As I promised, brand-new gang-stalking of gangsters!! Come with me to explore the spic/nigger criminal underground of Texas…and fascinanting insights into chicano culture such as drug slang or death cults.
We shall go trough with the whole procedure, as a kind of walk–trough

Other urls found in this thread:

keep going OP

Bump for death cults.


A hwhat?


Every one of these subhuman savages need to be exterminated. EverySingleOne


Police already have him registered..this is good

Videos of illicit activities.
Come one guys! THE GOOSE IS LOOSE


A prime of example of chicano culture
the gunman isn't even in an original pose, it's an stock image of a terrorist.


Looking good OP. You letting their 'work' know? Alos, no nigras?

It won't matter if they live in a sanctuary city.

fucking little subhuman

probably the best scene from falling down. Going to a 70% mexican school despite living in 90% white state while growing up is probably why Id put falling down on my top 10 movies.

turn the shitskins against each other

I swear to god only we do death cults right.

members of the "sur 13" gang in san antonio

This people need to be exterminated Un-ironically.
they're like animals, unable or unwilling to ever do anything useful.

Are this pills a serious crime?

Considering I don't think it is Pez, and maybe X (been out of the drug culture for over 20 years, is this what MDMA looks like now) yes. Big time.


Anyone here?
do send this to the Bolice guys…we could causes MASS ARRESTS

The negroe even admits the crime.

If Xanax (I guess that's what this crap is)

About the same:

Source (see Penalty Group 3):

Ok, so far. the two biggest guys are this
We know the're allies, have guns and armed buddies. They deal dangerous drugs in relevant numbers.

Yep, it's xanax.
Xanax is referred to as "bars" or in some regions "banana bars".

They're 2mg xanax, every manufactured pill has an identifier, if you google the code on the pill you'll find dose and drug identified

I seriously doubt that he has these prescribed to him

literally committing assault on camera

How dumb are these people?

Ha. It must suck to be non-white.

Let's make a sticky or something.
we're having a real chance of having him arrested

Jesus the chipping screams on that one. They've met the negroes and interbred.

Jews, women and various faggots have voiced strong opposition to calls for a Right-Wing Death Squad program, which would involve masked vigilantes on motorcycles gunning down drug dealers and other criminals in the street.

The main arguments against such a program are “human rights” and “democracy.” However, studies show that no one has any idea what either of those terms mean, with many people believing they are totally meaningless buzzwords used to justify the complete destruction of society by Jews.

We have a problem in this country, people. A problem which is being ignored, given that it mainly effects White males. That problem is called “heroin.”

What I always wonder, is where the flying fuck do they even get all these pharmaceuticals?
These all look like they were manufactured by a reputable company, not some thug with a tab press.

I sourced the mp4 for ya, m8. Fuck kikebook…

There's nothing really Inmoral about killing this kind of "people"

Major dealers. they go from official cartel to street corner.
it's a large chain and the quantity gradually lowers


I guess what I mean is I don't understand how they get from the legit factory, into the hands of the major dealers.
Do the dealers steal shipments of them?
Do the dealers infiltrate the factories?

Combination of prescription resellers and Asia. India and China produce all this shit, so not hard for them to run an "overtime" shift one night and sell that direct to a us dealer at an insane markup.

T. Know some stuff about some stuff

big pharma makes deals with cartels based on money.
This is well-known, they just pay for a shipment of the pills and then distribute
the pills are good,if all buyers die bussiness ends.

Oh, ok, I see what you're getting at.


I was going to say the same thing. Big pharma has to be making some behind the curtains deals with the cartels.

They make these pills like the Federal Reserve prints money.

USA is where cartels go to relax. Even they want to escape Mexico, so all the important narcos travel trough texas.
Trump MUST engage the mexican navy,army and police. They have dossiers with the accounts and possesions of the main cartel bosses.
Mexico has kind of to be invaded.

The US sends "advisers" to countries all over the world.
Why couldn't they send some "advisers" to Mexico too?

Looks like Xanax to me. Not sure what the punishment is in Texas but that is a shitton of pills.

good question.
in Colombia they had drug money too but they did send paramiltary heroes to destroy FARC.
It's the cuck culture man.
they're brown so who would DARE say they're cannibalistic meth dealers?

This I hadn't heard. To be honest it doesn't really matter to them because they could just as easily have the contacts to make their asian factory owners do the extra production and the illicit sales, it's the same idea.

