oh no….
Current Year Marvel vs Current Year Capcom
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Thought that was a Fant4stic 2 poster for a second.
Last one didn't even have Venom. This one will probably have Ms. Muslim and Gwen-(insert fan fiction bullshit here), the franchise is dead.
Oh boy, can't wait
they should just make a Marvel fighting game really. Capcom is some of the lamest shit ever and just taints the whole thing.
My prediction is the roster (as far as Marvel's side is concerned) will most likely be designed to push what they've been trying to push outside of comics and snuff what they're trying to snuff.
I expect few or no X-Men or Fantastic Four characters. More Inhumans than anyone gives a shit about. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Daredevil. Avengers to be modeled after Avengers movies (so not going too ALL NEW ALL DIFFERENT on it). A lot of Guardians of the Galaxy. Dr. Strange. Spider-Man modeled after the kid that played him in Civil War. Probably a little stuff they haven't been able to dump into the mainstream yet like Ms. Mudslime and Spider-Gwen.
I got the feeling it is happening, but these images are fake. Probably a 2018 title.
I'd love if they kept more of the 90s roster, but for sure some new characters are getting in there and reactions will be… mixed. First off, everyone with a movie or tv series will be in, so expect to see Luke Cage, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, a few Inhumans, Daredevil, etc join the cast. Of the teen heroes, I expect Miles and Kamala for sure, with Amadeus MAYBE replacing Banner as the Hulk. Miles would be better as a color option for Spiderman, but they may force him into a whole character. I don't hate Ms. Marvel as much as most, and since Mr. Fantastic is definitely not getting in, she probably won't be too bad (and she hits that Captain Marvel and Inhumans connection to insure she's considered).
As far as pure feminist agenda snorefests, Patsy Walker and Mockingbird have very little chance of getting in. There is nothing about Hellcat's powerset (even when she's not written terribly) that makes her stand out from anyone, and Mockingbird's biggest claim to fame is being written out of Agents of Shield for a spin off that never got picked up. Squirrel Girl has a chance just because the Japanese might be behind enough on things to think she's still cool, but at least she'd end up being made cute instead of repulsive.
Big question on if they'll be able to keep mainstays like Magneto, Sentinel, Storm and other X-Men related characters due to not wanting to push other studio's movies. I can see them getting to have Wolverine and that's it for mutants.
Capcom side would probably most be adding in SFV characters in pumped up to Versus level of power. I'll think about it more, but I don't think it'll be that different from the MvC3 roster.
Oh boy! Lazy cheap fighting game made by an even lazier cheaper company that doesn't know how to make games teaming up with an incompetent company that doesn't know how to write comics. A match made in heaven!
Oh, and obviously the big bad would be Thanos, and Loki would be in for sure. Might even get a few of the other movie villains, perhaps even a more true to the comics version of Baron Zemo (which I'd be pretty hype for).
Why even give a shit?
So, out of curiosity, what were your teams in UMvC3, and do you think they'd all come back for part 4?
For me it was Tron Bonne, Dormammu and Hawkeye. I was surprised Tron Bonne even got in MvC3, so she's the only one I don't expect to see again.
I know it wont happen, but what would get me interested in the game would be Anti-Venom.
They'll put him in as a lazy reskin if they put Venom.
All i want are classic costumes. nothing from the movies
Movie stuff will be in for sure, but they'd be foolish not to include classic costumes for everyone, too. Big question would be how much they want to fuck people with DLC, or if they want to put out a full game again. I don't mind obscure costumes being DLC, but they need a solid base.
All the costumes will be cheap recolors of the base one.
Is it any good?
it LOOKS good and complex, but it's typical simple touch control mobile fare.
might be fun to play, it's free though.
Maybe they'll use classic costumes for their classic characters to make it more similar to the original cross over games.
On a side note, I really hope they don't mess up Marvel vs capcom 4. 3 is more fun to look at, but ever since street fighter 5, I'm feeling somewhat iffy with capcom.
Speaking of which, what capcom/marvel characters are on your wishlist for this game?
