Let's Jew the Jew

Jews use propaganda, infiltration and etc. to change public opinion. They have used their wiles to turn America the Great into Babylon the Whore. Pedophilia, bestiality and every manner of degeneration is promoted. The Jew casts an ancient magic over the whole world - propaganda - and the people are spellbound.

What prevents us from Jewing the Jew? Why can't we change public opinion on a massive scale using the exact same techniques the Jew has used since Carthage?

Here's our excuses:

We don't want to lower ourselves. But I claim here the time to fight dirty is upon us.

We don't want to spend our precious time actually fighting the propaganda of the Jew; we'd rather shitpost, fap or complain. Wisen up, you non-Jew!

I'm here for you now. There is no excuse left. This thread exists so we can all come up with a strategy.

In my opinion, we need to first organize ourselves loosely. We can meetup on Holla Forums - there is no need to have secret chat groups or whatever at this point, because in the early stages, the Jew WILL try to infiltrate us. But the Jew has far less influence here.

We need to decide on one specific goal - we cant do everything at once. Nor can we spread out our resources to the point of exhaustion. In my opinion, our first goal should be supporting Trump by mass redpilling the black community on the Democratic party, that Jews are their enemies and not whites, etc.. This will not only help Trump win the Presidency, but it will also quench the racial fires the Jew has fanned.

Once we have nearly accomplished our first goal, a portion of our forces should begin work on our second goal, whatever it may be. Only when the first goal is seen through, the entirety of us should then work on fulfilling the second goal. On and on until there is no Jewry left to offend.

I recommend the later formation of Guilds, Parties, Squads or groups who are highly specialized in one form of memetic warfare, be it graphic design, hacking/programming, physical infiltration and so forth. But this must only occur after we have, with our collective will, accomplished our first goal.

We will also need to create some fail-safe which will prevent our group from being taken over, smeared and/or manipulated by some other way.

I look forward to your ideas!

Other urls found in this thread:


oy vey

You can't defeat jewish black magic with black magic of your own. There is only one way to defeat them and it's pic related.

My heart swells this day

nice user! thanks for the OC

At least someone's heart is swelling this day.

Sure is newfag in here. Go Fuck yourself. The strategist…..lmao tbh fam

"hahaha you guys actually want to fight the Jew in a real way LOLOL smdh tbqh fam you're newfags! LOL oy!"

user, you seriously underestimate the power of shitposting.
Propaganda is formal and targeted. It has a clear purpose and intention. Because of this it can be countered. What you're suggesting is PSYOPS, which has had questionable success in the past. It's old fashioned.

Shitposting though. This is the cutting edge that DARPA is trying to automate with algorithms. A shitpost is small, off-the-cuff, and aimless. It can be shat out anywhere and in great quantity. Shitpost long and heavily enough and it becomes the new norm. Our norm.
Shitposts accumulate and build up. Unlike propaganda it is hard to notice for the uninitiated. The normie slowly adapts to his changing environment until he becomes a pale copy of ourselves. From there he will begin propagating our thought for us.
Shitposts cannot be countered, cannot be stopped. We on the chans know this all too well. There is no known cure to shitposting. You cannot even shut down whatever site it's occurring on. Doing that is like popping a zit. You may get temporary relief but the users squirt out into the internet to infect other venues.

Think of all the shitty emotional and irrational arguments liberals use in real life to justify the next degenerate fad and exercise in virtue signalling. This is a form of real life shitposting. It worked but is limited by the constraints of the physical world.

psyops is just shitposting on a large scale.

if we only post on Holla Forums, or only post on our twitter accounts…which are followed by other shitposters..how is anyone getting redpilled? there may be a handful awakened minds, but if we organized our efforts, we could destroy the world - and then rebuild it.

user, no. PSYOPS is visible and obvious. It's completely different.
The shitposting has definitely had an effect on the internet. I also thought that chan-level bantz were confined to these places. But there's now a large number of trans-site people moving through Holla Forums these days. They pick up some funny memes and edgy jokes and carry them into the outside world like seeds stuck in a migratory bird's feathers.
Compared to 8 or so years ago I now regularly see allusions to common Holla Forums mainstays like GAS THE KIKES and 'muh 6 million' in previously 'clean' places, usually video games.