With Meth I heard it's a little different, you need massive quantities of precursor drugs that are tough to get, so the idea is ship them from asia. But even that is getting looked at too hard, so the new thing is direct shipments from the usa with approval from us military intelligence.

There was a cool ass thread not long ago about the Utah daycare, where some anons followed the guy who was running it to South America and cartels. Apparently the deal was, take kids from Eastern Europe > give to middle easterners > give to cartels > give to military intelligence > give to jews and their puppets here for sacrifice and eating > get pharma precursors from pharmajew > repay cartels with precursor chemicals > they make Meth > take it back across and distribute.

The most interesting thing to me is that at the highest levels the jews and the turncoat are still deathly afraid of getting caught. What they call the "back bench revolt" is probably just more like "we can't bribe em all", plus a lot of dudes are apparently pretty straight up and honest about liking America, pretty hopeful stuff.

I count 41 pills in that, though it's blurry and hard to tell in the middle. Not sure just how many he'd need to get at least that third class felony in though.

Anyone been keeping track how many have gone to jail from these threads?

If Mexican navy wanted to cut off the head they would just step in and become new boss. Remember farc "heroes" became crime lords after.

I just want cartels to know they cannot come within 25 miles of our border without risking their life.

in Mexico there aren't any jews, it's a simple game where the meanest guy wins.
Literally that. el chapo never went to high school. el Z40 eats human hearts because it gibs him powers.
spics are like war-lords, they parade with a Hummer and ak-47,then wind up dead.
ignore the music, but here's a literal video of spics crossing your border

Nah I was saying that the cartel operative was the one funneling the kids to an American operative in utah, who then funneled the kids to jews. I've heard 50 to 60,000 per year in the usa alone, that's a lot of kids to kill.

I know what you mean in terms of the cartels, but I still have to point out pic related

We should have conquered Mexico and genocided spics instead of wasting time in anglo-germanic conflicts.

Is… that supposed to be a gate, or do the panels just fit into vertical slots?

First step is wall. Then deport. Then pinch the drugs dealers. Then we can talk about the cross border raids. Triggering video btw.

Psychiatrists hand out pills like candy, it is easy to bullshit them, get prescribed 10 or so xanax pills a month, and then just no take them for a while and stockpile. It is how college kids get their adderal also, I knew a guy from high school who officially had "ADD" but just stockpiled the pills and sold them, he didn't take them himself since he didn't like uppers and still did fine in school. Psychiatrists are legal drug dealers and their racket feeds directly into street level drug dealers. There are an abundance of crooked pharmacies in Mexico, India, etc. as well.

Carlos Slim was a buddy of marcial macial,alleged pedo priest.
I honestly haven't found proof of the pedophilia but…

It's like a security gate. easily by-passable it seems.

the lyrics say s/thing like
google narco-corridos

Those paramilitaries ended up trafficking drugs themselves or being on the take. It is easy to pretend you would be some model RWD guy, and certainly there are upstanding gentlemen perfectly capable of resisting corruption but you have also likely never been offered $1 million+ in cash for a simple, but crooked favor.

Take NOFAP guys.
honestly. but 50 soldiers in a room and the one who resists more days without wanking is impossible to corrupt.
also gib them shitty good and no fun. slow torture is the only way to confirm mental thoughness

Can confirm. Struggling to not fap for even a week now that I'm not depressed anymore and doing sports. Cold showers only make me want to fap more

Those aren't just spics, they're cartel. The title translates to something like "just like that people, from Chapo Guzman"

I'm in the central Texas area, anybody got dox info on this guy?

No, the title is "just like that: the people from el chapo guzman"
All cartel is spics, but not all(ok,many) spics are cartel.
however ALL spics pay the cartel for transport. even the nicer ones.

Most so far is from

I don't more than I posted.
it's risky but try to have him sell you,then you catch him.
if you know the area you can surely identify where he hangs out

Possible matches for "Mission Hills":

There's really not much to go on here.


what's the next step of your master plan?


Basically that. We need a culture where jailing a thug is like sending a raunchy text to a succubi.
this can NEVER rely on a single guy. it needs be massive

Will police even touch spics?


If we make this spread they won't have a choice.
when everyone knows who the dealer is..police have to lock him to prevent mob justice!!
Prisons won't be for punishment..they're gonna be for protection.

Reminds me of Duterte publicly listing names. I don't usually condone working with cuckchan, but this has great potential to cause a lot of damage if enough autism and memes are put into exposing narcos.

