This is true Holla Forums. ((((("Kosher"))))) and "Halal" are tax scams which mean NOTHING.
Kosher and Halal are SCAMS
Other urls found in this thread:
i got literally nothing from this video as to what proves theyre scams. was just some nutty christian talking about people worshiping "false gods."
get out.
He says all (((kosher))) or halal denotes is that the food has been blessed, not that it's clean.
go into your kitchen right now and look at your tin foil. if there's a little bitty U with a circle around it next to the logo, usually on the left, then it's Kosher and the manufacturer had to pay millions for that little symbol.
shit like this is why everything costs so much and it isn't just food that's infected by it.
And we should fucking care because…?
Because we're eating these products.
AAHAHAH. An imam is paid to come to a factory and bless it?
Yes. That's my point.
Get fucked, kike. Here's a better video about the kosher tax.
He's not a Jew, but Hebrew Roots Christian.
That's even worse tbh.
In what way? I thought we agreed the real problem is the Jewish gene, not the Jewish religion.
call me tonfoil or undercover kike but i believe that kosher food may be how they tell other jews that the food is safe for other jews to eat, free of fluoride, pesticides, estrogen. Just a hunch. In fact im thinking about eating nothing but kosher for 2 weeks to see how i feel and post it here. Again this is just a hunch
Because he's a goy traitor siding with the racial enemy.
He rejects the Talmud and Kabbalah. I don't see what the problem is.
Scott Roberts advocates that.
I'm not a Jew. I just believe there's truth to the claim the kabbalah is the source of leftism.
What is this?
I know that already. They make billions with it.
Yes. Yes they do.
He argues that the real agenda behind kosher food isn't the tax, but that non-kosher foods contain poisonous additives to kill the goyim.
Seems right. The Zohar does say the messiah will only arrive once the goyish birthrate dries up.
Anyone else?
Yes, circle-U denotes Orthodox Union.
anyone know any of these symbols in Europe? i haven't seen any yet
I personally debunked that theory a few months ago. There's this guy whose name I forgot who runs a website called Goyim Gazette or something like that and he's the main peddler of that theory – and he's a full blown conspiracy theorist who either ignores the evidence that goes against his theory or he didn't bother doing a little bit or research in the first place.
I wish I would remember which month it was so I could go back and post a link from It was a fairly big thread. I posted pictures of Mr.Clean bottles, Febreeze, Ajax, floor wax and all kinds of non-edible products that are certified kosher.
There seems to be a lot less of that in Europe. In Canada and the U.S. the kosher symbols are everywhere, even on things that aren't edible like Mr.Clean bottles and all kinds of cleaning products. Pic related. The OU symbol stands for Orthodox Union
>shit like this is why everything costs so much and it isn't just food that's infected by it.
The price increase per item is maybe 5, 10 or 20 cents so it's not why things costs so much but for them at the end of the year it's millions and millions of dollars. If for example your kosher certification group receives only 5 cents per Coke bottle produced it's still a lot of money at the end of the year.
Both kosher and halal slaughter are inhumane and should be boycotted on that basis.
Do not try to convince normies of the so called "kosher tax". Explain to them that the animal needlessly suffers instead.
Support the banning of kosher and halal slaugher.
shills out in force
Am I the only one who remembers that thread? What month was it? March? If at least I have the month it would take me a few minutes to check to try to find that thread. If I don't know which month it was it may take me hours to find it.
I checked my kosher scam file and for some reason I didn't save the link.
I was vacationing there and I didn't see any either.
April 16. Found it:
The pictures weren't saved so here's another cleaning product with a kosher symbol.
I worked in a grocery store for many years and it's perplexing how many items have the mark. I remember actually thinking it was a distribution company or some shit, because it's on almost everything.
this, I've seen it on tupperware, tin foil, plastic wrapping
I've seen pickles even specifically call themselves "kosher pickles" even though you can hardly find a bottle that isn't.
halal / kosher, nowadays, is just a way to siphon money and provide jobs for the respective tribes
high halal consumption in an area = higher halal food prep workers = more jobs for muzzies because it has to be handled by muzzies
except they demand it everywhere and on everyone
in schools for example
so how many shekels are they siphoning off us a year?
Muslims have followed Halal since long before food conglomerates had to pay an Imam for certification.
Also Muslims kill the Halal way when they are slaughtering fresh produce.
Bearded shill.
tip: when you hear someone repeatedly pause and smack their lips, they're bullshitting you.
Thank you.
Many millions of dollars.
I wouldn't worry about it goy.
Make sure to only purchase kosher certified aluminum foil, kosher salt and kosher dish detergent. hehehehe…..
Why does foil need to be kosher?
What's your problem with kosher aluminum foil? Are you some sort of anti semite? :^)
The excuse they probably give is that it gets in contact with food at some point. We all know the real reason.
How do we get states to ban both?
I thought they also cut the meat in a different way for kosher and halal. That it was more than just a blessing.
I work with a lot of muslims who swear halal meat tastes better. If I deigned to spend time with them outside of work I would do a blind test.
It's millions every year but good luck trying to find out exactly how much.
You can read this article in Harper's magazine published 10 years ago and although the author doesn't outright says it's a huge scam that's clearly the conclusion of his article.
copy + comments here:
The rabbi in charge of the certification process for the Danish enzymes company doesn't have a clue what he's looking at but the Danes say they have to go through this nonsense to be able to enter the US market.
And here's the head of the OU, Menachem Genack:
Why I Support Hillary Clinton For President
The kosher division of the OU is the fundraising division and they finance a lot of their activities with kosher certification money.
don't forget kosher bleach
Wasn't Commander Rockwell talking about this in the 60s? Christ we need some new talking points…
There are prescriptions for how the animal is slaughtered. That is, as opposed to humane, instant and roughly painless death, kashrut and halal require the animal's throat to be slit while facing sandland. Treu sotry.