On the capcom side I want Megaman Zero, and Pheonix Wright again
My wishlist a.k.a. Not happening ever
Gene (God Hand)
Vanessa (P.N.03)
Demitri (Darkstalkers)
Dracula (Tomb of Dracula)
I want Frank West in again, but I want him to be decent.
I want one of the monsters from Monster Hunter in there, maybe a Barroth or Deviljho, something to shake the formula up would be nifty.
On the Marvel side I wanna see Ultron. I want the old Ultron though, not nu-Ultron.
I'd kill to be able to play as Punisher.
My wishlisht
Classic Megaman
Jin Saotome
Any Slam Master character except Haggar
Captain Commando
Any of the Smiths (Killer7, plays like Complete Change Ryu)
Rogue (90's costume please)
Demoliton Man
Alex Power (and the rest of the Power Pack, plays like MVC1 Captain Commando)
Sentry/Hyperion (either way works)
Star Lord
No deadpool please.
To be fair, He wasn't that bad in MVC3, but numarvel? not risking it.
More like a crossover game made by companies that have lost their way.
Remember Punisher was in a beat-em-up made by Capcom, so a lot of his moves are going to be grenades and firearms.
And pipes and knives…
He'll probably play like a keep-away version of Rolento, but with lots of air combo potential.
Omega Red
Black Panther
Captain Commando
Lord Raptor
It's obviously gonna cash in on MCU. Expect Black Widow, Falcon, Black Panther, The Vision, Ultron, Starlord and Ant Man to all be playable.
Oh, and Loki. Almost forgot.
Shut up pedo
Who the hell is the blond chick with the giant sword?
Magik, Colossus' little sister.
For comedic reasons. Him and Dan.
Even though I never got the game, I followed the news for MvC3 since I was hoping for Frank West and Phoenix Wright, since they from some of the very few Capcom games I've played. Got let down when they weren't in, but when Ultimate got announced and roster got leaked I was pleased.
I went them both to come back, and I want Chuck Greene as a newcomer. Frank shouldn't be using the Paddlesaw.
Oh if he's a joke character he's a good pick then.
Shit..almost forgot to add X-51 on the Marvel side.
What vidya has capcom even MADE in the past few years?
No new megaman games to warrant any of his characters.
No new notable Resident Evil games that differentiate them from earlier.
No new DMC games (except for nuDante?)
No new artsy games like Okami
Maybe we'll get a monster hunter rep? More legacy characters?
I don't fucking know anymore.
I always felt Zero was a cheap character. But he was pretty balanced. Firebrand was fun Although i did alternate him with Arthur depending on my opponent.
Vergil for speed, Nemesis for power, and Dormammu for range. A perfect balance of imbalance. I doubt they'll all make it into the next roster.
The only character I'd really like is Psylocke. I loved playing her in Marvel Super Heroes. I'd also like this version of the Monster Hunter Felyne as a Servbot-like joke character
There are the monster hunter games. as you noted. And monster hunter generations,
Dead Rising 3
but i want more legacy characters. like obscure ones, Maybe ryu from Breath of Fire
here's a link of what they've made so far
Sure, it'll just be the new DR4 Frank without the original voice or personality.
You know what I want from MVC4? Awesome stages like back in MVC1 where they somehow have a Kamen Rider themed stage
Breath of Fire had some new releases. So it makes sense for them to be in.
But again, Monster Hunter, Dead Rising, these are only newer iterations of games that existed during MvC 3.
Viewtiful Joe
Dead Rising
Chris Redfield's Operator Look
Pheonix Wright
The new Bionic Commando
DMC 1-4
All those didn't exist during MvC 2 and were cool additions to the Capcom roster. They were new IP's that justified getting a spot.
Now besides getting the newest Dead Rising character, and debuting Monster Hunter, Capcom hasnt done much of anything in terms of series making.
That's Ryu and Nina from BOF 6, the mobile game no one wanted.
I hope that maybe they just have different ryu's as like, different models on teh same character.
I'm not sure how the game was received, but everyone hated the conception
But my Zero…
Like Current Year Capcom is seriously better.
You mean [unsolicited opinions on Israel???] year Marvel, right?
I can see this happening if they want to do an Agent Venom character.
