few days ago I got banned from 4chan for being In a thread for 5 minutes that had childporn posted In it after I left.
Posted a plea describing how I didn't post cp or
even saw any of it and it was denied
Any Proxy's I can use to get back on?
few days ago I got banned from 4chan for being In a thread for 5 minutes that had childporn posted In it after I left.
Posted a plea describing how I didn't post cp or
even saw any of it and it was denied
Any Proxy's I can use to get back on?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off, (((man))).
That's very unfortunate of you. Some helpful fellow will come along
u ok
You should get the hint that they don't want you on their shit website. You're better off that way.
*huff puff* i've been searching all over for you. oh… you don't want my help.
are you going to give me a proxy that I can use or what
dear OP, pls stay away from that degenerate place
This is now an ugly ghetto loli thread
With any luck, they forwarded your IP address to the Authorities. If you get v&, ask them to put you in the segregation unit, or act suicidal. Because you will be beat near daily in general population & have a good chance of being raped continuously.
I wasn't asking for porn reasons. Its because the /tg/ here is baron as fuck.
I see you're a man who wants quality
have you also stopped watching porn?
is some one gonna rec a proxy or not?
Hey guys! What's up? Mind if I play guitar?
when I get a proxy rec, fucker
if you have phone you can post on there
I heat up :D
I can't cool down x)
You got me spinning :O
'Round and 'round :P
Every time you call my name
I heat up like a burning flame x(
Kiss me baby, let the fire get higher
Abracadabra abracadabra
I wanna reach out and grab ya
I don't care if you're just 13
this user for mod when
nuffin wrong with phoneposting
Hope no bad guy attacks
You got a daughter?
I can get you a few proxies, OP. But what can you do for me?
I can take you up on that prozy offer, user
nigga don't post 4 year olds who still shit their pants and piss themselves, gross
I'll suck your dick
I was thinking more of something in the terms of like you know?
It's sad that you have nothing better to do.
Stop giving him attention
what about you?
but i do.
Fair enough.
I don't and I'm fucking proud of it, too. NIGGER.
So how long have you been visiting halfchan, user? Since '14 maybe?
Go back
Who wanna suck daddy's dick
im a spic not a nigger >:(
What's halfchan? ? If you ask when I discovered chans, that was around christmas last year when I got my laptop
Op here, that guy ain't me. Since like 010 or something.
Ah. I see. Later than even that haha.
Where did you hear about 8ch.net/b/?
do you fap to traps?
ew heh course not
Cute ones
OP here. No I don't
I heard about it on reddit (don't hate)
fake OPs
real OP
Sorry meant
fake OPs
real OP
Well that's pretty neat
I also don't give a fuck who the real op is someone needs to fucking deliver and get him gone not all traffic is good traffic
Please stop impersonating me.
Thanks I guess. I just want to get out of here asap
I am a trap
And yes ;)))
seems legit
nice legs brah….
Nice try.
Could be legit.
I think OP already left
maybe he decided to start phoneposting on halfchan
Damn. When I saw the title I was thinking the little mermaid with sebastian singing. Still good though.
Not like he's going to lower the quality of the board or anything. Place is just porn and reddit-tier arguements that could just as well be done via mobile.
This place is hardly porn and instead of arguments we have sarcastic arguments you dumbass. I suggest you stop posting while you're ahead.
You're detrimental to the board with your constant nagging. Stop complaining and post something original for once you absolute mong.
I do post original stuff ask the mods you fucking dumbass
why dont you ever say that you the pornfags
I highly doubt your original stuff surpasses the posting of little children.
Because then it wouldn't be original anymore and I'd just become another complaining faggot.
t. porn poster
Don't expose me, goyim
The stuff I post is highly intelligent. Only a few people could understand. You're clearly not one of them. You haven't been in any of my threads have you? Unlike all these other pathetic pedos, my life isn't completely consumed (infact, FBI, i'm not a real pedo)
Sorry if I'm rambling on a bit, I'm a bit nervous.
It's amazing that you've gotten to the point in life where you can write but you can't read. We were talking about halfchan you triggered cuck.
No shit dumbass who the fuck cares where this shitty thread goes?
My diarrhea is chunky, and chok-full of half-digested carrots and various other vegetables.