I think it's an American/Canadian thing. I've never seen it over here. Maybe if you go to "kosher supermarkets".
It just means it's been going on for a long time. I first heard of it 10 years ago and I went to the store to take a close look at the labels.
…talking points? Huh? What are you talking about? It's a real scam.
Does Bleach Need Kosher Supervision?
>Yet we've all seen bleach, cleanser, and other such products stamped with an OU or other kosher supervision mark. Now Badatz Yerushalayim admits these products can never be non-kosher and do not require kosher supervision – even though Badatz sells such kosher supervision to the products' makers.
I'm annoyed by the constant kosher salt yammering on food shows and in recipes, but according to chefs it apparently has some useful advantages over table salt, thereby being the only kosher thing that is beneficial
Halal and kosher slaughter also increases the risk of E. Coli bacteria. There's a medical explanation for why the act of cutting the throat of the animal increases the risk of E. Coli but I forgot what it is exactly (if I find it I'll post it).
In Europe every year hundreds of people get sick from E. Coli and if you're a child and you get E. Coli you may also get permanent damage to your kidneys.
Study Finds Kosher Chickens Have More Antibiotic-Resistant E. coli
>Kosher chicken had the highest frequently of antibiotic-resistant E. coli, almost twice that of conventional products, even though kosher is perceived as being cleaner.
The general rule is: halal & kosher meat is dirty meat. Don't eat it, don't take the risk.
I like how they treat the "shabbos goyim" as just some filth to pick up from the street, to deal with that filthy electricity switch. Pretty funny.
Now I know what to think when jews tell me their religion is 100% compatible with western values.
They find ways to cheat even their own God
i am forced to conclude that anyone capable of fooling themselves like this has some jewish ancestry.
It's how the animal is slaughtered.
This site should be mandatory Holla Forums reading.
So is kosher food really not healthier than the rest of the garbage they feed the goyim? Is this true?!?! ANSWER ME FAGGOTS!!!
Obviously not, they don't give two shits about the useful idiots that comprise the majority of jewish people these days. They are part of the ploy as well, since they are forced to buy these products over others.
Watch the video. He says that "kosher" and "halal" don't mean anything.
No, kosher isn't healthier, it's just a scam to collect millions of $$.
I won't copy-paste the full answer, you can find it at the link posted here
Halal means they butcher the animal while it's alive. They literally drain the animal of it's blood while it's alive.
How any european or white can accept that is beyond me.
Basically, that's the entire point of Judeism, to figure out ways to out jew the god of jews.
muh tolerance
Nearly every food item I could find has some kosher symbol on it. If they wanted to keep the clean stuff to themselves they wouldn't make kosher food so hard to avoid.
I'm traveling and I chose Kosher, now I'm disappointed to figure out it's equally as shitty.
Where do you live?
Western countries have perfectly good food safety, purity, and humane slaughter standards. These sandnigger voodoo practices, invented by shitskins who couldn't figure out how to breed animals, control parasites, or properly cook food, are completely unnecessary and actually inhumane to animals (a kosher slaughter is extremely traumatic and painful to the animal, I dunno about their brothers' halal practices though I'm sure they're just as cruel) and do not control for pathogens or reducing spread of contamination.
There is zero fucking reason to have kosher or halal or other voodoo certification with our modern understanding and practices of (white-invented, researched, and tested) standards. If these dune coons need special magic acts and symbols to ensure they can eat their shit-smeared, worm-infested meat, then they can do that shit in the shitholes they came from. They absolutely benefit from our centuries of research and practice. There is not an item considered "sandnigger-approved" that has not also passed Western food regulations; thus, they are getting a product infinitely more reliably safe than the same "kosher" shit they get in their goat-fucking hellhole.
Yet another way that shitskins can use white technology and auspice to breed out of control, unlike nature intended. We should've never shared our tech with other races, they only use it to destroy us and theirselves.
It's to indicate that the tin foil was bled to death before being pressed into foil sheets.
So, you are telling me that the Jew-God isn't wise to jewish trickery?
I would have thought that jew-tricks would be completely known to a Jewish Deity, would't they?
So, I heard that the jewish deity regularly asks rabbis for advice on stuff….
And they still worship it as omniscient.
How is this?
I see.
Many Jews worship their rabbis.
more than half of this video is some kike doing mental gymnastics about how they didnt actually eat the sacrifices they would make to "baal/molech."
"And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods; and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods." - Numbers 25:2
"They joined themselves also unto Baalpeor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead.: - Psalms 106:28
only a self cucked jewish kike can warp the blunt reality which these satanic quotes state.
ah just like how they do mental gymnastics to justify all of the "kill all goyim, cheat all goyim" parts of their kike books (torah, talmud especially).
in Canada we got scammed in a reversed manner.
several supermarket decided to just cut ALL meat Halal, and just pack them differently, so the "normal meat" was "halal" but consumers didn't know
I don't understand.
simple, instead of having 2 meat packaging process, where one was done using the halal guideline, and one the normal way (for example letting the animal bleed out to death for halal).
Instead they just followed the halal method for ALL meat they sold, and supoermarkets just did 2 different packaging, normal, and others labaled halal.
thus, people ate halal meat (with excessive animal cruelty involved) without knowing, as they baught regular packs
Owls and minotaurs seems very ancient Greek to Me.
I actually don't think there's anything inherently evil or wrong with ancient mythological pantheons. I think all of them have some kind of connection to each other ie annunaki Sumerian, Nordic . Of course sacrificing kids is bad tho
What's the problem?
It's Febreze now.
selling halal meat to normal consumers without telling them it was halal
and by doing so increasing the risk of E. Coli bacteria