Chances are they'll just bring back normal venom, with anti venom being a costume
I've always wanted to know who most of those characters are?
Most of them (with the exception of the Grandmaster) are actually bad guys from various Kamen Rider series. From Right to left, we have Colonel Zol, Apollo Geist, Grandmaster, Mr Titan, don't know the old guy is (possibly Great Leader), Dr. Noroi, Doktor G, no clue who the lady is and the last guy is either Ambassador Hell or Ambassador Darkness (they are twin brothers, if I recall)
They might base it off the movies. So you probably won't see Fem Thor or Mrs. Marvel, but you would see Black Panther, Blade, and Black Widow.
Worst case scenario, it would be Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 4: Poz of the Two Worlds. Those Fem Thor winquotes are going to be cringy as fuck.
Dam man I had no idea most of them were Kamen rider guys that is cool I thought most of them were from some obscure capcom game.
Well, the statues holding the Moon and the Earth and the big demon at the back are from Forgotten World so that covers the obscure character bit.
Oh yeah I know those guys after searching for them but it's really cool that they snuck in some Kamen rider guys wonder if they were going to do a Kamen rider game around that time
user, look at the MvC3 roster. We have no idea who'll be in because it's focusing on unannounced films.
Shuma could very well be in Dr. Strange 2 or 3, so don't panic.
I can see a few inhumans and black panther definitely being in this if it's going to focus on unnanounced movies
Well, I hope he is. He was the only character who was consistently on my team in Marvel 3, I love his design.
Man, it's been a long time since I watched anything Max has put out. I didn't play KI so when he started shilling that I unsubbed but I actually kind f miss him, he does pretty good videos about fighting games. As for the info itself, I'm okay with no X-Men. They may be a staple, but Sent, Wolvy, and Doom we're cheesy cunts in Marvel 3 so I'd wave good-bye to them as long as they aren't replaced by the fucking Squirrel Girl.
Black Panther and Black Bolt almost certainly, and of course currently released movies/shows WILL play a part. Loki and Daredevil are 100% guaranteed, I think, for example.
oh boy, I can't wait to play Ryu, Akuma and Vergil.
This is the future gamers chose
Their 3DS games (like Monster Hunter) have been pretty quality. RE Revelations was great when it first came out but it was a fluke. That's about it
That's it. I'm surprised none of you fucks have mentioned him. The epilogue to his game even places him in modern day as a reincarnation so he could theoretically fit in.
reddit alert
I totally forgot about Anime: The Video game.
I loved that thing, shame they absolutely messed up in terms of DLC
OK. Here's my character picks
Classic Megaman or X (up to X6 so X can have a Z-Saber)
Falcon Edwards
Regina (though if they have any RE characters it would be redundant)
Samanosuke Akechi (Come on..you got a guy from Onimusha in TvC)
Leo, Kenji, Tessa or Hauser (Though having Hauser would be cool)
Punisher (Capcom can use Frank's moves from the arcade game)
Ultron (can be like Sentinel since X-Men characters might be off limits)
Mephisto/Blackheart (and have the one not picked by a palette swap secret character)
Baron Zemo/Black Knight/Swordsman
Hyperion (screw Sentry)
Keep She-Hulk in (fuck no A-Force)
Toxin/Hybrid (any symbiote can do)
Thanos (again…but with Infinity War, maybe)
Nobunaga Oda (joke option)
Some original boss perhaps? (Cyber Akuma, that boss from MVC2)
Warlock (not Adam. The boss from Cyberbots)
Evil Deadpool?
Joke characters?
Demolition Man (obscure and a joke)
Bad Boxart Megaman
Forbrush Man (Come on..don't tell me you don't want Forbrush Man)
Wanted to add Lyn Kurosawa…but pretty sure that's a big no.
Brock or Mulligan?
What's the deal with Pyron and Jedah actually?
I've literally only seen the saturday morning cartoon of Darkstalker for jokes
For new characters, I'd pick:
Pyron is like Krona, without the moustache and Jedah's deal is that he wants to create a realm of Souls…by taking everyone else's soul.
I just want captain commando back.
But if I could wish upon a star? Either Ryu or Rei from BoF 3.
