Alt-Right Race Laws

Hello Holla Forums,

I understand this is a major stronghold for the Alt-Right online. As someone who has been involved in Conservative politics for most of my life, the rise of this movement has caught me by surprise.

Since the term has shown up in mainstream dialogue, I've devoted myself to trying to understand this movement. To that end, I've spent time reading what men like Richard Spencer & Jared Taylor have to say.

The creation of a "white ethnostate" seems to be one of the more radical opinions, as opposed to the more 'moderate' stance of "patriotic immigration reform."

Regarding the former, I've been curious on a few issues, but have yet to see definitive, universally accepted answers. To that end, I've come here and am asking you all to enlighten me as to what you want as a movement:

In the hypothetical event where a white ethnostate is created what are your proposed policies regarding the following:

-Demographics (What percent of the population should whites, or the native group be at?)

-Immigration (Are there any circumstances in which a non-White is allowed into the country as a citizen)

-Non-Whites in society (If they exist as a minority population, do they face any restrictions?)

-Mixed Race Citizens (Is someone who is 1/2, 3/4, etc. White allowed in? Are they considered citizens?)

Assume, for the moment, that these hypothetical minorities are upstanding citizens of good character, who appreciate Western Civilization.

I understand that traditional neo-Nazi, White Nationalists, & White Separatists might be inclined to answer "no minorities ever;" however, the Alt-Right seems to have thinkers like Gavin McInnes & John Derbyshire who have married outside of their race, so surely there's some bit of flexibility.

Thanks for the clarification.

I can't tell if this is some liberal rag writer trying to glean information so I will sage and post anime.

Only pure Europeans in the Aryan imperium. Mongrels get shuttled to containment regions. Jews get exterminated.

We are not "alt-right". We are national socialists, period.
Protip: Lurk more before posting, it helps you not make embarassing mistakes like that.
As usual, OP is a faggot.

And race traitors will be killed.

This is actually a fake board we use to hide our true goals, our real board is over at

>>>Holla Forums

See you there!


McGinnes an Derbyshire are "1488ers" (the birth year of Shulchan Aruch author, Yosef Karo). We on the alt-right support the extermination of all jews and race-mixers, as well as homosexuals.

Hope that helped.

What he said. /leftpol/ is the real board here we just troll on Holla Forums

>>>Holla Forums

Most of us on the alt right just want a points based immigration system with preferences on European immigrants


No we aren't

Wrong board buddy, the alt right think tank known as "Holla Forums" is located here

>>>Holla Forums

its a lot more complex than that.

Holla Forums is complex

There is no alt-right

Anyone who answers your questions is either a troll or a shill

please fuck off

I think you're on the wrong board, m8
>>>Holla Forums


Fellas, the jig is up, if they want to know about us they just have to understand what we're actually about, the facade is over.

Please head over to >>>Holla Forums OP, this board is only for show.

We will take over the world

no non whites

eugenics will make us reach near perfection

we will eventually conquer other planets


What is that?

Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger, throw a brick at every spic, just like I did this morning after my daily routine of gassing kikes with Sam Hyde for our White Supremacist God Donald Trump. HEIL!

See above.

See above.

One drop rule kill all mulatto baby nigger monkeys, Putin told me to kill minorities from the darkest reaches of the internet and I must comply. 1488

sweet dubbies

Until the 1960s, America WAS a white ethnostate. We were 90% of the population. There was no problem of "who do we let in?" "is there blood pure enough!?" thats all leftist propaganda garbage.

Japan for the Japanese.
China for the Chinese.
Palestine for the Palestinians.
America and Europe for Caucasians.

No one complains that in Japan, a Muslim cant even rent an apartment. Why? Because its an Asian country - not white.

Only and ALL white countries are flood with forced mass immigration. That's the problem - not that we have some minorities.

The "alt-right" doesn't exist. It's a label leftist cucks gave natsocs on Holla Forums.

If the alt-right did exist which it doesn't we're not it

rollin again

There is no one movement of the 'alt right'

The term is used to describe various different conservative/non liberal ideologies adopted by mostly millenial males and propagated on the internet

checked. nice video user

You got it all wrong kiddo, Alt-write is actually an indie bookstore that has a great collection.