i kinda see where you're coming from..? jews dont say "kill whitey!!!" they give seemingly innocent reasons for average people to come to the conclusion themselves that whites are bad and need to die.

we dont have to autistic and yell "kill niggers!"
but we can educate blacks to the actual truth pertaining to race and culture.

we dont have to push propaganda like the jews do, as propaganda is by definition lying. but we can make sure everyone in the world knows the truth about Jewish supremacy.

look at what just a handful of Jews have done all throughout history - the same things theyre doing now.

we have tremendous power, not only to cause change in the world, but to shape the world as we know it should be shaped.

its time to claim your power, anons.

Half chan has been doing this for like a month or two.
They've been shilling the living shit out of Twitter and it's the reason so many people converted to Trump. It's very effective.

yes. thank you user. what we could achieve if we just focused on our goals..

If Holla Forums were to ever crowdfund something, the impact would be enormous. There's around 2000 active users here on any given day. Think what we could do each user contributed $10 or more. We tried with that #PantsUpDontLoot billboard (which I think turned out to be a scam), but we can do better.

I thought the idea of the Clinton Body Count trading cards was pretty good:

Yes more people need to be red pilled. Holla Forums at the moment is sufficient we could start some voice chat wouldn't be a bad idea but actually meeting up you know there's gonna be a bunch of Jews waiting there probably to have some henchmen beat you up just for the lulz of it.


trading cards were a great idea!

this is what im talking about! look…if you're interested in exposing the Jews, then you should form a team of 3-10 people who constantly work together to make it happen. The same goes with blacks. If you want to redpill blacks, network with other anons who are interested in that goal and form a group.

SO much power is in all of your hands just waiting to be used.

This right here is why you can't win. You're expecting instant, overnight success when up against something that has been systemically in place for thousands of years.

Every generation, every nation, has named the Jew and cast out the Jew, but they still keep on going. Why? Patience. Simple, quiet patience.

Ours is not the first generation to expose and cast out the Jew. You want a strategy? Plant the seeds now and make damn sure they grow while you're alive. Teach your children and your children's children so that they continue the slow, steady climb up the mountain. If you're thinking that busting out a few memes with smug frogs and Zyklon Ben's autograph on them is going to do a damn thing, then you are delusional at best.

The Jew knows you're not ready for the long game. The same long game they've been playing for thousands of years that is now bearing them the greatest fruit in the history of Jewing.

by next year, whites will be the minority in America, Canada and later, Europe.

by 2050, whites will not exist.

we dont have to wait until we're married, have kids, have grandkids. we dont have that luxury because our own parents did nothing to stop what has happened. and if we take such a light attitude, there will be no white children to instruct.

we must act now.

Then you're already too late. The Jew has been playing the long game since declaring itself God's special child. There is no "Act Now". Genocide against the Jews has been tried many times and it always fails because of the "God's special child" long game.

Yes, you can go down to the B'nai B'rith and shoot every up and might kill a dozen or so of them, but then you've just given them more ammunition for their long game. "Oy vey look how bad they treat us! Give us more money!" The Jew is the ultimate gibs-me-dat and it's something they've carefully crafted over a thousand generations.

I'm sorry, user, but there is no quick fix. You have to be prepared to play the long game. Hell, even you have fallen for some of that long game by actually believing the Jews have dark magic. There's nothing magic about it. They simply planted the seeds all those centuries ago and taught their children and grandchildren.

i dislike your defeatist perspective, but respect your right to have it.

its not too late until the last white person is dead.

It's not defeatism, it's reality.

You're a journeyman trying to become the grand master in an afternoon. Slow, steady patience. It starts with the memes and the cartoons and the bits of propaganda.

The best, and I mean absolute best, thing we have right now is that it's starting to become "funny" again. People are becoming more and more relaxed about "Jew Jokes". Being able to laugh at them and laugh about them is the first step toward dispelling the "Jew Magic". They can't handle being the butt of jokes, but if it's acceptable, then they'll be too busy trying to figure out how to cash in on it.

