with ideas. That is how we will win.

Absolutely right, brother! That is the only way we can win. Hitler was a good and decent man, and so am I. I disavow terrorism.

You can't kill the kikes from the internet faggot, you're going to have to convince enough whites to stop being cucks and rope the bad people like jews and libcucks.

Once you can get a gang going and trust that your fellow man won't be okay with you being thrown into prison for mass murdering the kikes, you do it. You "violence isn't the answer" redditors need to leave.

Thread is jewish as fuck.

haha I cant believe there are peoiple falling for OP ITT

protip: we are winning, so if anyone tries to tell you to change what you're doing (for the time being), then there's a high chance they're trying to hurt your movement.

Except we haven't organized in real life and we ARE winning.


We are winning so hard that merely by shitposting on the internet we have required a presidential nominee to pause their campaign in order to address us, and the nominee can't even mention us by name due to fear of what may happen if they do.

If I'm not mistaken, Hitler saw the error of the putsch he attempted at first, and realized that it was not the way. He then worked hard to win the hearts of the people. That is what we must do.

No, they won by stomping commie skulls into the ground and showing the people that they could save them from the tyrranical oppressors ruling over them. We will need to do the same.

You guys do know that advocating terrorism and violence is how all the other nationalist groups were shut down before us right?

Why would we do anything else then spread our memes and redpill potentially millions of Trump supporters who are already primed to be Nationalists rather than act like sandniggers and fuck everything up?

If our people remain cucked then we're fucked.

Yeah, the call to organize in real life, to abandon anonymity, is completely unnecessary at this point, and is very suspicious.

No, we aren't.

Weev's right, tbh. Violence will be the only way to solve this problem in the end.
Fucking kill yourself, Reddit PRcuck. There is no "movement". This is the kind of moderate bullshiittery that neutered gamergoy.

because weev is a kike and his shill defense force is here trying to rehabilitate his image for the nth time while trying to get the community to change tactics instead of pushing harder with the tactics that have been consistently making us win.

we are winning, we agree.

I'm just telling you not to change the winning formula. Don't listen to people who tell you to "moderate" your positions, that's what the cuckservatives would want.

You make it sound so nefarious. If you're going to be relevant IRL, then you're eventually going to have to know people in your area. You're not going to take the West back praying for an economic apocalypse, waiting for a dictator, or shitposting online hoping some convert normie takes your place IRL.

I wouldn't want to be in a situation where I knew nobody because I was afraid to meet up with people one to one. It's not like they're forming actual groups. The risk is exaggerated along with the guilt by association of DS and Weev to that.


Hitler ending up winning 40% of the popular vote by winning the hearts of his people rather than resorting to sandnigger tier terrorism you fucking idiot.

organizing IRL != PR cuckery

Don't conflate the two.

Can you retarded faggots stop using logical fallacies?

Right. If we behave that way, we will turn the people off to our message. It never works. See the film Imperium. This is the kind of stuff weev is encouraging us to do, because he is Daniel Radcliffe's character.


I couldn't say it better. Truth.

He won the hearts of the people by having a million man paramilitary crew at his back and using them to stomp commies.

Shitskin children are just as much invaders needing eradication as any others. Take your pacifist cuckoldry and fuck off. Everyone here can tell you're a Reddit transplant.

y-yeah, I tend to think they're opposites.

look, eventually we'll have to organize IRL. Maybe now isn't the right time, I don't know, and I'm not advocating anything illegal rn.

Anyway,, just keep your eyes set on the goal and don't let sophists distract you.

Hitler was a monster who was responsible for the deaths of 20 million soviet citizens and over 8 millions Jews.
I don't think he should be remembered as an example to emulate. He should be a reminder of the consequences of hateful ideologies.
I thought Holla Forums was better than this…

We don't have to do everything the same way Hitler did. There's no reason to. We're creating a new order, not trying to emulate an old one.

Fuck off FBI-kun shitposting on the internet is waking up millions of people while terrorism would fuck absolutely everything up. There is absolutely no fucking way that terrorists would win the hearts and minds in any halfway civilized country and if you think otherwise you're either a fed or a retard.

Is this another shill post pretending Holla Forums is the alt-right?

Underrated post

we are organizing IRL, just not in the way you or the shills think.

4D, user.

Hey, isn't that a picture of the guy from episode four of MDE:WP?

Hitler won during a time when Germany was 90%+ German, completely white, bolsheviks were a real threat, and the memories of the great 2nd Reich were still fresh in people's minds. We are in a position far far worse than Germany ever was.

How the fuck do you expect white people to win? By waiting for enough genocide to happen to white people until they finally wake up, risking whether it'll be too late by then or not? Are you a fucking cuck? How about you show some agency and take the initiative. And yes, that includes violence, everyone fucking knows it, we just don't scream it at the top of our lungs. Weev does because he's in some random fucking eastern european country.

At this point, ROTHERHAM didn't get white people to wake up, NIGGERS sniping white cops brazenly because they hate white people didn't get white people to wake up.

I don't know if you're a cuck or a shill, but I'm getting real tired of your shit. Violence is the answer, and if you can't deal with that, then just stay out of the way.

Are you fucking retarded? Ostensibly, weev has done more for the white race than what you've done saying "How are we to really know anything, man? Who can we really trust, man?" It's called taking a risk, motherfucker, that's how relationships work. If you can't trust weev, then fuck you nigger, you can't trust anyone, least of all you. I'll listen and trust the guy triggering college campuses, has put himself out there and is on the run from the law over your ass who doesn't take any risks, doesn't put yourself out there for criticism, meanwhile you just criticize everyone else, in this case weev.

