I tried starting on a water fast the day before yesterday, eating very little then, and only eating a few slices of watermelon yesterday. Today, when I woke up, after a night of bad sleep, I couldn't take it anymore, I made myself two large sandwiches with ham, cheese and a bunch of other stuff and it was delicious. I honestly was dreaming about food and meat this night, and when I woke up all I could think about was food. The reason I started was that I would consider myself skinny, but I've always got a bit of chub around my stomach aka. I am skinny-fat.
Water fast
you lose the fat by working out. what a shocker! fasting/starving is only a tactic big fatties should resort to since their daily caloric intake necessary for their body is +3000. you need 3,500 to lose a pound of fat. guess what fasting for a week does to a fatty?
Make them slightly less fat?
ham sandwich=bad
It's not hard to figure out
You don't need protein and bread to survive
I just got off a six-day water fast. The first two days are hell. After that, it's pretty chill. Just make sure you come off slowly next time, if you try it again.
if you want to be a skeleton, sure
Get out of here PETAfag.
All eating ham does is give you intestinal worms and put on chub also clog your skin pores
It's good for stacking ass on 6 y/o's but that's about it
they get weak, but they lose weight. not a lot in the grand scheme of things but soon enough the pounds lost will be in the double digits.
you being a skinnyfat beta means you are probably taking 1600 calories a day to operate. fasting twice as long just to lose what a fatty would lose in one day.
Drinkng lots of water makes you go wee wee! Tee hee hee!
crunches, and replace ham and cheese with beans and nuts and spinach
cook it before eating, dumbass
can confirm. did a 42 hour water fast earlier this year and went from 86 to 82 kilos.
Op here, I am 70 kg, and this is what I look like.
intermittent fasting. that and cardio. what's wrong with you?
shave your belly
fuck off
lmao fucking numale, do u even lift?