That's what we've been doing since the 70s, when the height of "Jew Comedy" peaked. It's a slow fight, but it's a winnable one. You just can't expect it all "RIGHT NOW!" because that makes you look like a petulant Veruca Salt.

great. now lets get down to business, stop dicking around and make real change happen.

All it takes is going mainstream. The problem we're having right now is that we're associated with fear-mongers and insanity.

You can put on a sandwich board that says "The End is Nigh" and stand around all day long, but - even if you're right - nobody is going to care. We need the governing bodies and the intelligence communities. Electing only heterosexual, white men with families; wresting control from the Jew.

And I don't mean Trump. Electing Trump does no good if there are a bunch of fags, nogs, and women in Congress. Then there are mayors, governors, sheriffs, and city councils.

very true words. how would you get around the containment box our ideas have been placed into by the left?

Need older people. People old enough to run for office. People with the education and experience to retake the system.

The most difficult thing about that is this board ostracizes anyone older than 20. Boomer hate is strong and anyone over 30 is told "lol y u here fag". Ostracizing the very people who are actually in a position to save the system doesn't bode well for future plans.

excellent idea, user.
its going to be very difficult for one of us to become a politician i think, seeing as how most of us have lived out lives. BUT its very easy to change the opinion of someone already primed for political power…

we can do this

I don't see much shitting on older posters here, for what it's worth. Mostly people don't tend to discuss their ages because it's considered attention whoring status seeking best left to faceberg.

Going into politics is a possibility, and I think maybe we should encourage young people to try it out. Better for them since they have less to lose and at least they can get a feeling for the process. It's also possible that an intelligent user makes some conversions among established politicians. It's worth a shot.

It also can't hurt to get some exposure - even if they try to dismiss you as a result of your age, just present yourself well and people will take you seriously.

that compliments other user quite well.

Attack 1: we change the minds of older, already established politicans, policy makers, CEOs and etc.

Attack 2: we redpill/mentor younger people until we find a number who are good candidates for a life in politics, and we train them up.

these two simultaneous attacks would severely disrupt the Globalist agenda.

That is the very definition of anyone running for public office.

We need to start with politicians who won't disavow our endorsement. Take a look at the current Governor of Maine. That guy is about as redpilled as someone in the executive can get, even though he's a Democrat.

He's declared open war on "people of color" coming into his state.

very good idea. heres the challenge with people like him:

obviously declaring open war on people of color coming to his state is right…but its not useful right now. whites are the minority - we cant act like we have all the power. our heads are barely above water now. so…

how do we reach out to these politicians, get their attention and explain the tactics required to gain the upperhand in our own country?

The way I see it the disruption's already happened, we're just looking for ways of consolidating our gains. We've got a bit of attention, now we need to figure out ways of translating into institutional control.

Sure is, but Holla Forums isn't the place for it. Anyone who can't figure that one out probably won't represent us very well.

That's an interesting line of attack since locals will no doubt be aware of it. Probably won't have much purchase in the MSM, but they're less relevant every day.

Has anyone ever considered subversion of "like/share this if x" stuff on faceberg via subliminal messaging? In effect, creating an inverse Bella and the Bulldogs universe in which leftist platitudes deliver subliminal redpills.

i agree with you completely.
this is why we must act now, even if only a handful.

we must plan, prepare and operate.

my father is a politician (Of a third world country, however). I can ask for advice, and make a thread about it, but the biggest points I have noticed are

Dad's part of rotary(he founded it in my city some 30 years ago) and lions, has many friends in masonry as well. The benefits of a strong networking should be obvious. In fact the reason why establishment climbers mantain their power is pure and uncontested nepotism.

get your name heard, mark presence and you get familiar with what people have been thinking lately

you might find this scummy, but you MUST have contacts in some sort of media. For instance my dad bought a local newspaper, it probably is the main reason why he was elected to his first public office.

Possibly the most important. You will possibly not have any chance you you are a wage slave. Politics takes time, to meet and talk to people, and nobody's waiting to do it all after work hours

understand the office you're pursuing, know who your electorate is (if you want an elected job ofc), know their struggle

Understand who you're running against, their weak points, their dirt (don't be a dick about it, people dislike openly scummy individuals)

Hope this can help. It's all very much common sense if you know what you're doing. The hard part is getting out there and doing it.

thanks for the goldmine of insight! ive capped your info. if you could ask your father about these things it would be a yuge help!

