Simple question
How to kill identity politics once and for all ?
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Kill everyone who participates in them.
Leftism/socialism is already big on universities, just do what Zizek,Mark Fisher, and Adolph Reed have already repeated over and over again the tract that if you don't want to talk about class and capitalism, you should shut up about racism and feminism. These people are not too bright and are only trained in shitting poorly written post-grad poorly written papers, so they can be easily directed with a good analysis in econ and philosophy.
Secondly Bernie has shown how much of an impasse idpol fuckery could reach, Bernie was a huge boon for the American left when he started talking about class to mainstream voters. The "Bernie bros" only show how much butthurt the pro-bourgie journalist and professional opinion writers are about it.
-David Harvey
class is not the only identity ppl care about
i mean how to kill IDpol from the roots witch is the need to relate to something beyond the ego ?
all into gulag.
You'd have to kill philosophy and its syllogisms too:
A=A, friend!
Into the gulag you go as well, my friend :^)
I will pray 4 u.
Come on.He's really not an enemy at all.
The new ideal on which the left will built on is to use technology and automation to achieve full communism. Anyone who disrupts this vision will be labeled as a reactionary. Eugenics will be a great tool for us, as it will be a way to shape identities that go beyond race and sex, and too augment humans so that they can become part of the new utopia. Also our main ally is the working class, not sjw college students.
Any discourse based on emotional and private experience will be isolated and rebuked. People will either conform to that vision or they will be kicked out/purged.
You can't win a propaganda battle versus a vastly superior opponent in the dominant position AND with virtually infinite resources.
The situation in which reason outmatches demagogy+resources doesn't exist.
There will be no "true-left".
There will be no reform.
There will be no revolution.
There will be no class-consciousness.
Technology will progressively elevate the living standard while simultaneously reducing culture in all it's areas into a tool for the powerful.
A vile pit of slime.
History will remember the "troubled path" into post scarcity, not as a ride on the shoulders of the proletariat, but as a heroic sacrifice, a "thing-of-the-time" that we got over with and needs not be questioned.But it will be a lie, classes will remain , maybe in another form.
In the grim future of post-scarcity post-capitalism… Imagine The City from Transmetropolitan.Artificial scarcity, class division and power hierarchies based exclusively upon the ideological control of the ruling classes.
Infinite energy collected from the stars themselves, matter replicators and super advanced medical-science/cybernetics , alongside suburbs , mind destroying drugs,underclasses, crippling manual labor , epidemics , starvation , social democracy and more importantly…
The rulers and the ruled.
No people, no problems, am I rite XD
Bugger off, mate
Swear on me nans grave
… Where the fuck is this accent from? Is this Australia?
Have we tried shooting them?
I think it's British, maybe East Anglia?
It's Scottish yer wee shitebags!
Most things he isn't wrong about.
He's just obnoxious and an attention whore.
Are you saying I'm not well read?
Reddit_obesity is indeed well fed.
Notice how (most) atheists don't insist on having, "Secular Rock Hero", "Noninterest", "Atheistic Wrestling Federation", "Science Approved Adventure Roleplaying Game" and so on.
Shit is coming tho. Ever since euphoria got trendy for millennials there's a market to satisfy.
Technological advancement and social libertarianism.
With technology it will be possible to change your physical appearance arbitrarily at will.
In a more socially libertarian society nobody would give a fuck if you wanted to have an orgy with 3 guys, 2 girls, a dog with a human mind, and a city-ship AI roleplaying as a 5 year old girl.
I'm not sure if there are any RPGs that are explicitly fedora, but it wouldn't surprise me.
You remind me of turtleshroom from nationstates. If you're him, why did they b& you?
On topic: Only I can think to do off the top of my head outside of trying to re-engineer society would be to base hiring and scholarship quotas on income level or how long the person has been unemployed. That and try to hold things together until muh glorious workers' paradise eliminates either employment or unemployment and technology makes it so you can be the little girl codemonkey pls no b&.
There already is one, it's called Farewell to Fear.
Is class not an identity?
Christfaggotgaard.. ..
FUCK! I now miss Rebel.
Btw who's Judas in this image? Gorbachyov?
Shouldn't it be somebody like Stalin?
You cannot Identify as Bourgie.
You are or you are not.
There is Class Con. No Class Id.
No this is a leftist board. Identity contradicts with our collectivst goals.
It's not really about what I identify as, though, is it? If I stop identifying as American tomorrow it doesn't mean jack, because there'd be a near-global consensus that I'm still an American.
More basicly, because you'd still have to pay taxes, fight in war and so on.
Here we go to the field of "how free we are" and so on.
However, if you decided to live outside of normal society and the state had no say on what you are and are not allowed to do, you could say you are no longer American.
But that is not part of the "identity" thingy.
Collectives have identities, like proletariat or white people.
So, English and Irish and French and Polish are a collective.
It is perfectly possible to identify as both a European and a Englishmen. Don't be deliberately obtuse.
But can I identify as Greek and NOT european?
And what if I look like a sandnigger. Am I white, cause am european?
Id Politics only work in 'Murica.
this isn't even an argument
America is the last bastion of Capitalism too if that's so
mods pls ban everyone
Like I said, don't be deliberately obtuse as a substitution for not having an argument. Identities will never go away.