What the fuck did you expect someone who openly goes 14/88 while having his name out there to look like? Living it up in Malibu sipping cocktails? Rotting and being censored in prison?

Fucking thank you. This guy gets it.

Also I think that we need to make the difference between PR cucking which strictly refers to not compromising on beliefs and rhetoric and actual fucking terrorism.

Anyone who thinks that terrorism is a good idea is a fucking DNC or fed plant and they need to fuck right off.

How will you convince cuckolded civic "nationalists" who love minorities as long as they have "muh valoos" that racial nationalism and supremacism is the way to go? They are still leftists with slightly harder rhetoric.

I said National Socialism, not alt-right. Alt-right is what the Jews, Shabbos Goys, and homosexuals are (i.e. Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, RamzPaul, Molyneux).


What we have here is a reading comprehension problem. You're reading into things that aren't actually there, but to a simpleton give the illusion that there's some grand manifesto to be had.

shill logic, everyone.

You're looking for emotional satisfaction rather than victory.

You're either a selfish retard or a shill.

Fucking kill yourself. Molyneux is independent from both Holla Forums and the alt-right. He is an honest man who produces increasingly more Holla Forums-related content as the days go by as he uncovers the truth. I don't believe he has any ulterior motive.

Doesn't like a complete victory to me. That's more of a first step. The complete strategic victory is the eradication of kikes and global white imperialism


I sincerely hope that Weev is legit and I really mean that. My concern is that both DS/TRS use him for tech support and if he turned on us he could do some real harm if he wanted to. Then again, it would be obvious who was behind it. I hope he's just a sincere try-hard.

Honestly, it seems like the Jews are freaking out that people are finally listening to our memes and message. So they're like, "Oy vey! Tell that weev to start putting out crazy terrorist flyers that suggest killing children and bombing cities to discredit their movement."

Molyneux is a Jew! How do you not know this?

I was pointing out your shillacious posting, not writing down an 88 point plan for a glorious aryan future.

Fuck you goons are so goddamn stupid.

Fuck off FBI-kun

Sorry about that brother. What do you think: is Andrew Anglin in on it, or has weev just duped him? I wouldn't like to think that Anglin is also fake. I would rather hope that he is a sincere guy who is trusting weev and doesn't realize that weev is controlled. But Anglin's tolerance of weev's calls for violence and his own call for people to come out of anonymity does suggest otherwise…

Exactly. This is what weev is suggesting. Is this not indisputable proof that he is a Jewish infiltrator?


"Weev" is a mental patient Jew who goes with an obsession with Nazis. Why would you take someone seriously that went full 1488 like that? If you've been on Holla Forums long enough, you should have acquired a pretty decent jewdar, and you can recognize them on site. Always be suspicious of so-called leaders of any movement.

Wasn't there a thread recently warning us about exactly that?

Is there anyway that we can preemptively stop this tactic? Maybe the mods can change the header text to tell FBI-kun to fuck right off.

"weev" derives from "weevil." He used to use a weevil for an avatar.

Shitskins and kikes will have to be eradicated from our territory and they're not going to do the heavy lifting themselves. Use your brain, idiot.

Nope. We are being destroyed RIGHT NOW.

The elite have many tactics to stop whites from rising up.

One of them is to make us feel hopeful enough for things to change, hopeful enough that we don't do anything, that all we have to do is wait a little longer.

We just wait while they're taking further power away from us. That's the game.

That's how a lot of people see him. I think it's just his personality type. He's got that PTSD vibe to him which probably came from prison.

GLR covers this. Of course America is fucked. The most we can hope for is seperate but equal. America will never be the white country our forefathers founded.

We all dream of a white ethnostate, and that is a fine thing to focus on. War and violence should always be the last resort. It's a final line to be crossed, but importantly, the line exists.

The last civil war was a bloodbath. I'd like to try every option before my friends, family, and you guys are sent off to die.

It doesn't matter if it was a false flag or not afterwards the anti-government millita movement died right the fuck down.

We seriously need to plan against getting false flagged.

Jesus Christ you're a dense moron
I could go on. America is comparatively far worse off than the Germans could have ever imagined. Hitler couldn't have even one in today's climate

molyneux has some jewish ancestry, but is in no way a full Jew, nor was he raised Jewish. He has made many videos on Holla Forums-related topics, and has even called out the Jews before. Cease your shilling, fucker.

Hang yourself.

I know the Mossad did Oklahoma city. And that's the point. Only Jews do these terrorist actions. They are the terrorists, NOT US.

There is no such thing as a good jew.

Is he being facetious or something? He said the exact same thing in an interview with Pando not too long ago. Hell he even came on Holla Forums here to repeat this bullshit, that '3d printed assassin drones' would be in vogue by the end of the decade and that white nationalist would be using them against traitors.

The only people using drones for murder are governments due to the exorbitant cost and that's going to change anytime soon. They'd love nothing more than to have a convenient patsy in the event of botched operations.

This guy is involved with Discordianism(look up his name with 'hail Eris'), is known for attacking white nationalists on the internet before his arrest and is now supposedly one of the most extreme outspoken white supremacists out there today. He recently got to be in Time's cover article about internet trolls, mostly bitching about not being paid.

This shill literally has made 1 in 4 of the posts in this thread.
I can't tell if it's a jew or a retarded Christian tbh.

Why don't you go post on r/thedonald or something you normie retard.

Maybe we could come to power and offer non-whites increased welfare and benefits for voluntary sterilization.

Would that work?

wew lads

Never mind Molyneux using Jewish psychology, or telling people to cut off their families, or explaining away Jewish overrepresentation among the elite by saying Jews are just more intelligent than Whites and earned it….HE'S A SHILL.

