Political consultant AMA

Been meaning to do this for a while. I'm a political consultant for one of the bigger campaign houses - I'm not working on the US campaign because between Hillary's mercenary jews and Trump's complete lack of campaign infrastructure there's no money to made there.

AMA about polls, tactics, money, advertising, digital strategy, media. I'm around for a bit.

thanks op!

Will Trump win in your opinion?

q: can you fuck off?

how many dicks have you sucked?

most people got in through research. that is, they worked in polling and got good enough analytic credibility that the started their own field houses, or sold them to political operators. it's different everywhere, particularly in the US, where you get big name advisers and staffers who start their own lobbying companies that offer political services - but even those guys will have to either hire or sub contract to guys like me for campaigns because they can't read a regression analysis to save their asses.

not a lot of power over the talent themselves, but a lot over the messages. Research is incredibly accurate, obviously the polls you guys see in the media aren't, but if you paid a quarter mil for 3 months of qual/quant analysis you're going to know to the nth degree what people think and what they want - so we have that power.

it would be easy enough to reverse engineer opinion by fucking wholesale with the research field houses, that is, the guys who actually go out and do the surveys and focus groups. if you were organised.

fuck off

how many times have you Encouraged use of companies like correct the record?

1. Who's your favorite anime?
2. Do Asian girls really have sideways pussies?



the coolest thing is, I don't know. I don't think anyone does. I've been doing this for 15 years, which is roughly 4-5 elections per year as the world turns, and I have never seen one with such totally unreliable measurements. It could literally go either way. And that's really saying something, because the data is usually so good you tend to know 60 days out.

The closest comparison is probably India when Modi came in, superficially similar electoral mood, and a media establishment that were pretty incredulous about an accused war criminal getting elected.

One thing I'll say for sure, if Trump does win, it's going to be a landslide. That's the trend on these kind of black swan moments. If it's really close, I'd suggest some kind of poll tampering.

Your last "Jew AMA" got deleted.
Go away faggot.

pretty much every campaign, although CTR is the largest scale operation I've ever seen. All serious campaigns have a 'tactics' unit, a mix of opposition research and rapid rebuttal. But CTR is definitely the most advanced operation outside of places like the United Kingdom or Australia, where a lot of these tricks were invented.

thanks for the reply! will do more research



who is ur favorit 2hu and why do u wanna gas the kikes

What is Shillary's motive in mentioning the "alt-right"?

THAT is a good question. Because for people like me we're watching gramma benghazi thinking, 'yup, that's a campaign', it's all there, she's going through all the exact motions that dems have perfected in the last decade. So, if she mentioned it, there's a reason, buried in her polling, buried in the data she's seeing.

when you get the data, it doesn't say, 'hey, demonize X to win Y', it's never that simple, but that X even appears at all means something big. If she got feedback, at all, that the alt-right was appearing on the radar there's something going on in the electorate's mind she's trying to tap in to.

just my opinion, I think her ground game is probably flagging a bit, I think she probably lost a lot of grass roots support to Bernie, and the alt-right attack is a way of energizing a real specific sub-set of her base constituency who are disengaged right now. Obama proved, you need ground game to win, and if she's struggling to man regional outposts with volunteers, maybe she thinks saying to her base, 'shit, you better back me or the spooky alt-right will win' is her way of getting them on board.


Why do you make new paragraphs after one or 2 sentences?

Do redditfaggots go to a special class?

Or did you learn this elsewhere?

Just because it looks like a paragraph on your iPhone doesn't mean it's time for some linebreaks.


Oh look it's "political insider" that knows everything and makes an AMA thread.

Tell me faggot, why are you so pathetic you crave attention from a bunch of anons? Was the replies you got a year ago not good enough?




Are there very many undercover 14/88 people in your field?

We reddit now

This is true. market research is powerful and lucrative. Spent 6+ years working in that industry(one full of Jews). Nothing red pilled me more than that experience.