(Comedians) and Peyton Manning gang up on Iron Ann

ln case you missed it, last night Ann was an invited speaker to Comedy Central’s roast for Rob Lowe, but apparently the event turned into an Ann Coulter hate fest. Peyton basically said she looked like a horse, Jewel said “As a feminist I can’t support everything that’s been said tonight," she said, "but as someone who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.” Nikki Glaser said "Ann, you're awful. The only person you will ever make happy is the Mexican who digs your grave." Jimmy Carr called her "repugnant," "hateful," and "hatchet-faced." "But it's not too late to change that," he said. "You could kill yourself." Jeff Ross said "Ann Coulter wants to help Trump make America great again. You can start by wearing a burka. You have a face that would make doves cry" Apparently it was worse than this, but these were the only family friendly jokes that USA Today thought it could share. When Ann took the stage she said "I'd like to welcome everyone to the Ann Coulter roast with Rob Lowe."


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She does look like a horse. All the previous recent roast involved talking about Lisa lampanelli taking miles of black cock because it was easy. How is this any different? Comedy central roasts are shit.

She doesnt even look bad for a woman who is 54.

Young Ann, tho…

Who cares? Anne Coulter is a barren coalburning slut who has failed in her primary mission as a white female.

Where does Jeff Ross get off implying that anyone is ugly?

That's the whole point of a roast, jackass, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

I fucking hate this nigger.

You don't go on the internet, spouting genuine lies and not expect to get called a faggot, faggot. She may be a barren woman but she has more brass then most the men in politics today. And that's where we live, today. And today, Ann serve a highly important purpose in helping Trump get voters, especially woman because in the world of today, women can vote. She is a bestseller some 18 times over.

And Ann was arguably the first, man or women in politics, to come out all-in for Trump. So fuck off you ignorant nigger, kike shill. Ann is based and these subhuman lefties took it further than just jokes.

not archived. op's a fucking faggot shill. regardless:

I've have never heard she was a coalburner before. Where did you hear this?

He was making a joke, did you not even look at the pictures? She obviously wasn't having a great time.

At least read the article before you chime in Schlomo, the Roast was for Rob Lowe. I know the other speakers get made fun of to, but apparently it became difficult to determine whose Roast it was.

Black BF's
Also is this what americans pass for comedy?
Not even the brits are this stiffassed

The real development here is that CC has gone down the shitter so bad they can't even get a worthwhile celebrity for their roast.

literally fucking who?


This is the third time I see someone says this, and the other never brought forward any info for their claims, so tell me, friend, do you a single fact to back that up?

based iron ann dated jimmie walker. that doesn't make her any less savage.

i thought it was actually funny. mostly because saint skittles and iced tea tray tray was a fucking faggot thug and these dipshits still think he's a hero.

Look it up yourself faggot.


I've read Jimmie Walker's statements in that eurweb, he never claimed they were dating. Even the white supremacist thing says that the rescinded her award because she might have dated a black man.


"We are dates but not dating." Yeah im going to go with they're dating and she doesn't want to admit it. Or nigger in the friend zone. Why would you give her the benefit of the doubt?


niggers usually don't go in the friend zone, that's only for whites and chinks

You're joking right? Niggers are king of the friend zone. They lie about their exploits like every other beta faggot and are convinced that because some slag is too polite to not shoo them off that they are into their muh dik rhetoric.

But horse faced ann coulter was definitely fucking jj walker. She's an ugly slag hypocrite who is also a race traitor. Im sure her people were grateful for pr from the roast. It's not like it's unexpected for guests to get reamed.

WASP Aestethic

She will come out as one of us soon.

Why would she even participate in a roast like that?


Are you fucking dumb?
She is a coalburner you autist.

I'm all for Ann, I have 2 of her books, but she burned the coal.

She's on the front lines fighting the meme war.

You keep repeating that without any evidence.

who gives a fuck if ann coulter fucked a nigger. we use her as a gateway drug into the far-right, since she serves as a link between the alt-right and the maintream media such as fox, people see her and learn about the 1965 immigration act, then from there go into the jewish question and the niggers and spic problems


I honestly don't know how she never had children or got married.

