Why are Young Republicans so uniquely dorky and insufferable?

Why are Young Republicans so uniquely dorky and insufferable?

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Don't even know them, but young right wingers are usualy middle class that don't want the system to change, or prols that are too spooked.

They have to be.
It's P U R E I D E O L O G Y



His face disgusts me.

They get more sensible. They realize the idealistic ways of socialism aren't practical. There's a saying often attributed to Winston Churchill: "A man not a socialist at 20 has no heart, a man not a capitalist at 40 has no brain." I'm heartless.
I'm going to laugh so i don't die from an ideology overdose tbh familia.

Also, this gem.



This is a fake quote. The false quote didn't even mention socialist.

Because they are all of the ideology carried over from baby boomers with none of the environment that gave birth to that mentality.

They are like what a black-jewish-gay self-hating nazi, a walking a testament of the power of indoctrination.

Because they're smart and mature, unlike all of us economic illiterates.




Well the one you posted resembles a young Lamer Smith, complete with the smile that's about halfway between smug pig and sweaty-lipped kiddie-diddler, and unfortunately this seems to be representative of most of the young Republicans I've met. Combine that with the typical insufferable 'well you should have planned ahead and did x' and 'you just didn't work hard enough' smarm and condescension, moralism and the impression that he's trying to seem mature by parroting words he doesn't understand the actual meaning of/the lack of possible weight of the experience and wisdom of years he doesn't have that might give those words some credence, and there you go. One annoying young republican.

Semi-related, anybody else find the faux-posh accents the UKIP turds put on incredibly annoying and eyeroll-inducing also? I'm just a teaboo yank and even I think it's idiotic.

Revenge of the Nerds writ large.

those aren't faux middle class accents, those are their real voices because they're all insufferable middle class berks.

Thanks for reminding me this video exists.

How many workers do you think wind up as petite bourgeois or above without ever having intended to get there?

Shit, this was supposed to be its own thread

It's the fact that they've been born into a rich family and then have the nerve to tell you that you didn't work hard enough to have nice things.

When nobody wants to date them because of their selfish personality and less-than-stellar looks, they become social conservatives as well because if they can't have sex, nobody can!

To be honest, people in those organizations (and YAF) tend to be pretty respectable and decent to hang out with (both in the political sense and the "have a beer with" sense) compared to college campus 'leftists' and identity-politics-obsessed 'socialists'. Of course, I'm highly biased.

Dorky is probably true enough, but pretty much everyone in college as an 18-22 year old is youthfully stupid in some way.

I'm in College Republicans at my university and my family is below the poverty line.

your dad seems like a cool guy

make your dad a socialist, user

Are you unaware that the republican party conspires actively to keep you there, or do you think that you're going to be rich someday?

He's just going to pull himself up by his bootstraps and rail about how envious poor people are of others "hard work".

It can get worse. I know a young Republican who hates Trump, so now he's trying to convince everyone on Facebook to vote Hillary.

They are the kinds of people who live completely in a bubble of religion and authoritarian parenting.

Nothing about them is unique. Dorky and insufferable are judgments made by the beholder, not anything truly objective.

Calling them uniquely dorky gives them some kind of credit and belittles all other dorks, in fact it kind of associates dorkyness with reaction, which only serves to drive a wedge between working class dorks and working class cool kids.

The biggest prole of them all.