I don't know any capcom.
That furry with a gun?
To be fair, Khamala might be interesting from a gameplay standpoint.
Why didn't they make Kamala a busty MILF like Carol? Arabs can be pretty hot, and she could've been a niqabi mom who discovered she had superpowers (and wears a slutty costume to differentiate personalities and roles, a variant on Carol's perhaps?) and defends the peninsula with it while trying to balance her home life (that she actually likes) and deal with being a female hero in an area women are actually oppressed. In her current form she's looks like bitchy teen who looks like she's wearing a jumper.
Is she a Saudi? From her last name I'd guess she's from somewhere in the Levant. But knowing marvel she's ambiguously ""Arab""
There also could be an arc where she has to go the west and has an affair with a white man
She's Pakistani..not Arab.
And she have/had a white boyfriend but last time I checked, that guy was maybe forced to go out with a landwhale..for some reason.
I'm being serious
Oh, I've never read it because it was pretty shitty but wasted potential, Pakis are eh but superheroes in the third world sound kind of interesting.
Well, Asia is a huge continent and Western comics always use China and Japan as the go to for any Asian representatives. Not complaining though…you lot might get some countries wrong or in the case where I'm from, the heroes we got kinda skirts into lawsuit territory. I recall when I was a kid when we had this guy who is basically Batman…if Bruce Wayne was in the mental hospital and all his villains are actually sane.
Oh, I feel ya. She could be those characters who specialized in a keep away style fights with her stretching ability.
Make Frank West return, if not I want Gwenpool to be in MvC4.
This is bait, right?
Yeah, it is.
Frank won't be back the way people want him to be.
You write us that comic. Marvel doesn't take good ideas anymore.
aaaand that turned out to be a whole lotta nothing
do you know anything about capcom? that wont happen.
instead they will re-release the game like 8 times with new content.
She's young yet, plenty of time for her to turn into a grade A milf.
So yeah, it looks like that maximillian dood video was pretty accurate, down to the 2 vs 2 system with one assist.
They also seem to be going to try and go for a phase 3 themed marvel based on the comeback of the infinity gem system. Also the design of Iron man.
on the plus side. we have X
Of course they put in Captain Dyke. And then gave her bullshit powers. Fuck Capcom and fuck Marvel.
They put in Captain marvel, but they didn't put in the short-haired version, which is the dyke version that cropped up around the time the kool-aid poisoning really set in with Marvel.
Its obvious promotion for the upcoming Captain marvel, just use a little brain power when thinking.
Marvel Studios and Marvel Comics are pretty much different companies. The movies influence the comics and games, more than the other way around.
Promotion is still promotion, if it were promoting the comics, they would have went with the dyke cut.
Does that matter? It still doesn't make it any better. Shit character for a shit upcoming movie. Fuck that cancer.
More Details. Including a cinematic story mode
So, is that Ultron-Sigma in the end there?
holy shit carol looks kawaii as fuck here.
Japan knows what to do with her. I assume this also confirms she'll have a similar hair style in the movie, not the ever altering short cut she has in the comics.
ooo. Ultron/Sigma sounds like a very promising combination actually.
Cause I really doubt they'd used Thanos again
and now we wait to see just how pozzed the game will be. I know one thing, there's going to be a shit storm the moment they show off Felicia if she's in there, same with Morrigan.
Fuck them, B.B.Hood is the only Darkstalkers rep they need to put in!
Still would be shitty to have them removed for being "problematic".
And if they are announced there are gonna be online tantrums for days.
I honestly assumed they'd go for Thanos just because the movies, but an Ultron/Sigma combo is a lot more interesting. Depending on the dlc schedule, they might not include Thanos in the main game and add him later (when he actually premieres as larger part of the movies). I'd like to see how this works out, but I'm hoping if they add more later, it's updates. The character at a time shit for SFV isn't nearly as hype.
Do you?
You're thinking of the Capcom before the current year.
Nigger pls.
Little game called Marvel Super Heroes. Came out a while before SFxT. Maybe you heard of it.
Everyone is such a bitch these days. There is no excitement for anything out there. Fuck, UMvC3 is getting on the PC in March. But people can't even be mildly happy the Versus series is back?
