Skull and Bones

322 reindeer killed by "lightning" strike in Norway.
Happening soon?

crosspost from halfchan

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Wut? What has reindeer in Norway got to do with some resort in USA?

Interesting coincidence. But I think that's just it. Pure coincidence.



Ritual sacrifice of animals has fuckall power for casting magics, you need to use proper human blood libel to pull the real high level tricks like succeeding at controlling most of the planet from the shadows

lay off the DUDEWEEDLMAO

They're using meme magic.

Well, technically, lighting hit the ground and that shocked all deers, not that each dear got hit separately one by one.

So I assume you're hinting that these were all sacrifices?

dood RAW illuminati 420 smoke weed erryday xdd

And i thought you folks were supposed to be based.
You can clearly see that it is just one another episode of reporter's "miscalculations" with such numbers, to make them up for something greater.

Jubilee Shemitah year is kicking in as hard as it can, embrace yourselves.
Hope you folks won't be disconnected on another supposed end of times date.

>inb4 to the >>>/finge/ or >>>/x/

If this had been some kike club Holla Forums would already be ringing the habbening bells.

But ah well, Skull&Bones it's just a gayclub for neocons, (((pure coincidence)))

Warning from god?


I didn't know solo was involved in founding skull a bones 4Head EleNiggle

Hush kikes

Neocons are mainly kikes.


Look at all the possible knife handles thereā€¦

Pure coincidence

So, they are sacrificing reindeer now?

And calling it a "Lightning strike" eh?

You think this is a psyop, like an anti-santa claus meme?

I remember some tin foil vid on YT suggesting that Astana was going to be the eden of the antichrist or some shit.

nice pic

((((Skull & Bones))))

Nah mate.


kill yourself


I'm not kidding.

This city is sin city and has convict blood in it's veins.
Up until the 50's (and again recently) there was carnage here. You thought the deep south was bad.. look up our history.

we don't doubt it

you live on the ass end of a continent on the ass end of the earth, surrounded by desert, endless ocean, and evil animals

we'd be surprised if you werent fucked up

We're perfect.

You're the fucked up ones.


no there wasnt u mole, perth isnt that bad at all

Well, ain't that odd.

>they own property on Deer Island

Lurminatty confronted.

Why is it that normalfags are so obsessed with "le spooky secret cults" but if you were to even mention jewish involvement they go full Carl the Cuck?