Adding in with your call for a sticky


Speaking of memes, I don't think I've really seen any anti-narco memes yet. This is untapped potential. We have to use the forces of Kek to push this like we do with everything else.

Is there even an anti-narco egregore character yet?

The closest thing is Duterte in terms of anti-narco memes, but I don't think he's all to effective as shown in past Duterte threads.

Fuck, I meant too

search cuckchan
i made a thread there

So,,is Duterte the pet of the "anti narco division" of the Alt Right?
i vote YAY

Hmm, what kind of cartoonish character would embody the spirit of anti-narco resistance I wonder?




I'm feeling something with it, but he needs to be refined through further memes

Seems like it has potential, even as a prototype.

Also this:

The simpler and more memorable an egregore character is, the easier it is to fuel, and the easier it is to be copied, etc.

Maybe we can put a funny mask, like a guy fawkes mask.

Are you just being cheeky?

He makes them leave vertically and horizontally, his name is diagonal man.

yes and no
memes need to be cheeky. they need to trigger people.

Fair enough, but is the goy fauwkse mask really the right triggering mechanism for this?

I feel like his already existing mask should be exaggerated, much like how Moonman's defining two physical features are his moon head and shades.

I'm thinking is onto something, though not with the guy fawkes mask.

If we make his definition the suit rather than the person underneath, he can be an avatar for all anti-narco leaders and vigilantes, such as Duterte. We need more anti-narco leaders in history to use

Yes, its a massive object in the collective,
it eases visualization.
a chanting mantra maybe¿?

The implication is wrong.
The goy fauks mask will invoke revulsion in meme-wizards, the exact opposite of what it's supposed to invoke.

I like this plan and have reported the thread requesting a sticky. Hopefully mods will oblige our demands of shitskin incarceration.

made the proportions seems silly and gigantic guns.
looke like a Digimon, now.

We urgently need a Duterte in Mexico.

It's a good start, we need a drawfag in here to solidify it further. But that silly looking edited picture can actually be used whenever we hear of an anti-narco attack or arrest. We need the meme to truly start its course

can anyone modify the number for 88 and maybe some other detail?
the base look is ideal for DA-san


A internet legend worthy of enciclopedia dramatica is being born today

His justice will blot out the narcos as arrows would blot out the sun.

this photo is great for meme magic.
We need to make it read "the Thread" and modify the police so he's DS-chan
also sam hyde on the credits



What does kek have to do with it?
Why isn't this a stand-alone?

Death squad-san is the War aspect of KEK.
He embodies brave soldiers and the resolute Aryan.
everytime a criminal dies we must post him in the photo

Also, how do you expect gore to spread in normie networks?
This just makes him look insane.

Wouldn't a justice aspect work better for this?

I thought it was for the alt-right.
Ebola-chan is much worse and yet…

maybe..a cyberpunk grim reaper?

The what?

These are some of the best threads on Holla Forums.

the dailystormer is read by many gun-owning texans.
we need to use memes to get near both the mainstream and trump

It's Xanax, my dad used to take them

and yes, if you don't have a prescription, that's a pretty big crime.

My point is what if this egregore was lawful good.
It could also work towards healing relations between communities and police forces.

Let's send him to da big house

I let the drawfag decide
i can't draw for shit

If the picture is clear enough, you can use this handy tool to identify any prescription pills they're posting:

Also useful if you find a random pill on your floor and want to know what it is before you throw it out.

What if he's both lawful good and chaotic good? He could have two sides, the imageboard friendly narco massacre, and the mainstream friendly informer and narco doxxer

Thanks user. Gods work etc….

That would flesh it out with it's two genders.
That could work.

can /baph/ helps us with the dox?

also maybe DEA will never help's a ragtag team red-pilling the people

If these guys are obviously so fucking retarded why haven't the cops done shit?


Not sure if they're even still active.

You got a twitter handle or can make one?
try putting the photos online, send it to the texas P.D. and to pro-Trump people.
I know we can start a fire

Are any Holla Forumsacks regular users of /baph/? Could we get Benji in on it for the keks of massive dox-arrests and killings?

I bet if you hit Benji up on twitter he would be up for it.

come on!
let's press on

True. OP, you know what to do, this has massive potential. I'd hit him up myself but I don't have any type of twitter account.
And his supreme oldfagness intimidates me

what's Benji's handle?
Ill see what I can do

and he's BO of /baphomet/, not /baph/, /baphomet/ is the true board

Threads like this prove that 90% of this boards population is under the age 18, this is fucking embarrassing.