This will never work, because whites and blacks are not equal. A system based on faulty assumptions is doomed to fail.

To be perfectly honest, if whites ever woke up to the point where such a "seperate but equal" system could exist, we would be experiencing full fucking genocide of every shitskin piece of filth infesting this nation. Before we were generous, wealthy and powerful, and we wanted to give the "disadvantaged minorities" something extra. Now we see them for the entitled bastards they are, actively taking away from us what our race has built. If whites ever do awaken, we will go balls fucking deep.

weev is a goon, a kike, and a wannabe e-celeb.

He's hooked up with all the same stupid e-celeb cancer, he comes here and sockpuppets and gets his goon friends to come here too, and this is just one more thread as an attempt to rehabilitate his shattered image.

None of us have forgotten that you and anglin came and sockpuppeted your own thread about the stupid fucking printers.

weev, mcfucking kill yourself.

read the rest of that ID's posts.

This is just another thread full of shills, specifically of the goon/e-celeb variety.

weev was into Christian Identity before he had legal issues. Christian Identity is inseparable from white nationalism.

Another good point. Why is weev being mentioned in Time's article, along with Milo? Because they're both Jews.

Yeah, Germany was easy. For us, it will be more like insurgency. For one thing, whites will quickly be less than 50% of the population as boomers die off. Second, most of the whites are cucks. So we will be a minority fighting guerrilla war. Our methods will naturally need to be different from those of the NSDAP in the 1920s and 30s.

"Separate but equal" is a code word for "gibsmedat."

You are Irish aren't you?

We are going to induce fear in our enemies so fiercely it will be imprinted in their DNA. We're not just going to be the cure, we're going to be the prevention for future generations.

Kill yourself.

You're probably right. BTW, who do you think is trustworthy among the leaders of the movement? I trust David Duke.

Yes. He's joking about some normalfag professor finally noticing that war in the near future is going to be untraceable killdrones.

Which ones? All I know is Hal Turner, who was a legit plant.

But molyneux isn't Jewish,

You know how I know you're a shill? Because you are attacking a man who has, on multiple occasions, DEFENDED WHITE RIGHTS AND CALLED OUT KIKES AND ISRAEL.

There is a video of him grilling an Israeli kike about why Jews have a double standard against whites, and asks whether they act this way to benefit their in-group preference.

You're a fucking retard. Even the Nazis didn't think this way. If you were mixed enough with German blood and raised German, they didn't consider you a kike.

When will you kike shills stop spreading this BS? For starters, the whole defoo thing was said years ago, and he made it very clear that it should be reserved for situations of extreme abuse.
His views are evolving, you dumb nigger. He has become increasingly Holla Forums over the last year or so. What you're doing is basically picking out old videos and things he's said, and then claiming they represent his current views. I assume you were once a libshit too, right? Would I be fair in taking one of your opinions from back when you were a libshit and then claim that that represents your current views?

paint the walls with your brain matter, you bottom-feeding retard.

That doesn't explain his computer printoffs where he calls for "global white supremacy" and represents our movement as approving the indiscriminate killing of children. He's insane, or a plant.


What realistic paths do you see to victory? Winning an election is not victory.

You're ignorant. Watch this video, then defend Molyjew to me.

Stop posting. All you want us to do, is to not do anything.

Your first mistake was criticizing Jared Taylor. Your second mistake was perpetuating Richard Spencer as gay. Your third mistake was criticizing Molyneux. Your fourth mistake was sounding too artificial. "Molyneux is a Jew! How do you not know this?" What are you, an infomercial?

Then you made the mistake of questioning Andrew Anglin. In fact, you continually make "questioning" remarks. No one on Holla Forums is this much of a cuck to keep phrasing everything as a benign question. Especially when we're anonymous. Go back to basic training, shill.

The faxes were fucking great and similar tactics should be encouraged. If global white supremacy is not your goal, what is? Global white supremacy was just reality a hundred years ago.

"Kill the enemy" != "kill everyone."

Global white supremacy is really the only solution. We need to be undisputed champions of the planet.

He's Jewish on his mom's side. I'm not sure if his dad's a jew or not.

I reckon it's a shill. Probably not even people on r/thedonald are this much of a cuck to keep phrasing everything like a benign question, especially when they're supposed to be anonymous.

keep trying, kike


What are you even doing?


So now you're defending Jared "Jews are H'white" Taylor, whose Jewish wife stabbed David Duke in the back? A man who has known ties to the CIA and ADL? A man who absurdly argues that NE Asians have a higher average IQ and are less violent than Whites? Wake Up

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting global white supremacy or the destruction of our enemies/competitors.
The children of our enemies are also our enemies.

Jared Taylor probably is a shill and Richard Spencer is most likely hetroflexible at best.

Who are you responding to?

Spencer has taken so many cocks up the ass he has to wear adult diapers.

My bad. Meant for

I don't think weev is a shill. I think he just has enough common sense to be thinking long-term and what it will take in the coming decades if there's ever a chance of white man getting his balls back. There's no way you can turn around this jewish world without much bloodshed; they've corrupted things too much.

It's all compromised. Trump is compromised. The yids are gaming the rise of nationalism, they knew it was inevitable so they shifted their goals to accommodate that inevitability.

Nits become lice.

Death to the non whites

Damn OP, why do you think that so many off us are leaning to code?


Great post. You're not wrong. I've pretty much given up on the make America white again idea. You're right, there could be a scorched earth civil war where our side is naturally a white majority. Lately it seems like it's inevitable.