And if you're american, Toastmasters

Mostly white males trying to get good at public speaking, I heard it is a networking heaven as well

nice resource! thanks user


Thanks user, that's some useful information. Anything related to process is helpful, since this stuff can be opaque.

Networking should be a priority for everyone. Expand your social circle and convince people in person. If you're eloquent of funny you can do a great deal of good just speaking to people.

if we aren't going to exchange emails and etc. because were avoiding early Jew infiltration, we should come up with a way of identifying our threads on Holla Forums. what do you think?

I'm the guy who started the cards. I've been putting them in cases of beer at supermarkets and in magazines. I honestly thought everyone but me gave up on that. I'm horrible at design and was looking for someone to take over that area.

I wouldn't worry too much about branding just yet. I'd just suggest rustling up a bit of info concerning networking, organizations, and process and then make a thread on the subject of getting involved within communities of various sorts.

I think physical stuff is pretty clever, but the best locations are probably high schools. Best to print funny memes or jokes/comics and stick them around high schools and in those free newspaper boxes (within the papers) near schools. That kind of stuff might get passed around and those are more or less the people who should be reached. Get the kids before they're pozzed.

I joined an advertising firm ;^)

Draw Kek in Paint MS and claim what you are doing is useful to anything.

thats a really good idea, and i like your cards! if we could gather two or three photoshopfags, we could have them produce very high quality "propaganda" pieces for us to handout, glue on walls etc.

youre right. getting ahead of myself because i can see the potential. cant wait!

hows that working out?

Welcome, productive member of our community. We can all tell you're the genuine article.

I also am excited to vote for Hillary Clinton and make herstory.


They can't even vote….

That was my goal. I just tried to do them myself out of necessity. I'm going to revive the thread on Tuesday when I have some free time. Hopefully with cooperation (there was a fa/tg/uy who offered to assist) we can start a serious launch by the weekend

excellent. ill certainly bump your threads.

Here are three skills we can each acquire which would greatly increase the chances of success:

anything else?

The young matter in the culture war and in particular current high schoolers matter in the fight against the academy.

If you can convert enough high schoolers, you can work on starving the corrupt college system and helping young men find gainful employment (in the trades or other useful, real jobs).

I think the short term is more or less dealt with via memery and shitposting at this point - we shouldn't rest on our laurels, but our ability to influence the wider culture is greater than a lot of the more pessimistic among us give credence to.

I like your idea, and physical stuff is good. I think the execution needs a bit of work, since most people will have no idea what your cards are referring to.

It might make more sense to go with something like liberal platitudes or the comics from counter signal memes for fashy goys. They're more accessible to normalfags because they have more to do with their day-to-day reality.

Social skills. Not trying to be a dingus here, but being able to barter and haggle and organize efforts with other people is really important to everyday life. I don't think we'll see a real innawoods type happening. Prepare for the worst of course, but that's my two cents.

OP you are on the right track.

While Niggers are fairly easy to manipulate, we can never think for a second they will think about anything in great depth, so we don't need sophisticated memes.

We just need to decide on simple memes and control the messenger.

Sample Memes:

We know they will sympathize with the Muslims over the Jews, exploit that. We know that Jews are thought of as record label owners, so push some narrative about how Rap stars have their money stolen by Jews. Hell, get them to hate their Jewish landlords. With trial and error we can see what works.

The messenger:

This can be alt accounts that have a black person as an avatar. Season the account over a few months with benign posts about black rights then start slipping in simplified red pills. I don't know where the best black forums are, but if we can identify them we can infiltrate them. And lie lie lie if needed to gain their trust. Again, the black minds are very simple and with practice we can train ourselves to manipulate them.

I would even recommend having entire fake conversations between alt accounts. If anyone is going to argue against your anti-jew tirades you might as well have it be a fellow White Nationalist on an alt account.

Blacks don't respond to calling out rhetorical tricks and logical fallacies, so use emotion to dictate the conversation. Have Alt Account #1 push the anti-jew narrative then have this alt account cuck the shit out of Alt Account #2 which we create to argue with him.