/baph/ is just for short.


This is my "part of the deal"

I need more twitter warriors, a guy to talk to me rite now to answer some questions about me getting involved formally in "the movement"

I fucking hate normans that steal pepe

Have you tried contacting Benji yet?


I misread it first, been awake for too long. I'll apologize for my faggotry by checking his dubs

Now I'm (2)
And you're still

Thanks for bumping the thread

Actually user as of your post he is equal to (18) not less than it.

Now make an actual point.


My point is none of this will amount to anything and you're a bunch of underage larpers sliding better threads with this crap, but please prove me wrong and post evidence of your actions actually having an effect

go die in a fire, pinko scum


This is sweet.

I saw your Trump tweet, we need to give him pictures of narcos on twitter. If we can get him to comment on how easy it is to pick out dealers, we can perhaps get him to make more statements on starting a true drug war Duterte style.
Use this cheeky photos to stir shit up!!

narcos have son. sons have hostage value.

Shit like this makes me believe in Providence.

He's probably just a salty degenerate.

That brings up something else, if we can find the families of narcos, especially the teen ones, could we get them to report them? Or would they just not care?

Even that rifle looks stolen. What gang member buys a Winchester 94(?)? - looks to me like some older gentleman's collection was looted.

They're very sensitive about their parents.
insult and slander against el chapo will work, its "risky", but it can work.

"The enemis were as many as the stars, but there were all struck down. All drug dealers, everyone..he got rid of all of them.
we did it, for the future, for You. for a land of children and laughs, of casual talks, of silly anecdotes. For a summer of heat and love, refreshed by a public pool .For a harsh winter, softened by kindle fires. For a spring of bycicles, some books perhaps, and surely many a fun cartoon late at night.
For the board games, for the friendly fights on the football field, for the cheeky jokes over the first puberty, for the mischief of finishing high school.
We killed them all for that. And so would we again"

Feels good man, if only we could push him to go full Duterte.

Also beware, if we are going to throw shit, doing so in imageboards and/or behind 9 proxies is a must, stories about anonymous whistleblowers and bloggers being publicly executed/beheade in Mexico and Colombia was normal back in the day
Later on it was said that narcos paid your usual russian hackers, the kind of ones who clone credit cards, to trace those guys and dox them

8/pol/ is safe to push this, we've pissed off more powerful groups than cartels and gotten away with it

Still need more?

here's one. working on others

I love it, I knew a drawfag would come through. Keep em coming.

We can be on twitter all night, but pushing memes and creating thoughtforms is what will grant us true victory.

What the fuck is with normalfag memes that have insane artifacts? It's basically a meme of its own by this point.

Looks like a Henry Big boy.

normies don't save pictures on the interwebs, they take photos of their screen with a shitty phone

normalfags have no knowledge or experience in image manipulation, also


is that a .50?

Lurk more

I saged once three days ago and now it's always there
sometimes I forget to delete it first

like right then

Y'all are retarded. Those are 2 mg xanax bars. You would have to have like a garbage bag full of those things for it to be a felony. Literally just having a bag of weed is more illegal than that.

We don't know if those are the only drugs they're dealing though, and they also publicly post their violent crimes that they can be caught on as well.

That's just how shit is in Austin. I love Texas but that city specifically is lost cause. Art Acevedo and the rest on the Austin police department are basically run by the Mexican Mafia. They don't care that violent thugs are selling drugs as long as it's "their" thugs doing it.

Sometimes I forget how the most basic of knowledge is esoteric wizardry to these NPC retards.


The meme you're trying to build won't work. It has no power, no soul. You need a hollow vessel that's filled either by the viewer or by some outside force. Look at three of the sucesses: Anonymous, Kek, and Ebola-chan. Anonymous is the face of everyone who goes on chans, anyone who likes Anonymous BECOMES him, puts their desires into him and gives him power. Whereas Kek is a totem, every time there's some sort of happening the events are blamed on Kek, whether he acts or not he gains power as things naturally occur and are attributed to him. Ebola-chan is a personification of a disease, it has it's own habits and preferences, and Ebola-chan is a lens to view that through, as actions are more meaningful if it's a human doing it instead of a virus.