I like to stay positive. It is a more realistic for a white european ethnostate to spring up somewhere on the globe than America killing all shitskins and making a new system of government.

that's all that counts

Yeah, Michael Collins Piper exposed this in his book "The Judas Goats." The Jews have created a Kosher form of nationalism headed up by people like Taylor, RamZPaul, and Spencer. You may have heard of it- it's called the ALT-RIGHT.

Another way you're a shill - you keep strawmanning "indiscriminately kill children". You also never address people who directly call you out.

Go kill yourself.

Watching more of it reveals how much of a kike he is. "Guys, usury is just high i.q. in action".

I do! Non White childeren I mean, so I do discriminate.

There's no proof of that. Remember his mom is such a race cuck that she adopted two niggers and hates her own son. Her testimony is meaningless.

Jared Taylor is weak on Jews because he's old and overly concerned with looking respectable.

Richard Spencer has a wife and child. If he is gay, it doesn't matter - he's pro-marriage and having children; he's not like Jack Donovan.



A literal fucking (((kike))))

Why has Holla Forums fallen so low? Are the shills out in full force?

1. Jared Taylor is working for the jews.
2. What is a beard?

What the fuck happened with Jared Taylor?

Also, the only place white people are allowed to have a collective white identity anymore is if they're homosexual. This is what Richard Spencer was referring to.


Nothing happened to him. He's always been this way. He's married to a Jew. He's literally a Jewish agent.

Nothing in that tweet is wrong. Fags should be repressed, not killed. If being gay was genetic or otherwise inherent to them, I'd support killing or sterilization, but it's not. It's a symptom of poor socialization.

You may want to read some more about Germany in that time period before drawing any conclusions.

And you might want to go to America and talk to people outside of a city before you go making assumptions.

What did he mean by this?

None of that would surprise me. I've interacted with him on here and on IRC before and got a real bad vibe.

And are they going to somehow place high end sensors and high end computers on these drones as well as shaped charges? What would be the range on such a drone, 20 meters assuming no crosswinds? The idea of an autonomous drone 1" in diameter being able to navigate well enough to murder someone using facial recognition is pure science fiction. Unless you have tens of millions of dollars. Why wouldn't they just use a track filled with WW1 era mustard or chlorine gas in that scenario, it would be far more cheaper and probably just as effective.

And the Simpsons was joking about military cadets having to look forward to a dull boring career of maintaining tiny murder robots back in 1997, almost 20 years ago. There's also that 1984 Runaway movie written by Micheal Crichton that's far more realistic than what either this dipshit professor or weev proposes the killer drones of the near future will look like.

1. prove it
2. "If he is gay, it doesn't matter - he's pro-marriage and having children; he's not like Jack Donovan."

It's also a symptom of sexual abuse, and most faggots are pedophiles. Letting them keep it a secret isn't going to work.

So now you're accusing Jared "Race is real, and I've got the loss of jobs and status to prove it" Taylor? A man who continues to help host AmRen, where white people can collectivize?

Go kill yourself.

Truth about Taylor and his Jewish wife Evelyn Rich.

Also make sure to watch video

1. You're working for the jews.
2. The beard is realer than you.

Along with jews, faggots, and race-mixers.

Facts are hard!

Richard's known to dress exceptionally sharp and grooms himself? On the one hand, that looks like a joke. No one *just* says "The gays love me." On the other, I need to see the rest of the context, you buttface.

Honestly, we need a damn war. We need to cleanse our system. Nothing does that as good as total war. We need to realize who we are again. We need to expose the racial enemies and traitors for who they are. People have faulty assumptions about "good minorities", when in fact every single minority in this country has a vested interest in furthering white genocide. Every last one. They are all responsible for contributing to the death of our race, so It would be some sweet retribution to return the favor. This system can't be fixed. It's rotten to the core. We're just trying to tape shut a leaking pipe, but at this point, there's more goddamn tape than there is pipe. "MAGA" will not happen if non-whits are not entirely removed. There is simply no other way around it. America is intrinsically linked with the white race, so if/when we die, America (the real America) will die with us. "MAGA" is synonymous with "MAWA". No amount of protectionist policies or trade deals will make America great again, because what truly made America great wasn't the materialistic policies we had in place, but the racial spirit that animated us and compelled us to achieve greatness.

God bless you.

Right. It's odd that so many people can remain oblivious to the infiltrators in our movement, as if the Jews wouldn't create a counterfeit nationalism.

I made this thread to warn you all about weev. You have been warned.

Someone code firmware for a drone to recognize niggers, spics, and jews. Send the code to me and I'll have drones shoahing untermenschen all over the states. I'll let the first batch out in Detroit.

Spare me the condescending bullshit. I have done plenty of research on German during that time period. I know what I'm talking about. I'm not wrong.
What fucking fantasy land do you live in where America is in a better off position than Germany in the 30s?

No one asked you, kike. You way you insert yourself and then present shit so neatly is another indication you're a shill.


Sorry but violence solves everything. Part of the reason we're in the predicament we're in now is our fathers forgot.

I imagine you'd want to use an address, phone location, license plate number, or face/human body shape + skin tone instead.

True. I would hope that an ideal hwite community™ would be close enough to prevent that, but maybe Röhm always has to get ovened.


NE Asians are like robot ant people, its not so absurd. Why are you bothered with the idea that slopes have 1 or 2 IQ points higher? In practice its irrelevant.

I'm not bothered by it emotionally- it's just factually untrue. It's just another lie pushed by Taylor et al.

Along with good, honest, hardworking, white men.

Go kill yourself.

yeah, and to add to this, IQ isn't everything. IQ is a good measure for the quality of society a people can maintain and how cohesive it can be, but it doesn't necessarily mean they are superior to us. Whites have very clearly produced a civilization superior to that of the East Asians. The literature, art, philosophy, technology, and mathematics that have come out of the Western World is unmatched.

