I am really really starting to warm up to this guy. Not to mention that the MSM really seem to hate his fucking guts.
Bannon destroyed the career of the most powerful man and Jew in Hollywood
Who was michael ovitz exactly ? Does anyone know him ?
In the future just fucking google it retard.
Thanks nigger but I was curious about the whether he was some kind of zionist kiddie fiddler or not. I want the rumors.
ie the company responsible for "screening" would be actors to make sure we never get another John Wayne or Mel Gibson. also likely dabbles in human trafficking.
this, tbh fam.
Might as well have voted for Marco Lubio
Looks like Bannon specializes in Jewing Jews.
shit wrong thread
He's jewish AND a hollywood jew at that. There's zero doubt.
Symbolic sage for OP's disinformation faggotry.
Bannon isn't shit in Jewwood and didn't "destroy" Michael Ovitz.
Kilewood literal kike-faggots aka the "Gay Mafia" destroyed his career.
Fuck OP for the false information.
Text from intro paragraph:
Forced to sell his dream company, Artists Management Group, for a paltry $12 million, his reputation tattered, Michael Ovitz wants the world to know he’s a victim, sabotaged by the vicious backstabbing of David Geffen, the “Gay Mafia,” former protégés at CAA, Disney C.E.O. Michael Eisner, and The New York Times. Is Ovitz paranoid, or were they out to get him? The author hears from the man who once was king, the people he blames for a six-year nightmare, and Jeff Kwatinetz, the relatively unknown 37-year-old who bought his company.
Ironic considering he hated jews. Merchant in blue really says it all.
What do we think Bannon will find?
My nevertrump, Cruz loving co-worker told me that Bannon looks at cp and hires assassin's on the dark web.
Actions speak louder that words, and all of this is hearsay. The only thing that matters is what he's doing in Trump's campaign, and thus far I'm not convinced.
So he didn't exactly end his career, but he was the nail in the coffin.
Also top-ranked (((Hollywood))) agency, and home to Hillary fundraiser, Bryan Lourd:
A celt is outjewing the Jews?!
Who is Ovitz? Why does he wear the mask?!
Is that the same shit the israeli "news" website Vocativ brags about? Their zuper zekret izraeli technology.
Yeah man Bannon downloaded TOR and now he's a super hacker who's doxxing everyone.
The Irish Catholics and the Kikish Jews have been at war for the soul of America for a couple generations now.
Which is why the abuse scandal was, and continues to be, a go-to point for kikes. See the recent Spotlight film.
The Irish Catholics and the Kikish Jews have been at war for the soul of America for a couple generations now.
Which is why the abuse scandal was, and continues to be, a go-to point for kikes. See the recent Spotlight film.
So then why is the Pope such a cuck?
Vatican II: Masonic Boogaloo
t. cuckedfilth, you anti-whites need to fuck off.
Yeah, definitely.
If forced to choose between the kikes and the celts, we'll choose the Celts.
In "Rome and Jerusalem" Hess was to make the heretical, un-Marxian statement that the race struggle, rather than the class-struggle, was primary.
Irish have always been anti-kike, their quest for racial and national determination requires it.