All three of them have SOUL, you can instantly and easily imagine what they want, what they like and dislike, and what types of tings they might do in the future. Death-squad-san is lifeless, he has nothing driving him. My advice is to drop him as a focal point and just use RWDS, as in "these drug dealers are being assassinated by Right Wing Death Squads." Just take any random people and shop rifles and balaclavas onto them. Make it a projection like the infamous hacker known as 4chan.

Instead of making a totem, BE the RWDS, take responsibility for anyone's actions if they align with the meme, real and fake, until CNN is interviewing some asshole behind a privacy screen about his high leadership position in the Right Wing Death Squad organization that's sweeping the nations.A good starting point is look into all the dealers getting killed on the streets in turf wars and robberies and claim that RWDS are killing them, not gangs and other drug dealers.

-Accredited Meme Wizard

Texas doesn't fuck around.

I actually think this might be a better method of going about this. I second just focusing on using the already existing RWDS meme.

Early bump

Killing degenerates and non hWhites who threaten our survival? Sounds good.

Using the tactics that have been used against feminist actresses and salty members of the (((news media))), and turning them against drug dealers? That's fucking hilarious.
Plus they know even less about the internet, when we start posting their dox half of them are going to think it's fucking voodoo.

Depends how high up the food chain you go. A few dealers get removed, and some other, equally-stupid gangbanger will step in to take their place. The high-ups in the cartels probably won't feel any effects on their profit margins for a few years, and in a few years time , Kek willing, they will have far bigger things to worry about.

You could use them as a source of dox. Insult them behind a realistic-looking shill account until they tell you their address (or at least the general area, from which photos combined with streetview will narrow things down further) and challenge you to a fight. Hey presto, dox of the parents, provided by the children.

Don't forget the old arcade shooter NARC, or it's forgotten sequel from 2003ish. Could be some meme potential there.

OP, you seem like above average IQ guy…..
why not go after FBI terrorist list, you could get something like 5 million dollars for intel on those guys, just don't go after those palestinian "terrorist"

OP has potential, its just that he is "dry" and "raw" with his execution
Now, if he were to infuse his meme with lulz, as our prophet Pepe tought us the secrets of KeKs power, then his meme would go far and wide

The ideology behind OP is strong, it looks for better tommorow, but it needs an emotional smug angle to it, there's where lulz come to play

Instead of just calling police on these scumbags, he could have notify the drug dealers that he has called police on them.
(of course behind 7 proxies)
This way he would make them pissed, probably drain their rage to gain lulz meme power and make his idea more powerful

The strength of Holla Forums is lulz, brought to us by prophet Pepe, the secret enigma of our God KeK. We must use it every turn to spread our memes far and wide

Dubs demand lulz for Kek.


How do I assure that I will get paid and not murdered by fbi itself?
If I will do that it has to be under the table.

I'm preparing some google earth/maps with possible narco locations, that way any hacker can use instagram to GPS-pin point them.
If it works just once then the system is stablished.

This will be good for the Alt Right PR

Someone contact buzzfeed and get them to break the news that we're aiding the police

cartels are a warming up through
the end-game is targeting corporations and heads of state

What the fuck was that all about?


The moment a white gang emerges from this economic recession is the end of mexican control of the drug trade.

(infact I think the Italians, Irish and (((them))) still control it.. especially the latter. Mafias might be one of the reasons why corruption has increased in the government)

There's a reason for that:

Gangsta types haven't been really wronged just because they were born in a shitty social stratum solely because of their subhuman ancestor's incompetence.

Carlos Slim is Lebanese heritage. He doesn't even seem that bad compared to most American billionaires. He was pushing for a shorter work week.

can cartels be SUED?

what about aryan brotherhood?

no drugs allowed

What the hell is going on with that bowlcut? I guess these apes think its "chic". Heh, "chic"ano. You can laugh now.

it's a fact they deal meth

bump. I'm gonna doodle up some Death-Squad San.

Looking forward to it!!



you must be one narrow minded little cuckslut if this is 'degenerate'.

butt blasted negro detected

99c smokes = pure class


change year to 2088 tho

OP you still here?
How do you go about finding these morons' facebook? I cant imagine you type in "drug dealer" int he search bar

you know there are a shit load of white kids surrounded by this shit in schools because of busing and muh diversity. They are miserable and have no where to turn. Their classes are shit shows, can't study, live in fear and/or seething hatred. Shit isn't healthy.

They wish there was something to be done about it all but you know how it goes with snitching. We need either a live thread at all times or a new board for this. Take all these reports and dig up enough to clean the streets where we can.