Sample Conversation

See this will be viewed by any nigger as a legitimate conversation. And only the top 10% community organizer level niggers read online forums, and we've just redirected their hate from white people to Jews

witnessed! and you're right. i hadnt even thought about social skills. learning rhetoric, body language reading, NLP and regular social skills would be invaluable for an Operator.

very good ideas! ive been sort of going along that route, in that ive been building a BLM account on FB with 400 or so friends, each an active BLM or Black Panther member. Ive been slowly exposing them to trump without any backlash whatsoever. very good shilling methods you mentioned, user. we may need to find where the nigger congregates online. just fb/twitter?

for anyone new, so far the strategy seems to be:

I think networking is worth a mention. Joining clubs and volunteer organizations where you're likely to meet prominent community members, looking for opportunities, making connections.

very true. without networking theres nothing. im also working on a website to host every single major redpill, which we can easily link to for saucing normies

very smart

Jews were way, way overrepresented in slave trade. This is basically THE political issue blacks have in their minds at all times.

If we can push merchants to them (as in jewish slave owners) as well

We have a big problem here which is actual participation in anything more than simple raids. I'm gonna make myself a pretend normie black twitter

I think you should create a type of anonymous chat, like a Discord, so people can freely interchange other types of contact and ideas.

First of all your should care about the anti takedown procedures.

good idea. will look into secure p2p messaging

explain please?

I can't

I2P's IRCs should be enough, but obviously it's difficult to setup

yeah. been considering i2p and also the Osiris SPS. need something secure and fun to use

Both are useless to fight a state actor, but for firsts educational chats, I2P with hidden mode (almost 0 conf) should be enough.

Also, Op. People usually run out of fuel very quickly in any type of social movement. Or basically anything that doesn't make profit. So good luck, you will get some experience with this.

OP, make a secure tripcode and act as a leader figure, if that's what you want. As long as you don't become an e-celeb whore I think you could make a positive impact.

Speaking of that…

Back when Holla Forums discovered Bella and the Bulldogs was veiled cuck porn, I started looking up pro-family, anti-porn, evangelical organizations state by state and emailing them about it. I started getting personal responses from the heads of these organizations saying they were interested and wanting to know more. Pic related.

The takeaway is that there's a lot of Boomers who are on our side, but internet culture is totally foreign to them, and they don't have access to the same information we do. If we started to engage with them like suggests, we could get a lot more done.

checked. will play around more with i2p. if you happen to find anything better.

you're right about that! im having a difficult time coming up with incentives to make autists actually work, aside from yunno - saving the white race. some ppl just need more

lots of dubs in this thread. thanks for the support, user. i think ill try what you suggest

Another failed project, I guess. You can't learn from the lefties.

i had the same feeling as you at first. but Anonymous had no leader - everyone was the leader. and it was very easy to infiltrate/take over.

maybe not a leader.
maybe a group or organization that is lead by a common idea and values.

if we share the same values, and if we agree on how such a group should run, and what should happen to those who dissent - then we will have a fully leader-full group which can not be infiltrated or thwarted.

what do you think?


Them kikes defiled Babylon during Nebuchadnezzar's reign, then fully took over once Amil-Marduk handed the keys to the kingdom to exiled kike king Jehoiachin,

You should learn about anarchism (not the meme one), self-management, direct action and consensus process. I'm not saying using it, I'm saying learning.

Once you learn that, you should learn about asset protection and 'VAT extraction' (I put that name because I don't know another, basically a technique in which with every purchase you don't only don't pay taxes, but you get the taxes money). Etc, etc. It's very easy to get a stable intake of money without doing anything.

But ofc, it's useless if people is not ready to do anything with that money.

Ups, sorry the phone quote double

nice! i followed everything but the VAT extraction method. is there a link explains this method? thanks user!

Sadly is a easy and legal method but not a known one for a reason. I mean, it is very popular in the riches circles, but I think you get the idea.

Problem with this is what you can interpret as the most cool solution of our times: You can quit your job and dedicate 24/7 to this project. Problem is, people will join you only for the free moneys.

interesting concept! no idea how VAT extraction works tho. BUT…

maybe it would be a good idea to encourage members of this alliance to develop at least one method of earning income without relying on an employer. this would benefit us all.