Nigger I know about MSH, but that Capcom is dead. This isn't the Capcom that made MvC2 or SF3S, this is the Capcom that pushes out SFV as a early access title and has those godawful gems in SFxT.
The only bitches are the ones that willingly go along with the hype mongering without an iota of skepticism or care for the past actions of these companies
Yes, yes, we believe you.
If you want to be upset about something, be upset about how many Inhumans they might shove in to try to make us forget the lack of X-Men and Dr. Doom. Though their movie got delayed or something, so maybe they won't even bother with them yet.
I'm guessing that they won't have a roster as big as MVC3 and MVC2. the 2 vs 2 and assists implies it'll have a much smaller roster with characters people want turning up as assists instead.
(e.g. Thor being an assist in MVC1)
It seems like such a waste to model a character to just be an assist. I kind of assume it might be that every character in the cast can be assigned as an assist.
But I guess we'll see tonight when they show off gameplay.
No dyke hair. At least it's something.
If they put more effort in the rest, I don't mind the game having fewer characters.
All right guy, who do you think will be in the game?
I doubt they will put the shitty characters from the current year comic books that are selling under cancelation point, so no Squirrel Girl or Captain Falcon.
Fucking hell……
Can't wait.
Hope She-Hulk is in it.
Its just Hulk you fucking sexist rapist pig.
Everyone with a movie or netflix show. I don't see why people even think they'll draw shit like Jane Thor from the comics, that shit won't be coming to the movies.
Falcon will probably get it, he'll probably get his Cap costume as dlc, but no shield moveset. Because he doesn't have the shield in the movies. Miles will most likely be a costume for Peter. If Nova returns it won't be Sam, because I assume the movies would use Richard when they do Nova. Hulk will still be Banner because the movies won't change Hulk. Ms. Marvel will only get in if they intend to bring her into the Captain Marvel movies (I say 50/50 chance).
Besides that, all the feminist agenda dream characters sell for shit AND are very minor characters in the tv shows. Mockingbird never got her Agents of Shield spinoff, so no one cares about her. Patsy Walker isn't Hellcat, at least not yet, so I doubt they'd even do it unless Netflix wanted to give her a series. Squirrel Girl… well, the only reason she might get in is because they made it a point to say she was NOT a mutant a while ago, if I recall.
I'll be curious if Ghost Rider will come back as Robbie, since he's in AoS. Vision, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Baron Zemo, all the Guardians of the Galaxy, etc. are names I expect to see in the roster. Maybe Gwenpool would be in just because they won't use Deadpool.
Shut up, Marvel cuck.
Daredevil and Luke Cage are in for sure.
Iron Fist and Punisher maybe, but I'm sure Jessica Jones won't make it, she doesn't fit the tone and isn't popular enough. I'm sure they will keep Rocket Racoon but maybe include Star Lord too (in his movie costume since he's also using that on the comics). Black Panther is also 100% to be in.
But now the real question… what about Capcom?
All I know for sure, of new characters: Asura. He's just too perfect a fit, even if his game was crap and sold for shit.
Probably a Monster Hunter rep or two. Frank West, but it'll be new Frank West. If that last boss show really was Ultron-Sigma, I think they could fit another Megaman X rep in there. They still want to push SFV, so I assume Rashid and Necalli will both make it in. Akuma, Chun Li, Juri and maybe another SF rep or two. Morrigan always makes it to these crossover games, so she and Felicia might be back. If so, I expect one new Darkstalkers rep, someone who would have been hard/impossible back in MvC3. Besides that, mostly just characters who were in MvC3 already.
I'd love a Lost Planet character or the return of Captain Commando. I'm not getting my hopes up though.
Tatsunoko vs Capcom is still my favorite of the VS series. It's weird how good they made it when it was supposed to test the waters for MvC3 at the time.
Squirrel Girl will probably appear because she might appeal the fucking gooks.
I would be okay with it if it's her classic design.
They only need one SFV rep like with C.Viper in MvC3, expect Necalli canibalising Wolverine's old moveset.
