SJWs infighting brewing on plebbit. Feminists agains hijabs are islamophobes
SJWs infighting brewing on plebbit. Feminists agains hijabs are islamophobes
Good thread OP
Amazing thread
I mean really…
It's spectacular
all of the lefts positions will come back at them eventually
I hope reddit never dies, lest that filth migrates here.
Not sageing this faggot's thread.
So another day on reddit essentially… top effort post user.
Fucking hell
Keep this shit on
you dumb faggot.
Nah, they'll never come here in mass. This site is too yucky for those sensible faggots
Also, OP, I enjoy to see SJW eating themselves, but this shit isn't worthy of a thread in Holla Forums
Top Kek.
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(((you))) know we have ID's, right? Looks like we triggered a cuck pretty hard.
It looks more like he purposely spread out his comments. Read it as a single sarcastic sentence faggot. Kill yourself for bumping a reddit thread.
Have a bump just for being such a fag. And guess what nigger, link saved, when you waste enough hours of your life sage bombing this thread, I'm gonna make you do it all over again. And if you bomb that one then get ready for round 3 :))))
why slide this thread of all things?
Any more stuff like this?
Autism: the post
I'm curious if these "revolutions" (something jews love to do) were spurred by external interests or were a reaction to Israel.
A bump just for (((you))).
Looks like your sage didn't grow, sad!
fucking jews, at D is that their burka?
You're clearly rustled as fuck and trying way too hard to fit in, have another bump for your shitty reddit thread faggot.
>spoilering the gore
Boy, this weekend shilling is just another weak low energy shillfest. I wonder how many have gotten axed by soros and clinton? They seem a bit understaffed.
How long ago was that the traditional dress in Iraq for instance?
so is this the new srs? also how do you faggots find these cancerous piles of shit?
Yeah. That was it? Come on.
they find us
I'm sure all of you intuitively know that there is a huge surge in shilling recently, but here's some proof any way.
So he knows how to use google, what's your point?
Or are you just shitposting for the hell of it.
some of them wear a wig which 'counts' as a head covering, crafty kikes
I'm sure my fellow goy gets his dank Trump memes from g00gle.
So you're just shitposting then, gotcha.
Looking at these pictures is kind of sad sometimes. Almost the entirety of the middle east use to be at least decent. You could have probably even called a lot of it firmly second world. With all their oil money a few of them could have even been well on their way to first world at this point.
It's no wonder they hate israel so much. Even if they can't be blamed directly for destroying a lot of the middle east. Who do you think is pulling all the strings to make sure there's no country left there that can stand a chance at taking them down?
The "refutations" in that subreddit are hilariously bad, yet heavily voted up. Written by some dumbass zizek-loving faggot hipster. Half of the counter-arguments are, "this is out-dated data," when he doesn't seem to define what out-dated actually means. It's not clear to me whether he means there is other newer data having contrary or contradictory information, or if he simply means, "this is the current year shitlord!" I'm taking it to mean the second case, since he rarely comes up with some new dataset to compare it to. This is still while the data and polls are: a) not even that old, and b) ignoring the fact that aggregated beliefs in certain areas (like Islam) don't change that much (the hatred for Europe is hundreds of years old).
Also, this thread on OP's thread found in response to a downvoted real-talker about Islam:
1. This isn't an argument. They are statements without support. Also he includes a norm (the "should") in his own argument that has no ethical underpinning, which leads to the next point.
2. His own argument undermines itself. Notice this left wing scum states, "The values of a place shouldn’t a)be used as universal b)be used to disregard other values and cultural practices as barbarism or backwards just because they are different." The "should" term is a normative claim in itself that he is treating as a universal. He's universally quantifying over all claims about values and cultures tied to certain geographies. So he is saying that one shouldn't do such a thing, but he's allowed to do that thing. He's picked out his own set of meta-critiques as what should or shouldn't happen as unique, special, and beyond other critiques. Probably because he is enlightened by his own intelligence.
There are a bunch of other garbage parts of his thread, but I'll leave it at that, since it's a reddit thread and to be expected.
The fourth picture amuses me every time I see it.
The early shots are from back when there was a heavy western influence in the region. Shortly after the west decolonised, all of the western backed leaders were overthrown (Zahir Khan in the case of Afghanistan and Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in the case of Iran) and their countries quickly went back to their traditional ways.
What a bunch of losers.
To be fair, those places would probably be just as degenerate as the West is these days.
wtf does that even mean anymore
Splendid! Let the kike puppets rip each other apart.
You're mixing Zahir Shah up with Daoud Khan user.
They're lucky we don't go full colonial
You do know that the cloth in B is not actually used on religious grounds? It is worn by elderly women or women while working in fields in Eastern Europe. And for A I have yet to actually see any Catholic wear anything even remotely similar
Lurk more
No one is forcing them to exist in our lands.
someone edit this pic with white european qts
Have material.