This is what I'm talking about, I will explain the procedure.

You have a debit card, you purchase shit, you pay/not pay VAT, depending of which store you buy.

At the end of the year, you get the money equivalent of both (vat payed or not) type of purchases.

So if you make a purchase to another company, you get vat x 2 in free moneys.

How? Simple, if you don't have income, but you have expenditures, all vat it's in your return.

interesting thanks user!
will look more into this technique

I know it sounds ridiculous, but let me tell you. You don't have to be smart to make tons of easy money, example: rents

First concentrate in the most important thing:
-A plan
-With different scale objectives.

-Secure communications.

-Skilled (I repeat, SKILLED) staff.


If you are capable of not mixing everything and don't fucking it up. You're ready to go.

My only advice is that you better be more clever than the Jew and neither use a per-se centralized or decentralized method of comms/organization/command.

If you use your brain a little, you will see the obvious flaws of structure, decision making and workflow that everyone has.

And the more obvious and red flag advice. If they can follow the money, your screwed. That's why der juden "diversify".

nice hitler dubs. the agenda you laid out is absolutely what we've come to as a unified body of shitposters and frogmen. this idea is now in the collective conscious of Holla Forums. it will grow from here. excellent!

And no, Bitcoin is not an option (per-se), and no, mixing btc is a meme (get a mathematician, you will need it). That doesn't mean that other crypto moneys are made right.

And of course, another obvious business advice and that's why everyone just fuck up from the starters:
If you put all your assets in the same place, virtually or not virtually. If your assets are destroyed, you're fugged.
If everyone is depending on you, a hitman costs 100$.
If your organization can be subverted with an influx of new people with a 3xsize your organization. You're screwed and a nigger.

Don't be a nigger.


If an infiltrator can subvert your organization making friends with the "core people" either trying to make conflicts with each other or simply lobbying.

If someone has much to gain or lose in anythinf

Ugh, this phone is shit. I'm gonna use the PC and make a big post

We're not gonna name the jew though. right?
Maybe we should start of with individual jews like what we did with Hillary(good goy) and Soros.



the only obstacle we have in naming the Jew is "dats raycist!" im surprised how many normies dont realize "Jew" isnt a race at all. but ive had a lot of success redpilling people this way.

i believe we should name the Jew.
we should shout his crimes outloud for the whole world to witness.

whoever did that is a genius

If an infiltrator can subvert your organization making friends with the "core people" either trying to make conflicts with each other or simply lobbying em. You're an idiot, again (This is how 99% of all the shit in human history go down)

If someone has much to gain or lose, they can be bribed (doesn't matter what form of bribery). And you again are an idiot.
(You should not think in terms of can or cannot. You should think in terms of: Is it possible that these things work in my design?

You should make it in a way where you don't need to enforce anything.)

You should design (protip: not necessary) your decision making process in such a way where emotion-indoctrination has no power. Ergo, all your decisions are logical and holistic.

As you can see OP, I'm posting a few things that I can remember time to time. Making a project of your own it's easy, it really is. And it's easy to make something not subverted.

Problem is that there's no human quality around to make it work in time. The keyword you're searching is priority-order.

Don't make an organization where power can be concentrated and don't make one. You need a lot of infrastructure, in terms of a lot of organizations, each with their people and goal.

But most important.
-You should make one for the economic sustainability of people.
-You should make at least 5 new agencies. (This is where most of your shekels will crash)
-You should make der juden enterprises to multiply your shekels.

In almost 80 years nothing similar and/or relevant to those 3 points have been made, so don't concentrate in other shit right know. If you can do those three points, you can do everything: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_degrees_of_separation

You don't need to concentrate of naming the fucking jew, it's cost ineffective; at least for now. You have 4/Holla Forums for that.

If you stormniggers could think (let's leave it at that) more outside the box you will have the power to name the jew in large proportions. And I mean real large, not some meme 5 million view video.

Example: Breitbart, yes, fucking SJW-juden Breitbart.
They came from nowhere and have more clicks that all of your shit will never have, because they have brains.
Hell, they even use a standard CMS with the default template (they only changed the colours)


thanks for the well thought out post, user. screencapped, and i agree with all of your points, especially

ive taken that to heart

true. the Jew doesn't say, "kill white people!" they say something which sounds totally logical, but leads the People to the conclusion of its necessary to kill white people. very crafty.