Think OP is a true shill.

Why the fuck do you associate making friends with forming cells?


What, specifically, is wrong with weev?

just cut your nuts off lad ;^)

Yes, and it's being forced on us now, whether we like it or not.

God bless you.

That is why they perform well in tech fields but have shit tier art.

They lack creativity. Again, like I said, robot ant people. They all look the same and they act like it too.

And we need to be absolutely vigilant because we're not letting imageboards take the blame for another Oklahoma City.

I honestly think that this is the biggest enemy threat right now and we seriously need to address it.

God bless you

One of our biggest enemy threats is shills like you.

I'm leaving the thread now. Thank you to all the brothers who supported me. Stay away from violence. We are not terrorists. We do not harm innocent people. We are truth-tellers. We will awaken people, we will win hearts and minds, and we will win.



Where does this idea come from that OKC round 2 is like one week away or something? Because this is the first im hearing of it.

Go kill yourself shill. You're too rehearsed.

How many Ruby Ridges have there been since OKC?

What the fuck even is this thread? I have gone through it twice now and I still have no idea what happened or is happening ITT.

I'm 98% sure it's shills shilling.

I just heard that you're in favor of the current regime.

It is quite clearly the point of the earlier poster.

Richard Spencer went to Twinks for Trump.

Shills shilling against shills.

OP thinks weev is a shill because he talks about neat ideas like mini-drones being programmed to kill jews and shitskins in mass, and then more controversial ideas like being okay with murdering the children of your enemies to scar them so deeply they will not fuck with our race again in the future.

And then some user keeps blessing everyone =^)

weev confirmed FAGGOT

You mean he went to your house to slap your shit?

not an argument

God bless you again.

Your post triggered me and I just went out and rounded up one nigger and one muslim. I made the muslim suck the niggers dick and then I made the muslim fuck the nigger in the ass. I then boiled two huge pots of water and dunked their heads right into the boiling water. Held their heads under until they either died of drowning or scalding.

Then just for fun I fucked both their corpses, put two rounds of .410 slugs from a Taurus Judge right into their chest, and then dumped their bodies into my local water reservoir.


Yeah, just go be a jew somewhere else. It isn't an argument, it is a recommendation.

I know this story is fake because you said you had a Taurus Judge that works.

Wew lad




That's the worst part. Just by shilling, they don't have to be successful to start sowing seeds of doubt. I try to show solidarity.

God bless you.

No, it was a homosexual event.

Yes, so he went to your house, a host of homosexual events, to slap your shit.

I didnt sneeze though

What were you recommending? Be specific :^)

Then I'll sneeze for you.

You are wrong. I don't have any balm for your burn, I know it stings. Maybe if you get a job one day you can meet people you aren't related to and broaden your horizons.

If you say
and then you say

I can only assume you a poorly trained troll. Have you even been to America? You know we have guns here right? Already a step above Germany in '33. Then we have a vibrant economy and our currency is what oil is bought and sold in. I could go on, but you are so wrong a great wall of text won't help you.

I think the only thing that you would really enjoy is sucking a fart out of Soros' tulip.

Who knows. I don't really care. Maybe there were no shills! OP seems like a pansy, though, thinking that this forced clash of civilizations won't result in violence.

This also reminds me of Savitri Devi's "Time and Violence" chapter, some of the best of her writing, imo, where she argues the necessity of violence in a time where reality has been corrupted, and she also argues about the in-direct, not physical violence that the jew plays on our minds, as it is actually an act of violence that they've made us deny ourselves to such a point that we will cease to exist if their poisons continue, and they didn't even shoot a single one of us. Good chapter.


You too

You're fucking retarded. Whites in America are in a million times worse position than Germany in the 30s.

We don't have that, moron. Our enemies do.

Every night I dream of doing this to every nigger in my neighborhood. I can't wait for the day when I can take a nice Sunday drive and see niggers getting curb stomped everywhere.

When going extinct is the moderate person's position, being extreme is the only option.

I've been aware of weev, and exchanged words with him online, over the course of a decade. I used to shitpost and trollflood in #gnaa. I've read the court decisions that landed him in jail, exonerated him, along with the news stories about his trials and tribulations.

Weev is exactly who he says he is. He has performed an incalculable amount of service for the white race. As much as any white nationalist alive today. You could die in battle against the Muslim hordes and you wouldn't have been as valuable to our people.


Everyone on Holla Forums knows "Hitler b& guns" is bullshit; he relaxed gun restrictions. The US is far behind Weimar Germany because the US is only 60% white right now. The US is not in control of oil production. The petrodollar only lasts as long as does our country's will to defend it.

You are bullshitting, trying to stir up anti-American sentiment. If you were American, you would know everything I've said.


I don't remember the details but I'm pretty sure he wasn't involved with Hal Turner. A quick search doesn't bring anything up.

Look up what the cutting edge on computer vision in the commercial world is from Facebook and Google. We'll be seeing widespread use within our lifetime with autonomous vehicles but it's still decades away from fitting on a tiny 1" drone. With the end of Moore's law in sight according to Moore himself the miniaturization of computers isn't going to be as extreme as we've seen for the last 30 years.

If you want cheap facial recognition use the Watson API. I see it a as cheap way to have a visual nigger identifier. Granted you need to have a link to Watson to use it. But for a cheap and cheerful automated nog slaughtering device it can be done.

Get caught up on the Clintons standard operating procedure. They do not fuck around and the recent DNC deaths should let you know that. They will use us and then carry out false flags, I'm not kidding. Clinton's speech was not just some lulz. This is the big time now. You fags don't remember the 90's.




