I honestly wonder how much of the white vote we're going to end up getting.
I honestly wonder how much of the white vote we're going to end up getting.
Other urls found in this thread:
Romney got, what, 92% of the white male vote.
Trump may well get 98%.
Cucks are more than 8% of "men" now.
Just the last 4 years has seen a massive emasculation of the white male.
You're thinking of how many blacks voted for King Nigger. I can't remember the exact figure, but it was something like 58 or 60 percent for Magic Underpants.
I can only imagine how stunningly retarded a white evangelical that wants to vote Hillary must be.
Glad they finally came around.
Now, if we could only rouse them into another crusade we'd be all set.
One involving depopulating the entire timezone
He got something like 60 something percent of whites but 80 something percent of white males.
Oh, didn't notice the male part. Sounds about right. Here's general race stats for 2008 King Nigger vs War Traitor as well.
My guess is the number will get bigger the closer we get to election day.
My guess is the few that arnt voting for Trump are butt-hurt its Trump and not someone else. So when they get polled they probably say something like "I'm not voting for Trump!".
So they either throw that out for make it a "vote" for Hillary. But as election day comes closer I can't see how an evangelican could reason to vote for Hillary.
Oh yeah, almost forgot about this gem.
I wish I could go back in time and kill johnson for not vetoing the '65 immigration bill and for sucking nigger dick
Wasn't there some concern earlier of Trump not being able to win over evangelicans?
Guess that was all hot air.
This is why Hitler did nothing wrong.
90% of Jews voted FDR.
Based Nixon got practically none. Hubert Humphrey, his opponent got 81%.
In the 2008 presidential election, 78% of Jews voted for Barack Obama, who became the first African-American to be elected president.[8] Polls indicate during this election, 83% of white Jews voted for Obama compared to just 34% of white Protestants and 47% of white Catholics, though 67% of those identifying with another religion and 71% identifying with no religion also voted Obama.[9] In the 2012 presidential election, 68% of Jews voted for Barack Obama.[10]
Interesting. Whites of all religions vote Republican the majority of the time.
You see why Trump has to play good goy with Israel now? He needs the christcuck vote.
It's "Evangelicals", but that's not surprising that he's getting a ton of votes from them, the only evangelical folks that aren't voting Trump at this point are lolbergtarians (even though their guy isn't even a lolbergtarian and is just a democrat/progressive with an L next to his name on the ballot) and #NeverTrump who are still holding out for a miracle 3rd party candidate that ticks all their boxes, and comes to their church every Sunday morning to preach to them. The rest of the evangelical base is basically voting Trump out of necessity at this point, because at least Trump isn't directly hostile to the evangelicals.
This is true. Was in Austin, Tx this weekend, hanging with the gf and her qt squad and we went to Barton Springs. These grills could not stop commenting on how skinny and beta most the males there were.
Such is life under zog.
these polls are complete. fucking. bullshit.
Seriously, before getting into the sketchy metrics at play - look at the fine print - PEW RESEARCH CENTER.
There has not been a single poll that means anything this cycle, the networks are pulling the same scam they did in the UK elections.
Both parties have research in the field that is reasonably accurate but you will never see it. The closest thing to it is probably Luntz's shit he posts occasionally on twitter but even that is probably just soft ball questions he asked focus groups he was doing for the NFL.
All the christians I know are voting Trump
I wonder if the lowest number of Jew votes was in '60
Atheist don't have an In-group preference
Are males other than whites not being emasculated by BPA's? Do those on Holla Forums who argue BPA's are feminizing men believe they are feminizing all men or just whites? I ask because anons speak as though it is only whites, but other races in america would be receiving just as much exposure.
Checkin 'em with the gay nigger agenda.
This has to stop. for your sake
It's a good opportunity to purge your local church though. Most leftist shitheads don't like being preached to about politics. If you're a leader in the church you should opening advocate Trump, and scare them away.
Estrogens are definitely affecting niggers too, and basically all the Indian and asian young people I know are twinks.
I thought polls were rigged? Crooked polls can't be trusted and all that.
Is that a bad thing?
Noice !
No. It will make expunging them all the more easy.
It was hot air the moment he crushed Cruz in South Carolina. The media was flabbergasted that the Evangelicals went with Trump more than Cruz.
0/10, bump.
Ah, I guess.
No wonder he got in…
Jews have historically been liberals, but their allegiance is to their tribe so whatever party is in power they infiltrate.
There are literally no Christians who would vote for Hillary, for reasons of faggotry and abortion alone.
Can you believe Hillary called herself Christian just to try to get a few more votes? Some time between sending her husband to rape underage girls and selling US secrets and nukes to other nations for the sake of Satanic Greater Israel she thought to herself 'praise Jesus'.
Bingo. He's not doing it to win over the Jews. Jews are going to vote against Trump 85/15
Arn't they just virtue signalling how cuckholded they are?
While they are in the voting booth, I just hope the last vestiges of their man hood take over and pull for Trump. No one will know their 'naughty' secret, and they can get back to facebook to post "lol Drumpf" right after.
Yeah great reply faggot. Endless slide threads about rigged polls and you niggers go silent when a poll favoring trump comes out. If polls aren't representative, why shit up the catalog with threads about polls? Why not discuss actual topics instead of some shill opinion designed to generate buzz?
I like that Mr Trump R.T.ed this. I thought he had forgotten about whites since he had been bringing up Hispanics and Afro-Americans so much recently.
Yeah, well they are divided and conquered - having them team up against their masters' will would be against the programming.
The key is
Everything that can be politically manipulated just enough…
Polls are skewed against Trump, so if one comes out favoring Trump, that means Trump's doing far better.
It's amazing how this country has been stolen from white men.
Remember watching it happening? Before you were fully redpilled and your see black faces every and just think. Huh. Look at that. Most normies see all the race mixing promotion in mass media and think nothing of it.
Wait. Dude. Stop. Those maps are all wrong. Everything is wrong. What kind of fanciful queer enecylopendium did you dig this shit out of? The electoral college is all wrong, and so many of this portrayed as voting states weren't even states at the time stated on the map. Inaccurate shit, delete delete delte
I live in Southern California.
Believe it or not there was a time when it was still mostly white and like you described I would sometimes see a Mexican family at the park or waiting for the bus and think something like "Hey look, Mexicans. They're funny looking people and they dress weird. Huh ok."
Twenty years later there are weeks I go without seeing another white face.
I feel isolated and lost, adrift in a country that is no longer my own.
Some might say just move but to be honest that's not a long term solution.
We all know the Marxists and Jews are using minorities to hunt us down, there is no escape.
We have to rise up and fight to stop this there is no running from it.
cuckstianity they say
lol, you are STILL being gamed hard by jews even after this many redpills
sure any of that happened.
polite sage for shitposting.
It's a modern election. The date corresponds to the laws at the time.
Yes, but that is only in public. In the privacy of the voting booth, many will find their manhood once again.
I live in the bay area and this hits really close to home.