It's very simple. If you have moneys (moneys usually equal people, you don't necessary need to have money to produce quality content), you can make quality content and pay marketing. So your shit gets more widespread.

For example, I mean, this example is very dumb, but here we go: Zeitgeist.

We all laugh about Zeitgeist, but hey, we ARE laughing because we know it.

good point. im not too concerned with money or funding atm. in fact, id like this to be centered around open source projects, so the money we do generate can be used solely for our projects - not paying for hosting or other things which make (((them))) wealthy

I concentrate in talking about this, because what I'm really triying to say is scale economics.

You don't need money at all for doing anything right know. But what you obviously don't need it's to waste your time and fight 2000 fronts at once, you already have people doing it. Once you grow big the time you had to use to "name the jew" is reduced to nothing; so you can dedicate a group to name the jew 28/7/1488

you're absolutely right. one group to name the jew, one to redpill normiefags, etc. very good insight

thanks mods.

heres the archive if anyone needed it.


If you want to outjew the jew you need to use the same dishonest tactics he applies.

Create a meme army and twitter accounts of fake jews who openly propose and call out for white genocide, while celebrating immigrant crimes and the refugee crisis bringing down europe.

They are not used to these tactics being applied in an ideological war against them, and will not know how to defend themselves.

this is brilliant! will start making accounts over the next few days

This is already done. It's another waste of time because there is already 15 years old making it and because it's easily to automate.

Care to post some form of contact for continue this conversation when you have more clear ideas/methods?

A lot of different ideas out here, use trial and error. See what works. Report back your successes.

Remember that everything we write here is going to be read by the Jews, but what's good about the shilling strategy is that there is absolutely no way for them to stop it.

What are Jews going to do, tell every single forum "Oh don't listen to anyone who implies we are bad"?

That just plays into the trap we're laying out for them. Guilt trips work on white people but not on Negros who lack empathy. If the niggers see Jews as white, they won't defend them. If they see Jews as non-white, we've isolated the Jew.

Also, despite all the damage Jews do, and the media there are very few of them, 13-15 million. They don't have the resources to defend themselves so as more people get redpilled. We need to somehow cut them off from their cuck support and I believe that starts will clearly differentiating them from Europeans in the common mans mind.

Any ideas on how to do that would be welcome.

How delusional can you get?
I thought this was 8ch not cuckchan. Jews control the money supply.

They even have a country, ffs.


no. as soon as I become a person separate from the collective of Holla Forums, im vulnerable to attack and so are these ideas.

we've already laid out a plan, which is being put into action. websites are being built, secure P2P chat systems are being tested. Soon… very soon this organization will come upon Holla Forums like a fire in the night.

No, you're not, but it's ok.
Research I2p-bote and gpg.

I strongly believe Holla Forums needs to start forming its own fake religion. One that allows us to push our ideology while simultaneously mocking and exposing the underhandedness of kikes and liberals.

For example, we could create our own version of the Kosher tax. Then we could threaten to boycott food companies if they don't pay us to have our "rabbi" inspect their products to make sure they're KEK approved.

That single act would easily earn our "church" tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Money which could be used to support our members, bribe politicians, etc.

Of course, people and companies would be rightfully upset about our KEK tax. It would bring us a LOT of media attention. So we use that spotlight to redpill normies. Just imagine:

And hiding our ideology behind a religion will confuse SJW and help us expose their double standards.

We would make it obvious that we don't actually believe in KEK and are only doing this ironically to push agendas we think are best for our society. But every time someone questions or attacks us we could use the opportunity to play the victim and then redpill.

The Jews have pretty much given us the perfect blueprint on how to abuse religion to gain power. I know it would feel dirty to imitate them but it may be necessary if we want to win this culture war.

We can't keep fighting with our hands tied behind our backs.

And this is how you get directly in prison. Good try.

Praise Kek! This is a real religion Holla Forumsuddy.

On the other hand, they say if Hitler would have founded a religion instead of a political party, no one would have tried to stop him.