I'm willing to hear every single detail you've got
he is right tho
Am I supposed to apologise?
It was a hot summer afternoon, the clear blue sky showed no sign of changing, and caused my ape-like buttocks to be perpetually drenched in sweat. I oftentimes would caress my anus softly, reminiscing of the long-lost days of my youth, my father, and Father Evans. In these warm summer days I had taken to a strict diet of vegetable soup and mountain dew, the latter of which I considered, and still do to this day, an integral part of my culinary habits.
Fastforward several hours later and I'm pushing steaming hot liquids out of my mangina, with the force of a well maintained Black+Decker BV6600 High Performance Leaf Blower. In doing so, the expulsion of hot gas, sour water and chunks of potato salad combined into a flesh-devouring acid, which I felt eating away at me from the inside of my anal cavity. As I fell on my knees, I groaned with enjoyment. The combination of pain and pleasure was beyond anything I'd experienced before.
There I lay, in a pool of blood and diarrhea still gushing out of my now prolapsed anus. As it did, I gathered enough strength to lift up my hand, and, trembling from both exhaustion and anticipation, finger my asshole one last time.
Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
Wait 10 hours and there will be reviews up the ass by all the professional movie critics
I don't know man, it's all happening so fast. I'm not sure I could handle the fame and responsibility
Stop being such a little bitch. You probably think you're something special, like a Disney princess. Just wait until the birds suck your dick. For now you have no idea, cunt.
I shall mention you in my memoirs.
My daughter is offended
My daughter thinks you're cute.
Well, my diarrhea is hot and sour with a hint of cinnamon. What else is new
I was hoping for more feedback on this masterpiece
Jesus Christ you fucking retard not everyones on Holla Forums to specifically read your post, let things naturally flow for once. DOn't manipulate the site either.
But I'm very insecure and I want PEOPLE TO READ MY SHITPOSTS GODDAMNIT
I sea what you did there
this is some deeper shit than I thought
It's not every day that you get to catch a glimpse of the anal adventures of a literary genius.
i saw it too. this guy got some serious bantz
I am unironically going to take a shit now and I suspect it will be liquid
drank too much coffee
Well surprisingly enough it was a relatively solid series of poops, although the texture was certainly softer than normal. The stench was unbearable, and unhealthily so. All in all I rate this shit a 3/10 on the schale of Dysnomia. 10 being Dysnomia.
i just took a shit and it was the nicest i've had in a week now. clean and fast. no mess, just how i like it. i then realized i didn't have enough toilet paper, so i wiped with an old underwear i found close in the bathroom. i rate that shit 7/10. because my previous shits were sticky, hard to come off and took more than 20 minutes.
I just landed a turd that smelt so revoltingly horrific, that even Satan himself would be disgusted. My wife called an ambulance. The neighbours called the Fire Brigade. Being constipated for 4 days didn't help… it had all that time to brew, ferment and ripen. Lord Saron would not have claimed that shit for himself… Orcs would have cringed in abject terror, I'm telling you! Even my dog fled, and is hiding under the house, refusing to come out.
sounds bad. how many shits do you take in a week? you need to shit more. i shit 54 times a week on average.
I like a man who keeps track of his shits. It shows true character. Hats off to you, good sir. I hope my children bear a striking resemblance to you in every way
Great thread OP. It is now about shit.
Dub trips knows quality when he sees it.
That sounds delicious user, did you flush immediately or let the stench slowly consume your entire being for a while?
I like to watch the excrement slowly dissolve in the fluoridated water obama got for us. i try to get my head as close as possible to the toilet and take a big fuccckkkin deep breath
Stop, you're making my mouth water.
exhaling it out feels as viscous as taking another shit
So you know what he is talking about? He just started freaking out because he thought I dishonored his beloved infinity chan then got mad and asked who cared what happened to this thread. He is literally in pieces mentally. He made no sense.
Don't derail the thread, we're discussing shit and diarrhea here.
I was banned from 4chan for violating rule one (not pizza btw). My ban lasts another 29 days. You can either call your ISP and ask for a new IP address or you can wait it out. Now fuck off, retard.
Yummies! I like Poo Poo!
Hey man I just heard of this real great proxy it's called a gun utilize it on your face