Do you need someone to put it into ebonics for you?

Or have you ever heard of a drug store breaking/robbery?

so says Chaim

dat brickweed tho

everytime I see that sheboon fall it adds a little spurt of dopamine. Actually having to live through this kind of shit was a fucking nightmare. Public schools with diversity are the ultimate red pillers.

I literally kind of do that

and Fergurson city

how do you request sticky?
Let's just convince the mod to sticky

create a neo-nazi delinquent culture to fight niggas


this already exists, if you think public school was a redpill try growing up in south-west los angeles

Yes, it looks like a Barrett 82A1 and usually goes for over $8 grand.


do they do frequent fights and have"rankings"'?
kind of cool

fights, yes.
rankings not that I know of, it's just the local kids that got fucked over by niggers all stick together and have heavy anti-nog anti-jew mindsets.
nothing on the scale of rollerboys or anything like that.
maybe the rollerboys could do what this user suggested though

I have relatives in LA. I live in Utah where its 81.6% nonhispanic White (was just 90%+ White like 10 years ago)

The second largest population is Mexican. My high school was located in the super Nordic East side but they would ship in Mexicans that made up 70% of the school.

If I were to kill my self, Id go out mowing down Mexicans with an AR, Omar Mateen style.

a school in the Crows manga are all skinheads.
can we meme it up into high school groups of nigger-hitters?

probably not because any resistance in the school system gets squashed farily fast.

Let's take down the school system
im sure we can find dirt on any director :')
blackmail extortion Corps?


in Colombia everyone will do disgusting shit for the right amount of money, it feels fucking awful to be one of the few people here who doesn't act like a subhuman.
t. Colombian

are donkey shows a real thing?

t. convicted felon no bully pls

Whats your story?

tell us more

People who live near the Caribbean coast tend to have zoophiliac tendencies. There were some news a few months ago about a train driver who was caught fucking a donkey.

I was a pill addict that essentially clicked up with my drug dealers' drug dealer. He supplied 90% of the illegal pills in the area and got his supply by linking up with a crooked doctor who wrote legit prescriptions. The operation got so big (millions were pouring in) that he got busted eventually. As did his entire crew.

He is serving a long ass time in prison. I did not thankfully. I got clean and became right wing as fuck shortly after. I'm a different person now.

he's black,isnt he?

No surprisingly the entire local operation was run by run white men (literal trailer park boys). There was one or two nogs but they were just spooky muscle.

BUT another drug dealer I knew sourced his pills from Mexicans who worked kitchens in a large city. This is all I know about that. I don't know if that source was robbed or from a cartel.

Little guys, like these spics in the thread either source their shit directly from cartels or are sneaking it through the border. It's easy to get Xanax in the boarder towns.

Street dealers will rob homes and go straight for the medicine cabinets. I've never done that, but I knew plenty who did. Stealing from grandma with cancer was also something they did.

Pills can come from anywhere. Remember, it's legal with a prescription and doctors give it out like candy especially to the elderly and people with chronic pain.

huh, I mean it's so stupid I never would have guessed it could be that simple

Just imagine you're catching an ape.
that's the IQ level in play here

come one,,,lets sticky this
im feeling excited.
we're psyops warriors

sounds like op-pedo-hunt.

Anyone got a similar program?

can't we modify the original?

No, pharma makes enough money on their own. If anything cartels buy from pharmacists in sketchy states like florida, but cartels fucking love pharma companies acting legally. Without legal pharma companies, cartels wouldn't have nearly the power they have now. Get normal, ignorant people hooked by giving them a prescription every time they bruise their arm, and when they build up a dependency and their script runs out, the cartel gets new customers they never would have before.

That's the point of cuckchan, they're the million monkeys at a million typewriters of the meme world.

After seeing and hearing clips from this movie for years I finally decided to watch it.
Yep it's pretty fucking good.

Bill did nothing wrong

Dubs and Hillary wins election.

Jorge (((Gutman))) was the Mexican foreign affairs minister who quietly "deported" an IDF ex-Colonel and a Jewish Mexican national! to Israel after they were caught in October, 2001 in the Mexican Parliament with weapons, plastic explosives and detonators.

Confirmed for larpers

That kid was too hardcore for his time.

Based. Are you the Venezuelan special forces/intel guy?

I love how you fuck up these faggots.