I dont know who is weev and all that, but that samiz.dat looks written by a jew.

Nothing against Weev personally but when you're in any kind of right wing anti-globalist movement you ==NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER==
trust somebody who has been in a federal pen, EVER! Sure its fine to have casual non-political discussion with them but if you run a movement that runs counter to increasing the size of the global government you'd better watch that motherfucker like a fox near your chicken coup.

Whether he was a Nazi before he went into prison or not
Whether his ideas have remained consistent over years or not
Whether hes always spoke so casually of violence or not

associate closely with anyone who has been in a federal pen. If Weev disagrees with this hes definitely a shill.

Sweet e-celeb thread you've got here.

We don't know what level of mind control they deploy now. Anyone who was inside could be compromised.

This isn't even about mind control, it's about identifying snitches and informants. Even good people get turned and find ways to justify it to themselves.

Wish more of you faggots had been on &Totse, we had ex-cons teaching us this shit in the early 00s

Conversely we're never going to win if we waste our time and effort beating a crucified dead horse. You can debate about whether or not christians hsould be purged AFTER, and only after, the jews, muds, nogs, spics, and all others have been purged. Anything less is D&C and you provided you're not shill, you already know this.

And of course, this guy uses his technological skill to get the keys to the TRS kingdom, among other things.

Voting for trump isn't going to save America. It will only buy America some time.

Remove commie and infiltraitors

I agree that we're making gains with the internet, but at some point we're probably going to need boots on the ground.

Even aside from that, we should have support networks. Got fired from your job for fashing out? Maybe you know a sympathetic goy who's looking for someone with your skills. Need some work done in the house? Would you rather a mexican who will do a shitty job and you can't talk to, or a white guy who will do a good job, keep the money in the white community, and not be awkward as fuck to have in your house?

Like you OP?

Oh vey, don't want to risk not being comfy.

No, because he actually does shit. Also, it's the FBI and Homoland who does that.

weev was outed as a kike a long long time ago

Are you all fucking dense?

This, kill them all. Without the lesse races keeping us down we would be Ayy Lmao's.

Kikes don t beleive in total victory, that is why they keep the world in its degenerate state.

Total Aryan victory

Gas the kikes, racewar now!

so you lost your job because of reparations payments?
Russia and China have better economies than the US?
I like you. You are funny guy.

Hitler let citizens have the same kind of hardware that American citizens have access to now?
If you go to Gun Broker I'm sure you'll see my point.

ok britbong, I'm not an American because you disagree with me. sure.

try harder weev

Probably. He may simply be trolling but it is technically inciting violence.

One look at him is enough to find out he's a jew. As for infiltrated our movement, doubtful since we know to ignore ecelebs. The alt right is not Holla Forums, it's a normie blanket term.

Hes not wrong. The elites plan on rigging the election, blm is actively trying to get martial law enacted, the normies should prepare for dark times ahead. PPP leak claims republicans are doubtful trump will win but are still loyal. Dems are in disbelief that hillary will win but they wont care or question a rigged vote, convince trumps side that rigging = legitimate vote and they will succeed. In this scenario violence must happen.

Both suggestions are retarded.

Muh pr, but i do see the point. We always have shills and infiltrators though, we know better than to get fucked by alphabet soups. Stand tall and let others regale in envy.

Tolerance vs advocacy are very different.

Good goy. He is jewish but you should disregard him. Let fools take him at his word.

If you joined one of these you're an idiot. Make Holla Forums tier friends on your own, never through meetups on blatantly biased sites.

This kike is gonna kike and incite violence, just be smart and look after yourself, report him to cops like we do to those who wanna kill trump if you wish. You have to realize also that anonymous isnt the old anonymous, we dont blow up vans anymore. Nothing will come of his shilling for booms, hes irrelevant after he went to prison and desperate for attention.

The problem is that you still believe "we" are America. The USA is a Jewish state.

Again, you're fucking retarded.

Reported for underrage b&

Reproted for Holla Forums

Jesus Christ you're obtuse.

Yeah, I must of forgot that USA is WHIYE and REDPILLED. For a minute there in my confusion I thought it was a barely 50% white country dominated by Jews and with shitskin population that will outpace white growth in the next two decades leaving us as a minority. But that's can't be because our currency is useful and we have guns. My mistake.

I am unfamiliar with this vibe. What is it, specifically?

to be fair user the kikes DO have a lot of swing in burgerstan

captcha had ATF in it, are you being good goy, user?

Also, anyone want to weigh in on this?


Hows your dead containment website doing?

Haha yeah man I agree jews are american and america is jewish.

I don't trust Weev. I also don't trust .

Don't waste your time.

Time - the most valuable, non renewable resource. How are you spending yours?

Someone just remembered a sale for foreskin crisps. Also, weev is an authist first and foremost. If he was an autistic jew pretending to be a Nazi then he's doing too much of a good job.

fuck, that is a good plan, if trump loses we need to do it

Andrew Auernheimer? A jew? (((Aurenheimer)))? Really? Color me fucking surprised! Next you'll tell me George Soros is jewish!

Fucking kill yourself man. If you found a dog which looked like one, acted like one and had a name typical of a dog, would you be convinced it was a dog, or would you need to wait until it vomits on your carpet after eating a stray piece of chocolate off the floor of your house?

Is it really that hard for you fucking faggots to get this?

We are in a time of necessary alliances. All the alt right is(if you consider youself a part of it or not) is a necessary alliance.

Stop flipping your shit over anybody acting like a jew, faggot or degenerate in general. They are there for the moment, their time will come.