Either she's taken miles of dick or she's an aggressive autist who just doesn't like people.

Is that all she got to say or did she do more?

It isn't a lie. It is a documented fact that she dated curryNIGGER Dinesh D'Souza.

She went on a Comedy Central Roast.

What did you expect?

(((Kent Alderman))) and (((Doug Herzog))) were no doubt rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of seeing Coulter get shit on.

Brave, but foolish.

It seems the Jewgle results are overflowing with liberals jerking off over the event and how she 'got owned', so if her bit is online, its hurried deep.

They didn't even put her in the lineup.

Never trust Jews.

Well, it sounds like in the article she got on stage at a point. I recall a photo of her new book on the podium with her, even.

I know, that's the point.

I wager she was on the Dias, if people were focusing on her that much.

They're just not going to put her bit forward as of any import, and even if they did, its being flooded by the progressive scum winking about the notion of her getting BTFO by a bunch of c-list celebrities and freakazoids.

Has it even aired yet? I just watch OTA anymore.
I hope someone saved it before it gets diced down to DUPLO swallowing hazard material.

I thought it was Jimmy or JJ or whatever that "dyno-mite" nogs name is. Get your D&C shill script and reread, you missed something

The shilling on this board right now is astronomical. Why are we arguing over this? The point is, the jews over at comedy central are furthering their own demise. The are splitting the gap even wider. They are knocking people off the fence, and at this point that is all there is left to do, for either side.

Anyone who isn't already an insane, foaming at the mouth leftist is going to see this as exactly what it was: a setup for liberals and jews to viciously corner and berate someone who disagrees with the. I think a lot more people than they expect are going to find this type of behaviour disgusting. They've been underestimating this kind of thing a lot lately.

Just sit back and let your enemies make mistakes.

There are pieces up about it seems, but it also appears to suggest it doesn't air til labor day.

Guess we'll see, in time.

what the fuck?

10/10 would definitely inseminate repeatedly

I wanna be sedated is from a Ramones song popular at the time the rest is just slang/acronyms for her Interests at the time I suppose

I miss when most of this was at least live on cable. Like the way they used to do the conventions pre-2000 They're too lazy to even live commentary anymore. And wait for safe material after the fact..

Why the fuck was he even there? Fucking sell out.

Somebody is going to have to die today. Especially this faggot that thinks spee didn't change venues.

Rob Lowe is friends with him and Lowe is a big fan of his. That said, Manning is not one to talk. The man is a walking talking forehead with arms and legs attached. All the other people there are either ugly or literally whos.

This is all pointless. You're talking to some Goon or GB faggot on known newletters.

Most are aware after all the leaks, regarding the old stink, thank hang abourd looking for shekels but hate their position. Much like the faggots of NYC Giant Bomb. One Mr. Navarro.

Child rapist. Big with the Jews.

Proof faggot?

You must be joking. An event photo = she was DATING HIM?. Hilarious if true but I highly fucking doubt that shit. Ok, next faggot has two nothing sites… he didn't archive but let's look.

"about the love he has for his best friend"

"Bern Nadette Stanis was sitting next to him during the interview and co-signed his sentiments, even going so far to say she believes Jimmie and Coulter are actually dating."

some kike (you?) believes they are dating.

Next one doesn't even load for me.

I'm indifferent to her so no real difference to me but I don't believe it. Celeb shit to me so fuck it. But make note of this dirty Jew trick that was pulled.

Anyone have a webm or video of this? I'd rather not give Comedy Central views if it's even on Jewtube yet.

That guy is unconfirmed. Dinesh D'Shitskin is for sure though.

Girls were retarded back then too, user.

You mean (((comedians)))?

((( )))

Coulter is my based than 99.999% of all women.

I love Ann but if you go to a roast you should expect to get savaged.

I'm impressed. She's an actual strong woman unlike those whiny SJW cunts who only know how to cry victim but she just brushes off and polishes her armour.

Good woman.

That shit is nothing compared to all the mainstream hate she got during her time in the spotlight during the Bush years. She's immune to this.