My opinion on this is that I've been thinking along the same lines, but OP's post doesn't have the quality I'd want for a project like this.

My advice for starters is that every user should know about persuasion and the moist robot hypothesis. Read Cialdini's book, Influence.


These people aren't exactly race-realism-deniers, but they aren't racist either. Grant them that weakness. But a knowledge of persuasion among our people is necessary to save the white race in the long run. Strong persuasion is a Jewish instinct, but it can be learned.

nice try satan, but we've already discussed the need for social skills/engineering/persuasion.

divide and conquer will not work here.
try halfchan.

What's your complaint babbler?

Nope, it would all be perfectly legitimate as long as you keep up the pretense of a real church.

And even bribing politicians is legal under certain circumstances.

Alright faggots we need to get #OpenBordersforIsrael trending again.
I'm doing my part I hope you do too.

Cut out the defeatism. If you are just going to lament Jewish successes perhaps you can venture over to cuckchan and spew 1488 memes and accomplish nothing.

Or we can critically discuss how to take down the mechanisms that are destroying our people. It is not going to be easy but you can help us if you put your mind to it.

So we have a few unique opportunities to destroy their influence. If we could somehow audit the fed, we could weaken their monetary games significantly.

If we can weaken the US support for Israel we leave them open to pressure from the various militaries surrounding them.

We can do a death of a thousand cuts to their reputation (which is what this thread is tending to suggest), by isolating various factions within the US and turning them on the jews.

This isn't fantasy, with coordination we can shift public opinions in key areas. I don't think even the alphabet agencies quite understand how effective shilling can potentially be when utilized properly (e.g. not Hello Fellow Nazis).

If you can help channel your inner Goebbles you can be an asset to us and by extension white nationalism, but defeatism is not needed or welcome.

First and foremost we need a good FAQ, it could be something like this or not:


But we need a question, answer compilation.


this is a very good idea, user.

here's what I have planned so far:

ill be working on these things.
if you guys could work on the great ideas you've come up with, that'd be excellent

P.S. this is my rarest pepe please dont steal

goodnight Holla Forums!

I2P encourages torrents, and it's very torrent friendly.

Also: tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs

For Public/Easy access and as a temporal measure Discord is fine, I guess. But we should move to another systems, I suggest Hyperboria as a network.

I created the Discord: discord.gg/vqtFT

WorldStarhiphop has forums frequented by thousands of niggers a day, come to gawk at each other's shiny trinkets and rubberneck at gory videos, I'd start there.
Remember, niggers will believe in things that paint them with a glorious past and a downfall to their current state more than they will the horror of their existance.
For example: We was kangz nigga but dem jooz stabbed us inna da back, enslaved us and sol us ta Whitey. Dey do annyfin fer a quik buc! Fookin jooz mang!

He's right you know. You are a newfag and anyone encouraging this thread is also a newfag.

And you just realized this?

Multiple generations of deep rooted propaganda, controlling the money supply and infiltrating governments.

It's goyim you faggot.

Did it ever occur to you that this is what Jews want? Or that current racial tensions are manufactured so that big government can come in and rescue the population from themselves? Federalization of local police, more surveillance, moving the goal post of a hate crime to include anyone who wrongthinks. I'm beginning to think you have never thought about any of this. Niggers are useful idiots and since they are the easiest hornet's nest to stir (guaranteed chimpouts and chaos) they are being targeted.

This is the only point worth paying attention to. But they can never be "redpilled" You can just turn the kike's pets against them.

But tbh this entire time you've wasted on making this trash OP you could have drummed up some OC memes to be spread around and posted those instead.

You need to lurk more. Get off your ass and read Bernay's Propaganda. This thread has been gone over a million times on this board. What do you think meme magic is? Just some cute shitposting? Fuck off.

To the ovens.

hey. if you dont want to help, we dont want to hear your complaining. thanks, user!

top kek

you think IRC or something would be better?

the idea is to have one chat thats public. anyone can get into it, talk and blah blah. but we also have a private chat for working Operators, and individual teams would choose their own method of communication.


If you want to outjew the semite I'd recommend you to learn about the Aryan ways of freemasonry

fuck. how do I make redirection to another board
I feel stupid.



pick one