Look up "the night of the long knifes". It should be common knowledge in these circles, bit it clearly isn't.
Notice the time it took place.

First you take control, then you cleanse the body. That's how it's done

Some things are not particularly nice, but future will show you that it will boil down to it.

Once the control is fully seized, do you think "truth tellers" will still get to go around telling truth? Information needs a living host.

Weev, if you are reading this, our Sammy boy needs serious help. See the other thread.



Those dubs tell the truth.
If not for the vids of Jared Taylor I might not have been as red-pilled as I am now.
I`m sure that that nigger loving kike faggot (you know who you are) has brought some of our ideas to a broader audience of whom many will find us.
TRS has brought much of the fun that Holla Forums seems to lack these days (Check our the Darwin digest interview with Jared Taylor, he seems to be hip to the JQ)
And the likes of Spencer and Johnson have created a large body of works which we can use to explore many ideas.

You kidding, kiddo? You need to overcome the Jewish mindcontrol programming which makes you believe that violence is the ultimate no-no and thereby renders you completely inert. Stop pretending like this shit isn't going to come to blows, and start figuring out how to make your blows do more damage.

He also quotes Sam Hyde in that flyer.

Violence is sometimes necessary, but there are few (if any) instances in which violence against children is necessary. It's more likely to provoke righteous fury in the enemy than it is to provoke fear.

(Polite sage.)

weev is too soft.

It's a shill thread, so it was JUST to sow discord.

You should all be aware there's no real difference between a COINTELPRO infiltrator playing a LARPer and a sincere neo-nazi LARPer.

Dylann Roof had serious mental problems and all he did was kill old black grandmothers in a church. It was just a pointless massacre. So naturally Weev the kike praises him for doing something completely useless and counterproductive. What a surprise.


Sorry, but this is bullshit OP. If weev was working for the kikes, he'd still be in America. You know he's legit because he went through solitary confinement, barely managed to get out of prison, and now lives in Eastern Europe because it's the only place where he can be safe from the Jews. weev is legit.

You OP, are not legit. Are you afraid of a little violence? Boo fucking hoo. Niggers and Muslims are probably crossing the sea right now intent on raping your sisters and killing your brothers. There are stages here.

1. Subvert culture like the Jews did, but to the favour of Whites everywhere. (We are basically here now, and we're crossing over into step 2.)
2. Take over political power in every European nation and in the USA. (Canada maybe, but Canada sucks.)
3. Once we hold the power, deport all of the scum and close the borders to all but whites.
4. Step up the deportation game, and tell the Africans and Jews they can either fuck off back to Africa and Israel, or they can die.
5. Live in peace and harmony with separate nations preserving each race and culture around the world, especially white nations.

If you don't like where we're headed, then fuck off.

I should add, if a single race and culture won't allow the white race to survive, then it's a game of us versus them. In that case, they have got to die.

It always have been the case that it is us vs them.
They mistake our kindness for weakness, they don`t posses the intellectual capacity to realize this.
We must cleanse the earth for the sake of out future generations.
I might be willing to let the Han Chinese live. They seem worthy of life (If they can start being nicer to animals that is.)

Honestly, the best bet for the White Race is probably to gather the Jews in Israel, and let the Iranians wipe them out. Then Whites won't be blamed for their eradication, and our biggest enemy will be gone.

Believing in violence and justifying it doesn't make you a jew.

Guess what: in order to win, you'll have to kill kids.

What makes you an obvious informant is when you push specific people to do specific acts of violence, which Weev has never done.

The only ones that would care are Jews and shabbos goyim.

Further, his last name doesn't look jewish at all. We've gotten to the point where retards think any German last name is jewish. This is utterly stupid.

Take a goddamn second to think for once before you act or type.


Official weev thread theme.



This thread is bullshit. Andrew Auernheimer isnt a jewish conspirator and anyone who thinks he is has their head up their ass. Now, anyone who thinks he's full of shit is right, but a jew, he is not.

I think that may be a shop.

Downloading, thks

Ostensibly, weev has done more for the white race than what you've done

Here comes the Weev Internet Defense Force.

…if they have dysfonctional families and/or abusive parents. You're totally dishonest if you deliberately omit that part.

I didn't see that thread but he is right. You don't need a $15m reaper drone and an entire crew to take people out. Current year hobbyist drones are already advanced enough to be autonomous kamikaze kill drones completely guided by GPS or GLONAS miles away from where you launch them. 3d printing just ads another layer to your anonymous onion.

I remember that thread. This is the flyer he was so proud of.

That's just the thing. Holla Forums only thinks he's a Jewish infiltrator because he's too extreme for Holla Forums.

Rather than merely wanting white nationalism, weev wants global white supremacy, so he comes across as a Hollywood nazi. There's no way of actually telling.

Probably cuckchan Holla Forums thinks 8/pol/ are Jewish infiltrators, and r/TheDonald thinks cuck/pol/ are Democrat infiltrators trying to associate Trump with nazis, and then FreeRepublic probably thinks r/The Donald is fake and that Donald Trump himself is a Democrat plant to ruin their precious Republican Party. It's turtles shill accusations all the way down.

Yeah, he won by forming an alliance with the national conservative types who then stabbed him in the back later with multiple assassination attempts and general disobeying of orders.

We need to go full purge this time and correct the mistakes of the past.

>If global white supremacy is not your goal, what is?

This is what LARPers actually believe

The same reason he's out of jail while Matt Hale is still in.

But lots of Holla Forumslacks want that. Only the newfags and redshit transplants want to "moderate" the position by their cuck shit. Call them out on being cucks until they leave or assimilate. PRfags are cancerous.