Isn't feminism about making women more manly and hard-workers? It's basically the ideology of the female wageslave, making her ashamed of being a housewife. Sad!
I'm pro-choice actually.
No, this is China. :^)
And yes, they only work in the US. Sorry.
It's not as much about "identities" going away, as it is about:
A) making it all about identities
B) categorizing based on identitites and not on class. PURE IDEOLOGY.
That's a pretty baseless claim when nationalism is still popular…everywhere, you know, with the advent of global capital, everything being justified by the market and so on.
The fact that others are idiots does not give you excuse to be an idiot.
But I am always an idiot…
Ah, but you see, that does not mean it's ok to be an idiot! *snif*
I just want Master to spank me and tell me to get my stuff sorted out…
I wonder why. Because you're a whore, that's why.
Ye, there are boards for that.
OR DO YOU WANT A >>>/leftybdsm/ NEXT???
That's not very nice, user. I've never been pregnant my entire life, nor have I lent my means of reproduction to the market. Though I do have many rape fantasies…
While it sounds fun, dialectics already gets me hot and bothered. Just read to me, gimme real, unadulterated philosophy, and I will wanna milk you.
But, you see, this is *snif* exactly what we must not do. To love means to see the other without any covers. To see the *snif* most horrible picture of his true nature and still be able to accept it, love it, make love to it and so on…
And this is why I am now leaving, fuck you, milk someone else's superego.
Any real mad would demand to see a picture of your boobs otherwise asking you to leave.
Alright let me get this straight. You're suppose to be a class conscious, well read, perverted, working class bombshell? I've been imageboards long enough to know an autistic work of fiction when I see one buddy.
Do lefties hate identity politics too? I ask because one of the biggest problems I have with you lefties is how they always try to inject identity politics into everything. Honestly, you guys would look A LOT better to the public if you dropped the idpol stuff.
I'm from regular Holla Forums, but sometimes I'll come here just to read radically different opinions.
Yes, most of us hate idpol tumblrtards.
to be fair we have some pro-idpol posters, some are just trying to get a rise out of Holla Forums some are serious
The fact is leftism is always radically anti-racist and so forth, though.
It is radical. The vast majority of people are racist on at least some superficial level.
Keep the autism in one post bucko
Surprisingly, we're not the same person.
No need to claim that everyone who disagrees with you is a samefag.
Yes we aren't?
Who are you talking to?
Yeah, ignore this guy though he's just trying to discredit us.
Ignore this poster. He's not me.
Haha… I call you out for impersonating me and what do you do? Impersonate me… you're just a pathetic troll.
Quit talking to yourself.
Capitalist thread shitters on leftypol? No way.
How do you know they're capitalists?
They have Republican flairs.
So if I say my husband likes it when I let Jamal fuck me, and that I love capitalism, while using this flair, does that make me a commie?
It is *literally* impossible for a Republican to be a socialist. Single digit percents of them identify as liberal…
I hate faggots.
I hate the Irish.
I hate capitalism.
If pol ever gets despooked and stops thinking … what the nazis feed it, the world will be a better place.
What do you mean? Show me someone who has never fantasized about rape and I'll show you a damned liar.
A liar indeed.
Can confirm. Fucking crazy feminists is the best.
Erase the factors that give rise to it
It'll never happen. You're basically asking how we can kill spooks once and for all. I have no idea how anyone is going to do that under capitalism, because people don't even have the time to think about why they do things. They just do them.
jesus christ was a spook
Unfortunately, it's also probably going to create new, similar controversies, but as long as we can obsess over what we make ourselves into instead of what we're born as, I'm more than willing to accept the chaos of the future. I just want all these people to shut up already.
Don't kill it, identity politics are wonderful. HAIL TRUMP.
No, it should be Gorbacunt.
Good god, I forgot about that thing since I saw the initial kikestarter for it. I just checked to see how chuckleworthy the game is, and wouldn't you know it, the game's main author is a certain laughingstock we all know!
Not necessarily, have you seen the prevalence of tranny whining among SJWs against D&D, a game that has had magical sex changes since the '80s? Better yet, have you read the setting for Eclipse Phase, an SJW game where ciswhitemale muh privilege is built into the rules, even though the setting is posthuman computer programs uploaded into disposable robot bodies?
Perhaps the most timely—and ridiculous—example is the extension of the already insane 1st-world feminazism (c.f. referring to women in studies as rape victims even when the acts in question aren't just disqualified as rape under the law, but by those women specifically disagreeing they've been raped) and animal "rights" movements victimism to cover masturbatory aids, automated telephone services, and other types of machines. Not even theoretical "strong" AI, just plain old machines that may bear an æsthetic similarity to humans. It's like says, they create things to be outraged about even when there isn't anyone being harmed, purely so they can be outraged about them.
That's why these people need to be denounced and mocked every time they open their fat mouths. They are more detrimental to the advancement of genuine egalitarianism than the reactionaries are.
The right is drowning in identity.
Wow, could we actually be approaching peak liberal? I didn't believe the anti-Trump people who said PC is a problem that will solve itself by going too fast, too far for normalfags to put up with their antics, no opposition needed. But a few more outbursts like this might prove their hands-off approach to fighting PC correct.