I really hope they choose anyone but morrigan. anyone, Dimitri, Pyron, Jedah. But 'm getting bored of morrigan
Me, too, but they always put her in. I would welcome pretty much any other Darkstalker rep.
I bet 1/3rd of the roster of the final iteration of this game will be DLC characters.
Fuck this.
I bet they won't even have classic spidey since they killed him off in spiderverse and they're going to be smug about that.
Mark my fucking words
Like how the old Versus games were set in a specific "Versus universe" this will probably be set in a Versus version of the cinematic universe. So it'll be based on highschool Peter in the new movie, and there will be no mutants. Just assume that old MvC Spidey is alive, well, and fucking MJ right now. Because he didn't die in a game, so that Slott shit ain't canon.
And fuck that shit anyway, we all know Hostess Spidey always comes out on top
You fucking wish
Slott ain't shit.
Someone fed Hostess Spidey's corpse a good ol' Twinky and he got back up.
He's unbeatable
Since you're all crying about no Doom I'll ease your worries, Doom is in.
I'm an inside source, but I'm not going to prove it to any of you because it would get me in trouble. I don't know much about the game, but I did know about it before the reveal and the 2v2 system. I was only told 3 characters, but only one of them (Iron Man) has been shown so far.
I can't speak for mutants, but hopefully Dr. Doom's inclusion will give you some form of hope. Oh, the last character I know is Strider. They'll probably be shown tonight after Capcom Cup's top 8.
Take one for the team. Stop this game from the inside.
You have the chance of a lifetime.
Add in Rouge while no one is watching.
Unfortunately I'm not that level of insider.
And I'd add Gambit
Marvel killed off MvsC Spiderman a couple of arcs ago, Spider-verse.
Gameplay footage.
This really highlights just how much Marvel themselves have failed to make this character interesting. Luckily that's probably close to how the character will be in the movie, so the comic version might eventually suck a bit less.
Not with Bendis involved.
And no Zero inside! Hooray, we get our (not so) Blue Bomber!
My man!
Methinks they're going to put everyone from the last game.
Looks a lot like street fighter X Tekken, what with the whole character swapping mid combo. It's weird. Also from what I've heard the gems are just replacements for the X factor, as opposed to gems you can just pick up off the ground
Would you rather the gems be like in Marvel Super Heroes? Because that shit is amazing.
As much as i'd like to comment about it, I've never played marvel super heroes. All I know is that from what I've seen, they aren't too intrusive.
How did you even get the gems anyways? did they spawn on the ground or were there conditions for getting them
When you're hitting your opponent there's a chance for a new gem to spawn, then it drops down and anyone can walk over it to pick it up. However, if you get hit you can drop one of the gems you're holding and it's back up for grabs again.
Those stages are pretty cool.
especially the bugle and psyloke's stage
Having two characters is better than three for this type of system but man is Captain Marvel bland, not even Grey DeLisle can make her sound interesting.
Poor deluded fool.
They already admitted the shift to 2v2 was for "accessibility for casuals".
So just to summarise a little bit,
But it used to. CotA through MvC1 used the traditional Street Fighter LP-MP-HP / LK-MK-HK layout. MvC2 switched to LP-HP-A1 / LK-HK-A2, then MvC3 simplified further to L-M-H / S-A1-A2.
It'd be funny if they cut Wolverine (because Necali), but brought back Rightclops. I want that to happen.
I bet they keep xmen and F4 charactors, but don't use them in any promo art
it's official, Capcom stopped giving a shit about anything
I don't even know what you niggas think SJW means anymore. Is it just a meaningless word like cuck now? Can you stop just fucking over the English language you shit covered morons?
On a related note to that video, I hear that someone asked a Marvel rep about Fox held characters, and the answer was "that legacy is not dead". Which is some straight up wizard talk, but implies we might just get that FOOT DIVE eventually.
They guy is a huge fag who supports censorship. He is a oversensitive faggot who hates anything scandalous. Are you a fanboy or a retard?
So, anyone you guys think is specifically not coming back? Unless Netflix asks for Single, Female, Gamma-irradiated Lawyer, they'll probably drop She-Hulk.
