Hello Holla Forums,
I understand this is a major stronghold for the Alt-Right online. As someone who has been involved in Conservative politics for most of my life, the rise of this movement has caught me by surprise.
Since the term has shown up in mainstream dialogue, I've devoted myself to trying to understand this movement. To that end, I've spent time reading what men like Richard Spencer & Jared Taylor have to say.
The creation of a "white ethnostate" seems to be one of the more radical opinions, as opposed to the more 'moderate' stance of "patriotic immigration reform."
Regarding the former, I've been curious on a few issues, but have yet to see definitive, universally accepted answers. To that end, I've come here and am asking you all to enlighten me as to what you want as a movement:
In the hypothetical event where a white ethnostate is created what are your proposed policies regarding the following:
-Demographics (What percent of the population should whites, or the native group be at?)
-Immigration (Are there any circumstances in which a non-White is allowed into the country as a citizen)
-Non-Whites in society (If they exist as a minority population, do they face any restrictions?)
-Mixed Race Citizens (Is someone who is 1/2, 3/4, etc. White allowed in? Are they considered citizens?)
Assume, for the moment, that these hypothetical minorities are upstanding citizens of good character, who appreciate Western Civilization.
I understand that traditional neo-Nazi, White Nationalists, & White Separatists might be inclined to answer "no minorities ever;" however, the Alt-Right seems to have thinkers like Gavin McInnes & John Derbyshire who have married outside of their race, so surely there's some bit of flexibility.
Thanks for the clarification.