Question: How the fuck do we defeat Soros and the international Communists, man?

niggers will be exterminated if hillary wins


No, my man. Those are Xanax bars. 2mg.

Those are the XR, or extended release tablets. The more expensive ones are their cousins, the IRs, which are practically impossible to get outside of a hospital. I'd say those pills go anywhere from $2.00-$3.50 apiece, depending on who you get them from.
Taking one of those is very much like drinking a six pack of beer without a nasty hangover and with a "cleaner" buzz, if that makes sense.
In the bottles, looks like you have some Codeine cough syrup. Shouldn't have to explain what that does to you.

t. used to be addicted to them, haven't touched them in over 4 years now.

To add, sometimes they're called "totem poles," due to the fact that they have three lines going across each one, which allows you to break them up and take .5mg at a time, if you wish. When stood upright, due to the lines, they look somewhat like a tiny totem pole.

Why are shitskins always telling on themselves?

I need to get my hands one once then

what it does?

What movie it that?

Joaquin dont bully

It can be really addictive. Don't.

Falling down

Me too I have even seen chad alterations of Pepe it is absolutely disgusting.


You would need a dollar printing machina the size of a tank and create so much fake currency paper money itself becomes worthless,thus ending kike control over the Coin.
The pattern must be work,not usury or interest


jews cant even get it right


Y'all dank memes is a good goy who dindu nuffin.



I can gib you details if you want

Who controls the DEA/FBI system which in turn controls all mexican cartels? Like, any specific name and surname?






LET IT BE 200+

I can provide photos of drugs+guns+cash.
we can Map the are and maybe make a fucking role play game built around this.

Use twitter and issue challanges to the narcoshits

I have a better plan


no, the 3 must be combined.
anyone can have cash,money, or guns.
only a criminals shows all 3 together in a photo

True, also made this.


if anyone can make this but better i'd appreciate it


good template to write Meme Operations stuff

Nice try FBI, opsec is critical to this kind of thing because any clues that lead back to mongolian stir fry forums or anons will royally fuck the operation and possibly the site. Probably wouldn't be a good idea to post to any thread either, but the operation itself is pretty easy, get a reliable VPN and a hardened OS (Holla Forums provides more details), etc. Be careful about exif data with pictures too, which is why I would try to use other peoples pictures, either taken from shithead narco FB pages or from cuckchan if at all possible. Since this would be a deep cover op which I couldn't even share outside of tor the only indication of delivery is escalation of gang violence and lots of dead degenerates. Anyone who wants to take part in this operation feel free, you know what to do, but I don't know shit about it and you don't either, as tempting as it is don't post wins either if the operation actually works. Reminder that getting caught in causing the murders of spic degenerates with shitposting is complete justice and lulz but actually like, against the law and stuff too. Stay vigilant, and if there are dead nig or spic criminals in your area there is a %0.01 chance I or another user was responsible.

Sure FBI, you want my SSN and some dick pics too?

I will buy a safe and fill it with pendrives with this stuff
if anything happens my family will be given the safe and they will now I was a huge heroe

map the area means using google earth and GPS trackers to find out where the narcos are

micheal aquino mindwar 1980, too

pharmafag here

2mg xanax bars, alprazolam

Status:Making hoax narco FB account




Wanna join the crusade,young lad?

Off topic, but,


yes, that's pretty neat


bumping again

A while ago there was a discussion on this, where it turns out why 'rare' pepes are a thing: The original high-quality versions get artifacted more and more with every bad copy by the normalfags.

Good image but could be a lot more interesting.

you don't know if you will be payed, but getting murdered is something you can avoid with Tor and cryptostorm
btw, not knowing whether you will be payed 5 million or not and doing something important is better than doing small shit and guaranteed no pay
always get payed through BTC or make paypal acc through VPN+Tor and tell them to get it there

Or BTC over Tor?

Thanks fam.

Is there a point where CIA could just make money pop up virtually?
do they have any kind of high-technology machine for that? At this point, they kind of Should have.

I'll research on this myself, but if anybody knows anything, pls tell.

Looks like lean and xanax.

texans like lean so much it acquired the nickname"texas tea"

my sides. It's not even that good. It's like drinking painkillers.
Just fucking skip a step and take oxy

mexicans are so much like whiggers.
just shorter, brown, and even less intimidating.

nice gondola user, and consider those dubs checked

I have heard it said that in prison Taco-gangs always ally with Aryan Nation for unifies attacks and protection against the Dindu gangs.

That is so fucking cool.