You should ask >>>/lit/ for more answers

Fuck off with your bullshit labels. The "alt-right" is a media manufactured (see Milo and all of the other e celeb cocksuckers you mentioned) term meant to help discredit or at least de-fang opposition to the (((political establishment))).



if you're not some shill, this is all you need to read itt

pick one.

Uugh it truly is summer!
Lurk more before you spew your verbal diarrhea here.

we plan on forming a white national socialist government and conquering all nonwhites. we will genocide all nonwhites. some anons may believe in keeping some of their dna in labs for future experimentation. i say we purge every last strand from existence.

forgot to add. jews are not white.

There isn't an alt-right.


You understand wrong, niggerfaggot. Gas yourself.

Hello there, newfriend. I'm glad that you're curious about the alt-right. The whole nazi schtick is just an inside joke, please don't be offended or take anything seriously. We're mostly just moderate leaning conservatives who love Israel. We just want to keep dangerous foreign elements who hate Western liberal democracy and pro-freedom values out of our society. This helpful, concise video I'll share with you provides all that you need to know about the true positions of the alt-right.

Wrong faggot

We're anons first and only.


fucking this.
t. Anonymous.

I can't even


This is very low energy. A hypothetical Nation State comprised of only (((WHITE))) people as your reason to have reply posts like "Hang the blacks" that you then can cap for the media? Sounds legit


No non-whites allowed whatsoever in the white ethno-state. All non-whites will be purged/deported. The ultimate goal is to expand and conquer non-white territories, depopulate them, and them colonise them with our race. Race-traitors will be executed for defiling their people. Mongrels who are visibly non-white will be considered as such and subject to the same treatment as every other non-white - eradication/deportation. Mongrels that "look white" will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If they support the white expansionist and supremacist cause, they will be allowed to remain, but with restrictions such as being banned from breeding with white women. Any mongrel that "looks white" who sides with non-whites will be treated as a subversive element along with every other non-white and expunged.
These are not representative of our views. These are cuckold race-traitors who sully the name of white nationalism and our ideals. Race-traitors, as I've said, will be punished for their actions with execution.

The alt right doesn't real, newfag


Fuck off, you dumb nigger. The reason America is where it is today, is because we didn't have explicitly racialist policies. We allowed "some" minorities in and tolerated blacks, thus opening the floodage to shitskins down the road. We can not be so tolerant. Eradicate our racial competitors and establish a white racialist ethno-state.
Go back to Reddit, you fucking altistic-right transplant. Your "some minorities are ok :-DDD" drivel needs to end now.

No such thing as Alt right here.

For the alt right go to reddit or leftypol, or MSNBC

This thread is gold, I can't stop laughing PRAISE KEK.

Expecto patronum!!!


The "alt-right" prefers to vote Democrat because they are still efficient nigger killers. Abortion has killed more monkeys since Roe vs Wade then us in the KKK (Kek KeK Klan) could have ever dreamed of.

God damn. I fucking HATE cuckservatives and their love of nigger chilluns.

There is no good reason to leave a single non-white alive on this planet.

As for mix-breeds, a new set of Nuremberg laws will be drawn up by a panel of our geneticists and eugenicists, it is possible that they will decide to leave some octoroons alive, but they will most certainly need to be sterilized.

John Derbyshire is a notorious gook-loving degenerate, his subhuman gooklets will be exterminated, even the cuckish Jared Taylor agrees that Derbyshire's children have to go. Gavin McInnes and Richard Spencer are faggots, they get pink triangles and a trip to the oven.

This map is pure cuckoldry. We must correct the mistake of our great-grandfathers, all non-whites must be eliminated, it is the only way to ensure the safety of our posterity.

Holla Forums is for shitposting and having fun. Serious questions like this are better asked elsewhere. There is no one consensus on these things.

although we all agree the Japs are honorary Aryans

Gooks go into the oven along with the rest of the subhuman trash.

You understood wrong. If you are looking for the alt right you need to be on leftypol