How do americans cope?
You will never be European
Lots of substance abuse
By taking your shit and making it better.
Isn't Europe filled with faggots, though?
kek. this. really wish I could be european. the best people I have ever talked to online are euros.
>How do americans cope?
They can buy a tiki torch and pretend
i think i could have actually possibly been a good person if i were born in europe. being born an american has made me a horrible person. take it from a native born, america is a garbage pit
there is no such thing as a good or bad person. only people that do good or bad things
good and bad things*
I'm european. I want out of this communist nu-male shithole. I want rights to defend myself and say what I want.
Those, "rights" are a falsehood. They promise you freedom, yet take it away every day
i'm a bad person i do not do good things and no one wants to be around me ever. there are bad people and i am one of them.
Okay then. Have fun getting invaded by muslims in your own house, getting beaten up because you can't shoot them, and if you survive, jailed for hitting them back. Retard.
good and bad are subjective
you can get beaten up without defending yourself and charged. It happens all the time. Its fucking bullshit
I do perfectly fine without Achmed's dick in my ass.
they will claim that the attacker did it because you provoked them. that doesnt make any sense, but the shit flies and I cant stand it
lol, no shit? And your choice is to have no gun to defend yourself against a pack of people who want to rob and kill you?
best part is all that enlightenment stuff and esoterics had to be stolen from europe
you didnt read the whole sentence.
it doesnt matter where you are in the world. It happens in America as well.
The legal system is god awful
Im a pacifist, so idk. People have attacked me and I didnt fight back. Thats how firmly I stick to my pacifism.
First of all, if it does happen, at least you'll still be alive because you shot them, even if you do get charged. In europe, you'd just die. Second, it happens way more often in Europe than in America. The fact that you can't defend yourself with a gun in Europe should emphasize the fact that the law protects criminals first.
So basically what you are saying is that you are a stupid person and I should just not reply to you again because this is a waste of time? Alright then.
This is my last reply to you, just so you know. Have fun being not a man, stupid, endangering your life, and not being honest with yourself.
considering that most of Europe is going to the sand niggers
oh. so you're one of those manly man, beefy, testosterone, brawn > brain type of guys. I see. No wonder
You're moral convictions are pretty cucky though, if a man puts his hand on me with the intention to harm me, I'm putting him in the ground.
London, England is not Europe though
Well, I am a sub masochist. So that may have something to do with it.
But I really am a pacifist. I dislike fighting intensely. I find it to be really fucking stupid and barbaric. I dont like to harm others either
kill yourself, you are just a stain on humanity
isnt it about time for you to be going back to school, young one? You know its past your bedtime, right?
Didn't you say you dislike fighting intensively, you subhuman shit? Why are you being pretentious and smug over the internet over how much of a pussy you are when it doesn't suit your ideals? You're just a stupid leftist. So just let yourself be dehumanized without fighting back, in words also.
Post more Flan first, then kill yourself afterward.
Cope with what? Not being liberal faggots with unhealthy levels of unwarranted self importance?
kek. the edge.
its just like an idiot to think a genius is stupid. its ok. you dont have to try so hard to impress everyone, mr.muscles
Im an Anarchist
I did say that I am a masochist
All the more reason to protect yourself from people trying to raid your boypussy. I think pacifism would be great in an ideal world, and I try to avoid conflict if at all possible, but you need to be able to protect yourself from harm, and the government is terrible about doing that for you, thats why America and the Second Amendment are great, I don't have to rely on someone else to save me.
ah. someone with some sense.
Yes I can see your point. But it doesnt sit right with me to harm someone else even if they harm me. As that will make me just as bad as they are.
You have no right calling someone edgy when you are calling yourself a masochist. You don't need to have muscles to not be a self-loathing faggot like you. Leftist is really the same shit as anarchist. You are a disgusting person and I can smell it, because you hate yourself and therefore everything else. It's why you also felt no need to defend yourself or why you use trips for attention, or post the same character repeatedly. So, masochist, pretentious by thinking you're smart for being weak, a retard. Lower than a human in my eyes. You should be ashamed and do something about it.
You belong in a nuthouse. A computer would throw an error over that statement. Do you also feel that you should not eat when you are hungry or breathe when you need to?
Just being born in Canada would be enough.
Besides, Europe isn't just one country and there are European countries with shit people, like Italy for example.
your trolling is unorganized and… outright poor. Please lurk more.
You're a sad human being and you know that. I know 100% that you hate your shitty life. If I was you, I would not want to defend myself either.
Good fucking luck using your brain to beat a pack of robbers. What are you gonna do, shoot a beam at them using telekinetic mental powers, numale?
Oh wait, I'm sorry, your a pacifist. Should have known.
oh no. if you dont stop, you might make me cry. Im for realz
you should at least get a taser or some pepper spray fam
Cry so I can jerk off to you. Your sexy when you cry.
I know you are "for realz" despite trying too hard to seem like you don't care. I can feel how pathetic you are, you'll probably cry yourself to sleep soon.
that could be reasonable enough
I think user is pretty sexy when they cry. I wanna stick it in his boipussi.
my dick might cry a bit
Can I put my dick in your ass and make my dick cry inside you?
I dont like anal much, would prefer oral
Doing good or bad things is a reflection of moral maturity. A hyper-competitive ultra-materialistic narcissistic society doesn't help develop it.
leftists can't meme
Would love to get the succ. I'll give you the succ too if you want.
You certainly know how to undermine your own credibility.
You can always tell who's wrong in the discussion by the amount of swearing and irrational insults one side hurls at the other. I'm glad I was born in Europe. I'm a citizen with basic rights such as healthcare, welfare if I'd get down on my luck, and a great education. I live in one of the most socially progressive nations on earth. I don't see why anyone would hate on that.
Oh! Look! A thread! About a subject! I'm going to argue with anyone stopid enough to take my bait! Ooooh! I am so edgy!
muh racism
Is that when Scandinavian cum covers most of Europe at last?
Your countries are overrun with sandniggers and your birthrates are so low that I'll live to see you literally stoned for faggotry.
Europe is dead
Europe the new middle east
this, we are proud Asians
Americans ARE Europeans , genetically.
Naw we are very low percentage Middle Eastern or North African, unlike EU.
Cope? Eurotrash are objectively worse human beings. And this is coming from someone in a nation founded by other nation's garbage.
Look at that fucking face, that is genetic trash to you? Why did you think Tesla came to America, and didn't stay in that shithole?
America is beautiful if you know where to go. Go outside anons. Get some fresh air. You'll be happy you did. I saw a elk today and some wild turkeys.
I lived in Europe for years. Its overrated. Too many people for my liking.
All of America thread? Canada too?
the only good thing about Europe is the AOC
i love Europe now !
so just like every king
We don't have to. We're superior, hybrid vigor , you know.
good point, however the guy was more open about it.
he didn't get married and pretended to be strait while fucking dudes behind closed doors.
he lived single with his guy "friend".
everybody knew he was a fag but eh, they let that one go because people thought he was a good king.
i think it was Ludwig II. if i remember right.
he basically spent all the kindom's money on building shit till his ministers said "no mas!" called him crazy and had him replaced.
he was a mediocre king, royalty fell on him like a bird shit on a windshield.
but people think he was ok because they didn't starve to death and there were no war, that was enough to keep people happy back then.
Canada is pretty gay.
Yeah i definately want to be just like europe
This is a short list but how can americans even compete, europe truly is superior.
So close, but this part is American
You got me clapping is an american exclusive I guess the police would probably be jerking off to pedophile "evidence" on their usbs sticks at home
I cope rather well actually.