So not a true MvC, I gather? more like Marvel X Capcom or Marvel/Capcom Tag Tournament. Looks pretty underwhelming right now, and I really wouldn't be surprised if the switch to 2v2 and gems results in a stripping-down of playable characters and content locked behind a paywall. -_-
Consider it a reboot instead of a continuation of what came before. Not that they won't be bringing a lot of old characters and moves back.
If Marvel is actually in for the longterm (instead of the short deal they had with MvC3), then we can probably see dlc, maybe even seasons of dlc. And I know people will bitch about that, but that's good. As long as the game is getting dlc, it'll also be getting balance patches and performance updates if needed. More content means more players, more updates means the game lasts longer. It probably won't have character by character releases like SFV, as groups of characters added at a time build more hype. It also won't be like MvC3, where dlc plans just don't happen and we only get one updated version in UMvC3 (still not sure if that was due to the odd deal at the time, the earthquake that happened in between, or some other factors).
Still, they hopefully learned a few things from SFV:
The biggest thing Capcom can do to really make a splash with MvCI is crossplat play on all three platforms. I don't think a fighter has done that yet.
Any of you guys playing old Versus games lately? I just played MvC1 and, damn, Venom is awesome!
The information was accurate at least. somewhat
So the first stage they showed is Asgard with a busted up Rainbow Bridge. What other stages do you all think we'll get? Another New York skyline stage with Avengers Tower in the back, and probably Shield Helicarrier again. But any places you'd love to see added?
The Danger Room. You can do a lotta junk with that room.
I thought part of it was because UMvC3 was prepped less than a year after the original MvC3 came out and did not come as a downloadable add on, thus giving the finger to whoever bought the original package and discouraging them from rebuying it.
Anyway, MvCI being fully cross-platform would be groundbreaking and no doubt boost sales significantly. However, this is Capcom we're talking about and they can't even get rid of the obvious visual clipping their characters have in SFV. I think if there's a chance to take a shortcut or be stupid, they're going to take it.
There's what I'm talking about!
Wasn't this the same nigga that accidentally said "Niggersword" and was quiet like for a stream or something?
I think that would put you in the field of a SJW cuck in my opinion.
He is a hypocrite and also has "redeemed himself" by apologizing for any step over the line. He is a born again SJW. He supports censorship and has been known to be a huge faggot along with the rest of fighting game e-celebs and commentators.
Is there anybody in the FGC that isn't a giant faggot?
Yipes and Aris.
Yeah he doe seem like a cool dude.
Is he like the Sam Hyde of the FGC?
Morrigan and Captain America revealed. No surprises there. Cap's costume looking very MCU.
and trailer here
please no…
I am fine with Morrigan in it, but we need more Darkstalker characters.
They made Cap's costume ever worse. Meanwhile Morrigan looks… okay. I guess.
My votes go to John Talbain and Lord Raptor.
I've always wanted to pit Kung fu werewolf against Ryu and Lord Raptor should need no explanation.
She's been slightly censored… this does not bode well for Felicia.
If you give them an inch, they take a mile.
Oh boy
How bout just we make a new Darkstalkers game?
Where did Morrigan's tits go?
Cap looks like an action figure
Yes..we need Talbain. Where is Talbain?
Or Bishamon..
Don't worry, user.
They're just going to take her tits away and leave her a twig rather than bulk her back up in the gym like they God damn should, aren't they?
Silly user, fans failed the test. The test was to buy the exact same game for the seventh time at fool price with no advertising. Sure they said they would work on Darkstalkers if SF4 sold well, then if MvC3 sold well, but that time they really, really meant it.
Do we know the voice actors for this? Are we gonna have to deal with new actors from the shitty current marvel cartoons? Am I going to have to put up with Drake fucking Bell as Spidey?
Considering Marvel 3 used voice actors from the then-current *vastly superior* cartoons, almost certainly. You can already tell Iron Man sounds worse.
This faggot is overdue for a comeback.
Did she get a breast reduction or something?
Hell kinda succubus is that?
Welcome to current year user, where Capcom self censors their shit to please landwhales that don't play their games.
How about some red earth love…
for reference btw
What? Did something happen with Scott?