Like it or not, eventually white civilization is going to run out of resources or need to expand. Ethno-nationalism is the short term goal, just to get ourselves back on our feet. But once we get our world back, we need to consider what our next goal should be.

Why keep our competition around only to vacuum up resources we could be using? Why keep our enemies around so that whenever we run into a streak of badluck they can pounce on us? Why tempt fate with the possibility of our weaker minded people to fuck things up again and begin the downward spiral yet again?

The only alternative is if we start colonizing the solar system but even then, that's not a safe bet.

Infiltrated what exactly? He is not a member of any organisation.

>And of course, this guy uses his technological skill to get the keys to the TRS kingdom, among other things.

Huh? Explain please.

He helped them to set up their servers in a way so that they aren't vulnerable to SJW/leftist pressure on the host and DDOS attacks iirc.

He is just trying to shift the Overton Window. If he really was working for CIA he wouldn't have had to spend his freedom in bumfuck dirt poor Eastern Europe and the Caucasus.

"Haha, openly declare 14/88 and how I literally want to gas the kikes for white supremacy? You think I would take the risk of getting shoah'd faster than the kikes pretend they were? Haha no I'm just going to say everyone is dumb haha now everyone knows I'm smart and above it all."

What have you done in the public eye lately, shill?

Uh the only real ecelebs is Trump, if you follow anyone else and hold them to a higher grain of salt then you are fucking stupid and are a fucking newfag because you havnt learned from 5guys, gaymergate, etc

God bless you.

Protip: he is jewish.

How fucking dense do you have to be to take this long to realize it. THERE ARE NO GOOD JEWS. PERIOD. We need to keep them the fuck out of any position where they can influence our movement. What kind of pathological stockholm syndrome makes people so dense they keep thinking "this jew surely is different from the rest, let's do as he says".

You forgot the hyphen. It's "G-d bless you" when you commend another shill for calling for the killing of whites. Didn't your rabbi teach you that?

The reasons for using the type of brash and over the top rhetoric that Weev, DS and perhaps Nation Action engage in seems to go completely over the heads of most of Holla Forums. It's absolutely necessary we have people occupying that political space.

Just learn from and look at what the left did in the 60s for fucks sake.

Don't you have a bull to be prepping? I think I hear Jamal calling for you, he needs his favorite fuccboi

God bless you.

The left got into power in the Universities with terrorism such as the Weathermen project.

Are we there yet? Losers like you are just useless LARPers.


Can anyone tell me where the left ever moderated their own positions? No, they've gotten their way going full cultural marxism die cis scum.

I have my foreskin intact so I don't need niggers to satisfy my wife unlike you.

Are you even trying? Why are you here, cuck?

Why would they hire that particular guy? Setting up a server isn't magic, they could have hired anyone.

Better hurry up fuccboi, you can't keep Jamal and his crew waiting or they won't be able to fuck your wife without their dicks being lubed by your slobber.

Not when you're a fascist and emphasize being anonymous. Are you fucking new here?

fuck off, weeb. We're don't even have a pro-white nation yet, so is advocating that "LARPery" too? KYS

God bless you.

Yawn. Nigger, the question here is what your idol Weev the Kike has done for the white race.

Hitler actually tried to start a revolution though which was why he was in prison during the writing of Mein Kampf, he only tried to gain control through legal measures because he had already the tried the violent way and it failed.

Thanks mods.

"Haha, openly declare 14/88 and how I literally want to gas the kikes for white supremacy? You think I would take the risk of getting shoah'd faster than the kikes pretend they were? Haha no I'm just going to say everyone is dumb haha now everyone knows I'm smart and above it all."

What have you done in the public eye lately, shill?


So you're telling me Weev has worked on every single WN website on the internet where there are anonymous / pseudonymous people?

So you're telling me we can't hire white supremacists with a reputation for being good with computers?

Go the fuck back to reddit.

This attempt at divide and conquer is annoying. How do people fall for it

That's the point you retarded nigger: if you're a weak scrawny 110 pounds faggot who can barely lift his lunchbox you don't go around talking about what you'll be able to do when you'll look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you start lifting weights.

I shouldn't have to explain how reality works but I forgot I'm talking to LARPers who type on their keyboards with one hand while they masturbate their ego with the other.

I don't think that we should trust Weev purely based on the fact that he went to federal prison apparently turned into a neo-nazi and was let out early.

Just like the alt-right we always have to remember that we are anons first and only. We have no leaders and until we found a political party and seek public office we never will. The risk of subversion is way to high and their utility is questionable.

I'm still trying to find the point you're attempting to make in the spew of verbal diarrhea. Holding the opinion that global white supremacy should be our ultimate goal is not "LARPery", it's simple holding an opinion. By your logic, saying "Whites should retake America and kick out non-whites" as much retarded LARPery as going the extra mile and saying "whites should engage in imperialism and depopulate/colonise non-white lands after retaking our countries".

Oh is having any ideals not immediately possible LARPery in your eyes?

no the the trs goys have thanked weev for his involvement

Honestly sounds a bit insane if not explicitly an infiltrator.

And if they can't flip you, well…

Bradley Manning -→ Chelsea Manning

Never ever trust E-celebs or leaders

The risk is not worth it.

Huh, thats the most jewish looking insect i've ever seen.

The only way to secure 14 words is to awaken the ethno nationalist consciousness of the people. If a majority of American whites (90%+) demanded that their interests were represented by the government everything would be solved. How to achieve this? Perhaps there are answers to be learnt from SA and Rhodesia.

so many people in this thread take shitposts with sam hyde memes in them to be legitimate calls to violence

Holla Forums pol is so overrun with humourless shills, this is why i am on halfchan more often these days =[