He's always right…and dead because Perlmutter throw a hissyfit.
He started acting like a total moron and completely out of character so people started supporting him because being contrarian is cool.
That would be amazing but Capcom are afraid of money.
Leo in the game with a 1 lvl super that just levels him up over and over every time you use it and adds some ex properties to his moves after a certain number of uses would get me rock hard.
They support him because his actions succeeded in protecting mutants from extinction.
Didn't they have the Red Earth crew in a crossover game?
Yeah, it was Capcom Fighting Evolution, and it did have a level-up mechanic.
I think the mage made an appearance in SNK vs Capcom… and Hauzer made a cameo appearance in tatsunoko vs capcom
Mutants are Dindus. That's not praiseworthy.
Mutants are naturally occurring mutations and not at risk of dying out, ever.
right now, but honestly the marvel narrative is so ass backwards and retcon laden by the month that no action by any character ever has any lasting consequence
I've been a cyclops fan my whole life, or at least in theory I was. I appreciated what a well done version of him would have been in the narrative if marvel haven't made him Logans bitch Boy in the 90s to sell even more wolverine comic cards. Seeing him wasted, and then redone as a plot point mouthpiece is heartbreaking.
Except when a reality warping magic spell specifically targets them. Or when Terrigen mist randomly becomes lethal and sterilizing to those with an X-gene and spreads around the world as 2 giant clouds.
Captain Falcon made me go 'hah!'
At least 1 million and 1 years old.
Folding and pasting machine! I like your thinking, I'll see what the RnD people can come up with.
Holla Forums always had porn, however it has devolved to the point that the vast majority of threads are can be distilled down to "picture of girls you know in real life", or "there isn't a /d/ equivalent for non-hentai/"3D" girls"
Adobe is making a new program called Stylit to make this sort of thing easier.
adobe multi patcher
Go to toysrus.com
Search Batmobile
Set price range in search options
Trolling much? Those things do have lag, but the games are made with that in mind. I can't play nes on most LCD displays, but when it comes to ps3 or somethibg then fuck it.
Also, why do you think vr headsets cause people to get sick? The lag does it. Your brain expects your vision to follow you're head position, but if it lags behind, it gives that fucked up pukey feeling.
I go to a boxing gym no shower there
I thought the nearest thing Holla Forums had to porn was pictures of gential warts
Would have preferred a new Tatsunoko game.
Or, here me out here..we have a Jump vs Capcom game. Who wants to see Raoh vs Bison, Ryu vs Goku….Dan vs Mr Satan. Though no sports geek need apply.
Not my Blue Bomber!
Better to be forgotten than to suffer current Capcom
After the bullshit they pulled in all their recent fighters, do you really want them to touch Darkstalkers?
But..but…I want Talbain and Bishamon
Come on now. Sakura's his student, not his animal companion.
Fuck pakis
Well, don't mind if I do. And pretty sure some folks here would like to do that as well. Something about browns being exotic something something..
Hercule was just as much Buus teacher as Dan was Sakuras; only difference being that Hercule knew from the getgo he was outclassed.
I want Lady in a fightan game
Not really. The mutants didn't die buddy, they just got turned into regular humans.
Really telling about how much of a "mutant equality" freedom fighter Cyclops was when his worst nightmare is being like the rest of us. At least Magneto was honest about it.
Also the fact he was willing to let the world burn before letting the last of the mutants die out.
Dindu Power is trash when Niggers do it and it's trash when Mutants do it.
Literally nothing wrong with this. NetherRealm pulled it off pretty well.
You must be at least 18 to post here.
Did NetherRealm make Street Fighter V?
Street Fighter V was rushed and lacked single-player content and Capcom paid dearly for it. The fact that they're already acknowledging their mistakes by saying how they're be proper single-player content this time around means they're aware of what not to copy from SFV.
I would LOVE to play Tessa in a new game
They still covered her up like the Amish. God I'm glad I'm no longer a Marvel Cuck, you people are pathetic.
Buddy, I'm only here to see if Frank West and Phoenix Wright return, the only characters I followed MvC3 news for. Also the vain hope that Chuck Greene will be playable.